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Mele Zenawi is given 7 days notice to take his invading militia from the Somali soil

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Believe it or not, before I opened this morning, I was thinking what is stopping UIC from giving ultimatum to Mele Zenawi to remove his militia out of Somali soil. Or why wouldn't Mele Zenawi put his threats in time frame and demand the UICs to disarm in a specific period of time and if they fail to do so start invading Mog, after all, he perceives his military power the best in horn of Africa?


I was not surprised to find out the first brave step is taken by UICs in giving Mele Zenawi 7 days notice to take his invading militia from Somali soil; and at the same time, they declared that Duke’s uncle A/Y is nothing but a mercenary soldier working for the Tigrean strongman Mele Zenawi.

If Mele Zenawi fails to comply, the ultimatum clearly states his troops will simply be removed from Somalia dead or alive…


Muqdisho, 12-December-06 (

Madaxa golaha amniga maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed sheekh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacade ayaa u qabtay muddo 7 maalmood ah ciidamada Tikreega ee xooga ku jooga qeybo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya,isagoo ku hanjabay in tallaabo milatari ay ka qaadayaan haddii ciidamadaasi ay isaga bixi waayaan ciida Soomaaliya.


Sheekh Yuusuf oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay xarunta Daarasalaam ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay ciidamo ajaanib ah oo ku sugan gudaha dalka Kenya,kuwaasoo isku diyaarinaya weerar ka dhan ah maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed,isagoo ugu baaqay dawladda Kenya in ay ka waantoobaan hagar daamada ka dhanka ah umadda Soomaaliyeed.


"Ciidamada Tikreega ee ku sugan dalka Soomaaliya waa in muddo 7 maalmood gudahood ah ay uga baxaan dalka Soomaaliya haddii mudadaasi ay u dhamaato gacmaha ayaan iskula tagi doonaan cidna uga ma heybansan doonaan difaacida dalkeena, C/llaahi Yuusuf isaguna waa Askari kamid ah Dowladda Itoobiya, haddii aan weerar ku qaadno Itoobiyaanka caalamku marmarsiiyo kama dhigan karaan" ayuu yiri Sheekh Yuusuf Indhacade.


Hadalka masuulka amniga iyo gaashaandhiga maxkamadaha islaamiga ayaa ku soo aaday xili jimcihii laga soo gudbay dagaal toos ah uu dhex maray ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga iyo kuwa dawladda kmg oo ku soo duulay degmada Diinsoor,hayeeshee ciidamadaasi isugu jira Tikreega iyo Soomaalida ayaa afka ciida loo daray,waxaana laga saaray goobihii ay ka soo duuleen.


Wadaadadii way soo socdaane, xageed gali??? LOve it.....

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It is not a bluff. It is the official position of the UICs to drive the tigrean militia from Somalia. The BBC Somali section is carrying the warning as well.




Ethiopia oo loo qabtey hal todobaad


Ethiopia wey beeneysey in ciidamo ka joogaan gudaha Soomaaliya, laakiin waxa ay horey u qiratey iney dirtey boqollaal askari ooy hawshooda ku sheegtey iney yihiin tababarista ciidamada dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.


Maxaakiinta Islaamiga iyo xoogaga dowladda oo la sheegey iney taageerayaan ciidamo Ethiopian ah ayaa Jimcihii iyo Sabtidii na soo dhaafey dagaal xun dhexmarey.

Waxa jirta cabsi ah in dagaal uu ka qarxo gobolka oo dhan, dagaalkaasi ooy ka wada qeybgalaan ciidamada Ethiopia iyo Eritrea.

Ninka difaaca u qaabilsan Maxaakiinta Islaamiga, Shiikh Yusuf Maxamed (Indha-Cadde) yaa Talaadadii yiri "laga bilaabo maanta, haddii Ethiopian'ku dhulkeena uga bixi waayaan todobo maalmood, waan weerareynaa oon ku qasbeynaa iney waddankeenna ka baxaan".

Shiikh Indha-cadde

Waxa kale oo Mr Indhacadde ku doodey beesha caalamku waa in ay caddaadis ku saarto Ethiopia sidii ay Soomaaliya ugala bixi laheyd askarteeda, "haddii kale iyagaa masuul ka noqonaya wax kasta oo ka dhaca Soomaaliya".

Warbixin ay QM soo saartey bishii hore ayaa waddamo ay ku jiraan Ethiopia iyo Eritrea ku eedeysey iney ku xad-gudbeen cunaqabateyntii hubka ee Soomaaliya saarneyd

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As I am from Hararghe I can tell you what the Oromos and Somali Galbeed think. The most important mission the ICU needs to complete is drive the Tigree dajjal army to Hararghe. Then the rest will be completed by Somali Galbeed and Barentumma Oromos.

May Allah (swt) bless and help the ICU mujhadeen to up root this cancerous entity from the Horn.


For the past 15 years Somali carnage and destruction is mainly caused by Tigre's inveolvement in Somalia. The same is true in Oromia, Eritrea, and Galbeed/******. Now, Alxamdullilax, and shukur for the brave men of the Islamic Courts the situation is changing. However, the Habash should not be allowed to do this again at all after they are defeated, Insh'Allah. Therefore, it takes a concerted effort and pulling together of resources of Somalis, Oromos, and Eritreans whether we are in the Diaspora or the Horn:


1) to beat back the Tigre militia back to home province Tigray and snacth all the districts it took from Eritrea and Oromia,


2) create a confedarate government of Somalia, Somali Galbeed/******, and Eastern Oromia


3) create a weak central Ethiopian gov't constituting Amxaras, Afars, Christain Oromos, Benishangules (Arabic Speakers), that Ethiopia will not create any probloem in the future to Somalis, Oromos, Eritreans, and even to our Sudanese brothers.


