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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland president to visit China for possible oil deal agreement

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Somaliland: President to visit China with largest government delegation


HARGEISA (SomalilandPress)–Somaliland president Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo is expected to pay an official visit to China early next year, at the invitation of Chinese Government. It was earlier in the year when a 14-member delegation from the People’s Republic of China made on official visit to the Republic of Somaliland to study the economic and investment climate earlier in the year. The delegation which consists of some of China’s leading investors, government officials and members of China’s leading media-houses arrived in the capital Hargeisa.


Mr. Qi told local press at the time that they were delighted with their trip to Somaliland and expressed their desire to invest in number of places in the country. They praised the people of Somaliland for their warm hospitality and for their achievements without international help.


The state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) attempted to acquire an interest in Somaliland potential oil reserves. The Chinese state oil giant, CNOOC, has already won permission to search for oil in part of Somalia, – coming to an agreement in 2007 with Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the then head of the “Transitional Federal Government”, which demonstrates China’s willingness to brave Africa’s most volatile regions in its hunt for natural resources.” CNOOC’s deal with Somalia’s transitional federal government gave it exploration rights in the north Mudug region, some 500km north-east of Mogadishu.

China has now approached the government of Somaliland, where earlier surveys also show the possibility of significant oil reserves. It is a truth, overlooked at your peril, that China is steadily building its influence in Africa and the Indian Ocean.

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Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md Ahmed Mohamed Mahammoud Silanyo, ayaa la filayaa in uu booqasho rasmi ah ku tago dalka Shiinaha horaanta sanadka cusub ee fooda inagu soo haya.


Booqashada uu madaxweynuhu ugu kiciyimayo dalka China, ayaa ka danbaysay marti qaad rasmi ah oo uu ka helay madaxda dalka Shiinaha,ka dib markii wafti balaadhan oo ka kooban 14 xubnood oo ka socda dawladda Shiinuhu ay booqasho rasmi ah ku yimaadeen horaantii sanadkan aynu ku jirno caasimadda dalka ee Hargeisa, si ay sahamin ugu sameeyaan maalgalin dhaqaale oo dalka Shiinuhu uu ku sameeyo Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.


Mr. Qi, oo ka mid ahaa xubnaha waftiga Shiinaha ah ee dalka yimi xilligaa ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta maxaliga ah in ay aad uga mafsuudeen soo dhawayntii ay dawladda iyo shacabka JSL, ku qaabileen iyo daganaanshaha iyo xasiloonida ka jirta dalk, taas oo sababtay in dawladda Shiinuhu ay qorshaynayso in ay maalgalin dhinacyo badan leh ku samayso meelo badan oo ka mid ah Somaliland, waxaanay ku amaanay horumarka balaadhan ee ay Somaliland ku talaabsatay iyada oo aan beesha caalamka ka helin wac caawimo ah haba yaraatee.


Kambaniga weyn ee caanka ah ee ay maamusho dawladda Shiinuhu ee lagu magacaabo China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu aad u danaynayo sidii uu maalgalin sahamin ah ugu samayn lahaa baadhitaanka khayraadka saliida dabiiciga ah ee ku jirta dhulka Somland, iyada oo isla Kambanigani uu hore ula galay Dawladdihii ku meel gaadhka ahaa ee ka jiray Dalka Somalia siiba tii Cabdilaahi Yuusuf sanadkii 2007-dii, heshiisyo qaybo badan oo ka mid ah dalka Somaliya uu kaga baadhayo saliid siiba deegaano ka tirsan gobalka Mudug, oo Shan Boqol oo km dhinaca waqooyi bari ka xiga magaaladda Mogadishu.


Warkan oo aanu ka soo xiganay SomalilandGlobe, ayaa sheegay wakhti xaadirkan in ay dawladda Shiinaha ay u muuqatay suurta galnimadda hubaasha ah in dhulka JSL, uu hodan ku yahay khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee Saliida, taas oo soo dadajinaysa in uu dhakhso uga bilaabo sahamin iyo maalgalin degdeg ah, qorshayaashan oo qayb ka ah maalgalinta uu dalka Shiinuhu ka wado Qaaradda Afrika.

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LOOOOL, these little monkeys are panicking so they went to copy Puntland's move.


You can't dig what you DON'T have lol. Sadly only khatland sources are reporting this.

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Timur if they want to dig oil and give their people a better and bright future that is not a crime. However splitting the borders of somalia to suit your clan objective is a crime a territorial crime punishable by international courts or worse yet puntland jet fighters

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