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Puntland's war against bandits.........

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Allidalaamale:-Dagaal u dhexeeya ciidamada Puntland iyo maleeshiyaad ka amar qaata wadaadka lagu magacaabo Maxamed Siciid Atom ayaa ka socda buuralayda barbar teedsan inta u dhaxaysa degaannada Laag iyo Karin oo u dhow magaalada Boosaaso.


Dagaalkan ayaa bilowday saaka hiirtii waabari markii ay maleeshiyaadka taabacsan Atam weerar ku qaadeen bar kontarool oo ku taalla Karin, halkaas oo ay joogeen ciidamo ka tirsan daraawiishta Puntland. Khasaare iskugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo dagaalkasi uu sababay ayaa la geeyey cusbitalka guud ee magaalada Boosaaso, maydadka saddex ka mid ah ciidamada Puntland ayaa xilli hore oo saaka ah la geeyey cusbitalka Bandar-qaasim ee Boosaaso, shan askari oo kale oo dhaawac ah ayaa sidoo kale cusbitalka la dhigay, khasaaraha dagaalkan ka soo gaadhay dhinaca kale ee Atam ayaan wali la garanayn.


Dagaalka ayaa ku sii fidaya buuralayda, waxana jiidaha laamiga kulaala ee saaka lagu diriray haatan gacanta si buuxda ugu haya ciidamada Puntland.


Magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta bari ayaa ah halka ugu dhow ee laga dareemayo daruurahaas colaadeed, waxana magaaladas maanta ay ciidamada ammaanku ku qabteen nin wadada dhinaceeada ku aasay nooca sheedda laGA hago ee miinooyinka, ninkaas ayaa ay ciidamada ammaanku su'aalo waydiinayaan.


Saraakiisha ciidamada ee magaalada Bosaso oo aan xidhiidho la samaynnay ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay iminka ka hadlaan xaaladda dagaalka u dhexeeya ciidamada Puntland iyo maleeshiyaadka Atam ee gacansaarka la leh ururka Alshabaab,waxeyna kaliya oo noo sheegan iney jiraan maxaabiis lasoo gaarsiiyay magaalada Bosaso, balse wey ka gaabsaden iney noo xaqiijiyaan tirada maxaabistaasi.


Toddobaadkii hore ayay ahayd markii madaxweynaha Puntland Dr /raxman Sh Maxamed Faroole uu sheegey in ay Puntland ku suganyihiin maleeshiyaad gacan saar la leh ururka Alshabaab, isla markaana ay Puntland la galayso dagaal.


Madaxweynaha Puntland oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ayaa sheegey in ay Puntland ku soo duuleen argagixiso caalami ah, isla markaana Puntland ay dagaalkaas guul ka gaadhay, madaxweynuhu waxa uu sheegey in ay dagaalkas ciidamada Puntland ku dileen 13 ka mid ah maleeshiyada Atam, isla markaana ay qabteen mid ka mid ah hoggaamiyeyaasha kooxdaas oo uu Madexweynuhu Magaciisa ku sheegay Jaamac Ismaacil Ducaale oo hada ka hor soo weeraray Magaalada Baargaal .


Dagaaladii Wali way socdaan Waxana Wali soda Ciidamada Puntland OO goobta Dagaalka lagusii Daabulayso.



Cumar Afguduud


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Adeerayaal marka hore waxa qabyaalad inaad ka dhigtaan ma aha. Aniga qabiilkeyga mooyee mid kale jiri maayo hadii aad tiraahdaan waxba kason maayo.


Raga ay qabyaalada ku aruurtey sida Thankful iyo Xudeydi. waa in ay howsha ka dejiyaan sidey tahay.


Thankful.. SPR dhexdhexxaad ayay ka noqotey waxa ka socda. Horseedmedia, sbc, allidamaale ma aha saxaafada puntland oo kaliya. Ee seef la bood nimada iyo caadifada iska daaya.


Magaca reerka markaad maqashid ayay dacar kugu kacdaa. Waan ogahay inay wax badan kaa ciideeyeen waagii reerku uu talinayay.. Waan arkaa sawirkii Majiyahana inuu xoogaa aad la sastey. Laakiin adeer is daji, isku meel ayaan ka duuleynaaye. :D

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SPR did get wrong the number of the soldiers died in the combat though, the government lost five soldiers. Two from the intelligence PIS, two regular soldiers and one from ciidamada Birmadka.


