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Saada Cali declares war on Dahabshiil.

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Dahabshiil is a vital part of the Somalia's economy. It helps many of the Diaspora send money to support so many people. If it wants to continue to lead the money transferring business it must stay clear of Politics and treat all regions the same.


Having its headquarters in Hargeysa, Somalia is fine...just dont get mixed up in politics.

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markay siyasadii dhinac kasta laga badiyay ayay ku washaan dhiigshiil iyo waxaan loo jeedin. dhahabshiil waa private company he can do whatever the heck he likes its his bloody company and money...


judt admit siyasadii ayaad ku fashilanteen bahashii laydinka badi dhinac kasta...... lool

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No doubt he has every right to do what he wants!


But from a business standpoint it would be wise to not get involved with politics. Or risk losing business!

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Originally posted by Thankful:

No doubt he has every right to do what he wants!


But from a business standpoint it would be wise to not get involved with politics. Or risk losing business!

where is the competition? Face it, Dahabshill got the game on choke hold. You're forced to use the service.

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by Thankful:

No doubt he has every right to do what he wants!


But from a business standpoint it would be wise to not get involved with politics. Or risk losing business!

where is the competition? Face it, Dahabshill got the game on choke hold. You're forced to use the service.
Barakaad used to do think like that, and it firmly had on the thread the few competitors it had faced then. Dahabshiil was second and far behind it.


Ah, if the owner of Dababshiil would love to thank anyone, it would have to be Bush Jr., precisely his dire actions of closing down Barakaad and its subsidiaries, exactly nine years ago this time.


The game is now even more competitive, and if I was a Dahabshiil executive, I wouldn't sit comfortably.

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Originally posted by 'Liibaan':


The business sector, the Media sector including newspapers, and Kulmiye leaders are all united in one agenda: to suppress and dominate others. These groups have already put us on the road to dictatorship. It is real because the signs are already there. Dahabshiil is the leader of all the troubles in that part of Somalia. It runs the business machine, the news media, and newspapers.


Dahabshiil supports the criminals from SNM and finances the fighting and conspiracies of all kinds. Dahabshiil controls the new government, the army, and other security agencies. Dhabshiil runs the show in the Senate and parliament.


The political propaganda machine and the news media are financed by Dahabshiil. Siilaanyo and his comrades are hostages to Dahabshiil. Dahabshiil is the undercover cap in Hargeysa and manipulates the occurrence of every event. It is behind every political conspiracy that takes place. People are wondering and asking themselves about who creates the mess. They put the blame on certain individuals including Siilaanyo, Gaboose, Muse Biixi, and others. But they do not ask themselves who created those monsters.


In order Dahabshiil to secure its business, it has to maintain some power in the making of events in Hargeysa. Its business wouldn’t have grown and will never grow under the present political turmoil and tribal distrust in that part of Somalia unless it has the power to control its puppets. People are looking somewhere else to find out the causes of hunger, tribal competition, the monopoly of business, the banking system, the suppression of other people’s concerns.


The media in Hargeysa is controlled by Dahabshiil and can only publish the opinions favouring the interest of Dahabshiil and its puppets in the government and political houses. When writings of concerns from clans other than ***** are sent to most of the websites and newspapers run by people from ***** Clans, they are dumped into the recycle bin and laughed at.


Today there are many disgruntled clans in that part of Somalia, particularly **********, ***********, Warsangali, and some pockets from *****. The intellectuals of those clans are active protesting the power grab of the old dogs which haven’t yet learned any new tricks and the interest these old dogs have in Dahabshiil.


However, their opinions and criticisms are not allowed to appear in the private media in Hargeysa. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Dahabshiil has the monopoly in everything. Dahabshiil has unleashed these old dogs and they are doing everything which pleases Dahabshiil. The newspapers in Hargeysa are the mouth piece of Dahabshiil and in turn favour the Old dogs’ policy.


In order to please USA and to keep money transfers open, Dahabshiil is creating an image of fighting terror in Somaliland and creating a scenario and a fertile ground for terrorism so that its money machine is not closed. Now the old dogs in the government are implementing that scenario as has happened in Awdal and Salal and recently in Berbera.


Conspiracy after conspiracy is the common denominator for the actions of Dahabshiil and its guards. They are selling the story that some people from Awdal and Salal are responsible for the terror group which came by the sea through those regions. The people have not understood the conspiracy behind those activities and many others to come.


Dhahabshiil’s hard currency has successfully worked this time. But who is the judge? Ethiopia has the answer.


Mohamed MOUSA



I am thinking Interpol watches these boys and their actions moving money all around from here to there. Moving money for pirates and Shabaies is one thing, threatening peoples lives is something completely different.


