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Gaal waa gaal

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Boondheere, I think waxyaalad isku qaldi akhi.


First u said:


xaqiiqdii a person have to know the different between love and respect.

I Agree


and u choose to respect as u said:


i respect and suddenly appreciate the life and equality under law which somali refugees who found shelter in western countres.

but than u refuted your own statement by saying:


our religion islam is about forgiving and loving eachother

The statement is correct, but we are talking about gaalo, respecting them no problem! but are u say'n that we should love them too?


And than u Said something strange:


there are plenty of quran verses which command you to
and respect your neighbours and your community
no matter which religion they belong

I would like to see the verse that said love gaalo! I understand that everyone should be respected, but u said yourself love and respect aint the same.


Marka do u love Gaalo, or do u respect them?


By the way bro, u have the wrong impression of what Munafiqnimo means. The same gaalo u are loving so much are the same ones that are raping and killing fellow muslim brethren many places in the world. Countries like UK, USA and Denmark.


Unless u are being selfish, and only caring about u'r own well being.


You'r logic is; becouse they have done some good for you, u should love and obey them, and not critesize them and their behavior.

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Nina Fox;740381 wrote:
^^ Totally agree with you walee. Countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia iyo Kuwait inay passport kusiiyaan iska dhaafe, sida SLAVE camal ayeey kugula dhaqmaayaaan. Gaalka haduusan diintaada, gurigaada, qoyskaada soo faragashan waad la noolaan kartaa. Diinteena waxeey na fareysaa PEACE. Laakin hadaan intaan wadankooda imaano intaan u mahadcelin laheyn aan iyagii dhibno, dhulkooda abuse gareyno, lacagtooda qaadano, shaqooyinkooda ka shaqeyno, ayaga dhan neh aan yasno macquul ma ahan.


I wouldn't tolerate for a second if a Foreigner came to my country and did not show respect to my religion, my land and my people. We must extend the same courtesy to dadki na gacan qabtey oo na gaarsiiyeey heer aan wax inta ku barano dalkooda aan dhulkeena iyo dadkeena wax u qabano. Allah SWT ayaa niyadooda naxaris noo galiyeey towards us, anagana naxariistaas inaay na gasho waye hadaan Muslim sax ah sheeganeeyno

interest is the overriding theme in all this social issues. sugar coated poison cannot be defended just because it is SWEET.

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munaafaqnimo means someone who live gaalo countres(sweden.norwey,uk amerika,denmark holland and so on), who enjoys living there and would not trade hes live to a live in saudi arabia or even hes homeland Somalia. despide that openly he says he hate people who welcomed their homeland.


haddii qofkaa run sheegayo ay dhab ka tahay hes HATE first waa inuu baasaboorka celiyo boorsadiisa ha xirxirto ka dibna wadankiisii Somalia haku laabto. markaa ka dib wuu oran lahaa gaalo waa necbahay waayo wadankooda ma degana. laakiin as long as uu ku raaxeeysanayo skandanevia, holland canada, amerika ,uk australia newzeland and so on uuna meelaha la taagan yahay wahaabi brainwashing ee ah hate hate laakiin uu jecel yahay nolosha raaxada ee uu heeysto, aniga waa waa ii munaafaq xaqiiqdii.



quran says love and respect your deris. quraankana ma kala saarin wather you deris gaal or not. ma aqaan inaad sidii caadada aheeyd inaad wax ku darsaneysaan quraaanka. sida aad jeceshihiina aad wax uga darsataan waxba uga tagtaan.

oo carab tafsiirkiisa ka dhigtaan sidii uu tafsiirka yahay waxyi cirka ka soo dagay.


Nabiga scw adeerkiis gaal ayuu ahaa wuxuuna ka mid ahaa dadkii uu dunida ugu jeclaaa. marka diinta islaamka ma qabto inaad dadka diimaha kale aamisan aad necbaato.


aniga waxaan aamisanahay dhibka wadamada islaamka waxaa ka masuul ah wahaabiyada.


