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The Soul

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A Question From A Minnesota Viking


PS: I have one very simple question that has been bothering me the past week or souls ever die? We are taught that ONLY Allah SWT is Everlasting, but what happens to the souls after they are designated Paradise/hellfire? Does a soul enjoy paradise for some time (maybe thousands of years) and then die or disappear into a void or does it dwell there forever? We have a beginning, but what does the Deen say about the end? It might sound like a silly question...but as the Chinese say..."He who asks is a fool for five minutes but he who doesn't is a fool forever"





Dear Viking


Death is defined as the end of existence, we may also define it as a phase change, in which two entities the soul and the body are separated, the body dies, when there is no motion, feelings, resistance to decay, vitality or growth.


Just before the beginning of the day of judgement, when the first horn is blown, evey living being in heaven and earth die except for Allah SWT, later when the second horn is blown all the dead rise alive.


In the Quraan, Allah tells us that there are ONLY two deaths and two resurructions " Amattanaa ithnateyni wa axyeytanaa ithnateyni " . The first death is prior to birth, we were sepatated from our souls, the second death takes place after the present life, after which there is no more death forever as Allah says in the Quraan, that they ( ahlul Jannah) will not taste a death except the first death. In many other verse in the Quraan, Allah SWT describes the life after death with the term ( Khaalidina ) meaning " living eternally ". Interestingly though there is only a single refernce in the Quraan that gives a hint of limitation of eternity of hell, but not Paradise, in which Allah SWT promises the dwellers of hell that they will live in hell eternally as long as the heavens and the earth are in exsistence except for any exclusion wish of Allah( Illaa maa shaa Allah ), why? you may ask, Allah justifies this by saying in the same verse, that Allah does whatever He wishes, hinting that Hell mey not be eternal.


The dwellers of paradise on the other hand are promised to enjoy in Paradise as long as the earth and heavens are in exsistence except for the wish of Allah SWT. Here brother Viking who loves to enjoy in paradise and not stop having fun in Paradise is worried, he asks, is the party and the fun going to end? well, in the same verse Allah SWT assures Brother Viking, that the fun will never end as paradise is a gift for the righteous men and women, in Suurah Hud, we learn that Allah's gift of paradise to be ( Cataa'an gheyra majduud ) a non discontinous gift, which hints eternity of Paradise, thus, the good people have eternal life, while evil people are discarded after torment and pain.


Noteworthy is that Allah describes the believer as a living person while the nonbeliever is decribed as a dead person, Allah SWT says ( A fa man kaana meytan fa axyeynaahu, wa jacalnaa lahu Nuuran yamshii bihi finnaasi ka man huwa fidhulmaat leysa bi khaarijin minhaa ) meaning, " are they the same he who was dead ( non believer) and then we caused him to be a living being, by furnishing him with Nuur ( light of faith in Allah) with which he walks as a guided person among people (in darkness), is that enlightened person the same as the one who remains in darkness of faithlessness, unable to find an exit?"


In conclusion, Believers who make it to paradise live eternally a joyful life, and will never taste death again as Allah explicitly said in Quraan ( Laa yadhuuquuna al mawta illal mawtatal uulaa wa waqaahum rabbuhum cadaabal jaxiim ) " they will not tatse anymore death except for the first one, and further, their Lord has protected them from the torment of Gehenna " .


Wallahu Aclam





2005 e-Nuri Caqeedah Vigils

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Oh Allah, what an enlightening perspective from brother Nur! I must admit that Nur’s analysis is intellectually stimulating and religiously enriching! ‘The fun will never end as paradise is a gift for the righteous men and women,’ he says. A non-discontinuous gift, he adds.


I fell in love with both the theme and the tone of this lecture. He addressed the subject in question with great articulacy and eloquence. Those who’re destined to benefit would be greatly appreciative of this.


Viking, I have to conclude, got more than he bargained for!

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Bro. Nur perhaps you might help me figure out this out!


What does our religion say about archeology? Whether it's for scientific or other genetic tracing purposes. On the same note, I have seen, in particular, war-torn countries where graves are dug up and bones and other remnants have not been disposed properly to make way for new dead bodies-what’s the take on these in regards to preserving the “MAUT/DEAD†till the youmul qiyama ? Any violations? At what circumstances can these be permitted.


NB:I will consult with others in regards to these questions also, so dont feel burdened Ndugu.



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Maasha allah bro Nur...aniga xitaa waan rabay inaan ogaado su'aashaas jawaabteeda, waxaadna ku mahad santahay waqtigaaga qaaliga eh inaad alla daraadiis noogu soo jawaabtay. Wax aan kuugu abaal mariyo garan maayo...laakiin hadaan niyada ilaah kaaga waeydiiyo inuu abaal marin kaaga dhigo Jannatul Fardows wax maa ka qabtaa.

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Thanks bro for your response, it was beneficial to say the least. I guess 'forever' is a term humans often have a difficulty TRULY comprehending since everything we know (of or about) will come to an end. Even if it continues, we won't know about it because "we" would have come to an "end" - if you get my gist.



