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Abaal Laa'we - Salaan Carabay

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luquf - waa afka

looshana - kuma baxsanaa,


Look about this ya Xiin,


the skillful portrayal of weather and the landscape in one go, this is in Sayid's doomed expedition of the eastern front on his way to Boqor Cisman of east!


Sagal jiidan caad jilicsan iyo jarar hillaacaya

Onkod jow leh daad so jimraday jahada oo khiintay

Jowjowlihii xalay sidii jibin u guuxaayey!

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Originally posted by checkmate:

Luquf micnaheedu waxa u noqonayaa
Habeen gabal dhac, mar ay cadceedu idhaha kaa qabato, mar ay sheeko kula tagto


Luwokle Micnaheedu waa
Kirli ama weel loo isticmaalo in lagu weyseeysto ama lagu istijoowdo


Looshaan micnaheedu waa
Ergo, tabalcaaro, siisid,


Xiinoow Gacaliye, Improvement aad la'arag oo la maqal ma sameeyey mise ma sameenin.

^^LOOOOOOOOL. Waryee checkmate what are you on saaxiib :D . Looshana waa tabolcaaro kulahaa :D . You are way off the mark, saaxiib. tyr again ;) .


Sharmarkow thanks for the eloboration. I like these stuff especially when Sayid shows his poetic skills. It's a sheer talent--matchless.

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All that was a joke for a Sayid till uu yidhi:


Reer Hebel markaan maqallay maanku waa jeceleysto

Milmil reerka oo yaal dib u so majiiroo

Muxubbo ugu soo raray murcanyo iyo baargaal

matakhsoo ku dhaxay miiro iyo garloogube

manqo iyo carruutii marsin waaya loo daa

maalintaan ka so raray masaaraan ku so furay

malafkiyo cagarkii mareerkii ma xaaalayn

malxaabadan ka soo raray mutahada danood imi

makhribkii marku dumay minka awrta saaroo

mugidigi habeenkii matutuul u soconoo

muruq daalis iyo rooris barqadii la maanshoo

maxmilkiyoo aan laga dhigin meerhiisa laga rogay

sengayaal majirraa maknkaan ka kiciyo

maraagga iyo caynkii murti loo adkeeyo

mashriq foolka saaroo markab sidii u rooroo

hawdkii muquurroo hadba maaraa dhaafnoo

masafada iyo socodkiyo milicda u bareernoo

madowgii guduudkii maad loogu dhimayooo

malkadii nugaaleed mudda badan u so dhaxay

mahlkadii jidka ahyad macbuud naga bariiyo

micidiyo dugaagii mowtulqafleh waa ka nabadoo

Baadi wayska maasho mooraduugse nama helin


carried on that way, and it was a long painful journey for the Sayid and his darwishes to the Boqor cisman kenadiid, which became fruitless and disastrous at the same time, but literary enriching.

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Sayid Maxamamed waxaa uu noosheegay markii uu noolaa ayaa taagan maanta. Following is a few lines of his Famous Dardaaran:

Doodna waxaan u leeyahay dadkeer hadalka deyn waayey

Nimanyahoow damiinimada waa lagu duloobaaye

Dadku wuxuu jeclaystaa waxaan duxi ka raacayne

Dagaalkii Nasaarada anaa daalib ku ahaaye

Dalka ma lihid anigaa ku idhi doora weynaha e

Daliilkii Rasuulkii anaa doonayoo rabaye (scw)

Anaa diiday maantuu lahaa deeqan iga hooye

Diinkayga anigaan ku gadan dabaqii naareede

Anaan labada ******* tan hore darajo moodaynin

Markay duushay gaaladu anaan daabbaddu rarine

Goortay dareeraan anaan diiradduu qabane

Anigaan dariiqiyo waddada dowga sii marine

Anaan doora-weynoo kufriga daacadnuu geline

Ferenjiga dirayska leh anaan diiradduu qabane??

