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General Duke

Puntland is Deeply Concerned About Somaliland’s Growing Ties to Al Shabaab [Press Release]

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Somalia: Puntland is Deeply Concerned About Somaliland’s Growing Ties to Al Shabaab [Press Release]

1 Jan 1, 2011 - 11:42:45 AM




PRESS RELEASE (Puntland State of Somalia)

1 January 2011


The Somaliland Administration has repeatedly issued hostile public statements regarding Puntland’s efforts to ensure its own security. We want to clarify that Puntland Government security forces have duties to defend the State by fighting terrorists, pirates, human traffickers and all forms of organized crime. Puntland government forces are obligated to ensure internal security and stability. Therefore, it is a big surprise that the Somaliland Administration sees this security effort as a threat.


It is noteworthy to mention that the Puntland Government has conducted a number of anti-piracy operations to free vessels carrying goods for Somaliland, and Puntland security forces incurred casualties during these operations. The series of public statements made by Somaliland officials in Hargeisa, culminating with the chairman of KULMIYE ruling party’s BBC interview on 30 Dec 2010, once again underlines the incitement, the beating of war drums, and the speaking of minerals in language that is identical to Al Shabaab spokesman Mohamed Said Atom, that Somaliland still provides a safe haven and is organizing support for the fleeing remnants of Al Shabaab terrorist group, which was recently defeated in Galgala hills area (Al Medo mountain range).


Puntland is always ready to help Somalia, to maintain good neighborly relations, to promote cooperation, and is not an enemy to anyone. Furthermore, Puntland is busy advancing grassroots reconciliation among all Somalis, as Puntland has already brought together Islamic scholars, Somali women’s conference, and most recently, the 18th Somali National Football Tournament that was held for the first time since 1987 (23 years) and concluded in Garowe on 31 December 2010. The Puntland Government is committed to improving its own security to ensure social and economic development, which is a precondition to creating an environment that permits Somali and foreign investment. Puntland encourages and indeed supports any Somali region that does the same.


It is Somaliland that attacked regions and people that do not support its separatism policy and is currently in those regions by aggression. Likewise, Somaliland is currently engaged in organizing conflict based on rebel militia culture and reviving remnants of Al Shabaab terrorist group who fled to safe havens in western part of Sanaag region. We suggest to the Somaliland Administration to concentrate on its own internal challenges and to value good neighborly relations, rather than beating war drums and creating illusions.


We call upon the international community to carefully note Somaliland’s baseless allegations and militant aggression. Once again, we emphasize that Puntland Government security forces stand for and are an integral component of the Horn of Africa regional security paradigm.


Finally, Puntland is always ready to resolve all Somali disputes and crises through peace and dialogue.


Source: Puntland Government

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Puntland oo ka Welwelsan Xiriirka Somaliland iyo Al Shabaab


January 1, 2011 | 54 comments7



Wasiirkuxigeenka Amniga Puntland Cabdijamaal Cismaan Maxamed ayaa saxaafadda u akhriyey warsaxaafadeedka waxaana uu u dhignaa sidan:-




Waayahaan waxaa si isdaba joog ah uga soo yeerayay Maamulka Somaliland hadalo aan munaasab ahayn oo ku aadan wax ka sheega Dowladda Puntland iyo adkaynta amaankeeda. Marka hore waxaan rabnaa inaan cid walba u cadayno in ciidamada Dowladda Puntland ay yihiin kuwo ay kula dagaalamayso Argagaxisada, Burcad-badeeda, Tahriibta iyo cid kasta oo ku howlan dambiyada abaabulan, kuna adkaynayso amnigeeda iyo xasiloonida gudaha, waxaana la yaab in ay Somaliland arrintaasi khatar u aragto.


Waxaa xusid mudan in ugu yaraan dhowr jeer ay Dowladda Puntland fulisay ayna ciidamo uga dhinteen howlgalo Burcad-badeeda ka dhan ah oo lagu badbaadiyay gadiid iyo badeecad u raran Somaliland. Waxaa kale oo wararka isdaba joogga ah ee Saraakiisha Hargaysa ka soo yeerayay, uuna ugu danbeeyey waraysigii uu BBC-da siiyay Gudoomiyaha xisbiga talada haya ee KULMIYE 30 Dec 2010, ee kicinta, tumida durbaan-colaadeedka, iyo ka hadalka macdantu ayna kala mid yihiin afhayeenkii kooxda Al Shabaab ee Maxamad Siciid Atam ay hoosta ka xariiqayso sida ay weli gabaad iyo abaabul u siinayaan haragii kooxda Al Shabaab ee dhowaan lagu jabiyay Buuraleyda Galgala.


