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A Thrilling Ride Aboard Suurah Al Caadiyaat!

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The Thriller Ride.




Suurat Al Caadiyaat




This Work was inspired by a request of Brother Thunder, a fellow Nomad of Somaliaonline Islam Discussion boards, who asked me to shed some light on this Surah. I first read the Surah quickly to grasp the gist of it, for more insight, I reviewed it again, However no matter how many passages I read, a critical link was missing between the first part of the Surah and the conclusion, a real challenge for ulul albaab.


In my search for clues, I referred to three different Tafaaseer, Al Tabari for the different narrations and their weights, , Ibnul Katheer for his smooth explanation, and for a deeper inspiration, I delved into the eloquence of the Dhilaal al Quraan ( Shades of The Quraan ) Unfortunately, I was unable to find the connection of the thrilling opening verses with the sobering last verse.


After I gave up, Allah SWT opened up a gate of knowledge to enter, in order to see the connection of the first and the last, I could not help but hit the floor to thank Allah SWT in joy for showing me the subtle but critical link of the verses Subhaanallah, Alhamdulillaah and Allahu akbar what a hidden treasure did I find today, A Friday, a day in which Muslims flock to the mosques all over the word to hear words of admonition so they can stay on the siraatul mustaqeem course. Allahumma Salli calaa Sayyiddinaa Muxammad wa calaa Alihi wa saxbih wa sallim.



Surah Al Caadiyaat, The Translation of the Text:



1. By the (steeds) that run, with panting (breath),


2. Striking sparks of fire (by their hooves),


3. And scouring to the raid at dawn


4. And raise the dust in clouds the while,


5. Penetrating forthwith as one into the midst (of the foe);


6. Verily! Man (disbeliever) is ungrateful to his Lord;


7. And to that fact he bears witness (by his deeds);


8. And verily, he is violent in the love of wealth.


9. Knows he not that when the contents of the graves are brought out and poured forth (all mankind is resurrected).


10. And that which is in the breasts (of men) shall be made known.


11. Verily, that Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) their Lord will be Well-Acquainted with them (as to their deeds), (and will reward them for their deeds).



Bismillahi Arraxmaani Arraxiim


The Thriller Ride. .


For those Nomads who can relate to our baadiye setting ( duullaan, ama weerar dagaal colaad ah), or for those westernized Nomads who had the fun visiting Medieval Times theme parks in California, enjoying a nice meal of chicken served on copper dishes, while two horsemen fight like the Romans.


Imagine sleeping in your tents early morning when at at dusk, you wake up amid dreadful sounds and sights of an enemy. The sounds of fast breathing and approaching horses, raising clouds of dust behind them while at the same time, sparking static fire with their hoofs as they hit the dry terrain at high speeds sending shockwaves of fear all around your body, and suddenly, you are butt naked and face to face with the enemy horsemen.


But suddenly, when you as a frightened person see the enemy horses standing right above your mattress ( Fa wasatna bihi jamcan), and stare at these horsemen brandishing shining swords, you realize that your end is near, and now you begin to seriously think about your past intentions and motives of all your deeds. ( End of Primo Scenario)


And here we find the secret connection.




The above scenario " Wal caadiyaati dhabxan, fal muuriyaati qadxan, fal mughiiraati subxan, fa atharna bihi naqcan, fa wasatna bihi jamcan............" this swift description of sound, motion and action is a Allah's way throughout the Quraan to get our attention, or " Dhaar" as we say in Somali, in which Allah SWT swears by his creatures or their actions as in this case, similar to " Falaa uqsimu bi mawaaqicin nujuum, wa innahu la qasamun low taclamuuna cadhiim " , however what startled me was that this " Weerarka arooryeed" was done in the way of Allah SWT in Jihad, a form of struggle that was triggered by a motive, because once the motives were set, the horses were set in motion, followed by the sound of fast breathing Arabian horses, their hoofs raising sparks of fire and a dust behind their tails behind the background of the twilight of dusk, all for a purpose.