Somalia foolxumada maanta ka taagan waxaa ka masuul ah al shabaab caruurtii wahhaabiyada .



dadkan wadamadooda aan deganahay LACAGAHA aan ka dirno sanad waliba waa billions of dollars waana LIVELINE somalia, waa waxa ay shacabka somaliyed ee wadankii ku haray ay ku nool yihiin.


ninkii waxaas oo dhan iska indha tira sababtoo ah ISAGA CALOOSHIISA cuntaa ka buuxda ee yiraahda waa inaad NECBTAADAA dadka deriskaaga wadanka aad degan tahay waxaan u arkaa qof is yeel yeelaya oo aan xaqiiqda la socon.




qof diintaada kaaga daba socotaa ma jirto. diintaad doonto ayaad aamini kartaa. LAKUM DIINAKUM WALIYA DIIN, waa hadalkii ilaaheey. diintooda ayey heeystaan anagana teena. XUKUMKA ilaheey kaliya ayaa leh qofkii isaga uu doono aakhiro la xisaabtamayaa. laakiin anagan waxaa waajib nagu ah wadamada na soo dhaweeyo inaad u muujino axsaan iyo tixgelin. wadanka ugu horeeya ee aad ka fikirtana waa inuusan ahaan kuwa wiilasha yar yar kufsada ee deggan AFGHANISTAN ama dadka afghanistaanka ah ee waa inaaad ka fikirtaa wadankaaga HOOYO somalia, inaysan dadkaaga mustaqbal u baahan inay wadankooda ka qaxaan.

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Boondheere, sxb adi wax kastoo lagula soo hadal qaado mawduucyo aanan laga hadlayn baad gashaa. Aad bay u adagtahay in wax la isla meel dhigo, bal hada waxaad nala gashay fiiri "wahaabiyo, Al-shabaab - soomaali ha la dhiso - Wadankaada horta ka fakar"!


Nin iska xanaaqsan baad tahay akhi, bal nacaybkaada wahaabiyada meel yara dhig, oo mawduuca si saani ah uu dhex gal, ka jawaabna su'aalaha aan kor kugu waydiiyey.



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Boondheere;740431 wrote:
My brother i will putt my answer af soomaali because of its not anough my english language.

1.fiiri maxaad ula jeedaa system ka soo horjeeda against allah? ama baniaadam in loo worshipp gareeyo ama loo caabudo sidii inay iyaguba yihiin GODS(ilaaheey)


first in western countres aniga iyo adigaba aan ku nool nahay waxaa ka jira freedom of religion. freedom of worshipping, qof kaa hor istaagna ma jirto inaad ilaahaaga caabudo. waxaad free u tahay worshipping places like masjids inaad dhisato. waxaad xur u tahay inaad hesho freedom os speech. waxaad tiri



actually in democracy in western countres compare middle eastern un-democratic family rule system from todays kings and rulers in so called islamic counres throw history from inheritance system of caliphates hounred of years ago where goverment leaders come from one family throw inheretance system.


kings and rulers are respected as they were gods themselves. forexample in UK or any western country i can call anytime an ***** the prime minister of the country whit out been afraid punishment unlike GOD LIKE man king caliph in un democratic countres from caliphate times until today, the king is Untouchable and above the law.


marka worshipping humanbeing waxay ka jirtaa middle east and wadamada aan dimuqraadiga aheeyn.


democracy= less worshiping leaders because in democracy you dont have life time leaders. or family clan goverment. dictitorship.


xaqiiqdii islam itself waa democracy. first in the quran allah says LAA IKRAAHA FIDIIN. diinta qasab maaha. allahna uma baahna inaad adiga aad caabudid ee adigaa u baahan inaad allah aad caabudid.



democracy is the best form of goverment.
people choosing their leader and leader inay noqdaan dad lala xisaabtamo. unlike CALIPHATE systems which was DHAXALTOOYO. markuu caliph ibn hebel hebel geeriyoodo waxaa xukunka qabana WIILKIISII ciyaal maamaha ahaa ee cuntada ka dhargay.





you have every right to ciriticize any system. thats democracy itself having freedom of speech. but people who enjoy living in western country who will never trade their life in UK, sweden america and so on whit a life in SOMALIA not even one day, those people still gloryfied they life the do not want their children to be in. for example people who support those stone age al shabaab who murder people in the name of islam. who want to turn clock back in to stone age, those who support that who still live in western countryes and enjoy living there.


those who kill somalis our brothers and sisters. 95% of time are fellow somalis. not only SOMALIA even in other countres. for example afghanistan. only this year 85% of all deaths in first 6 month of 2011 was behind taliban. so majorty of people who been killed are killed their fellow muslims.


we are somalis we should care first amd most our own people in somalia. people are starving because of fake islamist wahhabis called al shabaab and their war against their fellow somalis.




