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Sufis on the Run...The Next Phase

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By the grace of Allah, Dhuusamareeb is now under the control of the Mujahideen. Guriceel and other cities will follow shortly insha-Allah.


I also heard from sources in Mogadishu that the pitiful sounds of the AU spokesman were heard on the airwaves this morning. In his ‘Message to Al-Shabaab’ he was pleading with the Mujahideen to not attack him and his forces.


Fearing the massive display that took place yesterday, starting from Maslax to Ifka Xalane, the AU forces are now living in fear, and thus the urgent plea of theirs is somewhat understandable, to say the least.


In his message also, he gave a warning, intertwined with the plea, that if attacked the ones who will suffer will be not the Shabaab or the AU but the local population. This is because, he said in his justification, of his retaliation of shelling the Shacab!


Seems like they did take a pounding that pulverized the cabins of their chest yesterday, with all that Takbeering martyrdom seekers!


Perhaps soon you will hear that they have all perished or become insane/psychologically debilitated – not because of Shell shock but, rather more interestingly, Shabaab Shock!


Also, the Shabaab and Hizb are to operate under one banner, in unity, as declared by the leaders of the Shabaab at yesterday’s gathering. What possible implications could this have on the next phase of events I wonder? This, certainly, is an interesting turn of events…



p.s for those who cannot raise their heads beyond the gutter to see the reality of events on the ground, stop sniffing under the ground and dwelling inside the cesspits of ignorance and live up to the realities of Somalia. Somalia is not what is was yesterday and would not, undoubtedly, be tomorrow what it is today!


This paradigm shift is in full swing, so it wouldn’t make sense to simply deny the existence or progress of the Islamic movements as well as their full domination of the Southern regions. Acknowledge the facts and employ sound reason.


What do the current developments in the central regions and this unity of the Mujahideen mean for the TFG?

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I don't like the Sufis....and now am beginning to dislike Al-shabaab since they started bombing and executing innocent people!


...and I don't like TFG and Hizbul Islam. Who is left ? Basically there is no group in Somalia right now that is worth to be supported. redface.gif

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Quite interesting how the shabab unit is picking up gears and moving into the central regions.


Once they start coming into the central regions, the green light is given to ethiopia to stop them.


It can possibly explain why ethiopia recently is starting to fund the galmudug group. Could we see a "galmudug vs shabab" in 2010? Who knows, but it is very possible.


As far as the tfg is concerned. I think it's high time the sharif admin realizes their "peaceful" approaches to shabab has been miserable failure and as Mr Abdullahi Yusuf says "waa in la wada jebiya" is properly the best approach.

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Originally posted by Laba-X:

This paradigm shift is in full swing, so it wouldn’t make sense to simply deny the existence or progress of the Islamic movements as well as their full domination of the Southern regions. Acknowledge the facts and employ sound reason.

No Islamic leader could ever claim to have found the 'truth', through his own effort of interpretion. Thus, striving for truth at the highest level of Islamic understanding becomes ultimately unachievable ideal. Shabab leaders as individuals can view themselves only as interpreter of the divine will, never as automanous law-makers, since they themselves remain a falliable tool, a socially conditioned element of human intrepetion of the divine will.

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The eventual success of Al-Shabaab will not depend on its military might alone and its ability to crash their opponents.Success will hinge on their ability to set a functioning administrations that serves the suffering masses and also becomes an example for the areas that are not under their control.


Success will also depend on their political maturity (mindless violence in the name of anything regardless of how you rationalize is easy).They must frame new massage that emphasize less on global ambitions and more on saving their nation from years of warlordism, tribalism-ridden conflicts, Ethiopian/foreign intervention, and countless natural disasters. This is more palatable to external and internal players of the Somali conflicts and it will garner them the most support within Somalia and greater Somalia.



And while drive up north is next natural thing, Al-Shabaab must first secure Xamar Cadeey before they move up north. Unfortunately Somalia is Xamar and as long as Sharif and Co are sitting in the Villa, their legitimacy of those who really control the city will be questioned.


Chase Sharif out of town,send AMISOM to their countries, setup working government in Xamar and only move north.

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Sorry to wake u up from your wet dreams but the extremist warlords have been chased away from Dhusomareeb.


Dhusomareeb-Guriceel-Cabudwaaq-Balanbale and everything upwards is the lands of true Somali geel-jire who can not be brainwashed by the foreign ideology imported from Afganistan/Pakistan/Saudi Arabia.


The extremist warlords can not subdue the original Somali geeljire.







Saraakiil katirsan maamulka Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca oo lahdlay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in galabta uu mar kale dagaal ka dhacay qeybo kamid ah degmada Dhuusamareeb ee gobolka Galgaduud kaasi oo u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Maamulka Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Wajamaaca iyo Ciidamo katirsan Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab.




Waxa ay sheegeen Saraakiishaasi in caawa ay iyagu gacanta ku hayaan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud islamarkaana ay ka saareen Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.

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