
Kowda Luulyo--Happy Independence Day

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Waa markii lixaad iyo sanadkii shanaad u dabaaldega xoriyadaan iyo qolkaan. Inkastoo kusoo aaday sanadkaan sanadkii ugu murugadda xumaa Soomaali haddii la yahay maadaama dalkeena gacanta u galay cadowgeena soo jiritaanka ahaa, laakiin wali ma iloowi karno muhiimka ay Kowda Luulyo noo leedahay.


Luulyo wacan oo wanaagsan.



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I can't say it this year. How can we mouth empty words of patriotism while the nation tears itself apart?

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Originally posted by Cara:

I can't say it this year. How can we mouth empty words of patriotism while the nation tears itself apart?

I like the way you put it but still...we wouldn't forget the significance of the day even if we're not as UNITED as we were when we first celebrated this great day!



Peace, Love & Unity.

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The seventh time Kowda Luulyo u dabaaldagooyo on inta. I know, I know xaalka dalkeena ku suganyahay, but that would never keep us at least acknowledging this historical day of ours. Never, regardless how some dimwits and stooges ka dhigeen dalkeena. We would not give up, as our forefathers did not indeed. They survived in 60 years of colonialization. Indeed, we can from this new Xabashi occupation. First fact they want us is to forget our history, starting from the struggles our forefathers did.


Happy Kowda Luulyo.








A very emotional and subdued Soomaali legends singing the full version of Soomaaliyeey Toosoo. It is very touching, ee marka fiirso.

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Soomaaliyeey toosoo

Toosoo isku tiirsadda ee

Hadba kiina taagdaranee

Taageera waligiinee


Idinkaa isku tooqaayoo

Idinkaa isku taamahayee

Aadamuhu tacliin barayoo

Wadankiisa taam yeelyoo


Arligiina taako ahoo

Sharcigaa isku kiin tolayoo

Luuqaddaa tuwaaxid ahoo

Kuma kala tegeysaanee


Tiro ariyo dhaxalaa

Sidiin laydin soo tubiyoo

Ninba toban la meel marayoo

Cadowgiina idiin taliyee



Tuldo geela oo dhacanbaad

Toogasho u bareeraan

Oo ma dhilkaa dhan ee tageybaan

Nina dhagax u tuuraynee


Qarankan hubkuu tumayoo

Toorayad dhaafaynee

Oon taar samaysan karayn

Uurkutaalo weynaayee


Hadba waxaan la taahaayoo

Toggaga ugu gayshaayoo

Nin dalkiisii cadow taaboo

U tol waayey baan ahayee


Hadba waxan la ooyaayoo

Ilmadu iiga qubataayoo

Iqtiyaar nin loo diidoo

La addoonsadaan ahayee


Soomaaliyeey toosoo

Toosoo isku tiirsada ee

Hadba kiina taag daranee

Taageera weligiinee

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Soomaaliya will rise once again, Eebba ha idmee, and images like these will not be unusual. Dey heybo markee madaxdaada leeyihiin maxee dalkeena iyo dadkeenana heybo la leeyihiin.








Dey laba walaalo isku soo noqday, seena ugu faraxsanyihiin isaragooda koowaad. Of course waa Marxuum Max'ed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal

iyo Marxuum C/llaahi Ciise Max'uud, Eebba ha u dambi dhaafee.

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MMA, ummmm, een, indhaheyga miyaa, mise qofka gadaal taagan on this pic waan aqaan? :D



No matter how torn our beloved country has been for the past 18 years, we can never ever forget our history, our independence, our halgameyaal, and etc...Although, our brothers and sisters are suffering back home, we can not let a day like Kowda Luulyo just pass by quietly!!!


Insha'allah one day Soomaali oo dhan way toosi, wayna isku tiirsan, keena taagdarana weynaan taageeri...Insha'allah...


peace-sign-clr.gif, 400_F_283435_euI5kYn5FCUwj2CdwF2L9wbth0A, AND Unity_logo.jpgFOR ALL SOOMAALI, INSHA'ALLAH, MEEL ALLA MEESHAY ADUUNKA KA JOOGAAN!