Atam has managed in the last two months two get foreigners into the area which has greatly worried the government. The flag of Al-shabab has been hoist and men from Pakistan, Black Africans and other foreign creatures have been brought to Galgala.


The war started after Atam dispatched fifty men and they launched their attack on a camp where soldiers where readying themselves for the combat.


They got chased after they launched a guerilla attack on the soldiers and some have been injured, their leaders captured or killed.


Then the war progressed on and Atam and his group run off into the mountains. They got heavily beaten as we speak now.


It's a matter of time before it is brought to an end.


But today they have been near conclusively beaten. They're on their last two feet, munition and men probably. It's a matter of time now.


Atam and his group got annihilated today.

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Somalia: Puntland troops kill 13 militants in armed clash.


Heavily armed security forces from Somalia's northern stable state of Puntland have clashed with militia loyal to a militant group near Bossaso, the region's commercial capital, Radio Garowe reports.


Reports said the militia attacked Puntland forces in Karin, some 40 km from Bossaso, leading to heavy exchange of gun fire.


Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole says the security forces killed 10 militant fighters and captured one of the commanders, appealing for the Puntland people to defend the state.


"We have repulsed them, captured and killed many of them. Jamaa Ismail Duale who is a well known militant, is among those we captured," he said.


"I am appealing to Puntland people that they should prepare to defend the state from the invaders," he continued.


He urged the word to help his government defeat the terrorist group, arguing that the militants are not ready for peace to prevail anywhere in the region.


"We are telling the international community and particularly the neighbouring that Puntland is under attack from both local and foreign Islamist militants," he warned.


The security forces have also mounted a large operations near Galgala mountain. It was the first time for Puntland's forces to go after the militant group in their hideout.


The Galgala militants are led by Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom, who is on the U.S. wanted list signed by President Obama.


Puntland have been warning of imminent dangers posed by people believed to have links with the radical militants fighting the UN-backed government in south central Somalia, according to government officials.


Puntland, located at the northeastern tip of Somalia with shores along the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, has been a stable region since the outbreak of the Somali civil war in 1991.



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Dagaal u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Puntland iyo maleeshiyo taageersan Alshabaab oo dagaal ku dhexmaray duleedka magaalada Boosaaso

Posted to the MOL July 26, 2010, 11:39 am


Dagaal xoogan ayaa saaka waaberigii ka bilaamay tuulada Karin oo qiyaastii 40km dhinaca koonfurta ka xigta Boosaaso. Dagaalkaan oo ay soo qaadeen maleeshiyo ku dhuumaalaysanaysay buuraha Galgala oo daacad u ah nin lagu magacaabo Sheekh Maxamed Saciid Atam oo ah wakiilka Alshabaab ee gobolka Bari ayaa waxaa uu gaystay qasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh.



Wali si dhaba looma oga qasaaraa dhabtaa oo ka dhashay dagaalkaas waxaase cisbitaalka Boosaaso la geeyay meydka 3 askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada Puntland iyo 5 ale oo dhaawac ah.



Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garowe oo uu kaga hadlay dagaalkaasi. Wuxuuna sheegay in dagaalkaasi uu dhexmaray ciidamada ammaanka Puntland iyo kooxo argagixiso ah oo Alshabaab ka soo dirtay koonfurta Somaliya. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa sheegay inay ciidamadu dileen 13 maleeshiyo ayna gacanta ku dhigeen tiro ka mid ah raggii duullaanka soo qaaday oo uu ku jiro nin magaciisa lagu sheegay Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale oo uu sheegay inuu hogaaminayay kooxdii weerarka ku qaaday tuulada Karin.Ninkaan la qabtay ayaa hadda ka hor weerar ku qaaday degmada Baargaal ee gobolka Bari isagoo wata dagaalyahanno ajaanib ah oo ay ka hortageen ciidamada Amniga ee Puntland illaa waagaasna ku dhuumaalaysanayay buuraha Galgala sida uu sheegay madaxweyne Faroole.



Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa ugu baaqay dadka reer Puntland inay si wadajira ula dagaalamaan kooxda Alshabaab ee weerarka ku soo qaaday. Wuxuu sheegay inay kooxdaasi dhibaatooyin badan ka wadaan koonfurta ay haatana doonayaan inay dagaalka Puntland u soo wareejiyaan oo qixiyaan dadka Puntland ee nabada ku nool. Wuxuu yiri waxay u socdaa inay idin qixiyaan oo xalaalaystaan hantidiina. Madaxweynaha ayaa intaas ku daray inaan loo kala hari doonin in Puntland laga safeeyo kooxda Alshabaab oo ku shaqaysa amaro dad Ajnabi ah u soo dhiibteen.



Dagaalka maanta ka dhacay tuulada Karin ayaa wararka ugu dambeeyay waxay sheegayaan inuu u durkay dhinaca buuraha Galgala oo ciidamada Puntland uga daba tageen firxadkii ciidamada Alshabaab. Waxaa kaloo magaalada Bosaaso lagu qabtay nin ka tirsan Alshabaab oo miino ku aasayay wadada dhinaceeda xili ay halkaas marayeen ciidamada Daraawiishta oo u socda jiida hore. Ninkaas ayaa loo kaxeeyay saldhiga booliiska halkaas oo lagu weydiinayo su’aalo la xiriira falkaan uu faraha kula jiray.

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I don't think any one of these reports is verifiable. Most news sites that Duke and Sakhar used are considered by majority of Somalis to be private sites for Puntland in promotion of a clan agenda. They carry no weight than those websites such as Dhahar, SPR radio, GalgalaNews, and LaasQoray.



But what is really true of these events is that the man is local, supported by his clan over the administration of their resources and peace. Someone with substantial authority in Bosaaso and environs. But that fact had seemed to challenge the authority of Puntland in its goal to monopolize voilence not through political legitimacy but through coercion, intimidation and outright lies about the intentions of its opposition.


Puntland has never been under attack. The people of Galgala of Bari region and by extension of Sanaag made significant contribution to the PL's competitive position and progress. They harbor no ill designs to commence hostility or destroy its fragile peace and infrastructure nor exacerpate the division. It is their country that Puntland declared unjust war to usurp power under the false pretext of "terrorism" in order to subjugate its inhabitants.



This is how immature PL politically has been in using the "terrorism" against an indigineous group. The correct term is insurgency just like Americans employed in Iraq or as SL used against the people of "SSC".

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^^^Nassir so according to you, the man captured got lost and was captured by accident.


The fact that the attackers lost a comander is stories made up by Puntland media.


the fact that all the areas are held by the state forces is also made up?


The state was attacked and this group should be decimated, local or otherwise.

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The claim that Sh. Atam has no relations with Al-Shabaab whatsoever beggars belief. At most, one can downplay the link between Al-Shabaab nihilists and this pious charlatan, but that does little to remove the albatross of terrorism around his head.

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Duke, Atom and his militia is an indigenous group. You can't call them "terrorists" hiding in caves and jungles. I am being neutral with the whole fiasco, for my goal is to cut short the miscalculation of short-sighted political leaders in leading a State that is at war with its people. PL was established based on the consent of its inhabitants. If the elders from this region asked the PL authority to investigate the allegations and come up with some solution that should prevent this war, why has PL ignored and decided to label a whole a region as harbouring "terrorists". How will the indigenous group of this land react to such development.


What PL should have done was to win the hearts of the people through developments, promotion of human rights, etc, not through land expansion and empowering one group at the expense of the overall goal of the state. That is called pathology engaging in behavior against some ideal policy.


Gen. Ilka-Jir has yet to come forward and speak. His silence is disingenous at best and dangerous at worst. As an interior Minister, he should have come to the media, esp the local ones or the BBC--a neautral one, and explain to his community what is truly at stake. Whether he agrees with his billigerent Boss about allegations and what actions are in store to resolve the issue as opposed to resorting to violence and bloodshed.

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or whether he is cooking something like the allegations by the UN that he took some of the spoils of the Pirate Money, WE DO NOT KNOW!!!

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^^^Nassir adeer I respect you a great deal, but you sound like a man trying to convince himself. Atam should be dealt with and no "local" claims should spare the clown. He attacked troops, mostly local and has declared war on a state.


I have no time for such talk, this is a start of broad war against these groups.

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