Now many earthly years pass by in a state of oblivion, and all in a sudden, you find yourself once more standing naked in front of your maker in the day of judgment, you show up again just like how you were created in the first place, naked, scared, helpless, and humbled.


Now imagine yourself hearing these words of wisdom: " Man is indeed unthankful to his lord" (Kanood) , meaning, ungrateful person ( Calooshii la cayaar) who only counts misfortunes, but never appreciates goodness granted, nor thanks his Maker for it. Being ungrateful all your life, you have never felt that you owe Allah anything that you have, because in arrogance you've felt that you did it all alone without Allah's help, and as a result, all of what you came to believe that all that you have earned was rightfully yours alone, never recognizing that all along Allah was making all your successes possible, by prodding you to succeed and providing you with an intricate health maintenance system, a calculating mind, sheer " coincidences or are they?" and guardian angels to look after your safety up until the moment of truth fast approached, enemy horsemen keen to take away your unworthy life with a swift piercing sword right through your heart, ouch!.


Your nature of ungratefulness over the years had triggered many actions that worked contrary to Allah's commandments, because the underlying motives behind your actions were an insatiable love for wealth, power and prestige, contempt for those less fortunate than you are. After close examination of your life, you also recognize that you are a key witness over yourself of how precious you've over valued your material possessions that blinded you from your eventual confrontation with your Lord. Oh NO!


Enter the opening ceremonies of the day of judgment when graves will split open, releasing their subdued captives and their accompanying manifests of their past deeds , stern angles examine you files to prepare for your hearing in front of an impartial judge, no matter how many evil deeds that you have concealed, your Lord , that day, ( Like any other day) is well aware of your motives and deeds for a just verdict that will rest your case forever, in happiness or in agony. Luckily, that is all in the future, and the present is in your hands, so take my advice, change your ways, before you are chained!.






2004 eNuri Nomadic Dawa Service

Powered By Quraan and Sunnah

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Reading the 1st versus make me realize the importance of readiness in all aspects of life, especially in the hereafter.

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>>>> Response>>>> Reposeted, Originally Posted in 2004>>>



Following up on the link of the beginning and the end parts of the Surah Al Caadiyaat.



As I have said earlier , the link as I understood is theMOTIVATION , the drivers of our actions, just like a horse is driven to wars breathing heavily, rasing dust behind it and striking fires with its hoof as it attacks a complacent enemy. Will our past actions or the lack of ever catch up with us? you bet! saaxib.


Allah SWT the creator of man tells man who he is, and what drives him, what kind of a person he is ( KANOOD aka ungrateful unappreciative), that quality being the mother of all evils and bad character.


Being KANOOD, or the attitude of some wealthy kids "BRATS", or "PREPPIES" who wre born with a silver spoon on their mouths, makes a person not driven to thank his maker for all the good given to them, and as a consequence become an introvert caring only about himself/herself at the cost of the common good of fellow passengers on planet earth , mankind and animals.


Now look again at the contrast of a warrior in the cause of Allah SWT on a horse back, driven to please his lord to help justice prevail, justice for man and justice for the creator of man, making our planer a peaceful, clean and brotherly for all of its inhabitants.


The Surah concludes with a sobering statement:


The day of judgment and the opening ceremony of the unveiling of our concealed motives that drove all of our actions on earth. It will be asked: was it with IKHLAAS ( Sincerity for the sake of Allah alone?) being the first quantity to be measured and ITTIBAAC ( Following the Sunnah method of our Prophet Muhammad SAWS being the best-in-class benchmark to qualify the acceptance of our deeds in Allah's court in that day).





2004 eNuri Softwaano series

Powered By Quraaan and Sunnah

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Kuwa Iga Da' weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa Iga Da' Yar, waa iga dambi yar yihiin

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Allah tells us about our human nature:


8. And verily, he ( Mankind) is violent in the love of wealth.


How much more violence can one imagine than the collection of eleven thousand Nuclear warheads by the USA, and another 4 thousand by the Russians, the Genocide of entire vilages of American Red Inidans, Caucuses, Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and soon, Pakistan!