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Happy Independence Day to all Somalis.





Dey laba walaalo isku soo noqday, seena ugu faraxsanyihiin isaragooda koowaad. Of course waa Marxuum Max'ed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal

iyo Marxuum C/llaahi Ciise Max'uud, Eebba ha u dambi dhaafee. [/QB]

Waxaad ilawday AUN Maj Gen Maxamed Siyaad Barre , in the Middle. smile.gif

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@Insha'allah one day Soomaali oo dhan way toosi, wayna isku tiirsan, keena taagdarana weynaan taageeri...Insha'allah...




Happy Independence Day Somalia.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:



MMA, ummmm, een, indhaheyga miyaa, mise qofka gadaal taagan on this pic waan aqaan?



No matter how torn our beloved country has been for the past 18 years, we can never ever forget our history, our independence, our halgameyaal, and etc...Although, our brothers and sisters are suffering back home, we can not let a day like Kowda Luulyo just pass by quietly!!!


Insha'allah one day Soomaali oo dhan way toosi, wayna isku tiirsan, keena taagdarana weynaan taageeri...Insha'allah...

Marxuum Cigaal maa ka hadleysaa? Edna Aaden Ismaaciil looks quite elegant in the image, though.


Really, "qofkaas" ma taqaanaa? Yaa waayena, for he looks very familiar nooh. :D


Ar aamiin to your duco. Hopefully qaxarkaan iyo rafaadkaan iyo ibtiladaan iyo masiibadaan dhamaantood one day waa laga baxaa. We have hope and we will never give up this hope, Eebba hanoo garabgalee.


Happy Kowda Luulyo once again, Soomaaliyeey.


Never despair what is currently happening in our country to discourage you not to celebrate. Every and each nation on this earth had its challenges, some even more greater than what we had ever faced. Some faced extinction of their nationhood, their people, their overall heritage; some still are facing this greater challenge.

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Sanad guuro wacan dhammaantiinba, Ilaahay ha nooga dhigo maalin farxad iyo reereeyn mudan laguna gaaro nabad iyo baraare,


waxaan Soomaaliya Ilaahay uga baryeenaa inee ku soo nqooto heybadii sharaftii tixgalintii iyo magacii ay laheyed, dadkeeduna ay is fahmaan tanaazulna sameeyaan si loo helo nabad waarta, dowlad dadka u dan ah dunyadana u saaxiib ah


nacab, cuqdad, dagaal, wareer, qaxar iyo dhibaataba Ilaah ayaan ka baryeenaa inuu ka saaro Soomaaliya iyo dadkeeduba.


Kurbaa nagu habsatey Ilaahoow naga dulqaad

Dhibka nagu waabariisto mar kasta Ilaahoow naga qaad.


Ilaahay masaakiinta dagaalka iyo dhibka ku dhax jiro fudeed ha uga dhigo una sahlo maqaam wanaagsan

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Aamiin to all your ducooyink, Nuunoow.




Soomaaliya: It is not too late to save



July 1st: The Forefathers Kept Their Eyes on the Prize


oday, July 1, is Somalia Independence Day. It was at the stroke of midnight on July 1, 1960, when the Somali people established their state and hoisted their beautiful flag. Somali Republic was the name given to this nascent nation.


Every state worthy of its name should possess three fundamental nationhood features namely sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence. After that, legitimate states strive to achieve internal peace and pursue good governance, economic and social progress. These universal national objectives are work-in-progress for almost every country.


On July 1, 1960, the founding fathers of the Somali state secured the three prerequisite characteristics of statehood and recognition poured in from every corner of the world. Somali became a member of the United Nations and the new country took, literally and figuratively, its rightful place among community of nations. That is what our fathers achieved. Their hope was that the next generation would tackle the important work of nation building. Instead of rolling our sleeves and joining the global march for progress, we drifted to undo the hard-won independence of the founding fathers.


