The SSC Predicament!

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As promised, I am about to share my thoughts on the SSC quandary and attempt to sell my vision to any wavering supporters of that movement. Alas, I am not sure of how to begin. Should I do it in the style of an average WardheerNews contributor and hit you with some popular historical quote such as:


“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,[72] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” (From Wiki).

Or should I google some Somali poetry that may just hit the right spot? I am not really sure how to begin but begin I must. So here we go.


The above quote is an extract from the American declaration of independence. It does not really relate to Somalis much but because it talks about universal rights, the pursuit of happiness and other general stuff, I would be truly surprised if most readers did not find something to meet with their approval in those words. I mischievously chose to put it there (with the sarcastic nod at Wardheer News) because I can just picture a supporter of SL reading those words and happily nodding to himself and saying “wale wa anagii iyo afweyne” or an SSC fan reading them and thinking “the Queen’s orphans are trying to imitate her great grandfather”. It may even be the case that a reader from Mogadishu would also read those words and sigh to himself about the lack of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Indeed, I expect all to agree with the part about self evident truths and, frankly, I did not have to use the American declaration of independence to argue this point. I could just as easily have used any of the various advices of random Somali mothers that go along the lines of “Shaqaysoo, cibadiiso iyo dadka amaan sii”. It is the point of life after all.

So, let us wade into the deep end and talk directly about SSC. What are our brothers and sisters in that movement want? Is it not freedom, equality, development and a brighter future? How do they hope to achieve all of that though? I mean any casual follower of Somali politics would tell you that they have fallen out with the Imam, are vehemently opposed to SL and, though the majority of the people are with the SSC movement, there still remains a significant number who see their future with SL or PL.


To start a fight is the easy part. To win it may be harder but is still an achievable goal. Right now, SSC are at this stage of a people’s development. They have had enough, they want to be in charge of their own affairs and they want to repel those they perceive as invaders (and collaborators) from their land. All these are sentiments that I have no problem with and actually respect (despite being on the receiving end). But, from my position in the argument, I don’t believe them to be enough for me to lose hope yet.


SL, as many of its fervent supporters would nostalgically attest, has gone through a similar struggle. Where the SSC have Saado Cali singing them patriotic songs and playing the Vera Lynn role, SL too had their own memorable entertainers and songs. Yet, once the struggle was over, the songs and the entertainers were forgotten (save for the occasional mention when looking back at history). I would be surprised if many people under the age of thirty in today’s Somaliland would remember the lyrics to “f***sh wey tegeysaa..” or any of the other songs the triumphant supporters of the SNM used to sing. Likewise, I doubt many of Ms Cali’s songs will survive beyond the struggle itself. Similarly, the SNM itself disbanded once the initial goal was achieved and what took place next is there for all to see. This begs the question of what is going to happen with the SSC once their initial goal is achieved too?



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Today, they are calling for Somali unity, which, I assume, is to say that they plan to wait for Somalia to sort itself out and then join it. However, what do they mean to do in the meantime? Sit about between SL and PL without any sign of improvement or progress? Declare their own “Mamul Goboleeyd” yet depend on those two entities (or Ethiopia) for their essential supplies? And how does the Somali unity idea work out when the clowns to the left of them and the jokers to the right both don’t recognise the TFG?


The other day, sixteen ambassadors from different countries of the world visited Somaliland. A few weeks ago, the British Minister for International Development was strolling about in the streets of Hargeisa. Late last year, the president of SL was received with full state honours in both Djibouti and Addis. In spite of all of that, recognition may not be gained any time soon (but gained it will). However, the practical recognition that exists and the avalanche of economic, political and administrative support that SL is receiving right now is bound to have a positive effect on the lives of its residents.


The declaration of independence at the start of this thread spoke about the pursuit of happiness. In my case and yours, this might involve a promotion, a new job, the purchase of a house, car or even the latest iPhone. It may involve us worrying about our children’s future and trying to enroll them in the best schools, colleges or universities. In short, it may mean that we are content with life and suffer from no great need. But what would the pursuit of happiness entail when looking at it through the eyes of a resident of Burco or Buuhoodle? And what is the difference between the two (other than the obvious clan angle)?


Now let us be clear that the progress in SL will still continue with or without the SSC, it is after all the nature of the beast and the fact that the capital receiving all these dignitaries is Hargeisa and not LA. However, the progress and development will be even better with the inclusion of the SSC group. It means that the state will be free of unrest or conflict and can concentrate on making the lives of all its citizens better than what they are now.


