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Kismayo fallen and Huuraale run on a donkey as usual

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Am sure flattering my eye lashes and complimenting him heavly on how the great city of Kismayo had produced such fine son's, am sure that will get me off if am wrong. :D

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Waawaray Emperor defected this is a great loss to the TFG camp, the most articulate defender has left.

I admit I suspected something when he urged for the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces last week knowing full well that the TFG are in capable of defending themselves from the resistance.


Brother I embrace you with open arms

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It was expected, Kismayu is in the hands of the locals and thats a welcome.


This group is not anti TFG and even the Shabaab title is just a tactic.


Hiiraale and his JVA clowns were outsmarted and things will change,


Who can run Kismayu but the locals?


Emperor adeer its been long time coming, keep briefing us...

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Maamulkii gacanta ku hayay Kismaayo ayaa halkaas isaga cararay, iyadoo aan la garanayn meel ay ku sugan yihiin, waxaana warar hoose ay sheegeen in Barre Hiiraale uu gurmad ka helay
Nuuriye Cali Faarax
oo ka tirsanaa sarakiishii booliiska Sh/hoose oo ay xukuumadu ka qaaday xilalkii ay hayeen; kaasoo horay Jaal ula ahaa xildhibaanka.


Garowe Online, Kismaayo

Thierry, like Kismayu after 9 years, Mogadishu locals will run it after 17 years, agree.. ;)

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Waawaray Emperor defected this is a great loss to the TFG camp, the most articulate defender has left.

Now it is just the copy and past left ey. :D


Brother I embrace you with open arms

Thierry, hold your horses, At least wait till he explains the reasons behind this change. Is it because he's come to his senses, or is it because he sees a new opportunity, or he does not like being on the losing end...

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Abti Duke, I think we can all agree that the locals enjoyed themselves a lot more in Summer of 06. Your man if he wanted to could have come as the up holder of the constitution but sadly for him and the folks he choose to come with the borrowed helmet.


But the folks need not to worry only couple months left now



Ibti put away the sword and embrace the brother

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^^^Adeer you have a valid point there and if one goes back in history many of us welcomed the rise of the courts and defeat of the warlord alliance who were anti everything. Shiekh Sharif was seen as a real change. Then waht happened?

The project was highjacked by the Galgaduud twins, InadacADE, Xasan Dahir and others

Who declared war and sent the childrent ot heir deaths, they attacked BAIDOA no one wanted that, then they fled to Asmara.


Now in Waamo, it has been 9 years since the locals were over run by the Galgaduud twins and this was supported by Abdiqains Carta group, IndaCADE and Xasan dahirs vast militias [at the time] and these groups kept the people in bondage.


Hiiraale was given many chances and used it up, in their last coup they killed 50 soldiers unarmed and of duty.


Today in Kismayu, its the locals who have found power using the remmenets of the Al Shabaab and Xasan turki


Afer 9 years Kismayu is restored, and Mogadishu after 17 years can only find true peace when it is restored to its rightfull owners which is every Somali who ever owned a property there.


Simple saxib

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Go to lads report.


Maleshiya beleedyo ka tagay jaziiradaha konfureed oo dagalada Kismayo ku biiray
[Locals they mean]


Posted by Kismaayo

Friday, August 22 @ 06:10:14 EDT



Maleeshiya beeleedyo horay uga tirsanaan jiray guutadii koowaad ee ciidamadii uu hoggaamin jiry Cabdirisaaq Afgaduud oo dagaallo Kismayo ka dhacay sanadkii 2007 looga itaal roonaaday ayaa wararka ka imanayo magaalada Kismayo waxaa ay sheegayaan in ay ku biireen dagaalada maalintii saddexaad halkaasi ka soconayo ee u dhexeeya ciidamada maamulka Kismaayo iyo kooxda Al-Shabaab.



Maleeshiyooyinkan oo laga keenay dhank jaziiradaha koonfureed ee gobolka J/hoose ayaa sida ay nagu soo gaarayaan warar aan ka helnay ilo wareedyo la rumeeysan karo waxaa ay ku bireen oo ay ka barbar dagaalamayaan ciidamada dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab oo ay kaalmeynayaan, wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in gurmad ahaan ciidamadan jaziiradaha koonfureed looga keenay ay shalay glab ku biireen ciidamada Al-Shabaab, islamarkaana ay shalayba dagaal culus oo ay kaga soo horjeedan ciidamada maamulka Kismaayo ka amar qato ay ka bilaabeen xaafadda Via-Afmadow.



