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PM Resigned- What is Next

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Horseedmedia predict these men:


Ragga Ugu cad cad xilka Raysalwasaarinimo ee Soomaaliya


agada Raysalwasaarinimada Dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa ah waqtigan mid banaan,waxaana jira siyaasiyin fara badan oo si weyn u daneynaaya qabashada jagadaas kuwaas oo badankood ay ka soo jeedaan degaanada Puntland.


Xog ay heshay warbaahinta Horseed Media ayaa sheegaaya in jagadaasi siyaasiyinta u loolamaya in ay qabtaan ay ugu cad cad yihiin,waxaana ay kala yihin;


1.Maxamed Cismaan Aadan(Edson)


Waa qunsulka Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Kenya,waxaana uu qayb ka ahaa musharixiintii u sharaxnaa jagada madaxtinimo ee wadanka Soomaaliya doorashadii ka dhacday sanadkii 2009-kii wadanka Jabuuti oo lagu doortay Madaxweynaha hada ah ee Sheikh Shariif.


Edson ayaa waxaa uu qayb ka yahay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed,waxaana uu ka baxay jaamacad ku taala wadanka Talyaaniga.


2.Nuuradiin Aadan Diiriye


Wuxuu xilligaan ku nool yahay dalka Ingiriiska,waxaana uu qayb ka ahaa musharixintii u tartamaysay xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland sanadkii 2009-ka. Nuuradiin waa aqoon yahan da’yar isla markaana dhalinyarada reer Puntland ugu yeeraan Obamaha Puntland, marka la eego aragtidiisa isbedelka ku dhisan. Waxa uu muddo dheer la soo shaqeyey hay’adaha caalamiga ah ee arimaha Soomaaliya, isaga oo ugu danbeyntii ahaa la taliye ka tirsan hay’adda UNICEF, Nuuradiin ayaa wax ku bartey dalalka Hindiya iyo Ingriiska.


3.Maxamed Cabdirisaaq Abbokar


Ninkaan wuxuu kamid ahaa howlwadeenada Xafiiska Wakiilkii hore Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsanaa arrimaha Soomaaliya Axmedou Wald-Cabdalla,waxaana dhalay Cabdirisaaq Abuukar oo Dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya ka ahaa Wasiirka Waxbarashada.


Xilligaan wuxuu ku nool yahay dalka Maraykanka,halkaas oo uu ku dhameystay aqoontiisa heer jaamacadeed.


4.Muuse Macaliin Yuusuf


Wuxuu kamid yahay Siyaasiyinta aadka u quudaraynaya in ay noqdaan Raysalwasaaraha xiga ee Dawladda Federaalka,wuxuuna ku suganyahay dalka Uganda isagoo kamid ah ganacsatada shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay ee ku yaalla halkaas.


Muuse Macalin oo leh aqoon heer jaamacadeed ayaa xilligaan ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya.


Xog ay heshay warbaahinta Horseed Media ayaa sheegaaya in afartaasi siyaasi ay ugu cad cadyahay siyaasiga lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cismaan Aadan “Edson” oo asxaab badan kuleh Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Federaalka.


Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif oo maanta saxaafada la hadlay markii uu iscasilay Raysalwasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid inuu dhowaan soo magacaabi doono Raysalwasaare cusub.


Shaxdaan waxa ay ku dhisan tahay haddii Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif uu Raysalwasaaraha ka baadigoobo shakhsi ka soo jeeda deegaanada Puntland, waxaana dhici karta in markaan uu gobolo kale ka baadi goobo qofkii uu u magacaabi lahaa Raysalwasaaraha.


Cabdiqani Cabdullaahi Cabdi

Horseed Media

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From D.C area by way of Somali Galbeed of a prominent Somali family; a student of politics, used to work for the World Bank and other UN agencies, formerly a Wallad Abdalla confidente and an erstwhile Yusuf's Chief of Staff - the man rumoured to have orchestrated Yusuf's downfall.

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Shaxdaan waxa ay ku dhisan tahay haddii Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif uu Raysalwasaaraha ka baadigoobo shakhsi ka soo jeeda deegaanada Puntland, waxaana dhici karta in markaan uu gobolo kale ka baadi goobo qofkii uu u magacaabi lahaa Raysalwasaaraha.


Hence xaaji xunjuf's old math :D


the underlined is what reality on the ground demands

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Lol @ horseed media! As someone who is friend to one of the most closest people to El Presidente, Edson and his likes wont.


There is a new horse on the course by way a chap from Campala from Mudug region of Somalia.


Mohamed Abdirisak whom I would like him to become the PM (for reason known to many) is also a candidate. He is currently in Washington and is a colleague of mine. I think he could be an affective PM (whatever that means in this current sitution) but Puntland may not like him. He is also from Mudug.


Likely candidates:


1. Abdikareem Jama

2. Mohamed Abdirisak


Xiin's new Maths is a rumour too- strong one nevertheless!



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Abwaan, you are right Shariif Hassan swore that both candidates (Abdikareem and Moe Abdirisak) will not become PM- over my dead body was what he said according to some. However, the old horse is running out favours as it were!

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Abwaan maya Awoowe, ee warka unbaan badinaayay, intaas oo lagu soo qoray Horseedmedia ayaa soo dhax-dhigay, hadaan meel kale xataa ku arko Abwaan baa sharaxan ama Xunjuf waan soo dhajin. lool


In this thread we are asked what is next as in who, thus I will report whatever I see no matter.


Before my last post, I posted about Inna Oomaar which you don't like, why? You are not taking this TFG serious, are you?

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^^^Both the men above would bring a new change..

Though time is too short for anyone at this time.


ABU S, who does Sharif Xasan want ?


Edson would be a mistake..

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Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa:

Liibaanow, Buhoodle is part of Puntland, adeer ama diid ama hadiidin. SSC group and their miliria is, have always been and will be part of Puntland, even the leader run for Puntland president. Their beef with Faroole does not change much adeer. Mid kale markii bari ladoortay sheekadaa iska dhamaanaysaa.

Kuun Kuu,


Reality on the ground, Buhoodle is now part of SSC Somalia, and NOT so-called Puntland, so Whether you like it or not does not matter. What matters is the people of Buhoodle & SSC people, and vast majority of them support SSC state of somalia,and they dont want SSDF militia in thier regoin.


Xaglatosiye as somali citizen can run for be Mayor of Mogadishu or Borame tomorrow,


In 2007 and 2008, many supporters of SSDF militia thought If Cadde Muse leaves and they they elect new leader somethign will something will change. No matter how many times SSDF militia change their leader, people of SSC State don't want SSDF militia in thier land PERIOD.

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^^^Liiban adeer the SSDF movement has not existed for 12 years now, so not sure who are attacking and who you speak for.


Also Xaglatosiye, did not run for the Mayor of a city but the State of Puntland as rep from the regions of SSC, no one forced him to run and no one guaranteed he would win. Thus SSC is a faction, a political one created due to the desire of individual men.

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Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa:

^Adeer Faroole have angered Xaglatoosiye, and all this SSC he created is a reaction to that...

Doesn't matter, in 1998 at Somali conference in Cairo Audeed and Cali Mahdi have angered Warlord Abdulahi Yusuf and all the SSDF malitia=Pirateland, he created was just a reaction to Somali Conference in Cairo

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lool@Liban's history lesson


In concept, Xaglatoosiye deserves support for his quest to prevent secessionist military advance in SCC and to revive the role of Darwishs in Somalia.


He and the young garaad need to sell this project to the elders of Buuhoodle, which is where the base is, before they try to shove it at the throats of the large SSC community.

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