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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland government to deport all illegal immigrants from the country within 30 days.

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NGONGE;744647 wrote:
^^ I did and still disagreed. We can hint at everything or imply or wink & nudge but disgust only works when its aired. Show your disgust warya.

Not showing my disgust should indicate that I don't think anything will be done. Waa huuhaa ninyow.

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30 days is awfully short time to ask estimated 100,000 people to leave the country. Essentially, it's not terrible idea to control the flow of immigration in and out of the country(for security and economic reason) , but it has to be done in responsible way. I would suggest that those already there are left alone and the border firmly controlled from hereon. If you deport them all, without good border security, they shall return.


Also, lest we forget, the prime targets here are Muslim Oromos that have seeked shelter within another Muslim community. Any mistreat or harming them can stain the good standing name of Somaliland.


People of Somaliland should not be swept up in this call of ethnic deportation, but must form different opinion and take the moral high ground on this one. The minister in my eyes made hasty judgement without much discussion on govt and public level.



In conclusion, the people who have sought home amidst us from far and near lands must be left alone and kindness should be extended to them.

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ElPunto;744456 wrote:
^For the vast majority - there isn't much of a case - they're economic migrants struggling to make it. And as far as I know - there isn't an official Somaliland immigration policy that would grant them residency. This whole announcment is pointless. If you're serious about the Oromos then you start with controlling your border, finding out how and where these ppl are coming in. And by limiting the pull factor that is bringing these people in. Why should the person who hires the illegal Oromo suffer no consequences when they're complicit in breaking the law by hiring them? How can you be a supporter of these deportations when you employ illegals? These folks are not coming in to beg on the streets - they could do that at home in their own language.


As Somalis we should be especially sensitive to this sort of half assed scapegoating when no real effective policy is being articulated let alone being implemented.

What he said.

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Xukuumada Oo Ka Hadashay Talaabooyinka laga qaadayo Soo geleetiga ah ee aan dalka ka bixin


October 4th, 2011


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa sheegtay in dadka soo galeetiga ah ee sida sharci darrada ah dalka ku joogay ay 70% ay ka baxeen dalka.


Sidaasi waxa lagu sheegay shir Jaraa’id oo ay Guddidii xukuumaddu u xil saartay saarista soo geleetigu ku qabteen xarunta wasaarada Daakhiliga ee magaalada Hargeysa.


Wasiir Ku xigeenka wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha Cismaan Garaad Soofe, oo ka hadlay shirkaasi jaraa’id waxa uu ka waramay talaabada laga qaadayo dadka aan wali ka bixin dalka, waxaanu yidhi “Maanta waa maalintii ugu dambaysay ee mudadii aanu u qabanay in dadka sida sharci darada ah dalka ku jooga ay iskaga baxaan wadanka, markaa cidii baxday way mahadsan tahay, cidii bari wixii ka dambeeya dalka ku sugan si sharci darro ah waxa laga qaadayaa talaabo sharciga waafaqsan maadaama ay fulin waayeen amarkii la siiyey wakhtigiina ka faa’iidaysan waayeen, iyada oo aan wax xad gudub ah loo gaysanayd .”


“Dadkii sida sharci darada ah dalka ku joogay waxay u kala baxeen dalalka Itoobiya, Soomaaliya iyo Yeman, markii aanu dhamaan Gobolada dalka daraasad ku samaynay anaga oo kaashanayna ciidammadda Booliska waxa noo soo baxday in dakaasi ay 70% baxeen,”ayuu yidhi Taliyaha Laanta Socdaalka Dayib Cismaan Caalin oo ka hadlayay shirkaasi jaraa’id.


Taliyuhu waxa uu intaasi raaciyay “Dadkaasi way ku mahadsan yihiin, inta hadhay ee baxi weydayna waxa laga qaadi doonaa talaabo sharciga waaqafsan.”


Sidoo kale, Waxa shirkaasi jaraa’id ka hadlay Agaasimeyaasha Guud ee wasaaradaha dib u dejinta, Daakhiliga iyo shaqada iyo arrimaha bulshada waxaanay dhamaantood ka hadleen sidii ay u taageerayeen dadkii soo galeetiga ahaa ee dalka ka baxay waxaanay sheegeen inay gaadhsiinayeen xuduuda isla markaana ay ka bixinayeen nooliga.


Weriye Cumar Maxamed Faarax

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^^70%? That's an exedus, saaxib. How come nobody noticed 70,000 people leaving the country in four short weeks? :D

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NGONGE;749658 wrote:
^^70%? That's an exedus, saaxib. How come nobody noticed 70,000 people leaving the country in four short weeks?

I am more concerned of the said Shir Jaraa'id than the 30% in hiding, jailed, or waiting to be deported, meesha lagu qabtey shirka jaraa'id, goorta la qabtey, yaase joogey,

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Somaliland government announces that seventy percent of illegal immigrants leave the country


Posted on 04/10/2011 in Latest Headlines


Hargeisa (JSLtimes)-Somaliland government announces today that seventy percent of illegal immigrants left the country.


Deputy interior minister Mr. Osman Garad Soofe said this at press conference held at the interior ministry. Speaking at the press conference, the deputy interior minister Mr. Osman briefed the press and spoke about the harsh measures that the government will take when it comes to those illegals that are still staying in the country despite the deadline expires today.


He said that today is the deadline that the government of Somaliland issued for illegal immigrants to leave the country and those who abided by the decision we thank them.


Those who failed to respect the order they will be given harsh punishment but their rights will not be violated.


The head of Somaliland immigration department Mr. Osman Alin who spoke at the press conference said, “Illegal immigrants left for Ethiopia, Yemen and Somalia. After having conducted a n investigation through all Somaliland regions with the help of police, we have come to the conclusion that seventy percent of illegal immigrants departed the country.”


The head of immigration department Mr. Osman added that the government of Somaliland is indented to them for abiding by the decision, the rest who fail to comply with the order; they suffer but assured that their right will be safeguarded.


At the press conference, the general directors of rehabilitation, interior and labor spoke about the assistance that they provided to illegal immigrants leaving the country.


They also told that they are dropping them at the border and even paying them their fares.

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