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Dugsi sare oo Cusub looguna magac daray Xaaji Muuse Igare oo dhismihiisa la bilaabay

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It was not a matter of a occupation for the likes of Igare but it was rather a matter of tribal interests to limit the influence of the Dervish movement meddling in local's affairs. Somaliland was a Protectorate instead of a colony. People of the interior weren't really effected by those british in the coast but rather were minding their business and herding their camels when the mad mullah started tribal raids. Besides Somaliland gained it's independence in 1960 - 40 years after the collapse of the Dervish movement. There was a political independence advocating groups such as Xisbullah, SNL etc, which also paved the way for Somaliland to gain independence.

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The Zack   

So you are admitting that ina igare saw fellow Somalis as his enemy and the British colonists as friends? That is the definition of collaborator and traitor so we both agree on that.

On another note, yes, the Somali people were affected by the British invasion, they were being colonized dammit! As far as the independence timing, u used bad reasoning, 90% of African countries gained their independence in the 60's.

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Well the Dervish threatened & attacked his homelands. What do you expect? As for the Independence in 1960. It was the work of Somaliland former political parties that pressured for the British to leave not the Dervish movement that died 40 years before 1960 as some people like to potray at times. Nevertheless Igare was a good fellow at heart who also helped the people of Hobyo against the evil rule of Sultan Kenadid. For that he will remembered for the good things he did.

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Ina Cabdille Xasan was welcomed in the first place by the same people who fought him and chased him all the way to his Oromo Land. In the begining he had a good nationalist intention, laakiin markii dambee budhcad geela qaada unbuu isku badalay, oo xattaa askartiisa xaasaskooda ka qaadi jiray!. Taasaa keentay inay qabaa'ilkii la dagaalamaan, haa Ingiiriis ayyaa caawinayay, so what Enemy of my enemy is my friend, isba Turkugaa caawinayay. Ina Cabdalle Xasan caddaaladii markuu ka baxay ayyuu jabay, simple. Victory is always relative to how just your intention and cause is. Why we sided with British will lead you to why the Saxaabah sided with the Romans against the Persians. It is that simple politics. Historic revionsim haddaad is tidhaa bilaw adunbaa ku daali oo marka dambe ay kula tagi halkii Cali Dhuux idiinka waramay!

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The Zack   

Saalax, Regardless what you and I say today.. the below are hard facts that nobody can deny (well they can deny them but that won't just the history).



Fact: The Daraawiish were fighting against the British Occupation. They were so powerful that they were the first Africans that have EVER been attacked from the air. "By 1 January 1920 the Z Force had constructed a temporary aerodrome at Berbera from where they operated.[5] On 21 January RAF aircraft bombed Hassan's main base at Medistie and his fort at Jideli"


Fact: Ina Igarre was working for the British as a collaborator, read this quote "The first British officer to hunt the mullah and attempt to crush his insurgency was Lt. Col. Eric Swayne, a dashing fellow who had previously been on safari to Somaliland, hunting for elephant and rhino, kudu and buffalo. He was dispatched from India, and brought with him an enterprising Somali who had once worked as a bootblack polishing British footwear. Musa Farah would serve one British overlord after another. He would gain power, wealth, and influence beyond anything he could have imagined, including a sword of honor from King Edward VII".


As far as freeing the Hobyo people from Sultan Kenadid, that is an information I don't have. Please share what you know.

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Somalis searching for their history written by whitemen. War heedhe dadku way is yaqaanaane, kuwii raacay ayyuu geela ka qaaday, kuwuu ka dhashay ayyuu ka qaaday, Allaa og niyadiisii hore, laakiin tuug unbuu ku dambeeyey, taariikhdii xamar lagu sameeyey ee naloo dhigi jiray ayyaad noola imanaysaa. Fact written in bold will change nothing. Orodoo odayaashaada soo warayso intaad Google gaarayso:) War bahashan la idinku sheego illeen waxbaa ka jira:)

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The Zack   

Alla-Maxaan-Kulayaabay;719887 wrote:
Somalis searching for their history written by whitemen. War heedhe dadku way is yaqaanaane, kuwii raacay ayyuu geela ka qaaday, kuwuu ka dhashay ayyuu ka qaaday, Allaa og niyadiisii hore, laakiin tuug unbuu ku dambeeyey, taariikhdii xamar lagu sameeyey ee naloo dhigi jiray ayyaad noola imanaysaa. Fact written in bold will change nothing. Orodoo odayaashaada soo warayso intaad Google gaarayso:) War bahashan la idinku sheego illeen waxbaa ka jira:)

Even though I wish I knew who I was talking to, I will still say couple of things to you. In this post, you claimed that the history I posted was written by a "white man", you also called it " taariikhdii xamar naloogu dhigi jiray", so which one is it? Midda kale waxey odayaasha tolka kuu sheegaan cusbo isaga dar, qabyaalad iyo qashin baa ka buuxee. I do that and I suggest you do the same.