2.actually democracy is best form of governance
. democracy allows your freely to pracktise your religion. democracy allows you not having god like king(caliph) who are above the law and when he dies the caliph hes SON will inherit the goverment like its a clan proberty.


so we need islamic democracy. we most take all good things of democracy, whit islamic face.


1. Allaha swt wuxuu quraankiisa ku yiri


They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah (by obeying them in things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allah), and (they also took as their Lord) Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary), while they (Jews and Christians) were commanded [in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)) to worship none but One Ilah (God - Allah) La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Praise and glory be to Him, (far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)."


waxay ka yeesheen culimadoodii iyo suufiyadoodii Eebayaal ilaahay ka sokow iyo ciise ibnu maryama waxaan cibaadada ilaahay kali ah ahaynna lama farin. Eebe mooyee ilaah kalana ma jiro waana ka nasanyahay waxay la wadaajin.

(Q 9:31)


Once while Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was reciting the above verse 'Adl bin Hatim said, "O Allah's Prophet! They do not worship them (rabbi and monks)." Allah's Messenger said, "They certainly do. They ( i.e rabbis and monks) made legal things illegal, and illegal things legal and they ( jews and christians) followed them; and by doing so they really worshiped them."

(Narrated by Ahmad, At Tirmidhi and Ibn Jarir). (Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol.10, Page No. 114)


In modern day democracy people are being worshipped as gods because they make legal things illegal and illegal things legal and this is what i meant by people being worshipped as gods. In these democratic countries god is not the legislator but man is, so in reality what happens is that man is elevated to the position of the legislator and in islam this is known as Shirk. So in real sense this is a system which is against god. You keep mentioning that as muslims we are allowed to practise our religion freely in these gaalo countries but you fail to mention the obstacles muslims face in these gaalo countries. Raxaade ah ka hadleysa saaxib ???? war naga jooji beenta sxb


Sii fiicaan maa uga jawaabi karta su'aasha aan kuu weeydiyey?? waxaa tiri


actually democracy is best form of governance

are you saying that democracy is better than islam or are you implying something else????

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guled;740518 wrote:



In modern day democracy people are being worshipped as gods because they make legal things illegal and illegal things legal and this is what i meant by people being worshipped as gods. In these democratic countries god is not the legislator but man is, so in reality what happens is that man is elevated to the position of the legislator and in islam this is known as Shirk. So in real sense this is a system which is against god. You keep mentioning that as muslims we are allowed to practise our religion freely in these gaalo countries but you fail to mention the obstacles muslims face in these gaalo countries. Raxaade ah ka hadleysa saaxib ???? war naga jooji beenta sxb


Sii fiicaan maa uga jawaabi karta su'aasha aan kuu weeydiyey?? waxaa tiri


are you saying that democracy is better than islam or are you implying something else????

actually non democratic countres which leaders and kings are are being worshipped as gods. in democracy tusaaale you can call prime minister of UK wixii aad jeceshahay, laakiin non democratic caliphate regime can you insult the leader of that country, of course NOT.


first democracy is not a religion. democracy means power to the people. democracy allows you to practise your religion freely. democracy allows you to elect your leaders.

democracy allows you to have freedom of speech.

demoracy allows you for not worshipping humans, and not been afriad to express your point of view whit out been afraid the leaders of nation or authorities punishment.


democracy is not better than islam. but islam itself contains democracy. and islam allows us to have democracy . YOUR VERSION of wahaabi islam wants you to have caliphate family dictotorial goverment But My islam is a democratic islam. i want to live a nation which allows people to have freedom of speech. where people can elect their leaders.


actually modern day democracy is much better than dictatorial caliphate state. which the dictaitor king(caliph) treated like if hes himself a god like man. thats big shirk actually.


in democratic countres your allowed to insult the president or the leader of nation because hes just human like you. unlike uNON democratic countres if you insult the caliph or the big sheikh you will be killed because GOD LIKE sheikh, king or caliph is above the law .


