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Al shabaab oo su'aalo weydiinaya nin Reer baadiye video

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Run ahaantii many people in Somalia are like this and so many more have learned the faith only when they left Somalia. We did have dugsi (Madarasa) back home and most of them, specially outside of the cities, where suufi based. Laakiin before the war broke up in Muqdisho, things where changing and we witnessed more and more schools who thought people the right way of reading the Qur'aan (tajweed) and Hadith. We learned the fiq and how to prey the right way.


Watching this Video makes me really angery runtii. Al-shabaab have so many young people in their control because of the lack of faith in the region. They will simply brain wash a man like this one and get him to blow him self up for the sake of god. Nin 5ta axkaam ka dhigay shanta salaad maa su'aali karo Al-shabaab? lol.... Walaahi we have a long way to go and watching this video just crushed so much hope that I had. Al-shabaab will be here for a long time....




Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Cilmi yari waxan bey dhashaa. Since when diinta become a tool for bullying and interrogating the masaakiin? The man behind the camera failed to understand one of the most basic hadith of the prophet; islam is for naseexa and waano for all. And who appointed them to question people's salaat, sadaqo or sowm?


When people are under duress and imminent threat of death as this poor farmer was, they act strange and speak all sorts of things. But this guy kept together and answered the questions, even got some of them right. I don't understand what compelled the guy to say shahaadadaan kuu qabanaa afterwards but was asking to say the shahaada few short seconds ago? Just shows the level of jaahilnimadiisa himself. The whole video was just a waste of time expect in the end the farmer made sense when he told him the country has gone through brutal civil war and no educational system or institution is available to people like him. He said who is to teach quran iyo dugsi when people don't have security and food. Without nabad iyo nolol, no learning is possible. These monkeys couldn't figure that one out and yet kept humiliating and theatening the man's life. The farmer deserves better.

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Ismahaan imika hadda la joogo amey suufidu toosan tahay adheerey


Bro Allahu a3lam laakiin suufidu Qur'Aan ma yaqanaan. Al-shababna waa masiiba kale oo Alle Soomaalida u soo diray, diinta khalad baay ka fahmeen waxaabad ka garanaysaa saay miskiim kaan ula dhaqmayaan. May ALLAH (swt) guide us all to truth and keep us on the straight path. Amen.

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Islam is Naseehah, but you can't give Naseehah to pray Maghreb 3 rakacat, the solution would be, to bring the man to a Dugsi and tell the Macalin to teach him End of instead of filming it and putting it on Youtube. His voice pisses me off, a skinny geezer who thinks he's all high and powerfull

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May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah...Allah s.w quraankiisa ayuu ku sheegay jahliga reer baadiyaha iyo kufriga ay jaahilnimada darteed ugu dhacaan...May Allah s.w bless us with the patience and the wisdom to seek knowledge and learn for the sake of Allah s.w Insha Allah.



Yaa yiri waa Al Shabab ninka wareeysanaya? Allah ka cabsada oo waxaadan hubin haku dambaabina.









Peace, Love & Unity.

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Peace Action;685667 wrote:


Noonu sadex attixiyaat gartay, (ragcaddii ugu damaysay baad la kulantay attixiyaat , markaas labo rakco 2nd attixiyad then last rakco and 3rd atixiyat) laakiin affar macquul ma'aha.

Akhii, about the affar attaxayaat, let me explain, you said ragcadii ugu dambeysey baad la kulantey(third rakcah in this case), hadaad dhihi laheyd rakcadii labaad baad la kulantey not in the rukuuc but in the sujuud stage or its attaxayaat stage(if you did that, halkaas hal attaxayaat ayaad ku qabtaa, laakin wax rakcoo kuu xisaabsan ma jirto waayo rukuucdii ma aadan la haleelin ee sujuudii iyo attaxayaadkii ayaad ka haleeshay salaada), then count one attaxayaat there, then the imaam went on to finish the third rakcah, which had one attaxayaat, Sxbkey Peace Action halkaa wuxuu ku qabaa laba attaxayaat iyo hal rakco(the final one), salaadii laga bax, kor baad u soo kacdey to have your duty finnished, second rakcah ayaad tukatey, attayaxaadkeedina ku sugayo, halkaa saddex attaxayaad ayaad ku qabtaa iyo laba rakco, waad socotey to do the final stage of your salad maghrib, rakcadii saddexaad ayaad dhameesay iyo attaxayaadkeedi, halkaa waxaa kuugu idlaadey afar attaxayaad, I hope inaad ila socoto smileys.gif



Marka odeygaan reer miyiga ah ee la wareestey wax khalad ah ma uusan sheegin ee salaadii maghrib uu tukadey meeshuu ka soo gaarey ayuu xisaabiyey how many rakco ay aheyd taas oo total isku noqtey afar rakcadood, sidii buuna u warramey ninkan.