Sida doxorka ****** anaan duud-xamaal noqone

Doofaarka eyga ah anaan daarihiis geline

Anigaan dilaalkiyo ardiga duubigoow xidhane

Anigaan dariiqada Alliyo diinta caasiyine

******* Ismaaciil ma oga dowga loo qodiye

Waa wixii durbaan tumay markaan dowga sii maraye

Waa wixii dayooy yidhi intuu soo dabaaldegaye

Dadow maqal dabuubtaan ku idhi ama dan haw yeelan

Ama dhaha darooryiba jiryaye doxorku yeelkiisa

Nin rageey dardaaran u tahaye doqoni waa mooge

Marka horre dabkuu idinka dhigi dumar sidiisiiye

Marka xigana daabaqada yuu idin dareensiine

Marka xiga dalkuu idinku odhan duunya dhaafsada e

Marka xiga dushuu idinka rari sida dameeraha e

Mar haddaan dushii Adari iyo Iimeey dacal dhaafay

Maxaad igaga digataan berruu siin lasoo degiye

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^^ Saddexleyda Sayidka... more from the Master himself.


Tabaalaha adduun baa ka badan, timaha xaadeede

Toogada dhibatee la qabo, tarabka weeyaane

Ragba towsta waa kula qabaa, taaha urugeede


Turgi xoogle adigoo ah bay, tahartu heedhaaye

Tayrshuhu mar buu reydabaa, taaggabtuu yahaye

Maruun baa tijaalkii lugtii, turunturrootaaye


Taysuhu mar buu kaa guraa, teelka canuunye

Tuurimada geel ah mar baad, tuludna weydaaye

Maruun baa tirsaaskii hunguri, tigin ku rooraaye


Lishaanka toogta ah mar baad, tumul la weydaaye

Tuuryadu mar bay kaa leexataa, taakaleel tahaye

Maruun baa tumaatiga warmuhu, turuqa seegaane


Geesigii tilmaanaa mar baa, fulay u tookhaaye

Nin tabiino kuu guri jiraa, kuu taltaal noqone

Nimaan adiga kugu toosin baa, kuu takhaashamiye

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Tabaalaha adduun baa ka badan, timaha xaadeede

Toogada dhibatee la qabo, tarabka weeyaane

Ragba towsta waa kula qabaa, taaha urugeede.


Very true indeed. Thanks much yaa Mutakalim!


This is truly a literary avalanche, and while we at it let me request if anyone has Ahmed Dirir’s famous poem…waxaa ka mid ahaa:


Nin ambaday halkaa uu aaday waa ula ekoonayde’e

Anigoo arkaayaan wadada eerigoo xulaye’e


Waxa oyda inan aabo loo ehel u muuqdaay’e..

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Here u go Xiin,


Usha dheer maantaan sitee, geelayaga ugubka soocaaye,

Ee Amaan, Idil, Ooman, iyo Olosho laameeye,

Arrin baa i dhaaftaye Aadanoow hadaan uumiyaha eego,



Awoowe, Ahmed Dirrir was innan-la-yaal. Not only he was living with his in-laws but he was also a camel-less if I can use the word. What that meant in the nomadic culture is that he was under the mercy of his in-laws. Whenever they move or whereevr they move to, he had to go with them for he couldn't afford to stay behind.


The legend has it that Ahmed Dirrir had twenty five she-camels when he asked his wife's hand from her uncle (she was an orphan). Her uncle demanded all the twenty five she-camels from Ahmed Dirrir's family. Ahmed paid the dowry thinking, as was the case with reer Buuhoodle's tradition that, half of the she-camels will be returned to him. This particular uncle kept the dowry to himself violating a well-understood and well-observed tradition. Therefore became innan-la-yaal. He stayed with his in-laws with the hope that they, for the sake of their daughter’s well being if nothing else, will return several she-camels or at least will give him a he-camel (awr) for his transportation needs.


Ahmed lamented in this famous and much quoted poem. This poem conveys a rare sympathy for women’s plight in nomadic culture. It is one of my fav poems. Speaking of his wife (an orphan) he coined a well known proverb. He seems to realize that women (living in nomadic existence) without a protector is a simply a toast. Had she had a caring and loving father she would probably have shed tears for his mercy lest he sympathize with her plight. The legend has it that Ahmed’s in-laws moved out without notice leaving Ahmed’s family behind. Referencing that particular incident he said:


Ileyn waxa ooya innan aabe leh oo ehel u muuqdaaye,

Arxan li’ida waa waxa cidlada loogu ood jaraye!


