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lol@baytal cankabuud


Actually bigger cars such as 4x4 are taxed more and there were plans to outlaw them as they dangerous in urban areas.

I hate 3door cars as well but they are useful, you wont need islaamaha inaad meelo geyso, they cant get out from backseat.


Val and grasshopper get your DL asap

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The North Americans will never understand the appeal of a small car. You have seen the monsters they drive. You need a ladder just to get into the car. So they are excused from this small-car-fest we got going on here!


I used to have the same assumptions about the Mini (didn't think it was a car la isku aamini karo), until I got behind the wheel. Oh, it's truly a dreamy ride. I can't see myself driving anything bigger now. And the parking! You can squeeze into the smallest of spaces. Maybe that's why these cars are becoming so popular now. They seem to be everywhere!


Chubacka, the pictured model is the sporty version, hence the stripey design. But I do like the stripes. They invoke a certain racer image. A pale yellow Mini with silver stripes will hopefully be in my future, I'A. And I agree, the 5-door feature is the best thing about it.


Juxa, I agree it's best not to share a car with hubby. Especially if, like mine, he threatens to leave you on the side of the road every time you make a slight remark about his driving.




About the DL, don't have much enthusiasm for it at the moment. So it's on the back burner for the time being.

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Well Val, you can drive without having a driving license, you don't even need driving lessons, if you can manage marshada sida loo galiyo adoo ka bilaabaya kuwaatro illaa jinguwa togeher farisoonaha aad lugta ku maashid, iyo sheelaraha markaad haadeyso kolkaad ka istaageyso quraanjooyinkana aad fariinka dhakkab tiraahdo isteersadu ayadu labadaada gacmood baad ku alxami, that is all, balaastaraha, salbatooyada, iyo jongadaariyada shaqadaada ma ahan hadey hallaabaan waxaad u wacan 881, hadey paliiska ku qabtaana waxaad orani gaarigeyga ceymis ma lahan oo wuu cusubyahey, driving lisencekuna wuu ii soo dhacayaa barrito, road taxikana meel uu qabtey garan maayo, maxaad driving instructor lacag ugu qasaarin adoo is bari karo how to drive, in yaroo indha-adeyg iyo indhahood kala wareejiso unbaad u baahantahey, lessons aan intaan soo sheegey aheyn uma baahnid, dad badan baa sidaas aan ugu sheegey illaa hadda ku wado baabuur, xataa kuwa waaweeynpick-truckska loo yaqaano sida Navara, Hiliux ama Af Soomaaliga lagu dhaho Qooqan ama Laba Shirley.


Waxaan kaloon ku oran lahaa kaas aad meesha ku soo dhajisey waligaa ha wadin, iska-roge ama is-jiid kaxeeso oo shaqada ku aad kuna soo adeego.

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^ Ha ha. Yaad rabtaa inaad jar ka ridid? I don't think so, mate. I'm a law abiding individual. I would never drive without the necessary documents and protection.


But you are right, instructors are only important for learning the basics. Once you are competent in those, you can practice with family and friends I guess.


My main problem is hitting the breaks without stalling the car. I burned out the clutch of hubby's car the last time I tried to practice and I have since been banned from driving, which sucks.



PS: You should give the Mini a chance. It's an awesome machine!

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Val, you must be a fan on cars then, maybe even like jeremy clarkson:)

I dont drive to work as i live closeby but it is useful for shopping, nights out and that very important cake session attendances.


I can understand why DL takes back seat but sometimes waala isku xayirmaa and it becomes gow-maleh, gash-maleh issue when you need to go somewhere and kasband cant take you or pick you up. Hence DL brings joy to us wifeys.


Ps: reer north america iyagoo weyn, the car oo weyn iyo jidadkii oo waaweyn maasha allah

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No doubt, Juxa. It's very useful, especially if you have kids, it becomes lagama maarmaan. I guess I'm not motivated to get it now as I don't really need it and my attention is on other stuff. But I'm sure it will come back to bite me on the tush. I'm the type of person who only does something when she has no other choice!


PS: I'm not a fan of cars, just of Minis.


LoL @ iyagoo weyn. Masha'Allah.

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well when you ready get your mini, because you are worth it!

I do the same, do things if and only markaan ka maarmi waayo, then it becomes obsession

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Dont get me wrong, i like the MINI. Matter of fact,that is the only small car that i think is probably all round. As you know, the problem here are those jerks who share the road with you, they could run u over.

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Valenteenah.;747422 wrote:
Ka leexda ka leexda!


A Mini but with extra testosterone! I love it and I desparately want it!


The only issue is that I can't drive.

Why you can't drive it? If u don't mind telling..


OOOOOOOOOOOOOps dear.. Never mind. .I should read through the page..

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