Additionally if they are doing all the writer claims, from a business standpoint that would amount to business suicide, doesnt make real good sense from that standpoint.


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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Barakaad used to do think like that, and it firmly had on the thread the few competitors it had faced then. Dahabshiil was second and far behind it.


Ah, if the owner of Dababshiil would love to thank anyone, it would have to be Bush Jr., precisely his dire actions of closing down Barakaad and its subsidiaries, exactly nine years ago this time.


The game is now even more competitive, and if I was a Dahabshiil executive, I wouldn't sit comfortably.

I felt bad for Barakaat and in the end, they were exonerated but they never recovered.

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note to Dahir Asalow. You really do need a good English speaking editor.


Is it true that there is relation between Dahabshil and Ahmed Godane’s group of warriors?


It’s not positively expected to construct and develop the country and help poor people in the war ravaged territory where the violence seems to be endless and the humanitarian situation worsens.


Local companies deceive and destroy one another by way of clannish purposes that were already established themselves.


Dahabshil, local owned money transfer agency was established in 1970’s as its profile shows and secretly functioning until 1991, but after the central government destroyed, it became very familiar money transfer agency.


In Somalia, it is something normal seeing plans based on clan and this company has been in manner of tribalism for a long term.


Great concern and doubt faced Dahabshil company early this month after Ahmed Godane’s group baned Zaad Service ‘mobile money transfer’ which Hormuud telecommunication company established mid this year.


This service was almost obstacle to the whole business circulation and money tansfere system of Dahabshiil as Zaad was very simple and fast money transfer and was lack of money and also was service used in the world today.


When the story passes here a head on competition arises, then companies built in tribal purposes would initiate the tool it would use the opposite company as Hormud.


Ahmed Abdi Aw-Mohamed Godane, head of Islamist militias fighting against the Transitional Federal Government backed by the African union peacekeeping forces, is close relative to the owner of Dahabshil company, therefore Godane became a tool used to disable whole ambition of Hormuud after his goup issued a warning that Zaad service can no longer exist than after three months beginning the date printed the warning paper.


Ahmed Godane’s group indicated Zaad service that was serving for American and Jewish and was against Islam as they wrote the speech and it shows us that enmity of tribal disabling against companies.


Dahabshil has contact with international intelligence agency and it transfers larger than allocated money which remittance agencies do. That is why intelligence agency is related to and it’s a line where ransom fund submitted for Somali pirates and cases in the Somalia


The doubt and concerns came as the Zaad Service was almost cancelled and this caused many arguments in Somalia although. They accused of Godane’s group as a team not personally, but the action is said to be taken to defend the interest of relatives of Dahabshil and Godane.


This act will lead that customers will not trust the company and would compel them to withdraw their asset from company. Many large companies in Somalia have gone rich with bad behaviors and exploiting people’s blood and not looking at merciful eyes once, but looking at theirs knowing the worst time Somalis are in now.


With out pure competition and respect among Somali telecommunication and remittance companies and the lack of strong central government in Somalia, the situation will remain worse but they think development.


Written by: Dr. Warsame Ali (Fiisiko)

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The Zack   

Originally posted by MoonLight1:

Whats wrong with these SSC guys these days, calling names like Dhiigshiil,

CORRECTION: The official name of Dahabshiil used to be DhiigShiil in the 1990's if you know the company's history.

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Burburkii Soomaaliya ee 1991-dii wixii ka danbeeyay Dalka waxaa ka hirgalay howla horumar lagu sheegay laakiin si kale marka loo eego dhibaato inteeda la eg lagala kulmay.


Tartan xaasidnimo ku saleysan oo u dhaxeeya shirkadaha u abaabulan qaabka qabiil ee sheega in ay ganacsi horumar leh dalka ka hirgaliyeen ayaa shacabka marasta ah ee dagaalada, abaaraha iyo dhibaatooyinka kale ay la dageen waxa ay ka kulmeen caqabad balaaran.


Shirkadda Dahabshiil sida ku xusan profile-keeda waxaa ay dhaq dhaqaaqa ganacsi bilowaday 1970-kii waxaana mudda badan ay ku shaqeyneysay nidaam qarsoodi ah oo aan sharci aheyn, laakiin wixii ka danbeeyay burburkii ayey la soo shaac baxday dar dar xoog leh.


Soomaalida dhexdeeda waa arrin iska caada ah in lagu arko qorshaha ku dhisan qabiilka iyo qabiileysiga, waxaana shirkadan ay mudadii ay jirtay dhex maquuraneysay nidaamka ku saleysan qabiileysiga, wallow ay dhanka kale ay gacaan saar la leedahay sirdoonka caalamka.


