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General Duke

Next PM to be a Puntlander

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This is why we always fail. Look, we only need one PM and one only and God know how many clans and sub-clans we have. So, who ever becomes PM will be one of the clans and rest of us should support regardless of either we like his clan or nt. as long as he is a good person who can help us to move forward.

I know that most of us are somewhere they can do what they want to do, either its to go to uni or work chew, whatever but what about people back home? The child that can’t go to school because of fear or can’t afford, the mum that can’t feed her babies because she can’t provide for them.

We suppose to help our people not to destroy them. I personally see sheikh Sharif as a player and I support him 110% because at moment he is the only one (insha allah) who can do what’s needed to be done and that’s peace.

I wish him all the best and his PM and I hope they don’t spend their energy fighting each other but to restore ever lasting peace in our beloved country.

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ana waxan maqlay in heshiisku ahaa; Gud. Barlamaanka - TFG, Madaxweynaha - ARS iyo RW - Independent. Taasi waxay meesha ka saaraysaa raga ka socda 1. ARS, sida Gaadaale iyo Sheekhyada kale iyo 2. TFG sida juriile.


Hadiiba ay sheekadu tahay waa in laga soo doorto Puntland waxan dhihi lahaa "why not C/risaaq X. Xuseen". Ama qof kale oo waaya aragnimo leh kana soo qeyb qaadan siyaasada soomaaliya 18kii sano ee ugu dambeysay.


Calaa iyo kuli xaal Cali Khaliif Galaydh ma aha qof ii cuntamin. Sidaa daraateed waan ku tageeri shariifku inuusan dooran. Maxaa yeelay waa nooca aan ugu yeero "Samsonite-man". They always come with their Samsonite and go back with it if they don't get what they want.

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Shariifka waxaa u fiican inuu xogaa sugo inta uusan magacaabin Prime Minsterka! he needs to reach out to the potential power that be in Somalia who could pose a threat to the Gov.


Let the public carry on guessing- he should not rush into things. After a period, whoever he nominates will be nin si xoogan looga soo fakarey!.

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^Saxib waa sidaa weeyaan, ha ukhabiiriyo sifiican ha ugu fakaro, for if it turns out to be a wrong choice, Somalia's last hope under Shariif's leadership once again will be in taters...


Kadawo, Jurille is not part of the TFG and has not been since Ghedi left... and Galayr is an intellectual Prof with the experience of working with the former Somali administrations, and that he doesn't involve hmiself in the Somali clanish system is not a weak point but rather strong...


Xiin-ow, taageridda ayaad kuwareeri rabtaa. Awowe bal quote me where I made a negative remark against Shariif in this thread, sheekadaaduse ma ahan waxa aan sheegayo waa khalad ee 'I am milking it too much' :D , alright bal I will milk it too little, and too slow.


Allamagan, adeer Emperor is only commenting on Somali politics and analysing the situation. If it makes you happy and helps speed the success of the new President, Emperor if fully supporting him.


All that said, I still think and its my personal opinion that, Sheikh Shariif shouldn't select anyone from Puntland simply because of the clan.


In addition to that, I think the Somali people are tired of the old Somali politicians, thus he should select someone young, new, educated and who's capable beyond clan lines, also when selecting he should do so while having in mind the problems of Mogadishu, sarroundings and the south in general.


If I have to mention a clan or a subclan, as you all are eagerly waiting for me to do so, I think someone from AT's (Hassan Turk's coz AT Shahado muzawira ah ayuu wataa- war yaan loo fasirin please :D ) sub-clan, an energtic and charismatic youth who can generate a populace support from lower and the middle Jubba, and who can at least persuade Xasan Turki and get on board majority of the D-block that live in the South regions such as Gedo, and the two Jubbba's.


Puntland is not a problem, the disgreement between Shariif Ahmed and Puntland Administration has nothing to do with violence or conflict, its about constitution, legality and power sharing.


Shariif Ahmed as the President of Somalia wouldn't need to spend much effort or money to restore peace, law and order in Puntland state of Somalia... He can always sit down with Puntland leaders at any other time and give their duely expected as a large, productive and extremely influencial state in the Somali political world... let that be for another time and prioritise now...


Warku waa intaas un Akhiyaarta!

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^ Emperor Inaadeer, Xiin wuxuu ku leeyahay "it is not what you are saying it is how you are saying it dear lad" :D Xiin nin loo duurxuli karo ma ahan! waa ragii hore smile.gif


Calaa kulixaal, we are all the plane of beyna qawf wa rajaa! that is a good plane to be on; wont you say?