Maleesgiya beeleedyadan oo ka soo jeeda degmada Afmadow iyo maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa la sheegay in doonyo looga soo dejiyey xeebta la yiraahdo Qiilmawaayo oo Kismayo ku taal sida uu ku xog-waramay nin ka ka gaabsaday in la shaaciyo magaciisa oo Kismaayo jooga, kaasoo sheegy in maleeshiyooyinkan aysn wadan hub badan, keliyana ay wataan qoryaha AK47-ka.


Dagaalada Kismaayo oo sida muuqato aanan ilaa iyo haatan guullo laga gaarin ayaa falanqeeyeyaashu waxay leeyihiin wuxuu isy baddalay ‘Waji qabiil oo cusub’’.



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Somalia: Kismayo fighting 'clan related': sources

21 Aug 21, 2008 - 8:21:52 PM


KISMAYO, Somalia Aug 21 (Garowe Online) - Heavy fighting erupted for the second consecutive day in the Somali port city of Kismayo, with conflicting reports emerging about the warring groups.


Battles erupted Wednesday in Kismayo, a strategic southern port, after a landmine explosion targeting clan militias aboard an armed truck missed and killed three civilian bystanders.


On Thursday, fighting erupted in the morning and continued into the evening, with conflicting reports telling Garowe Online about which group now controls Kismayo.


At least 70 people have been wounded in two days of fighting and 35 killed, with "many bodies lying on the streets," according to locals.


Businesses remained closed for the second day as the fighting reportedly reached every corner of the town.


The latest reports indicate that an alliance of local clans are now in control of Kismayo airport, Alanley and Via Afmadow neighborhoods, with sporadic gunfire reported during the night.

Muktar Robow "Abu Mansur," a spokesman for al Shabaab insurgents, told local media that al Shabaab fighters are involved in Kismayo battles, but stated he would give full comments "after the fighting stops."


Kismayo, which is located 500km south of Mogadishu, has been under the control of clan militias since April 2007 when Somali government troops withdrew from the town after clan-related violence.


Source: Garowe Online

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Islamist militia seize key Somali port

Posted: 8/22/2008 6:33:00 PM

Shabelle: KISMAYO

Somalia's Islamist militia on Friday wrested control of Kismayo, the country's biggest port town, where at least 34 people have died in three days of fighting, witnesses said.


"Kismayo is completely under the control of the Islamists," said Mohamed Abdi, a trader and a former government official.


"All militias were driven out and the town is now controlled by the Islamists," said Farah Abdi, another local.


Clashes erupted between the Islamist fighters and a local militia in Kismayo, 500 kilometres (300 miles) south of the capital Mogadishu, late Wednesday for the control of the town.


But a commander of a local clan militia said they had not been routed by the Islamists, claiming they made "a tactical withdrawal to avoid large number of civilian casualties."


"There is no complete takeover and our forces will regain the control of Kismayo in a very short time," said Mohamud Hassan.


At least 12 people were killed Friday, while several bodies still lay in the combat zones, where it was too dangerous for residents to go and collect bodies.


The militia is headed by Aden Barre Shire Hirale, a warlord who is also a lawmaker in the country's transitional government, but who has strained relations with President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's administration.


"It is a matter of a day or two before we get Kismayo back," said another militia commander who spoke on condition of anonymity.


The Islamists were driven out of Kismayo in early 2007 after Ethiopian forces rolled into Somalia to back the government in fighting an Islamist movement that controlled much of central and southern Somalia.


Kismayo was the last stronghold of the Islamists.


But since the toppling of the Islamist movement early last year, violence has steadily worsened with remnant fighters resorting to guerrilla tactics against the Ethiopian forces, government soldiers as well as African Union peacekeepers in the capital mogadishu.


Civilians have borne the heaviest brunt of battles between Islamist fighters and the Ethiopian forces. At least 6,000 have died in the past year alone.


Somalia has lacked an effective government since Barre's ouster touched off a deadly power struggle that has defied more than 14 attempts to stabilize the country of about 10 million.

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^^^Indeed saxib, the locals under the guise of "Islamists" have won the day,


Thats why this news is not reported in major "Clan Jihadi" websites

Horn afrik, Dayniile, Somalidoon, Goobjoog, do you get the trend yet saxib?


We are all "islamists" today my lad, and none of us are under the "JVA" and their fakery.

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