P.s. I am glad you don't admire the white man unlike Ina Igarre. You are a good man, my friend!


P.s.s. Don't give the entire credit of what the Darwiish have accomplished to one person, Sayd Mohamed, when you are talking about that holy struggle, refer them as the Darwiish.

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War marka koowaade horta inaad i taqaano muhiim maaha mawduuca ka raac. Ta labaad, when you try to support your ''history'' meelahaa wax whitemen ku qoreen aad la soo carartay waa ta hore. Tan danbe ee xamar lagu dhigi jiray, waa taariikhdii MOD ay mal malluuqday markaa waa la iskaga daba yimid taas. Ever heard of: History is written by the victories. Odayaasha ii sheekeeyey waa kuwii guulaystay ee maanta calankooda hoos hadhsanaya, markaa iyaga there is no motive to lie, illeen guushii ayay hanteeene. Teeda kale odayashaadii waa kuwan ee dhageyso:


Whitemanka aad sheegayso inferirotiy complex kama qabo waa rag ila mida mana ma necbi aniguye, I am just saying don't cite them sidii ay wali siraata yihiin. Darwiishku aniga wuxu ii qoran yahay tuug geel dhici jiray, waliba waxyaabo kaluu dheera, dhagayso Odayashaadii hadda maaha kuwaygii:


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The Zack.


Xaaji Muuse oo hormood ka ahaa hawl-galka qorshahaas waxa uu soo jeediyey Istiraajiyad dagaal oo u dhignayd sidan:-


In Markab kuwa Dagaalka ah oo sida hub iyo Saanad Ciidan oo kala loo diro Deegaanka Hobyo.

In Ciidan beeleed ka soo jeeda Beesha H*w*yeoo ku hubaysan Qoryaha Fudud oo tiradoodu ku dhawaanayso Kun Askari laga hawl-geliyo Deegaanka Hobyo.

In labada Ciidan ay waqti isku mid gaadhaan Magaalada Hobyo.

Keenadiid, oo isagu deegaanka Hobyo xukumi jirey, waxa la joogay laba boqol oo la taliye (Consultant), waxana uu haystay ciidamo badan oo ay ku jiraan tiro ciidan ah oo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeday Jasiirada Sinsibaar.


Geesta kale markii Markabka Dagaalku gaadhay Magaalada Hobyo, isla markaana la dhameystiray isku dabo-ridkii Ciidan beeleedkii deegaankaas laga qoray, waxa Subaxdii labaad, goor ku began waqtiga aan Nin iyo Geed la kala garan ay ciidamadu deegaanku si fool ka fool ah weerar ugu qaadeen Qalcadii uu degenaa Keenadiid, iyada oo ay dhinaca Badda-na uu Markabku Madaafiic kaga soo Garaacayey. Hase-yeeshee, markii Saddex maalmood uu Dagaalku socday waxa ciidamadii xulafada ahaa ee uu madaxda ka ahaa Major Igare u suurtogashay inay qabsadaan Qalcadii uu Keenadiid Degenaa, iyaga halkaa ku qabtay Keenadiid, 50 ka mid ah Ciidamadii Sinsibaariyiinta, Caa'iladoodii iyo kooxo kale oo taageeriyey, isla markaana Cagta mariyey kuwii la dagaalamayey.


Maalin ka dib gunnaanadkii Dagaalada uu Major Igare amar ku bixiyey in wixii ka soo jeeda Beesha C*m*r M*x*m**d ee M*rj**t**n ee hawl-galkaa lagu qabtay lagu celiyo Magaalada Gaalkacayo iyo Keenadii la saaro Markabkii Mine-war-ka ahaa, isla markaana 50-kii Sinsibaariyiinta ahaana loo dhoofiyo wadankoodii, waxana uu maamulkii iyo gacan ku hayntii Deegaanka magaalada Hobyo ku wareejiyey Odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo wax-garadkii Beelaha ******. "Haddii Keenadiid Amar Danbiyo Aabi laga waayo, Waa Hiil Igarow ****** Oof kasoo celisay oo aabo lagu yidhi". Waxa ay tuducyadaasi ka mid ahaayeen Maanso amaan ah loo tiriyey ka dib gunnaanadkii hawl-galkii Hobyo.



And Biography of Haji Musa Farah is here so save us that nonsense from newsweek. I can also bring a book that says Ina Abdille was overweight and use to drink and traitourus acts of some of the Dervish sections.



Much of what you require is in the book "The Mad Mullah of Somaliland" by Douglas Jardine, Herbert Jenkins, London 1923. I append a picture to go with the following precis of Musa Farah'.


"Risaldar-Major Haji Musa Farah ISO.


As a youth emigrated to Aden where he joined the Aden Water Police. After promotion he moved on to Bombay where he met Swayne and was persuaded to return with him to Somaliland.


