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Wax lala yaabo ma aha sheekooyinka dumarka laga qor qoro SOL. Waaba lagu mirqaamaa in la aflaagaadeyo dumarka Soomaaliyeed halkaan.


Bal ma isagaa lacag ku darsadey markuu jeans-keedaa daawanaayo? Haddii ay ku dhibtey u yeero oo si xushmad leh wax ugu sheeg haddii kalena ga' ka siiso, tuitionka miyaad ka bixisaa? cajiib.

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@aaliyyah, you have a point.

@garnaqsi and burahadeer, why do you seem to echo the same ideologies?? malaha reer magaal ayaad tihiin labadiina.


@somalina, ya yidhi qofkaad tution kabixiso kiliya umbaa lala hadli karaa??? Malaha dumarka ayaad cabsantahay


In general, this thread only pointed out a pathetic social situation of our girls, if anyone feels the same for the boys, then let him/her start a thread to that effect,

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^You have all the rights to be concern, as a Muslim - any other Muslim is your brother & sister and indeed, one will want for his brother or sister what he wants for himself - and in your case, its awakening others in regards to what is appropriet and what is not.


I am sure one can create or find means to be able to address this issue at campus - there ought to be a Muslim student organisation..perhaps organise talks, presentations??


I say , make it your business - with the right intentions.

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@malika, walahi wonderful and outstanding post. Juziiti kheyraa

its unfortunate that some people all they can contribute is to bring gender issues and indifference on board.


@aaliyyah, pls elaborate how to instill that tarbiya on our children

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Garnaqsi;742861 wrote:
Waan yaabaa marka aan u fiirsado sida dadka Somalidu aay diinta ugu dheg-dhegsan yihiin. Waa si caafiimaad darro ku jirto. Qofku maryaha uu xidhan yahay arrin muhiim ah ma aha;

Diinta hadaan lagu dhegsanayn maxaynu gaalada iyo dadka qaawan kaga duwanahay!!


mida kale tusaale' gabadh somali oo goono aad u gaaban iyo garan yar oo ilaa caloosheda loo jeedo xidhan arin muhiim ah maaha miya, mise waa iska ok!!

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burahadeer;742897 wrote:
Runtaa!!!Now they say you infidel...that's all they know.These people amaze me; all of a sudden there is saudisation of somalis going on.

The way we were is better.Let people enjoy their freedom.No one's business how someone else is doing;

and come ovaboard,usual suspects & make anotha evil V good thread.

Yaabka yaabkiis..............................

alas!!! What does saudia has to do with campus girls??? It doesn't pay to digress.

don't you know, you are also like a western storage tank? Where you take every evil at face value??

Walee waa yaab, nin kufaanaayo dhaqan dadkale

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Sharmarke I'm not a parent so I cant really tell you exactly what a parent should do, I am sure parenting is such a difficult job, yet a blessing.


But few points I could think of..


1- Know what your child is watching (sadly lots of moms leave their kids front of the TV for hours thinking it is clearly waxay buxinayaan boska abaha ama hoyada oo waxay barayaan wax kale siba hadan qurbe joogno)

2- ilmahaga la fadhiso oo qaladka iyo saxa u kala sheeg..a parent should know ti is their job to teach their kids good manners

3- besides preaching your children that shouldnt be the only time ur communicating with them. ..u should spend some quality time with your kids and earn their trust.that way when they encounter with a problem..a friend shouldnt be the first person they confide in...a chld should be able to say hooyo macaan or aabo macaan baan kala hadlaya arintan...sadly some parents are not that easy to communicate with (so a parent should know makin a wall between them and their kids at the end will back fire at them) And, I dont mean a parent should be a me a friend is like qofa isku lod tihiin..but rather while being a parent they should at the same time make a room to listen to the child and listen to him/her with respect.