About laws. in Islam its allowed humans to make their own LAWS. for example there are man made laws which you fellow your daily life.

for example traffic laws are man made laws. markaad gaarigaaga wadid haddii uu red light soo baxo waa inaad istaagnaa. and green light waa inaad socotaa. those laws are 100% man made laws. tusaalahaas traffic laws oo kale ayuu baniaadamka sameeysan karaa LAWS uu wadamadiisa sida ugu wanaagsan ugu horumarin karo. sida qorashada AXDI QARAMADEENKA( ama dasturka loo yaqaan)


wadan waliba axdi qarameed wuu uu qoran laakiin waa inuusan ka hor imaaneyn diinta islaamka.


arrinta ah baniaadam laws ma sameeysan waa wahaabi bulshit.

the only laws which Islam does not allow is if you come up whit laws which contradic Islam.


for example in majorty muslim country you can forbide alcohol drinks for muslims but can not forbid non muslims.


Islamic democracy is the best way forward.

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U guys cannot have an intellectual debate with Boondheere. You will see that sooner or later. You will see him talk about soo many things that doesn't have to do with anything.


Bal hadeer look how many mawduuc uu meesha soo bandhigay! The topic was about "Gaal waa gaal"


And he has so far comed up with:





more wahaabiyo

Man made laws( A.K.A Trafic law)



Wuxuu kaloo in severel occasions been ka sheegay diinta Allah, as say'n that the muslim caliphate is bulild upon "Dhaxaltooyo"! And that's a lie and a bold statement.


Intuu arkay Saudi Arabia iyo dhowr wadanoon diinta Allah sidii la rabay u raacin buu leeyahay "that's Islam"! Markaasna uu ku soo xidhay "Democrazy is better"!


Iska qiro sxb, u'r problem is not wahaabiyo, and their likes, iska dheh Gaaladaan iyo dimuqaradiyadooda baan la dhacsanahay.

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Al-Miskiin;740539 wrote:



Wuxuu kaloo in severel occasions been ka sheegay diinta Allah, as say'n that the muslim caliphate is bulild upon "Dhaxaltooyo"! And that's a lie and a bold statement.



Okey so called Caliphate regimes where actually dhaxaltooyo family owned one clan goverment. except very prief years of first 4 caliphs. named raashiduun. abu bakr AUN was caliph only 2 years. OMAR was 10 years as caliph and othman too less than 13 years. and ali 2 years.


waxaan KA BADNEEYN 25 sano ayey khaliiful raashidiin talinayeen.'


xitaa si nabad ah kuma aysan dhameysan xukumkooda tusaale last raashiduun cali AUN waxaa la dagaalamay umayyads uu hogaaminayey mucaawiya si ay xukunka iyaga u qabsadaan, taasoo markii danbana ay ku guuleeysteen..


qabiilkii UMAYYADS waa ay diideen cali xukunkiisii si ay xukunka iyaga u qabsadaan tiina waa ku guuleysteen mucaawiya ayaa qabsadey after wax yar ka dib cali ahaa khalif.



marka DHALXALTOOYADA halka ayey ka bilaabmeeysaa from mucaawiya ibn abu sufyaan, from the Umayad clan. the leaders of nation or caliphates had become family owned clan affairs. when mucawiya died hes son yaziid becomes caliph. after yazid hes son come and son on. umayad clan was in power a almost 90 years until The Abbasid or cabaasyiins defeated and killed the umayad caliph Marwan II. after that again caliphates is become family owned qabiil dhaxaltooyo affairs more than 500 years abaasiyiinta ayaa dhaxaltooyo ku heeystay. when caliph dies hes son will inherit the caliph post.(madaxweyanaha dawlada)


caliphates abaasiyiin waxay ahaayeen dhaxaltooyo qof aan aheyen abaaasi caliph ma noqon karin, markuuu boqorka(khalifka) dhinto wiilkiisa ama walaalkiis ayaa xukunka dhaxlayey ama ina adeerkiis kaliya.



ka dib waxaa yimid ottomon caliphates iyaguna sidoo kale dhaxaltooyo ayey ahaayeen ilaa ay ka buburaaan 1915..


marka xaqiiqdiii majorty of times caliphates waxay ahaayeen xukumo aan waxba dhaamin xukunka sacuudiga iyo khaliijka ka jira ee ah markuu THE LEADERS uu dhinto in uu ka dhaxlo familkiisa ha ahaato wiilkiisa ama walaalkiis.


more than 90% waqtigii caliphate ay jirtay waxay aheeyd XUKUMADO DHAXALTOOYO AH.