Fast forward to July 1, 2008 and it is obvious Somalia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence is not intact. For one thing, one-third of Somalia otherwise known as Somaliland declared its independence from the rest of Somalia. The de facto secession of Somaliland puts a huge question mark on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia. More importantly though, there are thousands upon thousands of Ethiopian troops and spies in every corner of Somalia. The mere presence of these forces, whether they were invited by the TFG or they invaded the country, flies in the face of the cardinal principles statehood.


Nations are sovereign because they have territorial integrity, in other words, the forces of other countries could NOT be in a sovereign country; consequently, states have political independence, that is, they are free to pursue their national-interests and manage their affairs as they see fit. In Somalia, foreigners such as the UN agencies or foreign embassies in Nairobi, Ethiopia and Eritrea are sadly more influential, when it comes to the political future of Somalia, then those who consider themselves as principal actors in the current Somalia drama.


The simple reason the sovereignty, national independence and territorial integrity of Somalia are compromised is that we, SOMALIS, squander the achievements that our founding fathers. These national heroes attained their epic success with less education and resources then are available to us; they also faced formidable odds.


Thanks to SYL and the Somali people who backed them, July 1, 1960, was day full of hope. The Somali people were literally one big happy family. To illustrate the maturity and forbearance of our people, let us revisit what had transpired the four fateful days between June 26, and July 1, 1960. On June 26, 1960, the Northern region of Somalia otherwise known as “British” Somaliland got its independence from Britain. Four days later, on July 1, 1960, the rest of Somalia known as “Italian” Somaliland attained their self-determination. That very July 1day, the two Somali regions - North and South - as they were known, reunited to form the Somali Republic.


Due to perhaps the euphoria of the independence, innocent mistake on the part of the founding fathers or sheer insensitivity of some politicians, the key political posts and the most important symbol of power of the new Republic were awarded to the South. By this we mean, the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic were elected / selected from the South and Mogadishu, which is in the South, become the capital of the nation. This apparent imbalance was not lost to some politicians from the North but they could not dare postpone the birth of the nation, the act of union and July 1 festivals.


The people of the North who enjoyed four days of independence and smelled the sweet scent of freedom wanted the creation of united, free Somali Republic. They expected their representatives not to indulge into politicking. The echoing mood of the masses - both in North and in the South as well as their instruction to the politicians was: keep your eyes on the prize – the creation of a united, independent, sovereign Somalia.


Today July 1, 2008, neither June 26 nor July 1 is commemorated in Somaliland. In fact, May 18 the day northern Somalia declared its independence from the rest of Somalia has changed these important dates in the history of Somalia. This sad reality, as well as the fact that there is fierce fighting, political assassinations and absence of progress are the reality of most Somalia is as a direct result of our uncompromising and dilapidated politics. We are in this political and military quagmire because we, SOMALIS, bickered among ourselves. We perpetuated injustices among ourselves. We maltreated each other. We abused the trust of our people.


Because of these self-inflicted mortal wounds, our body politic crumbled, our borders were infiltrated and everyone who had axe to grind with us or whosoever coveted after our resources saw a rare opportunity to exact revenge on us or to exploit our resources. The consequence is our current mournful July 1 Day.


The reigniting the glory of Somalia is possible. We only need to employ the same political outlook our founding fathers. They compromised. They kept their eyes on the prize. We can celebrate the next July 1st Day in jubilation - that is if we reconcile, if we compromise and if we realize that we are one family – in the truest sense of the term. There are not many countries on this planet whose citizens share the same religion, the same language and the same culture and a beautiful country as we do.


Let us keep our eyes on the prize. The recent Djibouti peace agreement seems to be the best chance we have. Let us give peace a chance. The key to sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence as well as progress is unity. A divided house cannot stand.


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