4-ilmaha diinta bar...mar hada diinta bartid wuxu oganaya hadaan abahay ama hoyaday i arkeen ilahay ba i arkaya oo ay tahay in aan ka cabsoodo

5-Know who your child is mingling with ...cuz a friend reflects your values..bari hadu qof xun raaco ama ay raacdo asagu ama yaduna way ku dayanayaan

6- Teach your child that education is important...that way naftooda adiga iyo umadaba waxbay tarayaan

7- caruurtaada bar ehelkooda ...make sure they spend a lot of time with their uncles/aunts grandparents......that way dhaqankooda luqadooda ayeey adkeesanayaan


that's all I can think right now...and its like 6 in the morning so I apologise if i went on and on lol..n at the end of the day shekadeedu wa habar fadhida lagdin la fudud lol (bt i honestly don't think it would be that hard to try to raise good muslim kids who know their diin dhaqan iyo akhlaaq)...inshallah dadaala allena wuu ni garab jooga.



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Sharmarke (love this name). Xaasidnimo iga ma aha. I just think of jaamacad ku jiraa waa mid la soo koriyay, it's just possible that their values are different to yours. I think Malika made an excellent suggestion, set up or actively support your Islamic society for the sake of Allah.. Qofkii Illahay inuu xidhiidh la yeesho rabaa, wuu ka qayb qaadan doonaa. However, even then you will have ppl who just aren't religiously inclined. My uni had one of the best islamic societies in London - yet many Muslims were not practising the faith. It's just how it goes.





Well said hon. I would add. Instill tawheed, imaan and love of Allah and the messenger from a young age. At the end of the day, our concern is to fulfil the purpose which Allaah has created us for not what is deemed ceeb or embarrassing by facaaga.

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Aaliyyah, there is a difference between teaching a child about religion and making/forcing a child to become religious. I hope you're not suggesting the latter, which, from personal observation, Somalis happen to do a lot for some strange reason. Besides, wearing jeans is not something that children necessarily pick up from television; rather, it's something that they pick from places far more closer to home, like their neighbours and their peers in school, if not their parents or elder siblings. I personally don't think anyone obsessed with trivialities like the morality of wearing jeans is going to make a good parent anyway. No offence to anyone, of course.

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^ I don't see a reason to force a child to be religious if u taught them to be religious. I hope you can see that difference!..


as for jeans? a child can wear i think sharmarke was talking abt grown lady wearing tight as* jeans!..(but even that I wouldn't stress it like i said if u taught ur child her diin she wont go around wearing inappropriate clothings and if she does then hey theres nothing u can do but make dua for her)


walaal there is no need to think that tv wont influence ur child, cuz it has its role!..n the sad part is that usually richer/more educated families kids watch more educational channels..where somalis waxa u shidan shows like hannah montana iyo wax daran..waxaasna waxkale lagama baranayo ka aheen how to wear tight *** jeans iyo makeup..ilmuhuna waxaas ayuu aduunka kale ku segaya..n of course other things like school/peers will influence too (you can always send your children to islamic schools make sure they have good friends, even though I personally don't think islamic schools are good interms of academics I would stick to normal schools bt maybe like after school dugsi etc)..kolay u have to try your best! that's all my point is...wax khasab la dhoho aduunka meelna kama shaqeeyo!



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Blessed, I agree hun. N ur right many kids/youth care too much about their peers - thats exactly why we should make sure what u just said oo diinta lo dhoweeyo oo masaajida lugu xidho say u helaan dad sidooda oo kale diinta ugu xidhan oo ay marka ugu tartamaan diinta no one wants to feel isolated ie if u got ur hijaabi crew then ur cool, even though I must admit they are too much for me with all the conferences iyo can we go hijaab shopping how many hijaabs i need :P



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Aaliyyah;743035 wrote:
^ I don't see a reason to force a child to be religious
if u taught them to be religious

Looks like then you're suggesting exactly what I was hoping you weren't! Ah, well...

i think sharmarke was talking abt grown lady wearing tight as* jeans!..

I don't think I suggested otherwise.

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*Looks like then you're suggesting exactly what I was hoping you weren't! Ah, well...


Didn't get u there. You are against teaching a child to be religious??..waad yaab badantahay.


anyways, move on!..whatever you believe you are entitled.



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