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Hargeisa Wadaad Torture

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From what I understand, the authenticity of this specific tape is in doubt. But the fact that the Shaykh has been imprisoned and tortured is without a question.


Lacnatullahi calaa those who tortured him, those who signed off on it, those who knew about it and did nothing, and those who defend the torturers due to a tribal or reigional bias.

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Kashafa and Ummul Kheir


This clip is all over the place, all Somaly sites, if its true, it would be shocking indeed, to me specially, as I cant reconcile between my impression and this picture, I visited Hargeisa last year and the mental picture I got was that of a very decent place, good people, and even the Friday Khutbah that I have heard was a shining example of freedom of speech that may not even be safe in Hyde Park. Unless the country detriorated that bad in a year, its unimaginable of all places.


Does anyone know the Sheikh in person? is that person the Shiekh? if not where is he now?

Did the Somaliland Govt. clarify the issue ?




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The Union of Islamic courts heard about the sheikh been tortured in hargeisa and they've decided to go jihaad to those who tortured the sheikh in hargeisa.



Islamic courts Union widely supported by the majority of Somalis



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I was in hargeisa a month ago and it was fine and peaceful. As a matter of fact it was more peaceful then any western country i have been to including Great Britain and North America, therefore this information does not make sence and there must be alterior motives for this comment.

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The clip looks very fake and manufactured. The so-called torturers seem to be kicking the floor and punching the air rather than their victim. However, what really thickens the plot is the fact that the victim is who he is alleged to be. If that were true, why would he participate in such a fake video? Moreover, why would such a video (if real) see the light of day?


Very strange indeed!

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Fake. The guys seemed to be beating the floor more then he was beating the guy.


Was in the city about a month ago,our jeep had tinted windows and when we would pass the numerous security checkpoints along the berbera-hergaisa road,

the guards would ask us to lower the windows, and jokingly ask if my uncle was hiding the islamist in there.


Who knows, this could be someones idea of a joke.

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Ok, we get it, it looks fake. But is anyone disputing the fact that the Shaykh was tortured by the "Security Services" of Riyaale's Admin ?

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Cadaaladii meeday?????????????????



Wararkii ugu danbeeyey


Somaliweyn - Nairobi -Kenya 05/10/06


Xog hoose oo taabanaysa Xaalka Shiikh Maxamed oo kuxiran Xabsiga Magaalada Hargaysa iyo Shiikha oo larabo in Ethopia loo gacan galiyo



Waxaa mudoo yinkii udanbeeyey Saxaafada Gudaha Somaaliya iyo Saxaafada Dibada ee aduunkaba is ka soo daba noqnoqonaayey Cajalad Video ah oo ku saab san Shiikh Somaaliyeed oo lagu magacaabo Sh.Maxamed Sh.Ismaaciil oo lagu jirdilaayo Xabsiga Magaalada Hargaysa si naxariista kafog isagoona Shiikha Allaha garabkiisa galee Koronta lagu dhajinaayo waa sida cajalka ka muuqataye.




Sh.Maxamed Sh.Ismaaciil Ayaa waxa uu umuuqday markuu ka jawaabayey Su’aalo laweydiinayey nin ku kalsoon Alle weyne Hadalkiisana kusalaynaya Quraanka kariinka isagoona aayado soo daliilsanayey,Shiikha ayaa Waxaa markii sii hore lagu soo xiray Amar kasoo baxay dawlada Federaalka Ethopia maamulka Somaliland Sidii lagu yaqiinayba iyada oo fulinaysa Amarka Xukuumada Ethopia Xabsiga ayey utaxaabtay Shiikh Maxamed Shiikh Ismaaciil.



Wararka ka imanaya Somaliland Gaar ahaan caasimada Quruxda badan ee Hargaysa ayaa Sheegaya in guddi ka kooban culuma'udiin iyo masuuliyin ka tirsan wasaarada garsoorka ee Somaliland ay shalay gelinkii dame Abaarihii 10:45 ku soo booqdeen Sheekh Maxamed Ismacil xabsiga uu ku sugan yahay ee magaalada Hargeysa.