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^^^^hahahahahaha waraa wiligaa adiga serious goormaa laguu qaadanaa? inama caadi ma tihid walaahi...

nuune, ninka markii la'lahadlaayo sida uu "nacam" u dhahaayo maka heshay looool classic walaahi...Aqyaar camal uu wax ugaga jawaabay oo hal been ah xitaa ma sheegin kawaran....



Bob, sxb other videos like this one ayaa jira by Al-shabaab nooh!




Wareer Badanaa!!!

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I don't like to take part in arguments about different sectors of diinta lakiin I can't stand the theory that Wahabisim brought Islam to Somalida." @ Tuujiye many people knew how to pray and read the Quran long before qixii ee talk for your self. Tajweedka kama fadli badna codadka kalee quraanka lagu akhriyo...there are different qira'aa styles and imitating a certain voice doesn't make you more religious.


@ Ismahaan abaayo subac iyo quraan la xifdiyo suufiyada unbaa laga soo gaadhay. These new wadaado cajalada unbeeyba ka dhageysan jireen quraan. I guess we have our indvidual biases lakiin aniga quraan sufiyada unbaan ku arkay.

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^^ qofyahee why you getting so personal? lool I never said Wahabisism brought Islam to somalia and I never said anything negative about suufi style of teaching.

buufis aa ku haaye yarta...


lool dadka aan dugsiga quraanka lasoo dhigtay intee ku jiraan qaarkood mid suufi iyo nooc kale ahba.. Qiraa'ada dhoor nooc ee kula baxdaana oo ma aha midaan kiliya aad ku maqashay cajaladaha wadaadada Egypt iyo sucuudiga ee waxaan jiraan dhoor nooc oo kale. Kuligoodna waa wada sax.


Somali wahabi maba aheen wiligood mana eesan joogin umadaas before. Mise waxaad is dhaheysaa dadka Tajweejka wax ku aqriya kuligood waa wada wahabi? lool


Ismalura, dhooreyahee the wrong guy aa heysaa.. Tuujiye xer xitaa wuu lasoo digriye oo dugsi quraan nooc kastena waan soo dhigtay..kun iyo labo boqol oo jeerna intee "duubo" i dhaheen, washamsi waa la igu soo aqriyi.


The truth is, back in the days somalideena diinta waxaan u heysanay dhaqan ahaan oo badankeen micnaheeda asal ahaan ma aanan aqoon. Umad waxaan nahay ilaahey aad u jecel iyo diintooda maasha allah laakiin quraan la xifdinaayo laakiin micnihiina la aqoon waxba noo ma tari jirin.


seef labood cusub aa tahay maasha allah and you will fit in this place just fine... Nice to meet you abaayo...





Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Ciyaalka xaafada aka Tuujiska, gabadha ka qalee, tani hadda aan arkay iney Canada nala joogto ee u qalee....

marka kale, marka aad meesha waabsiga ula imaatay oo dhaheysid "dugsi quraan nooc kastena waan soo dhigtay" (if you do nt have christian friends, you know have suufi friends and if not suufi budhism), waabsi mabanidaa.....sounds more like you shopping for shaati at, how many school of thought aa taqaanaa, marka kale, dadka aa la hadleysid xataa waxa ay wahabbism tahay ma ya qaanaan, ee tani canadianka eh dhaaf....or atleast aniga ii daa...

ps: HAPPY belated 4032@ISLAMIRA..... or was it 2011?

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Posted by Nuune

Marka odeygaan reer miyiga ah ee la wareestey wax khalad ah ma uusan sheegin ee salaadii maghrib uu tukadey meeshuu ka soo gaarey ayuu xisaabiyey how many rakco ay aheyd taas oo total isku noqtey afar rakcadood, sidii buuna u warramey ninkan.


Waa gartay. Afar atixyaad waa arkay inay macquul tahay, laakiin afar rakco sax ma'aha, waayo rakcadda labaab uu lakulmay uma tirsana, marka salaatul maqrib waa saddex rakco, agreed.

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@ Tuujiye waan ku dayay hadaad xer racday :). Kuwa meshan oohoo muslin kale ma jiro nagu dilay baan ku modayay.


Ps: You have a bad memory ee aniga ma ku cusbi seef laboodnimada iyo SOL midana. I have been around for a while and we have met on other threads.


@ Lazy G just shut up and go read some more of the foreign ideologies that have brainwashed you in to what you are. What do you know (or care) about qira'a adiga? When you say 4032 are you being ignorant and annoying or just annoying?


I wish you a happy new year (Only because you are a Canadian).

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Layzie, 4032? Islamic year maa ka wadaa? :D:D:D

Isma maxaa kugu direy yaaqo?


About the video:

Ninka reer baadiyaha ah waxuu u egyahay inuu cabsanaayo in la dilo aqoon daradiisa awgeed markuu jawaabaayo. Laakiinse waa nin karti leh, oo wuu u jawaabey intuu jawaabi karo si daacad ah.

Kan video-ha qaadaayo ayaa u baahan inuu dugsi aado dhaqso, like Jacpher said asagaa aqoon darro diiniyeed haysaa.

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