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Jowhar oo ay maxkamadaha la wareegen

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Maxakamdaha waxey qadeen dagaal oo aan cadi aheeyn, mid sidaas loo diyaargareeyey lama arkin ka dib dagaaladi ay soomaliay lagashay etobia.



..Jowhar waxayna wararku sheegayaan in dagaal labo afle ah ay saaka qaadeen maxkamadaha oo ay ka kala galeen dhinaca garoonka degmada iyo dhinaca soke, waxaana Macalin Xaashi oo ka mid ah saraakiisha sar sare ee maxkamadaha islaamigu uu sheegay in ay haatan ku sugan yihiin xerada Kongo isla markaana ay gudaha u sii galayaan degmada Jowhar... harardhere



..Maleeshiyada Maxkamadaha ayaa labada dhinaca Magaalada Weerar kaga soo qaaday,iyadoo dagaalkan uu ahaa mid muddo badan la diyaarinayay... midnimo



3 goobood oo dhinacyada magaalada iyo bartamaha magaalada Jowhar ayuu ka soconayaa dagaalka shabellenews


..iyagoo dhowr jiha ka soo galay dhinaca Jowhar sidaasna ugu suura gashay in ay gacanta ku dhigaan magaalada Jowhar..


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what makes the Islamic Courts job easy is that they have the support of the residents,


I heard the news on the radio that residents in the Jowhar town celebtared the coming of the Maxaakiimta and were saying out loud "Allaahu Akbar".


Qanyare, Bootaan sneaked last night, there is other news telling the Islamic Courts are also heading to ceelbuur where Qanyare and Bootaan are at the moment.



other news:


Qaybdiid resigned from the Anti-Terror Group last night

Caato gave all his weapons to the Islamic Courts

Suudi, Raage and Finnish still using the clan protection card

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Last Updated Wed, June,14 2006,12:30 Pm--Mogadishu Somalia

Midowga Maxkamadaha oo xoog kula wareegay Magaalada Jowhar.



Jowhar 14 June. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Midowga Maxaakiimta islaamiga ayaa xoog kula wareegay gacan ku heynta magaalada Jowhar, ka dib markii ay jiireen Maleeshiyadii Max'ed Dheere oo ka tirsan isbaheysiga la dagaalanka argagixisada, ka dib Dagaal culus oo saakay ku dhex maray magaalada Jowhar , iyadoo xaaladda magaalada Jowhar ay tahay mid xasiloon iminka oo gacanta ugu jirto Maxkamadaha midoobay. iyadoo aan la maqleyn wax rasaas ah.


Dagaalkaan oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan ayaan la ogeyn ilaa iyo iminka qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee uu geeystay, iyadoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in baabuur dagaal ay miinooyin la kacday.


Dhaawacyo badan ayaa waxaa la geeyay isbitalka magaalada Jowhar, sida ay sheegeen saraakiisha isbitalkaasi,


Sidoo kale Midowga Maxaakiimta islaamiga ayaa la wareegay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Jowhar, iyadoo aan la garaneyn halkii ay cirib iyo jaandhigeen maleeshiyadii Max'ed Dheere oo firxadkooda la soo sheegayo in ay u baqooleen dhinaca degmada Mahadaay.


Magaalada Jowhar ayaa dhamaan gacan ku heynteeda waxaa la wareegay Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, iyadoo gurigii Martida ee magaalada Jowhar oo uu daganaa Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ay ku sugan yihiin Maleeshiyada Maxkamadaha, waxaana iminka xaaladu ay tahay mid dagan.


Dagaalkaan ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli Xalay magaalada Jowhar ay isaga baxeen xubno uu ka mid yahay Max'ed Qanyare, Bootaane Ciise, Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad iyo Ciise Cismaan. oo dhamaantood u baqoolay gobolada dhexe oo ay ka soo jeedaan.


Sawirada dagaalka la soco goor dhow


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco


Shabelle Media Network, Sh/dhexe





My congratulation goes to the ICU. May they hunt down Somalia's enemies and bring peace to our beloved nation.

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Caato gave all his weapons to the Islamic Courts


CAATO IS NOT IN isbaheysiga la dagaalanka argagixisada WAY IS HE GIVING HES WEAPONS A WAY

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Caato is a 'businessman' he made a deal with the new masters of Moqdisho. The move is on the Central regions now. This is the make or break time for the courts. Maybe its time for the revolutions in the other warlord fiefoms of Pland and Sland. smile.gif

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Don't count the TFG out man. The tribal fiefdoms are over and C/lahi yusuf is in trouble but don't take the guy lightly and don't underestimate the ICU.


I think that TFG and the ICU will make a deal now.

Its in both their interests to make a deal. And soon the term will en for the TFG so we will need a new government the ICU with its popular support can win the next elections.


TFG needs popular support and the ICU needs diplomatic recognition. They can help each other out if they can work their problems out.


There is a middle ground.


1. No foreign troops

2. No sharia state

3. Loyal to the Somali cause (stop this Ethiopian BS)

4. Abandoning this federal structure ( a new constitution).

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I dont thing somaliland and puntland have any thing to worry about, the courts are lead by intelligent people they know their limits and their strength, they didtn even rush to jowhar after balcad. But i would agree with you that baydhabo can become another jowhar as it is well within their reach .

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I am not saying it will be today or tommorowbut they willkeepmoving untill all Somali regions are under their control. and doing this wlltake many ways: fighting but also making deals. Pland and Sland will fall sooner or later

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Waa baa baryey bilicisan, arooryo baxsan, maalin boqoran.


Ilaahay haka dhigo jidkii Soomaali u horseedi lahaa nabad iyo nolol, ummadduna uga xoroobi lahayd qabyaaladda.

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Warlords Warlords Warloords watcha gonna Do when the Wadaads come for ya. :D


Yusuf Indho Cadde is on fire. Make M.Dheere the 5th warlord disabled by him, in a row.


I thought M.Dheere would put up some sort of a fight, wuxu intaa ku soo dhabarjabay ayaa sacaado lagaga dhiqaajiyey. Waxa Warloorka la yidhaa ileen waa xaabo.



I hear Indho Cadde's melitias are heading Westwards and are near Buur Hakabo near Baydhabo. Bal Col. Yey wuxu sameeyona aan aragno, ceebtoodiiba waa niman kitaab sita la dagaalame. :D

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^^^ :D This seems like a replay of Bosaaso of the early 1990s for the Oldman. Nightmares, damn never ending nightmares ;) . Let the hauntings begin.


PS: I don't think attacking Baydhaba is strategically advisable. An attack on Baydhaba may create a complex situation as far as I am concerned. Not worth the effort. Let Yey be.

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Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo( cayn oo) (calankeedu)

Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee


Xiddig yahay cadi waad na ciidamisee

Cadceeda sideed u caan noqoyee


Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo

Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee


Culays baan nahay oo ciriiraan ku jiree (ciriiri/cidhiidhi baan)

Cududeena wataa dib u soo noqotee


Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo

Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee



smile.gif Now lets pray for peace in Somalia

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there are news coming out that C/y has phoned meles Zewnawi in total 350 times since this morning, the news adds that meles zenewi has now switch all his phones :D



does anyone wanna guest what in a yey was asking mr zenawi :D:D:D




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