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Howto Setup Website/Blog in 5 mins

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This tutorial will show you how to install Wordpress, the very popular open source blog content management system, using Fantastico in cPanel. It is a very simple task thanks to Fantastico. In order to complete this tutorial you will need to be using a hosting provider that offers cPanel web based management software with Fantastico, i recommend siteground


1. register your domain name and sign up for hosting account.



2.Your hosting provider will send you information on your user name and password for logging in. Log in to Your Cpanel, You’ll probably access your Cpanel at

Then click Fantastico icon under Software/Service




3. Click Wordpress link on top left panel under Blogs section.




4. Choose new installation.




5. Decide upon the location of your blog - if you would like to have it as your site front page, leave the directory box blank, otherwise fill in the appropriate folder name. Next, fill in the administrator details and the e-mail account configuration then click the [install WordPress] button.




6. conform installation then Click the [Finish Installation] button if no errors are reported.


7. After completing the installation the final screen will load, providing you with the installation details. You will be able to e-mail the details to a specified address also in order to keep them for future reference.


8. Your website/blog is Live now, go to your domain url and login using admin username and password.




9. Done,start Posting Contents.



excuse the misspelling smile.gif

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