The initial and urgent step to accomplish now though, I believe, is the creation of contact with the UIC with Shiek Jarra of the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia(IFLO). I hear he is in Yemen? OLF is so weak and too corrupted x-tianized for this kind of grand startegy.


Victory and Peace to Somalia, Oromia and Eritrea!

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Originally posted by Oromia:

As I am from Hararghe I can tell you what the Oromos and Somali Galbeed think. The most important mission the ICU needs to complete is drive the Tigree dajjal army to Hararghe. Then the rest will be completed by Somali Galbeed and Barentumma Oromos.

May Allah (swt) bless and help the ICU mujhadeen to up root this cancerous entity from the Horn.


For the past 15 years Somali carnage and destruction is mainly caused by Tigre's inveolvement in Somalia. The same is true in Oromia, Eritrea, and Galbeed/******. Now, Alxamdullilax, and shukur for the brave men of the Islamic Courts the situation is changing. However, the Habash should not be allowed to do this again at all after they are defeated, Insh'Allah. Therefore, it takes a concerted effort and pulling together of resources of Somalis, Oromos, and Eritreans whether we are in the Diaspora or the Horn:


1) to beat back the Tigre militia back to home province Tigray and snacth all the districts it took from Eritrea and Oromia,


2) create a confedarate government of Somalia, Somali Galbeed/******, and Eastern Oromia


3) create a weak central Ethiopian gov't constituting Amxaras, Afars, Christain Oromos, Benishangules (Arabic Speakers), that Ethiopia will not create any probloem in the future to Somalis, Oromos, Eritreans, and even to our Sudanese brothers.


The initial and urgent step to accomplish now though, I believe, is the creation of contact with the UIC with Shiek Jarra of the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia(IFLO). I hear he is in Yemen? OLF is so weak and too corrupted x-tianized for this kind of grand startegy.


Victory and Peace to Somalia, Oromia and Eritrea!

This is a funny read for anyone who understands the lay of the land in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan, the 4 counties mentioned.


So one province of Oromo, because you cannot be accepted by the 40 million Oromo will fight to the last Southern Somali.

Thats exactly what Isyas is saying. He will fight to the last Southern Somali to liberate his 25,000 sq km that he is not free to do as his country.


Why do you mix religion and provincial thinking? Aren't the Afar moslems or are they too close and too friendly to the Tigray for you?

Isn't the Oromo half moslem half christian? How come you can only speak for a small province which is inhabited by the Hareri that you call little Tigre and the Somali that your organization calls Habesha somali.

It would have been a lot easier and something Allah and Man prefers to have peace and brotherhood with your immediate neighbors and in this case all the same religion followers, than to go a 1000km trip to Mugadishu.

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^^ why do you like the special quote by Zenawi was he the one that ensured that he will fight to the last Ethio what was the number of tigrays that died for the Ethio/Eri cause i bet only 10 out of the 120,000 who died were Tigray the rest Ethios who were used as cannon fodder.


another thing is we share alotin common with Oromia especially him being from Hararge.

but we have nothing in common with a blood thirst makelle hyena.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

^^ why do you like the special quote by Zenawi

Because it happens to be true. This poster whose nick is Oromia now starts talking about a province in Oromia, ignoring the 40 million of them, again ignoring the somali, Harreri and Afar, but he wants the ICU to fight for him.

Isayas is also 500 meters away from ethiopia over a 1000 km distance, but wants the ICU to fight for him.

What meles said of Isayas "he will fight to the last somali of ICU to liberate his 25,000 sq km of his land thats a no go for him" applies the same to this poster here who tries to speak of fake and untrue lay of the land.

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Originally posted by Oromia:

The policy is still ignore the habashi.

I don't know whom you are referring as Habashi, but the truth is you know very well that: You ignore them at your peril.

You also need to know that the SOL nomads are smart enough to ask why you are speaking of one province when there are 40 million Oromos. The nomads here are also smart enough to take one look at the lay of the area you are talking about and know that there is something that doesn't add up here.

90% of the inhabitants of the area you are talking about are moslems. Yet you only choose to talk about one province in support of ICU. There is some fakery here.

Why don't you seek understanding among your immediate neighbors the Somali, Harreri, Afar and 90% of the Oromo that you do not include. Is that the ICU way of imposters.

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Isayas is also 500 meters away from ethiopia over a 1000 km distance, but wants the ICU to fight for him.

He is indeed but the thing is he will be fighting 'Ethiopian' soilders who mostly will be Somalis and Oromos.


So to eliminate you guys using them he would use Somalia as the Battle ground as most of the 'Ethio' soilders will just defect if they encounter fierce resistance.

what will be left with are top official Tigarus who are mostly obese and unfit physicaly.

Best they will do is shout Weyne! Weyne!

before they meet their fate.

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What kind of logic is that or is it reality that eritrea is afraid of the Oromo and Somali soldiers on the ethiopian side.


Yes there is significant Oromo and Somali in the ethiopian forces as these two ethnic are also significant in the population, but aren't you forgetting the southerners, the Afar, the Tigray, the Amara, the Benshangul and Gomuz and Gambella states?

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

What kind of logic is that or is it reality that eritrea is afraid of the Oromo and Somali soldiers on the ethiopian side.


Yes there is significant Oromo and Somali in the ethiopian forces as these two ethnic are also significant in the population, but aren't you forgetting the southerners, the Afar, the Tigray, the Amara, the Benshangul and Gomuz and Gambella states?

Man, you are just one of a kind! You just don't get it. Do you?

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