Wararku waxaa ay intaa ku darayaan in sheekh Maxamed uu diiday inuu ka jawaabo Su'aal guddigan waydiiday oo la xiriirtay in cajlada jirdilka ah ee lagu baahiyay qaar ka mid ah Internetyada Somalida ay xaqiiq tahay iyo inkale.


waxaase Sheekhu ku adkaystay inuu ka jawaabayo su'aashas kadib marka uu la kulmo qareenkisa Garyaqaan Maxamed Siciid Xirsi oo loo diiday hada in uu la kulmo Shiikha ayaa haatan waxa lamodaa in uu udhaxeeyo Laba Digsi oo gubanaaya oo hadii uu cajalka Rumeeyana wax kasii darin waxii horay loogula kacay ayaa lagayabaa in lagula kaco ,hadii uu Beeniyana Waxaa adkaanaysa xaalkiisa xabsiga isagoona kusii nagaan doono.



Warar Hosaad lagu kalsoon yahay oo kasoo baxaaya xarunta Somaliland ee Hargaysa ayaa Sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin uu Qadka Teleefonka kula soo xariiray Masuul katirsan dawlada wadanka Ethopia gaar ahaan Qaybta Ladagaalanka waxa loogu Yeero Argagixisada Masuulkaas ayaa Madaxweyne Rayaale kacodsaday in uu kusoo wareejiyo Shiikha Maxamed arinkaas ayaa Madaxweyne Rayaale kabiya diiday Balse ugu danbayn tii yeelay Sida wararka qeexayaan.



Wararka Hargaysa kasoo Baxaaya ayaa intaas waxa ay kusii darayaan in Madaxweyne Rayaale uu Sheegay in aan Si deg deg ah iyo si fudud toona aana lagu gudbin Karin Shiikha waayo Ayuu yiri Madaxweynuhu hadii ay arinkaan Shacabku Maqlaan Qatar weyn ayaa ka imaan karta, Balse Masuulkii katirsanaa dawlada Ethopia ayaa Madaxweynaha usheegay in loo baahan yahay in sida ugu Dhaw loo soo gudbiyo Shiikh Maxamed Shiikh Ismaaciil.


Arinkaan ayaa lagayabaa in ay suura gal noqoto oo Shiikhaan Muslimka ah loo gacan galiyo Dawlada Ethopia ,Horay waxaa maamulka Somaliland ay u Gacan galiyeen dawlada Ethopia Rag Wadaado ah oo tiradoodu gaarayso 28 kuwaas oo aan ilaa iyo haatan meel lagu sheegin iyadoona la sheegayo in qaarkood ay Dhinteen kadib markii Koronto lagu qabtay halka qaarkalena ay Gubteen oo naftu dirqi uga baxday markii laami kar karsan lagu riday wadaadaas ayaa dhammaantood kasoo jeeday Gobolada Kilinka Shanaad ee Ethopia Gumaysato.



Arinkaan Shiikha lagula kacay waxa uu cadeynayaa in Ay Hargaysa Tahay meesha lagu Jirdilo Culumada Muslimka ah iyadoo argagixiso lagu Tilmaamayo Sidoo kale Madaxda Usaraysa Somaliland ayaa waxa ay umuqdaan kuwo Raali Galinta Alle weyne kadoorbiday raali galinta Ethopia iyo Maraykan Madaxdu miyey hilmaameen Awoodi alle weyne (Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar) Guud ahaa Shacabka Somaliland Gaar ahaan Culumaa’udiinka ayaa waxaa lagudboon in sida ugu Dhaqso badan ay Xoriyadiisi Dib ugu Soo cesheen Shiikhaas sida xun loola dhaqmay iyo hadiiba ay jiraan Culumo kale oo ayana aan la ogayn Balse xabsiga Hargaysa lagu qalanaayo.