What makes this poem particularly interesting is Ahmed starts with above quoted lines depicting how keen and excited he was when he was selecting the best of his family’s beasts for the hand of his would-be wife adding that move was a major mistake for the family he wedded from were ignoble family (the nomadic standards). He says he was tricked by the good name of her family:


Abtirsiimihii bay hoday Aadan caraboow e,

Dadkaa uufaneyskaa hadaan arri-jir weydiisto,

Isla jog baraar iyo wan weyn ma arki waayeene,

Amarkii Ilaah iyo waqtigu waa wax kaa adage e,

Nin anbaday halkuu aaday wey ula ekooneede,

Annigoo arkaaya yaan waddada aydho-goo jadhaye.


The last three lines quoted by many literature-versed Somalis when giving in to qadar is a masterful stroke from Ahmed Dirrir’s part. His conviction in Divine predestination is a recurring theme in Somali poems – an indication of their unwavering faith in Allah’s wisdom in everyday event.


However Ahmed was rebuked by Adan Carab as well as his kinfolk by his use of dakaa uufaneyska ah a reference of several clans in the area!


Waryaa gabayga yaqaan oo dhamaystira fadlan! Any correction is welcomed. My source are from Waxa-la-Yiri cilmi dhegood.

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Many Thanks yaa Baashi. Very informative indeed.


Hopefully someone will provide the complete verses of this poem.


Baashow, though Ina Dirir shrouded his lamentation with these fascinating stanzas, Adan Arab, a peerless poet of his time, was anything but sympathetic to Dirir’s mournful cry.


Ninkii Ey rabbeeyaa fadaro aano waw yuhaye’e

Sheydaan ixsaan lagama helo eray xun mooyaane’e


To Adan, Ina Dirir was ungrateful and the poem was full of drivel. Adan Carab’s swift dismissal, however, was neither unusual nor unexpected. After all he gained fame with his flamboyant style.

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I will come back next time to add my few lines from the literature masters that we Somalis have been bestowed upon. But before that, is it true that Salaan Carrabay, Qamaan Bulxan, and Cali dhuux were causins(habar wadaag), whom all hailed from different sub clans at the same time?


thanks in Advance brothers.

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Can anyone rememember the poems of cismaan gun iyo baar'eeg? I heard there is famous one that he gave to cali dhuux and which realy impressed salaan, i heard that salaan after hearing ofthis said "haddii aan ogaan lahaa in uu cismaan kelmadahaasi kujiraan, toban qaalmood waakasiisan lahaa". He ended by saying that the poem was enough reply to the famous. one "


sideed maalmodd weeye intuu sahanku laanlaa.

waa lasoo siday xeedhyihii saabka lootolaye.

reer hebel sal fuduudaa wuxuu sugaayo muu dhawro?

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From Salaanow Gob samri wayday waa sediyo laayaane

Sedeedii cishanona waan intuu sahanku lalnaaye

Waa socsocdeen xeedhiyihii saabka loo tolay

Reer hebel sal fududuaa wuxuu sugaayo muu dhawro?


I cannot figure out who said percisely the comming lines, or, its the one u looking for ya Nabadshe, the old tribal gabay didn't have that much weight today, after all it destoryed our country hopelessly, but to enjoy the literature assimilation only quite dramatically interesting.... my guess! Dont you think so yaa nabad.


Reer hebel siduu beri ahaa lo dadqalatooye

Kafado daloola iyo midibaa daabka la hayaaye

Nafta dooji mooyee xarago laga dawaareeye

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I agree with u Sharmarke; I beleieve that the litrature part of poems carries more admiration except, when it ends up inciting tribal conflict. But remeber poets too used poems to ease tensions among rival clans. Remember the famaous poem by salaan i cant remember the line : but it was tittled : Tolow colka jooja.

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Salaan carabay was one of the best Somali poets of the 20th century I like His Gabay Gooshaash Iyo gabaygu marku Gabadha reer Buhoodle doonanayo eeh lugu odhanyo Waxad no keenta faraska abtiyasha ay leeyihin markasu cuqaasha reer abtigi gabay ka tirinaya goobta faraski bay so siiyeen halki ba inanti lugu siiyey. besides Salaan carabay was one of the few Golle Ka fuul Poets him salax malaydiray and raage ugaas were top 3 Gole ka fuul poets.

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