Referred to as “Egarreh” by the Mullah in much of his correspondence with the British the Mullah who was a contemporary of Musa Farah had cause to fear him.


The operation in which Musa Farah earned his award of the ISO took place in June 1901 before the Battle of Erigo. Musa Farah commanding a patrol of 450 Somali Troops left Bohotle on 4th June to establish contact with the Mullah’s Dervish force. He collected 5,000 tribesmen and escorted them across the waterless Haud afer reaching Kurmis on 10th June. He then attacked a Dervish encampment and routed the Mullahs followers capturing 1,630 camels, 200 cattle and 2,000 sheep before returning safely to Bohotle."

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Alla-Maxaan-Kulayaabay;719887 wrote:
Somalis searching for their history written by whitemen. War heedhe dadku way is yaqaanaane, kuwii raacay ayyuu geela ka qaaday, kuwuu ka dhashay ayyuu ka qaaday, Allaa og niyadiisii hore, laakiin tuug unbuu ku dambeeyey, taariikhdii xamar lagu sameeyey ee naloo dhigi jiray ayyaad noola imanaysaa. Fact written in bold will change nothing. Orodoo odayaashaada soo warayso intaad Google gaarayso:) War bahashan la idinku sheego illeen waxbaa ka jira:)


Well said the funny thing is the first Dervish actual base was actually Burco they were welcomed by the locals. Later when the Mad Mullah acted up he was told to go and not be welcomed in that land.

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Haaji Musa farah igare was a Highly Remarkable Man and a real warrior of His time He started his career In Adan as a police chief and later he moved to india where he governed an indian District this was in the 1870s Before he arrived back to Somaliland He spend some time in what is now Oman Where he married his First Wife Then Arriving at Burco remember he left Somaliland and the hawd Area before he went to Adan Yemen some where in the begin 1870s a place of Hostility between the various clans in the wadaamago Area and the hawd area's Shorty after his arrival he was briefed by His chief Caaqil Ducaale of his subclan that 2 Years ago there were Riots in burco and that the Sultan Cawad Diiriye Sugule and Sultan Nuur Axmed Amaan Fought in burco over the Sultanate and that the Sultan , Sultan Nuur with 100 Men of his Tribesmen and Horses Joined a group of Madax Duubcadyaal That's how they were referred the Dervishes in the early stage of the Movement. And Hearing that he asked who is in charge in Hargeisa he was told A sheikh Called Madar and Sultan Diiriye of hargeisa he went to hargeisa and he sat down with Sultan Diiriye and asked him how are the tensions in the hawd sultan diiriye replied Here in hargeisa and salahlay we are all oke other then some droughts but there are tensions in the hawd area and there were in the past several month brutal Killings in the hawd Commited by Duubcadyaal,

When ina igare heard that , he said you Guys need to defend yourselves before the next raid , this was in the year 1903. In igare Calculated well the next year it was the raid of dayax weeraar in the hawd region. He hopped on his favourite horse Dabayle Duudshe and Left Hargeisa For berbera and then left Berbera for Maydh Sanaag where he invited some of his tribes men to Join Him he was later In Charge From Buhoodle all the way to danood. And made sure all of his tribes men were armed to the Fullest. He set up a whole network for arms delivery From the Port of Maydh all the way to Yemen He even armed Sultan Mahamuud ali shire whom he was related trough His mother side against Boqor Cismaan when they Fought. Sultan cawad Diiriye said he was doing a raid in the hawd and needed his help Ina igarre planned the raid and organized the whole operation and made sure there were enough rifles huts to sleep in Sultan Cawad diiriye and his Men were successful they lifted 3000 Camels. Sultan Cawad Diiriye Composed a poem for his Victory Saying


Tagteed ma haysaan kuwina tacab kashaare

tafaruq idinka ma ahayn tiirkayaga idinka adage

Talade igare baanu ku tagnay Turub Sidisiiye

Togdheer wanu ka tagnay Danood na waku tamashlayney



Even Cali Beeneley The Poet quoted Him in his Poems


Igire iyo sidii dawaldii Adari oo qoodhay

Ingiriis miyay nagu masaleen aaladanu wadanay.



Haaji Musa farah igare was a well intelligent man he spoke Somali English Urdu Arabic and was loved By His People a tribal warrior of his time Indeed and schools will be named after him May allah bless his soul the Xaaji before his death in 1927 he went to the Hadj a year before that he wed his only daughter to the Son of Sultan Diiriye keep it in the blood lol . Sultan Cabdilahi the Current Sultan Maxamamd abdulqadir his grandmother was the daughter of ina igarre.

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Che -Guevara who is the Sayid of Somali? we know him as Ina Abdille Hassan or wadaadkii cadceed.

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^^^His not as popular as in Igare in Somaliland though. But of course we know him since he was born in Somaliland.

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