Gabi ahaan Dadka Muslimiinta ah ee ku kala nool Dunida dacaladeeda ayaa waxa ay aad ula wadayaabeen in dawlad iyo dad Muslim ah oo Sooma Salaadana ay nin wadaad Si naxariista kafog ujirdilaan Korontana ku dhajiyaan iyagoo raali galinaaya Gaalo, Culumaa udiinka Muslimiinta ah ayaa waxa ay kacodsadeen Madaxda Somaliland in ay Allahood usoo laabtaan kana tawbadkenaan falalka noocaas ah kuwaas oo keeni karaaya in Masiibo ka dhacdo Gobolada Somaliland.


Shacabka Somaliland yeysan isku qaldin Diinta iyo qadiyada Somaliland Diinta islaamku waa diin Muqadis ah hadaa raacdana waad ku libanaysaa,Qof kasto oo reer Somaliland yuu san eegin cadawga Somaliland sida uu ugu farxaayo Arinkaan ee ha eego Carada ka imaanka karta Dhanka Alle weyne, Qofkasta oo reer Somaliland ahow Dib udhigo arimihii qadiyadaada marakan isku hawl sidii loo sii dayn lahaa Shikhaas Muslimka ah ee Gaalada loo gacan galin rabo habayn kastana Sida uu san Alle raalida ka ahayn loola Dhaqmaayo.


Jamaal maxamuud Axmed shuuriye

Kenya Nairobi

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We need experts in Torture to say if indeed the two torturers administration of torture are real, they are wearing special shoes that trigger a high voltage spike for a short time on a circuit that is around the Sheikh, ( Leexada as they say or swing ) they even seem to be avoiding contact with him by hitting the floor and immediately clearing the way, could it be a trigger device on the floor?


From what I read, the Sheikh is talking with confidence, his answers dont seem rehearsed, he even smiles defiantly and supports his arguments with verse of Quraan, which makes one of the torturers angry threatening the Sheikh not to smile while trying to extract infromation teh Sheikh does not have, also accusing him to belong to the Ethiopian banned Ittihad group.


Its buzzling



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look people, wither the tape is fake or not ius very easy to proof. Simply bring guy out of jail and let everyone see that he is not the person on the tape for I doubt the man could come out of jail unnoticed and make some fake video. The other issue of what is being done to the man on the video not being toture, is another arguement. For this seconf arguement, we have have to keep in mind that this only the little bit of evidence that escaped the NSS of somaliland. furthermore, for a place basing is entire bid for secession on the basis that its citizens were totured by the late president of Somalia, no amoutn of torture is acceptible.

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From what I read, the Sheikh is talking with confidence, his answers dont seem rehearsed, he even smiles defiantly and supports his arguments with verse of Quraan, which makes one of the torturers angry threatening the Sheikh not to smile while trying to extract infromation teh Sheikh does not have, also accusing him to belong to the Ethiopian banned Ittihad group

My exact thoughts. There's an air of Sakina around him when he's answering their questions. He answers them directly and defiantly, and even starts questioning their reasoning


Cameraman: Ha Qoslin baa ku iri


Muslim Brother, smiling defiantly: Maxaa oo qosli waayay


Another exchange,


Raspy-voiced Coward: Sheeg, waaraa, sheeg (grabs his hair and slaps him)


Muslim Brother: Aniga deenta ilaahay ka laxeen maayo meeshee marayso


The only thing I'm not sure about is a) the identity of the brother, he might not be Shaykh Ismaciil, looks a little bit younger than a "Shaykh" b) the actual torture, and Nur's idea(electrially spiked shoes and ground) might explain that.


Another point:


The Cameraman says: "Laaxada aan ku saaraynaa hadaa iminka noo oronwaaydo"


What's a Laaxada ? Some sorta torture device ?

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