Puntland waxay diyaar u tahay Soomaalinimo, deris-wanaag, iyo wax-wada-qabsi cidnana cadow iyo duulaan kuma aha. Waxay kaloo Puntland ku howlan tahay isu-keenid ku salaysan dib-u-heshiisiinta qeybaha kala gedisan ee Bulshada Soomaaliyeed, sidii ay isugu keentay shirweynihii Culumaa’udiinka, Shirkii Haweenka Soomaaliyeed iyo Ciyaarihii 18aad ee Gobollada Soomaaliyeed oo markii ugu horaysay lagu qabtay Garowe tan iyo 1987kii. Dowladda Puntland waxay ku howlan tahay adkeynta amnigeeda si loo xaqiijiyo hor’umarka dadka iyo dalka loona abuuro jawi saamaxaya maalgelin sokeeye iyo mid shisheeye. Cid kasta oo Soomaali ah oo sidaa oo kale samaysa kama xumin oo waanu taageeraynaa.


Waa Somaliland midda dal iyo dad aysan lahayn ku soo duushay oo gardarro ku joogta, waana Somaliland midda hadda ku howlan abaabul-colaadeed jabhadaysan iyo dib-u-nooleyn haraagii kooxda Al Shabaab ee u fakaday buuraleyda galbeed ee Gobolka Sanaag. Waxaan kula talin lahayn Maamulka Somaliland inay durbaan-coladeedka ay garaacayaan iyo malahooda been-awaalka ah ku bedelaan horumarinta dadkooda iyo degaankooda, tixnagaliyaan deris-wanaaga.


Waxaan Beesha Caalamka ka codsanaynaa inay si taxadar leh ula socdaan xaalad-abuurka beenta ah ee ka soo yeeraya Maamulka Somaliland. Waxaanu mar kale ku celinaynaa in ciidamada Dowladda Puntland ay u taagan yihiin qaybna ka yihiin sugida amniga guud ee mandaqada Geeska Afrika.


Ugu danbayn, Puntland waxay mar kasta diyaar u tahay in khilaaf kasta oo Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah lagu xaliyo nabad iyo wada-hadal.



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SL oo lagu eedeeyey xiriir Al Shabaab

1 Jan 1, 2011 - 11:36:37 AM




NB: War saxafadeedkaan waxaa u akhriyay saxaafada gudaha iyo caalamiga ah Wasiir xigeenka Amniga ee Dowladda Puntland, Md. Cumar-Jamal Cisman Maxamad




WAR-SAXAFADEED (Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya)

1 Janaayo 2011


Puntland oo ka Welwelsan Xiriirka Somaliland iyo Al Shabaab


Waayahaan waxaa si isdaba joog ah uga soo yeerayay Maamulka Somaliland hadalo aan munaasab ahayn oo ku aadan wax ka sheega Dowladda Puntland iyo adkaynta amaankeeda. Marka hore waxaan rabnaa inaan cid walba u cadayno in ciidamada Dowladda Puntland ay yihiin kuwo ay kula dagaalamayso Argagaxisada, Burcad-badeeda, Tahriibta iyo cid kasta oo ku howlan dambiyada abaabulan, kuna adkaynayso amnigeeda iyo xasiloonida gudaha, waxaana la yaab in ay Somaliland arrintaasi khatar u aragto.


Waxaa xusid mudan in ugu yaraan dhowr jeer ay Dowladda Puntland fulisay ayna ciidamo uga dhinteen howlgalo Burcad-badeeda ka dhan ah oo lagu badbaadiyay gadiid iyo badeecad u raran Somaliland. Waxaa kale oo wararka isdaba joogga ah ee Saraakiisha Hargaysa ka soo yeerayay, uuna ugu danbeeyey waraysigii uu BBC-da siiyay Gudoomiyaha xisbiga talada haya ee KULMIYE 30 Dec 2010, ee kicinta, tumida durbaan-colaadeedka, iyo ka hadalka macdantu ayna kala mid yihiin afhayeenkii kooxda Al Shabaab ee Maxamad Siciid Atam ay hoosta ka xariiqayso sida ay weli gabaad iyo abaabul u siinayaan haragii kooxda Al Shabaab ee dhowaan lagu jabiyay Buuraleyda Galgala.


Puntland waxay diyaar u tahay Soomaalinimo, deris-wanaag, iyo wax-wada-qabsi cidnana cadow iyo duulaan kuma aha. Waxay kaloo Puntland ku howlan tahay isu-keenid ku salaysan dib-u-heshiisiinta qeybaha kala gedisan ee Bulshada Soomaaliyeed, sidii ay isugu keentay shirweynihii Culumaa’udiinka, Shirkii Haweenka Soomaaliyeed iyo Ciyaarihii 18aad ee Gobollada Soomaaliyeed oo markii ugu horaysay lagu qabtay Garowe tan iyo 1987kii. Dowladda Puntland waxay ku howlan tahay adkeynta amnigeeda si loo xaqiijiyo hor’umarka dadka iyo dalka loona abuuro jawi saamaxaya maalgelin sokeeye iyo mid shisheeye. Cid kasta oo Soomaali ah oo sidaa oo kale samaysa kama xumin oo waanu taageeraynaa.


