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General Duke

4000 TFG troops enter Mogadishu....Top comander in Mogadishu...

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Taliyaha Qeybta 1-aad ee xoogga dalka Col Siciid Dheere "Ciidamadii laga keenay Ballidoogle sugidda amaanka Muqdisho ayay ka qeyb qaadanayaan"


Col Siciid Maxamed Cali {Siciid Dhere}oo ah taliyaha qeybta 1-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka hadlay sababaha Muqdisho ay u yimaadeen ciidamaamdii tababarku ugu soo dhamaaday dhabaha diyaaradaha Balli doogle ee gobalka Shabeelaha hoose.


Col Siciid Maxamed Cali {Siciid Dhere}oo ah taliyaha qeybta 1-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka hadlay sababaha Muqdisho ay u yimaadeen ciidamaamdii tababarku ugu soo dhamaaday dhabaha diyaaradaha Balli doogle ee gobalka Shabeelaha hoose.



Col Dheere waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamadani ay waajibaad amaansugid ah ka fulin doonaan magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo gacan siinaya ciidamada Uganda ee dhawaan dalka Soomaaliya soo gaaray.


"Ciidamadii laga keenay Balli doogle sugidda amaanka Muqdisho ayay ka qeyb qaadanayaan" ayuu yiri Col Siciid Dheere oo sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay dhawaan bilaabi doonaan dhaq dhaqaaqyo aad u ballaaran oo lagu sugayo amniga magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta dalka Soomaaliya.


"Maalmo yar kaddib waxaanu gacanta ku dhigi doonaa guud ahaan amaanka magalada Mqudisho"ayuu yiri taliyaha qeybta 1-aad ee xoogga dalka Col Dheere oo sheegay in aanay jirin cid si gaar ah loo bartilmaameedsanayo laakin ujeedadu ay tahay in magaalada la xasiliyo.


Hdalka taliyaha ayaa yimid iyadoo saaka waabarigii ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo ka yimid Jubbada hoose ay qaarkood soo gareen Muqdisho,kuwaasoo iyaguna ka qeyb qadanaya howlgalka nabad sugidda ee magaalada Mqudisho dhawaanka bilaabmaya.



Xafiiska warqabadka shabakadda wararka ee Muqdisho.

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Let me share with you remarks by James Swan, the deputy Assistant Secretary.


Our response to this opportunity can and will be purposeful. As many of you know, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer, my boss, has made two trips to the Horn of Africa since January in support of our efforts to achieve lasting stability in Somalia.


If there is one lesson she took away from her trip it is this: the Somali people are ready for peace; they are tired of war. While the Transitional Federal Government and the Transitional Federal Institutions are not yet ready to stand entirely on their own, they offer a promising vehicle forward for Somalia. And the United States is committed to supporting that effort.


Somalia's Strategic Importance


First, let me outline U.S. interests in Somalia, which of course must drive our goals and policies for that country.


Somalia has been the world's clearest example of a failed state since 1991. This condition threatens our broader interest in regional stability in the Horn of Africa.


The country sits at the crossroads of sub-Saharan Africa and the Near East. The overall security of the region is affected by Somalia's continued lack of internal stability.


The Horn has historically been a fragile region in terms of environment, economic livelihoods and security. With the longest coastline in Africa, Somalia's lack of effective governance has contributed to offshore piracy. More broadly, its status as a failed state has undercut longer-term foreign policy interests including promotion of democracy and economic development.


Most dramatically, of course, Somalia's ungoverned spaces opened opportunities for terrorists who directly threatened U.S. persons and facilities. Al-Qaida East Africa members responsible for the August 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam found refuge in Somalia. So did individuals responsible for the bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya and an attempted missile attack on an Israeli airliner, both in 2002. As we will see later, the opportunities afforded terrorist-affiliated individuals increased significantly in Somalia during the period of the Islamic Courts' control.


In keeping with U.S. interests in the Horn, our goals in Somalia are to help Somalis secure their country, move forward with process of inclusive dialogue and reconciliation, and begin reconstruction.


If this sounds like a massive undertaking in what has been a failed state, it is. And at this point, it's fair to ask, how did Somalia get here?



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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The TFG brought the world of clan courts & warlords crashing down and this in the end will be the legacy it has given to the people of Mogadishu.

Duke, you have 2 years to work with and all you could come up with is pathetic strawman about the demise of the ICU. Who asked you about what the TFG is doing now thanks to Melez's militia? I specifically asked you to cite tangible TFG achievements since it's creation until the rise of the ICU. That's from 2004 until summer of 2006. Enough time, 2 years to be exact, for you to find positive achievements to show what the TFG can do on it's own without borrowed muscles. If as I suspect the reason for evading my poignant question is there's not much to mention, then pray tell why we should support this treasonous government for another 2 years. Last but not least, please refrain from the sentimental embellishments. Argue with facts and reason or don't argue at all.

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Gacmadhere oo ka hadley weerarkii xaley


12 Mar 12, 2007 - 6:24:32 AM

Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha dowladda FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Gacma Dheere ayaa weerarkii xalay lala beegsaday ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya ku tilmaamay mid ay ka danbeeyaan wax uu ku sheegay koox canaasiir ah oo ka tirsan Argagixisada ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.


"Dowladda qorshaheeda waa mida tababarka loo siiyay ciidamada faraha badan ee loo tababaray in ay ka takhalusaan kooxaha canaasiirta ee shacabka dhibaatada u geysanaya," ayuu yiri wasiirka arrimaha gudaha.


Mar uu ka hadlayey wasiirka ciidamada faraha badan ee ku sugan afarta dhinac ee Muqdisho laga soo galo ayuu sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay wax weyn ka qaban doonaan amni xumida ka jirta Muqdisho oo maalmihii u danbeeyay faraha ka sii baxayey.


Weeraradii xalay loo geystay ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa dowladda ee ku sugnaa wasaaraddii hore ee gaashaandhiga ayaa waxaa uu sababay dhimashada hal ruux iyo dhaawaca shan ruux.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,GO

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Socod, dont be so rightous saxib, two years was never enough to undo the problems of 16 years of civil war. Also the TFG was faced with armed groups and individuals who forgot what a nation was.


There was also no money in the bank, no single office of governemnt local or national functioning in the south. The TFG had to create a new army, and play the dark game of politics with an unfriendly international community led by greedy NGOs who make a great deal of money "helping" the Somali's from their base in Nairobi.


It is because of the support it has from its people and the merchurial tactics of the leadership as well as Allahs' help that has brought the TFG to power...


So saxib take a holistic approach and do not dwell on the hearsay of certain clan factions who played hardball and lost.

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