Walaac kii ugu xooganaa waxa uu la darsay Dahabshiil bartamihii sanadkan kadib markii Shirkada Hormuud oo ku caan aheyd bixinta adeegyada kale duwan ee telfoonka ay Dalka geysay nidaam dunida laga adeegsado kaasoo ah Mobile money transfer, waxaana adeegan culeys uu ku keenay adeegii xawaaladeed ee Dahabshiil.


Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa Bahal Ceyriin ma daayo nina caadadii ma baajo, taasoo ay uga gol leedahay Soomaalida in aanu Shaqsina dhaqankiisa is doorineyn, Shirkad xawaaladeedkan waxa ay ka baxday nidaamkii ku saleysan tartanka dhaqaale, waxaana ay magansatay awood beeleed.


Axmed Cabdi Aw-Max’ud Godane waxa ay heeb wadaag yihiin madax sare oo ka tirsan Shirkadda, waxaana taasi ay fududeysay in Waraqad digniin ah ay ka soo saarto kooxda Godane adeegii Hormuud ee Mobile Money transfer oo shirkadaasi ay uga magac dartay “ZAAD” oo afka Soomaaliga marka loo rogo ah Sahay.


Warqadda kooxda Godane ay ku diiday isticmaalka adeega ZAAD ayaa waxa ay soo baxday bartamihii bishan waxaana ku xardhanaa erayo ay ka muuqdaan dagaal qabiil iyo nidaam lagu difaacayo dano beeleed isla markaana beel kale lagu curyaaminayo, waxaa lagu xusay warqadda in adeegaasi loogu shaqeeyo Maraykan ama Yahuud isla markaana la farayo shirkadda iyo macaamiishaba in muddo ku siman 3 bilood ay ku soo afjaraaan adeegsigiisa.


Hadaba aynu Eegno xiriirka Sirdoonka Caalamka iyo Dahabshiil


Xogo la helay waxa ay sheegayaan in Shirkaddan ay ka talaabtan sharci ahaan nidaamka xawaaladaha caalamka loo jaangooyay, kaasoo ah in xawaalad aanay awoodin kala gudbinta in ka badan 2 Milyan oo Doolar, laakiin shirkan waxa ay xawishaa lacagaha ay adeegsadaan sirdoonka Caalamka kuwaasoo cadad ahaan aan la qiyaasi Karin, waxaana taasi ay muujineysaa in xiriir adag oo ay sirdoonka la leeyihiin inuu jiro.


Dhanka kale shirkadani waa tan lagu xawilo lacagaha madax furashada loo siiyo burcad badeeda caalamka, waxaana taasi sahlay shirkadda oo gacan saar la leh mukhaadaraadka aduunka sida kuwa fura wada hadalada u dhaxeeya burcad badeeda iyo milkiilayaasha Maraakiibta la qafaasho.


Dad badan oo isticmaalka adeega ZAAD ee Hormuud la jaanqaaday waxay eedeyn aan ka fiirsi laheyn dusha uga tuuraan kooxda GODANE oo ay la tahay iyagu in ay iska maageen shirkadda Hormuud isla markaana adeega ZAAD ay iska joojiyeen, laakiin waxaa hareer marsan shacabka in yabooh lacageed oo balaaran in la siiyay kooxda, isla markaana uu jiro dhalasho iyo qaraabo-nimo hoose. Oo ka dhaxeysa kooxda iyo Shirkadda


Soo shaac bixii talaabada lagu soo saaray amarka lagu diiday adeegii ZAAD waxa ay noqotay furaha soo ifbixidda xiriirka ka dhaxeeya Shirkadda Dahabshiil ee magaca ganacsi huwan iyo kooxda Godane oo iminka ka dagaalanta guud ahaan gayiga Soomaaliya.


Waa suurta gal in dad badan oo macaamiil lalahaa shirkaddasi isla markaana ku keedsan jiray lacago in ay ka aamin baxaan sabab la xiriirta iyagoo cabsi ka muujnaya in lacagahooda ay ka mid noqdaan kuwa lagu hurinayo dagaalada ka socda Dalka ee marasta lagu dhibaateynayo.


Inkastoo shirkada ganacsi oo badan isla markaana maalka shacabka ku taajiray la aaminsanyahay in ay ku lugleeyihiin dhibataada dalka ka socota,hadana tani waxay noqotay tii ugu horeysay ee cadeyn buuxda loo helo isla markaana ka ganbanweysay laablakacnimada ku dhisan awooda qabiil.


Dr. Warsame Ali (Fiisiko)

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