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Condolences/Condemnation - Tacsi/Cambaareeyn

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Come out and bring your strong voice of dissent and opposition against suicide bombings & acts of terror in Somalia. The massacre and suffering of our people has been going on for too long and must stop. Say enough is enough. Stop the killings.Stop the terror. Stop the suicide bombings. We want peace in Somalia.



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it is Sunday June 12, 2011 on Safari Banquet Hall in Minneapolis, MN. Safari is located on 4th and Lake St in South Minneapolis

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If you want peace in Somalia, "suicide bombings" are not the ones to blame. Imisa "suicide bombings" baa soomaaliya ka dhacay? 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8? xataa 12 iska dheh.


Why do people think that acts of terror is only when "shabaab" blows something up", or a guy in Iraq/Afqhanistan blows him self up? And not when Uganda, Burundi, Itoobiya, The US, UK, DK, Isar'il or other countries that invades muslims countries kills thousands of muslims every day?


I'm not say'n that in shacabka la iska laayo, ama xaq darrada aanan laga hadlin, but people need to free them self from this western biased understanding of the word "terror"! If we should condemn terror, than surely waa la kala daran yahay, and as far as I know, Shabaab dhibaatada ugu wayn ee dunida haysata maaha. If someone sympathize with "Shabaab" or any other group that the US dont like, that person is pr. definition a "terror sympathizer"!

But another person can without no problem support the real terrorist and for that matter "love the US, or Isra'il openly", even whear a shirt where it says "I love the US, I would die for the US/Isra'il"!

And you wouldn't see that person prosecuted or send his #### to Guantanamo bay.


I see that the text says:


Come out and bring your strong voice of dissent and opposition against suicide bombings & acts of terror in Somalia.
The massacre and suffering of our people has been going on for too long and must stop. Say enough is enough.
Stop the killings.Stop the terror. Stop the suicide bombings. We want peace in Somalia.

Surely the massacre of somalis, have been going on for centuries, and all this "terror" stuff is pretty new. So maybe we should focus on the real issues, and not something that started for like couple of years ago.


I have nothing agains this "Condolences/Condemnation - Tacsi/Cambaareeyn" at all, people are free to do this. But dont make it like this is the MAIN issue in somalia, and that if we solved this ALL our problems would vanish.


Just some of my thoughts, sorry for bumping the thread.


And Allah ha u naxariisto dadka sida xaqdaradda ah lagu dilo, janadiisana ha ka waraabiyo, ehelay ka tageena sabir ha ka siiyo.




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Can you stick with Soomaaliya iyo arrimahooda. Israa'iil iyo waxaas meeshaan ma taalo.


And waala ogyahay who started ismiidaaminta and when. Soomaali ismiidaamin laguma aqaanin, especially dhaqan uma lahayn in ciyaal yar yar lasoo siro waalidkoodana isku qarxiya la dhaho. Dhaqan kalena uma lahayn ardey qalinjabineyso oo dalkooda iyo dadkoodaba wax u tari lahaa mustaqbalka in la isku qarxiyo. It is a serious perversion of shareecada iyo xeerarka diinteena suuban.


Xataa uma quurtid marxuumkaan inaa dhahdid Eebba ha u raxmado shaqsi ahaantiisa.


Marxuum C/shakuur Eebba weynee ha u raxmado, janadiisana haka waraabiyo -- aamiin, aamiin.

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Walaal Miskiin - Macruuf


Anigu kuma odhan, "dhaqan aynu naqaanay weeye is qarxintu", bal dib igu noqo waxaan soo akhriyey, okiyaalo qalad ah baa ku akhriday.


Waxaanba leeyahay that "this is qarxin waa hawlo nagu cusub"! Markaa "somaali nabad baanu u rabnaa" dont starts with this "is qarxin", or ends with it. Intii Is qarxin ku dhimatay, iyo inta Qabiil iyo balo kaloo daran ku dhimatay adigu bal isu fiiri. Isma le'eka. Shabaab iyo is qarxin waxay soo baxeen sanadihii ugu dambeeyey.


Markaa yaanan bal laga dhigin musiibo waxa na haystoo dhan "ala is qarxin weeye", bal indhaha ha la yara furo. Haday is qarxintu dhibaato na haysata ay tahay, waa rubci uun.


waxaan u quudho Marxuumka iyo wax aanan u quudhun waa wax aniga iyo Allah naga dhaxaysa, hadaan halkan ku soo qoro ama aanan ku soo qorin, ducadu waa cibaado, in aan qarsadaana ii khayr badan.

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