The SSC, of course, has many choices. It could wage all out war on SL and speed up the conclusion of this conflict (by winning or losing). It could rejoin PL and trust its fate to the unpredictable whims of the lovable Imam or it could keep things as they are today with lots of songs and hit-and-run attacks. The first choice will get them out of their predicament one way or another. The second choice is feasible but requires stronger stomachs and resolute minds (the Imam has that effect on people). The third choice (the one we are in now) is the worst of the lot for it is a pointless distraction that will keep the SSC people singing, fighting and seething with anger without any final results. Furthermore, the longer it goes on the less the early fervour will become and brighter minds will start to question the entire point, aim and goals of the struggle (worse still, internal cracks may start to appear). At the same time, SL (for that should be the main policy of Siilanyo) is likely to plough on and pour whatever international aid it receives into improving infrastructure, creating jobs and enriching the lives of people (especially those that are already in favour of SL or any that fallout with the SSC leadership). This is pure and simple politics and, because of the pursuit of happiness argument, it is also a tried and tested method; people the world over, want direction and a way to make their lives better. Yes, like the Egyptians, Libyans, Tunisians and even the SNM, they will demonstrate, revolt and come out to the streets in wild demonstrations but, at the end of it all, they will still want to see tangible results that add to the quality of their lives and improve their lot. The SSC leadership has to have a plan that goes beyond “SL ma rabno” or “Farole’s fara galin”. Having read the NSUM communiqués and followed the SSC’s declarations (not to mention the Garad’s various statements) I fail to see the actual existence of such a plan.


Southern Somali has been cursed with leaders that cannot see beyond the ends of their own noses and an Islamic movement hell bent on war. The leaders have eternally been getting caught on pointless arguments and distractions or chasing short term goals and the Islamic movement insanely believes that everything could be achieved through the barrel of the gun. There are no signs that either side will see the light soon or even change their ways.


PL too has been cursed with a mad mullah who insists on ruling with an iron fist and, as his actions through this wretched presidency of his have shown, is bound to bring the state to its knees with his endless and volatile fumbling.


Once the dust settles on the SSC uprising and the calmer, forward looking minds begin to view the wreckage that is Somalia, whilst also noticing the progress that is taking place in SL and the increasing number of international states (and bodies) that are falling over themselves to aid it, I am sure sanity will prevail and our brethren from the SSC regions will happily rejoin the republic (unless Mudane Madaxweyne adeero Siilaanyo xafidahuallah goes and does something totally foolish, and with him being Somali, I would not discount that too).


Anigu wan hadlay. Bal wax sheega.

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^^^The SSC movement and their war against the secessionist have been more than effective if they made you spew all that nonsense.

Somaliland will not be recognized by anyone and this clan war is big problem.

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All that effort. Pursuit of happiness, rights, political questions, what are they fighting for? what will they achieve when will it stop?


Waar ignore all that. CLAN IS EVERYTHING :D

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^^ You two can have a conversation with each other. This thread is aimed at the people concerned (and Che) whom I've been in discussion with for the past few days. :D

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NGONGE;697871 wrote:
^^ You two can have a conversation with each other. This thread is aimed at the people concerned (and Che) whom I've been in discussion with for the past few days.

I am concerned. Its a clan war first and foremost. Politics has been attached. Pointless war (for both sides).

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:D :D @ Ngonge's attempt of selling secessionism to the SSC


and here I taught that you could sell rice to the Chinese - but you ended buying more rice from them :D


There are three things that you need to consider in your selling of separatism (that is what you are selling - is it not?) to the SSC folks.

  1. They have rejected separatism out right
  2. The allure of your mantra - clan is everything
  3. The lack of what they see as an equal political participation

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^^^NGOONGE the first condition for any talks is that Siilanyu must do all he can to stop the targeted burning of properties owned by SSC civilians in Hargaysa. No one will buy your ludicrous secessionist arguments while there is clan cleansing taking place in Cayn & Hargaysa.

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Ngonge: Maxa ka galey what they will do once they achieve what they set out to do?? :confused: Don’t you believe they are smart enough or like SL people after SNM ended could formulate their own policy (it may well be after all this they go to Puntiland, SL or both) but the idea is they want to get there on their own. Why must people babysit them and guide them (particularly as they don't want help or guidance) let them go and check the four walls, in the end they know they can’t survive alone (no one can) and will need to join someone or another or arrive at the same conclusion as yours.


With all that said I think the current SSC situation (though everyone wants to build it up and use it for its own agenda (SL & SSC) is nothing more than the usual yearly fights of reer miyi over shortage of resources, with the rain failing, lack of water and grazing land, that area will always result in clashes in dry season. It seriously needs some sort of plan for the nomads during the dry seasons so that families are not forced into these situations. I know people like to claim the lines are clear cut, but those sub clans have lived together so long and so in each other’s business that its really nephews killing their uncles and uncles killing the nephews.; in time the families would've sorted this out amongst the reer miyi, I don't see why a new problem over resources which involves the sub sub sub clan of the jeclo people has become part of the old SL vs SSC. The idea of building situations up so that they look bigger and more deadly is really counterproductive and just increases the fear mongering among the communities.