Waa Somaliland midda dal iyo dad aysan lahayn ku soo duushay oo gardarro ku joogta, waana Somaliland midda hadda ku howlan abaabul-colaadeed jabhadaysan iyo dib-u-nooleyn haraagii kooxda Al Shabaab ee u fakaday buuraleyda galbeed ee Gobolka Sanaag. Waxaan kula talin lahayn Maamulka Somaliland inay durbaan-coladeedka ay garaacayaan iyo malahooda been-awaalka ah ku bedelaan horumarinta dadkooda iyo degaankooda, tixnagaliyaan deris-wanaaga.


Waxaan Beesha Caalamka ka codsanaynaa inay si taxadar leh ula socdaan xaalad-abuurka beenta ah ee ka soo yeeraya Maamulka Somaliland. Waxaanu mar kale ku celinaynaa in ciidamada Dowladda Puntland ay u taagan yihiin qaybna ka yihiin sugida amniga guud ee mandaqada Geeska Afrika.


Ugu danbayn, Puntland waxay mar kasta diyaar u tahay in khilaaf kasta oo Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah lagu xaliyo nabad iyo wada-hadal.


Xigasho: Dowladda Puntland

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Heh. So much for ignoring things, Duke. Imam Farole finally spoke. :D

Does this mean you are now going to discuss the news?

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NGOONGE, we are deeply concerned with the ties that the secessionist ahve with Al Shabaab which is led by Godane & Afghani two Hargaysa residents. The defeat of Attam and the intel it has provided the state has uncovered many things.


Yes I am willing to discuss this important news and your view point is most welcome.

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General Duke;685127 wrote:
NGOONGE, we are deeply concerned with the ties that the secessionist ahve with Al Shabaab which is led by Godane & Afghani two Hargaysa residents. The defeat of Attam and the intel it has provided the state has uncovered many things.


Yes I am willing to discuss this important news and your view point is most welcome.

Dee badwonimada joojiya oo wax naga barta hadaba. You need a "smoking gun", saaxib. Farole should capture a couple of IDPs and accuse them of being ATOM (SL) workers who confessed (willingly of course) that he is in bed with SL and that there is a link with Al Shabab. Or at least stop a passanger plane on its way to SL and claim that some of the passangers are Al Shabab operatives who were on their way to SL. :D


The stuff above is what the infamous Dr Osman (Lugle, etc) comes up with, siyaasad maaha adeer.

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Not sure why you are so upset at this news. The secessionists have wrongly precived that their interest is with a continued mayhem in Southern Somalia and thus their support for Al Shabaab is quite logical.

Who needs a smoking gun, we have the likes of Gaboose and others in the cabinet of old Siilanyu.


Anyhow, you are sounding like the plane catchers adeer, come again.

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General Duke;685136 wrote:
Not sure why you are so upset at this news. The secessionists have wrongly precived that their interest is with a continued mayhem in Southern Somalia and thus their support for Al Shabaab is quite logical.

Who needs a smoking gun, we have the likes of Gaboose and others in the cabinet of old Siilanyu.


Anyhow, you are sounding like the plane catchers adeer, come again.

The "plane catchers" played a blinder, adeer. They put the spotlight on PL's abuse of the weapons ban and had a UN monitoring group to check out the uniforms and what not (how handy was that, eh?). Now Farole (after the football tournment did not help to distract attention) has resorted to bring out his bogey man (Atom). But even that is not a good move. Nassir is about to start praising SL again. Wax fahan. :D

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NGOONGE, adeer Siilanyu is the Roy Hodgson of Somali politics, only his devoted fans [kin] think he is perorming well. What we have is a major debacle, the security council have done what?, Washington response has been? and you pissed of the organisers of this project.


On the other hand, the clear link between Al Shabaab [enemy no 1], led by two SNM thugs in Godane & Afghani is troubling.


Now again keep singing, the Mugged one looks even more isolated, he has no funds, no support and the Navy training is continuing in Puntland as scheduled.


Now come again, how is Roy doing in Hargaysa?

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I'm loving the fact that now Imam Farole gave the green light, you're all starting to sing. :D

President Siilaanyo is doing quite well. He won a democratic election only for Imam Farole to follow suit and start a process to follow the same blueprint. He showed his willingness to reconcile the warring Somalis only for Imam Farole to follow the same plan and talke about reconciliation in Garowe. He suggested that the SL coast guard needs international assistance only for Imam Farole to follow through and make a deal with a dodgy private company. War Imamkan Siilaanyo daba tukanaya salaada ka khaldan dee. :D

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NGOONGE, like your Uncle Roy of the Rovers you are rattled. now his great achievement is he “won” an election?

Adeer, the fact remains that this was the funniest episode of secessionist fear and loathing on display since 1988.


Now odner they stoop so low as to support Godane and their other boys in South Somalia?


You are afraid, and Roy is looking dumb founded in Villa Morgan..


Also you know you ahd to release the plane & cargo and it was not the UN;)

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