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If the post is pre determined to be from a particularly clan/ region, then it does not matter how long he takes to announce or how hard he thinks, his options are limited and chances are it won’t be the best man for the job.

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^Exactly, thank god when even Ibti can uderstand ;)


Sophist I know brother, but Xiin is a man ready for war against anyone who he's suspecious of being against Shariif :D


If he was in a battle field, his own ciidan ayuu maalinkasta intoragation siin lahaa to find who's working agaisnt behind close doors, waa nin Shaki badan, LOOOoool :D

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^LOool, I knew you would be sensitive about that, and exactly why I said it, move on Ayeyo... and the art of firing back is to wait for the next best moment and not straigh away, Hehe

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^^^Sounds like you enjoy playing games. :rolleyes: I'm a straight forward person, and cheap shots just belittle your own capcity dear ;)

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Emperor; war Xiin ragaiisa waa nin yaqaan! ayaamahan malaha adiga farta ayaa kugu godneyd ma istiri :D jokes aside, let give this "youn" man a chance- he might bring hom the ....!

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Waxaa ayaga ku sugan magaalada Jabuuti Ra’iisul Wasaarayaashii hore ee Xukuumada Carta oo ay kamid yihiin Prof.Cali Khaliif Galeyr, Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf, iyo Xassan Abshir oo la hadal hayo inay daneenayaan xilka Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Walow aysan ayaguna waxna shaacin.


Maslax Maxamed Siyaad oo asagu jegada Madaxweynaha wareegii ugu danbeeyey kula tartamay Shiikh Shariif ayaa asaguna hadal hayaa, walow warar ku dhow dhow ay sheegayaan inuusan xilkaasi diyaar u ahayn.


Waxaa asaguna xilkaasi la sheegay u ololeenaya Maxamed Cismaan Aadam Edsan oo kamid ahaa musharaxiintii u taagnaa Madaxweynaha horeyna usoo ahaan qunsulka dalka Kenya, Edsan ayaa hada ku sugan magaalada Bosaso oo uu xalay kula kulmay Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, ma jiraan illaa iyo hada cid la sheegay in dowlada Puntland ay si gaar ah u taageerayso.


Balse waxaa jira xubno kale oo si weyn loo hadal hayo oo ayagu aan horey uga soo mid ahayn dowladihii hore oo uu kamid yahay Omar Abdirashiid Cali Sharmaake oo ah wiil uu dhalay Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Abdirashiid Cali Sharmaake isla markaana la hadal hayo inuu kamid yahay xubnaha ay Beesha Caalamka sida weyn u daneenayso isla markaana taageero baaxadleh ka heli kara gobalada Puntland iyo guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya.


Omar Abdirashiid ayaa ah nin da’a ahaan ay isku soo dhaw yihiin Shiikh Shariif, kana mid ahaa saraakiisha sar sare ee Qaramada Midoobay ee ka hawlgala dalalka Waqooyiga Afrika, isla markaana leh xiriir dheer oo diblumaasiyadeed oo dibada ah. Xildhibaanada ayaa qaarkood sheegay in Omar noqon karo nin siyaasad cusub kusoo kordhiya xukuumada cusub ee Shiikh Shariif.


Xildhibaano kamid ah Baarlamaanka oo Horseed Media u waramay ayaa sheegay in si weyn loo hadal hayo Omar Abdirashiid oo ay ku tilmaameen shaqi isku soo dhaweyn kara garabyada ka maqan Dowlada hada oo ay ku jiraan Puntland iyo waliba Somaliland.


Waxaa ayaguna jira xubno kale oo badan oo la hadal hayo inay jegadaasi u ordayaan ayadoo aan la xaqiijin karin cida xilkaasi qabaneysa illaa uu ku dhawaaqo Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif Axmed

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Xildhibaano kamid ah Baarlamaanka oo Horseed Media u waramay ayaa sheegay in si weyn loo hadal hayo Omar Abdirashiid oo ay ku tilmaameen shaqi isku soo dhaweyn kara garabyada ka maqan Dowlada hada oo ay ku jiraan Puntland iyo waliba Somaliland.

I understand he may be of big help in gathering strong support for the TFG as far as Puntland is concerned , but what can he do about S/land?

I pray he gets the post, he deserves it so does his generation.

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^^^I have no idea, Juje maybe you can do some research on the man, you might have more access to him than most. Even in Puntland his name alone will not mean getting the support of the state.

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