Ngonge if SL and Silanyo had any sense they would’ve left the reer badiyes and SSC alones and concentrated their little resources on developing other areas, soon enough LA and the rest of SSC would’ve been crying why are we not getting anything and we need development and progress too and that would’ve been their hook. SSC is useless to Puntiland if Somaliland has no interest in SSC, in which case SSC would’ve tried to make themselves relevant to one or the other or try make up their own thing. Either way this situation would not have risen, why and how SCC become such big part and importance to SL and PL? At this moment SL does not seem to understand the simple equation of the more people talk about SSC, the less people talk about SL, and I don’t see how or why SL focused so much energy time, effort, money and other resources on people who don’t want them or appreciate their interference. Let SSC be the big elephant in the room, seen and ignored, why is SL determined to be defined by SSC?. More than anyone else SL should understand force and bullying does not work, after all that is why they left Somalia.


As for SSC leaders and elders, they can’t have both feet in different place, if they picked a side instead of trying to eat from both sides or flip flopping depending on where the money is then their protests would’ve been understandable laakin haad their credibility is pants and all we do know is that they stand with whoever is paying that months cheque. SSC people need to stop following these fools.

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Sayid*Somal;697877 wrote:
:D @ Ngonge's attempt of selling secessionism to the SSC


and here I taught that you could sell rice to the Chinese - but you ended buying more rice from them


There are three things that you need to consider in your selling of separatism (that is what you are selling - is it not?) to the SSC folks.

  1. They have rejected separatism out right
  2. The allure of your mantra - clan is everything

The lack of what they see as an equal political participation

What is said or done in anger does not matter (I already asked for a plan of action above).

It indeed is and they have proved it by being with PL one day and against them the next. We just need to make it meet their clan interest.

Perceptions can be changed.



Adigu dont' worry yourself about this until your Imam activly joins the conflict. For if not, your opinion does not matter here at all. :D



Maxa kaa galay aa? Like the much missed Xaragow, they are my fellow citizens silly. Wax fahan.

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NG: Adeer spare us the nonsense, the clans of SSC are my kin, they are my countrymen and they are part of Puntland. Thus what a few Habro's want and the delusional, desperate writings of one Siilanyu nephew does not mean much.


My opinion matters more than the nephew and supporter of the SNM commander torching the lands of Cayn and supporting his Burco kinsmen expansionist agenda.


Try again, you wrote a great deal out of anger. The fact still remains your “army” is unable to defeat a single sub clan of

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The rejection of separatism was not done in fit of anger - but is a matter of principle for majority of these folks . However, the fall out with the Imaam was in fit of anger of his feet dragging antics and following the same previous policy of Cadde (even though his is as dark as charcoal); that the SSC folks put their house in order before they can expect help from their cousins (apparently the cousins are afraid of another stab in the back). Hence some see the SSC as an outlet for putting the house in order.

As for your mantra - if its premise is sound - then their clan interest would always be with PL

As for perceptions - it only can be changed by physical manifestation of the opposite of what was perceived before .



So use your logic man and naga daa this stuff and nonsense of only words on a screen :P:D

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With all that said I think the current SSC situation (though everyone wants to build it up and use it for its own agenda (SL & SSC) is nothing more than the usual yearly fights of reer miyi over shortage of resources, with the rain failing, lack of water and grazing land, that area will always result in clashes in dry season. It seriously needs some sort of plan for the nomads during the dry seasons so that families are not forced into these situations. I know people like to claim the lines are clear cut, but those sub clans have lived together so long and so in each other’s business that its really nephews killing their uncles and uncles killing the nephews.; in time the families would've sorted this out amongst the reer miyi, I don't see why a new problem over resources which involves the sub sub sub clan of the jeclo people has become part of the old SL vs SSC. The idea of building situations up so that they look bigger and more deadly is really counterproductive and just increases the fear mongering among the communities.

Indeed. This war wasn't about politics. It was about barkado la isku qabsaday back in Nov/Dec 2010. That is the way ordinary people back home see it first and foremost. Internet foot soldiers baa ka dhigay an anti SL war.

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Sayid, dee you're just explaining what I've already addressed in my first post and explained later. Wax sheeg ninyaho.


Duke, rise above it saaxib and talk sense. At the moment you are a mere bystander and therefore your input makes no difference either way. When your Imam activly joins the dispute I promise to be the first to seek your opinion. Haye dheh.

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