So violent is mankind, to pursue his happiness with the miseries of the others.


What mankind is not accounting for, is his eventual return to His maker court of justice, one by one , as Allah said in Quraan " Wa kullun aateeh yawmal qiyaamati fardaa" " I shal audit all of mankind, one at a time".




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I have some more ideas on this great Surah, and some thoughts on the EXIT and ENTRY Verses: Mukhraja Sidqin, Mudkhala Sidqin!



Visit again please



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Muriidi nur waa sida dun...walaalaha kale ku tax...ka sameyso kuul...qardhaas ku dar...


don't do anything you don't want to continue in akhira...i like us!

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Originally posted by Nur:

The Thriller Ride.




Suurat Al Caadiyaat




This Work was inspired by a request of Brother Thunder, a fellow Nomad of Somaliaonline Islam Discussion boards, who asked me to shed some light on this Surah. I first read the Surah quickly to grasp the gist of it, for more insight, I reviewed it again, However no matter how many passages I read, a critical link was missing between the first part of the Surah and the conclusion, a real challenge for ulul albaab.


In my search for clues, I referred to three different Tafaaseer, Al Tabari for the different narrations and their weights, , Ibnul Katheer for his smooth explanation, and for a deeper inspiration, I delved into the eloquence of the Dhilaal al Quraan ( Shades of The Quraan ) Unfortunately, I was unable to find the connection of the thrilling opening verses with the sobering last verse.


After I gave up, Allah SWT opened up a gate of knowledge to enter, in order to see the connection of the first and the last, I could not help but hit the floor to thank Allah SWT in joy for showing me the subtle but critical link of the verses Subhaanallah, Alhamdulillaah and Allahu akbar what a hidden treasure did I find today, A Friday, a day in which Muslims flock to the mosques all over the word to hear words of admonition so they can stay on the siraatul mustaqeem course. Allahumma Salli calaa Sayyiddinaa Muxammad wa calaa Alihi wa saxbih wa sallim.



Surah Al Caadiyaat, The Translation of the Text:



1. By the (steeds) that run, with panting (breath),


2. Striking sparks of fire (by their hooves),


3. And scouring to the raid at dawn


4. And raise the dust in clouds the while,


5. Penetrating forthwith as one into the midst (of the foe);


6. Verily! Man (disbeliever) is ungrateful to his Lord;


7. And to that fact he bears witness (by his deeds);


8. And verily, he is violent in the love of wealth.


9. Knows he not that when the contents of the graves are brought out and poured forth (all mankind is resurrected).


10. And that which is in the breasts (of men) shall be made known.


11. Verily, that Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) their Lord will be Well-Acquainted with them (as to their deeds), (and will reward them for their deeds).



Bismillahi Arraxmaani Arraxiim


The Thriller Ride.


For those Nomads who can relate to our baadiye setting ( duullaan, ama weerar dagaal colaad ah), or for those westernized Nomads who had the fun visiting Medieval Times theme parks in California, enjoying a nice meal of chicken served on copper dishes, while two horsemen fight like the Romans.


Imagine sleeping in your tents early morning when at at dusk, you wake up amid dreadful sounds and sights of an enemy. The sounds of fast breathing and approaching horses, raising clouds of dust behind them while at the same time, sparking static fire with their hoofs as they hit the dry terrain at high speeds sending shockwaves of fear all around your body, and suddenly, you are butt naked and face to face with the enemy horsemen.


But suddenly, when you as a frightened person see the enemy horses standing right above your mattress ( Fa wasatna bihi jamcan), and stare at these horsemen brandishing shining swords, you realize that your end is near, and now you begin to seriously think about your past intentions and motives of all your deeds. ( End of Primo Scenario)


And here we find the secret connection.