I also came across some verses in Suratul Baqarah where this is mentionned (a few times)...


"Wa lahum fiiha azwaajun mutahharatun wahum fiiha khaalidun" - "...and they shall have therein (purified mates/wives) and they will abide therein forever".


And one verse on the same Surah saying...."wa ladiina kadhabuu bi 'ayaatinaa, ulaa'ika asxaabu naar hum fiiha khaalidun." - "But those who disbelieve and belie Our Ayaat, such are dwellers of the Fire, they shall abide therein forever".



Thanks again Nur.

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Oh Allah, what an enlightening perspective from brother Nur! I must admit that Nur’s analysis is intellectually stimulating and religiously enriching! ‘The fun will never end as paradise is a gift for the righteous men and women,’ he says. A non-discontinuous gift, he adds.


I fell in love with both the theme and the tone of this lecture. He addressed the subject in question with great articulacy and eloquence. Those who’re destined to benefit would be greatly appreciative of this.


Viking, I have to conclude, got more than he bargained for!

I know eh!!!


Jazakallah for continuing to enrich us with new cilm.

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Nur, you are enlightening as usual. Jizaak Allah khayran.


Takbiir...........Allahu Akbar

Takbiir...........Allahu Akbar

Takbiir...........Allahu Akbar.




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Passion 4 Fasshion


Sidee baan u arki waayey waxaad qortay:



laakiin hadaan niyada ilaah kaaga waeydiiyo inuu abaal marin kaaga dhigo Jannatul Fardows wax maa ka qabtaa.



Walaal, haddaad ku darto inuu Allah ka yeelo wajigiisa Kariimka ah abaalkeyga ayaan ku farxi lahaa, runtii, abaalgudka ugu weyn Ferdousa waa aragtida wajiga Allah.


Raula dada


A good question indeed


In Fiqh, graves must not be dug for the sake of archeology, human remains are dignified, and they shouldnt be exposed since it beats the purpose of why tbey were placed in these holes in the first place.




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Remembering all the souls who have departed to the higher domain of their maker. Finally At peace inshAllah




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^May Allah have mercy on them!


I have quick questions about the barzakh state. Does the soul in this state have the ability to travel as it does when we are alive, or is it strictly confined to that one state?


Also, when the ruux leaves the body, is there any more connection between the two that can occur until the day of judgment? Yacni, how does one literally feel cadaabul qabr? I'm referring to the physical torture that can occur (Allahu Manajinaa).

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Assalam alaikum


Haneefah, thats a good question about the soul.

I have this book called "Mysterious of the Soul" by Abu Mustafah and the book basically covers all the different stages of the soul.


The book basically states (in regards to your question) the time of death, angels start to descend down from the heavens (and if he is pious) with a casket from Junnah. Quickly presuing those angels, is the Angel of Death in which he removes the soul of the person. After the soul has departed from the body, it is wrapped in a cloth by the angels and placed in the casket and taken up to the heavens...and as it ascends, many angels are drawn to the scent of the soul and ask who it is and thus the angels respond by saying, this is so and so (may Allah make us among those). When the soul reaches the Thrown of Allah, Allah asks the angels to return the soul to the earth (and this stage basically explains the ayaat from surah Taha, in which Allah informs us that we have been created from the earth and to the earth we shall return, and once again, we shall be raised up from it).


At that point (as the author indicates, using strong evidence from the authentic hadeeths to support his work) the soul is returned to the earth (to the body which would be in the grave) and awaits its visit from Munkar and Nakeer (may Allah protect us from them). Through time, the human body desolves into the earth, except one particular bone, and from that bone, Allah,The Most High, will resurrect us from it. Im sorry that I had to skip some stages but I am in a inshallah next time I will provide the proofs from the book.

And Allah knows best

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^ Jazakallah Kheyr bro. You're right, the soul does ascend to the heaven where Allah will command His book to be recorded after which it will descend back to the earth and remain in the barzakh or the transitional state. However, I was of the impression that the body and the soul in this state were two separate entities; the soul being the active one capable of experiencing its corresponding fate whilst the body is merely predisposed to decomposition until Allah commands its resurrection.


So if the soul as you said is placed back into its previous body, then woudn't this constitute real existence? The person would, in all actuality, be alive again, no? The body will have been restored. But haven't we only learned of two deaths and lives :confused: This raises even more questions but perhaps it is best that I shall stop here smile.gif

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Assalam alaikum


Don’t be surprised that more and more questions are coming to you as you ponder upon things, matterfact, it is a sign that you possible are among those that reflect on your surroundings and that’s a very good thing.

Alhamdulilah you have questions, for questions is the thing that cures ignorance, but questions should be directed to the proper people who have the knowledge, but in any case…in regards to your new questions… this is what I know.