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Boondheere so what? Does that mean, that's what Islam teaches us?


The way to choose a khalif is the way the khulafa'u rashidin did. And not the way these fake khilafahs do it today. They the four(khulafa'u rashidin" are the source, and not the later ones.


So by say'n that the muslim Caliphate is build upon dhaxaltooyo is a blatant lie.


You need to understand that people and Islam aren't the same. Islam is pure.

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25 years of raashduun caliphate compare thousend years of dhaxaltooyo caliphate. from umayyad dinasty caliphate until ottomon caliphates.


are you saying umayyads and cabaasyiin and ottomons where not caliphate???


i can understand arab scholars hate ottomons , and they do not call ottomons as caliphates but those ummayads and abbasid caliphate are caliphates ( holy goverments) according most of middle eastern scholars. scholars from ibn thaymiyah to maxamed abdul wahaab.

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Boondheere akhi, hadana meel kalaad isku gashay, Anigu ma odhan caliphate maysan ahayn Othmaniyiinta iyo Ummayyad!


Ee waxaan ku idhi, asalku wuxuu ahaa siday u wadeen hawsha Khulafadii ka horaysay, abu bakr(ra) cumar(ra), Cuthman wa cali.


Wixii ka dambeeyey khalad ay galeen bay ahayd in bahasha laga dhigo dhaxaltooyo. Islaamku maaha sida boqortooyada wadamada gaalo ee reerkooda bahasha ku wareejiya.

Islaamku waxaa weeye in khalif loo doorto ninka ummadda ugu diin fiican, uguna aqoon fiican, haduu doono ha ahaado Afrikaan madow.


Marka Islaamku waa sidaas, markaa hadaad aragtay sucuudiga oo ka dhigay bahashii shay ay ayagu iska leeyihiin, waa arin ay ku khaldan yihiin, waxaasina diin maaha.


Adigu kala saar asalka diinta iyo Qaladaadka banii aadamka.

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Al-Miskiin;740566 wrote:

Wixii ka dambeeyey khalad ay galeen bay ahayd in bahasha laga dhigo dhaxaltooyo. Islaamku maaha sida boqortooyada wadamada gaalo ee reerkooda bahasha ku wareejiya.

Islaamku waxaa weeye in khalif loo doorto ninka ummadda ugu diin fiican, uguna aqoon fiican, haduu doono ha ahaado Afrikaan madow.


Marka Islaamku waa sidaas, markaa hadaad aragtay sucuudiga oo ka dhigay bahashii shay ay ayagu iska leeyihiin, waa arin ay ku khaldan yihiin, waxaasina diin maaha.


Adigu kala saar asalka diinta iyo Qaladaadka banii aadamka.

waad ku faraxsanahay inaad tiri waa inay qalad galeen 1000kii sano ee ay jireen caliphateskii dhaxaltooyada ahaa oo xukuumadhaas ka bilaaw umayadiinta uu ahaa mid dhaxaltooyo.


laakiin arintaas waaa fikir adiga kuu gaar ah waayo 4ta mad-habs ama favorit salafi scholars like ibn thaymiyah ama ib jawshi ama maxamed abdulwahaab. ama xitaa mid kale ee yiri umayyads caliphates and abasyiiin caliphates were wrong to make dhaxaltooyo xukuumadihiii caliphateska? ma jiraan?


haddii uu jirana bal ma i soo qori kartaa scholar arrintaa qoray.


so we agree its good think to elect your leaders .you call it what ever you like ( madaxweyne. mabjungo. khaliif, the great leader) prime minister, KING and so on, its democracy if you elect.


al miskiin you want your caliph to be elected by people? soo maaha. then you and i we are for islamic democrtic people..


i want my madaxweeyne. UGAAAS. raiisal wasare to be elected by people.

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The Zack   



I just want to clarify one thing for you, read it very carefully. Democracy: People make the laws. Islam = Allah makes the laws. Which are you for?

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