The above scenario
" Wal caadiyaati dhabxan, fal muuriyaati qadxan, fal mughiiraati subxan, fa atharna bihi naqcan, fa wasatna bihi jamcan............"
this swift description of sound, motion and action is a Allah's way throughout the Quraan to get our attention, or
" Dhaar"
as we say in Somali, in which Allah SWT swears by his creatures or their actions as in this case, similar to
" Falaa uqsimu bi mawaaqicin nujuum, wa innahu la qasamun low taclamuuna cadhiim "
, however what startled me was that this
" Weerarka arooryeed"
was done in the way of Allah SWT in Jihad, a form of struggle that was triggered by a
, because once the
were set, the horses were set in
, followed by the sound of fast breathing Arabian horses, their hoofs raising sparks of fire and a dust behind their tails behind the background of the twilight of dusk, all for a purpose.


Now many earthly years pass by in a state of oblivion, and all in a sudden, you find yourself once more standing naked in front of your maker in the day of judgment, you show up again just like how you were created in the first place, naked, scared, helpless, and humbled.


Now imagine yourself hearing these words of wisdom:
" Man is indeed unthankful to his lord"
, meaning, ungrateful person
( Calooshii la cayaar)
who only counts misfortunes, but never appreciates goodness granted, nor thanks his Maker for it. Being ungrateful all your life, you have never felt that you owe Allah anything that you have, because in arrogance you've felt that you did it all alone without Allah's help, and as a result, all of what you came to believe that all that you have earned was rightfully yours alone, never recognizing that all along Allah was making all your successes possible, by prodding you to succeed and providing you with an intricate health maintenance system, a calculating mind, sheer
" coincidences or are they?"
and guardian angels to look after your safety up until the moment of truth fast approached, enemy horsemen keen to take away your unworthy life with a swift piercing sword right through your heart,


Your nature of ungratefulness over the years had triggered many actions that worked contrary to Allah's commandments, because the underlying motives behind your actions were an insatiable love for wealth, power and prestige, contempt for those less fortunate than you are. After close examination of your life, you also recognize that you are a key witness over yourself of how precious you've over valued your material possessions that blinded you from your eventual confrontation with your Lord.
Oh NO!


Enter the opening ceremonies of the day of judgment when graves will split open, releasing their subdued captives and their accompanying manifests of their past deeds , stern angles examine you files to prepare for your hearing in front of an impartial judge, no matter how many evil deeds that you have concealed, your Lord , that day, ( Like any other day) is well aware of your motives and deeds for a just verdict that will rest your case forever, in happiness or in agony. Luckily, that is all in the future, and the present is in your hands, so take my advice, change your ways, before you are chained!.






2004 eNuri Nomadic Dawa Service

Powered By Quraan and Sunnah

What a beautiful piece!

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^^^Couldnt say more.. Jazakhallah Kheir Brother Nur.

Originally posted by Nur:



I have some more ideas on this great Surah, and some thoughts on the EXIT and ENTRY Verses: Mukhraja Sidqin, Mudkhala Sidqin!



Visit again please



looking forward to your upcoming article.


Fii amanillah


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InshaAllah ukhti, I will soon share my insights about Surah Al Caadiyaat as well as the terms Mudkhala Sidqin wa Mukhraja Sidqin.




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Masha-Allah to the brilliance of my brother Sh. Nur!! What brought tears to my eyes was the sudden, fast approaching calamity that could beset on us in our state of obliviousness as most of us are carried by the glitters of this passing world. Thank you for the reminder, brother. You really woke me up to something that I urgently need to work on, inshallah.


May Allah grant your parents Janatul Firdowsa, aamiin!

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Amin, Akhi Allah u Baahne


We all need a wake up call from time to time.



Note to Nomads: eNuri is temporarily unjustifiably preoccupied with worldly concerns, I guess in these difficult days, being busy can also be a blessing! alhamdulillah




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Reminding you all and my poor self, the wisdom of this great Surah, let us all think about our eventual meeting with Allah, our complacency, love of wealth and pleasure, ungratefulness of blessings we have, and non ending complaint of how bad things are, shockingly, our dreams can end as swift as the versus describe.



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