“However, I was of the impression that the body and the soul in this state were two separate entities”- in regards to this impression of yours…


The scholars have differed regarding this same issue. Some scholars believe that the torment or the pleasure is felt only by the body, whereas, other scholars believe it is felt by both the body and the soul. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah discusses these issues in his monumental Majmu al-Fatawa. He mentions, the only correct view is that of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jummah, who unanimously agree that the torment or pleasure of the grave is experienced by both the body and the soul. One of the proofs used to explain this is, the fact that the soul is returned to the body for questioning. Also, the prophet (saw) was also shown the torment of the sinful believers in the grave- both their bodies and the souls received various punishments.

The soul may feel one of these two states (pleasure or torment) while it is either separated from or connected to the body.


But what about those bodies the burn or some tragedy occurred where their physical bodies are no longer in existence? Do they also experience a physical torment or pleasure even though the body is gone? (sorry, I posed more questions, just trying to think ahead and be proactive)


Well in short, Ibn Qayyim speaks about this and he says, “It should be known that the torment of the grave is the torment of the barzakh, thus, everyone who dies and deserves to be punished must taste his portion thereof, whether he is buried or not” and he basically continues, and to paraphrase his work, he says…whether the deceased has been eaten by a wild beast or burnt in a fire until he became ashes, blown up in the sky as scattered, or drowned in the sea, the designated punishment would reach his body (and soul), just as it reaches those in their graves. How? Sometimes it’s not proper to ask how and why, unless necessary, but we know that everything is easy for Allah, so our questions rest at that.



So if the soul as you said is placed back into its previous body, then wouldn’t this constitute real existence?-in regards to this comment


It would seem that if the soul was placed back in the body, than that is existence right? Not necessarily. For example, those who are placed in the fire of Hell for eternity, although their bodies will vanish (and be recreated), nor will they experience death nor will their existence in the fire be considered life. So if that’s not considered life, what is?

But don’t get me wrong, it is existence, but since the barzakh is placed behind the person, than that existence can not be compared to that of the worldly life. That existence is over, but a new journey awaits him.


And Allah knows best

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Assalam alaikum


Don’t be surprised that more and more questions are coming to you as you ponder upon things, matterfact, it is a sign that you possible are among those that reflect on your surroundings and that’s a very good thing.

Alhamdulilah you have questions, for questions is the thing that cures ignorance, but questions should be directed to the proper people who have the knowledge, but in any case…in regards to your new questions… this is what I know.


“However, I was of the impression that the body and the soul in this state were two separate entities”- in regards to this impression of yours…


The scholars have differed regarding this same issue. Some scholars believe that the torment or the pleasure is felt only by the body, whereas, other scholars believe it is felt by both the body and the soul. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah discusses these issues in his monumental Majmu al-Fatawa. He mentions, the only correct view is that of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jummah, who unanimously agree that the torment or pleasure of the grave is experienced by both the body and the soul. One of the proofs used to explain this is, the fact that the soul is returned to the body for questioning. Also, the prophet (saw) was also shown the torment of the sinful believers in the grave- both their bodies and the souls received various punishments.

The soul may feel one of these two states (pleasure or torment) while it is either separated from or connected to the body.


But what about those bodies the burn or some tragedy occurred where their physical bodies are no longer in existence? Do they also experience a physical torment or pleasure even though the body is gone? (sorry, I posed more questions, just trying to think ahead and be proactive)


Well in short, Ibn Qayyim speaks about this and he says, “It should be known that the torment of the grave is the torment of the barzakh, thus, everyone who dies and deserves to be punished must taste his portion thereof, whether he is buried or not” and he basically continues, and to paraphrase his work, he says…whether the deceased has been eaten by a wild beast or burnt in a fire until he became ashes, blown up in the sky as scattered, or drowned in the sea, the designated punishment would reach his body (and soul), just as it reaches those in their graves. How? Sometimes it’s not proper to ask how and why, unless necessary, but we know that everything is easy for Allah, so our questions rest at that.



So if the soul as you said is placed back into its previous body, then wouldn’t this constitute real existence?-in regards to this comment


It would seem that if the soul was placed back in the body, than that is existence right? Not necessarily. For example, those who are placed in the fire of Hell for eternity, although their bodies will vanish (and be recreated), nor will they experience death nor will their existence in the fire be considered life. So if that’s not considered life, what is?

But don’t get me wrong, it is existence, but since the barzakh is placed behind the person, than that existence can not be compared to that of the worldly life. That existence is over, but a new journey awaits him.


And Allah knows best

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Harun Yahya gives us concise introduction of who one IS and the nature of the phenomenal world. He tries to answer the question: Who are you ? The answer in one word is: SOUL.


You can watch this video of Harun Yahya:


We are promised by our beloved prophet (scw) that the knowledge of God comes only AFTER one realizes who one is. In other words the path to know God is gained and comes through SELF KNOWLEDGE.


Such a self knowledge and God knowledge is more important (for us) then our other needs of physical, emotional and mental nature!


May we awaken to our highest and most worth need!



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