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Hardball - ala Somali version

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^Don't plz :D


Danbi ma lihid Horn adeer...waxaan ka hadlayo iyo halkaad la aaday yaan ka gartay in aanney suurto gal ahayn in aannu ka munaaqashoono mawduuca Kismaayo. Awoowe nin rag ah baad tahay ee iska dhici nimankaan safka kale ka soo jeestay :D Hawshuba ha fududaatee rag tolka ah safkaada ku soo biiri oo hadde meel uga soo har oo taariikhda Guul wadayaasha iyo tii askartii Ilko yarta Kismaayo si waafi ah uga haqab tir :D Waa ku kaa adeer. Yaab! hadhow baa waxa la leeyahay maxay Somali isku leyneysaa!


Farda Jaan,


On gardaro...


Gardarriyo is yeel yeel baa ninkii gudani diidaaye,

Geeridu xisaab ma leh hadii gobi colowdaaye,

Gablan wiil la’aaneed rag badan waa wada galayaa e,


Mise ina Yussuf hawshiisu waa tii Inna Abdille Hassan ee uu lahaa:


Godobteydu waa jidhaa goonyahoo idile,

Gashi nimaan ku leeyahay waa daba galayaaye,

Annigu waxaan goosan karo waa gurubsanaayaa!

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Soo laabtay :D Maxaa dhacay adeeroo, isla markiibo ma inacday :D Kaftan waa wax loo baahan yahay icon_razz.gif


Adeeroo waxaad ka hadlayso, iyo ujeedadaada kowdi gartayaa. Mindaa "touch" kii baa kaa dhumay, garan maayo. Raganimo adeer meela badan baa laga helaa, dagaal ka sakow ee ;) . As for ina adeerada kale tabar baanan u hayn!


Adeerow adbo dambi ma lihid baan ku dihi! Gardaro iyo xaqdaro in lagaa galay waa wax aan kaa gartay. Laakiin aan kuu sheego sheekooyinka ku saabsan "Galti", "Ilka-Yar", "Aydis", iyo balaayooyinka ku mudan ma jecli inaan galo. Soomaalida siiba qolodeena waxii ka dhex dhacay, waxa hada ka dhex socdo, iyo waxa u soo dhex socdo wax aan labadeena ka badi karno inaysan jirin. Adna ha i eedayn, ana waan ka gaabsan inaan ku eedeeyo.


Galab wanaagsan

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Warkaasu war xun ma aha :D


Awoowe shaarkeygii baad igu heysataa ee sidee u heshiinaa :D Oo waliba addigaa dadka iigu soo hor mara waayadan oo misana waxaad rabtaa inaad buugii kacaanka inta ii akhrisid inaad i tiraahdo shaarka waa wada leenahay :D Waa cilmiyada la garan waayey. Waxaadse ogaataa xaafadaha kale dooduudu waa kaa shisheeysaa oo waxayba taagan yihiin aryaa dhulkaan dhul "Irir" waaye waana la sifee haa!!!! :D Only Inna Hiiraale thinks he can use Inna Booy!

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^ :D


Adeerow buugi kacaanka ha iga sugin. Hanti-wadaaga fikrad aan u adkaysani karo maahan, inkastoo mar mar isticmaalkeeda aan cuderdaar siiyo :D Adeerow shaarka qaybsigiisa cilmi la garanwaayay kuma saabsano ee waa mid aad diiday inaad garatid icon_razz.gif Xaalada is badashay, la soco baan ku idhi. Boosaskana aan kala badalano see sidaa u hadlaysid anigay igu mudantahay, sidaan u hadlayana adigee kugu mudantahay inaad u hadashid ;)


Sheekada ma xirnaa mise ma ku laablaabanaa ilaa aan ka noogno.

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By horn

Adeerayaaloo garbahayga in lala safnayn ee bal mid mid iigu soo baxa. Oo waad u jeedaan difaaca dinacayga calanka ani kali baa hayee.

:D:D Geesi geesi dhay iyo inankiis ;)



By Baashi

Danbi ma lihid Horn adeer...waxaan ka hadlayo iyo halkaad la aaday yaan ka gartay in aanney suurto gal ahayn in aannu ka munaaqashoono mawduuca Kismaayo. Awoowe nin rag ah baad tahay ee iska dhici nimankaan safka kale ka soo jeestay Hawshuba ha fududaatee rag tolka ah safkaada ku soo biiri oo hadde meel uga soo har oo taariikhda Guul wadayaasha iyo tii askartii Ilko yarta Kismaayo si waafi ah uga haqab tir Waa ku kaa adeer. Yaab! hadhow baa waxa la leeyahay

:D Baashi adeer ukaadi dowlad baa dhalatay adeer hiiraalena nabad buu wax ku wareejin doo naa . :D Baashiyoow meeshii xoog wax lagu dhacsan jiray hada waxaa lagu badalay xikmad iyo xirfad + caqli soonar or later kismaayo will go back the natives of the city like Baashi <---------------------

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Wiil_Duco, orod adeerkaa A/Y u sheeg Xikmaddaas :D Xamar haddey hagaagto siyaasad ahaan, Kismayo dhib maleh. Xamar is the key, he should focus on there with the diplomacy and goodwill you talked about. It isn't that difficult to outsmart opponents. People want government if A/Y and his supporters can demonstrate willingness to go beyond unfounded fears. First government, then justice. You work with whom you can without introducing steps that undermine the common cause. That is how it works.





Politics were personal for me when ethiopia had the chance to be voted for. I have my own reasons to object to their inclusion irrespective of what you or someone else might think of it. Now that that is taken care of, adiga iyo dakdaad heysatey idinka dhexeysaa :D Aniga I support what seems to me supportable regardless.

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Good analysis Baashi, but most people lost the target as ever. What's all with the Snr/Jnr JVA argument, out of the picture, and irrelevant to me.


And what about the 2 camps, nonesense I suggest. Only if you know the reality el President is not intrested in both of them as far as his actions are concerned, be either of the group like it or not the rule of law will have to be enforced, and It is what he's planning for.


I do not understand the rush, can't we just wait and see what the dude is gona come up with in few months time, give it a time. Sure people will see it differently, In now way that I suggest he is not in either of the camps, but as you know the President have always had good record of ally making no need to mention this..SRRC, Sodarre and his own version of Somali Shir in Bosaso are good examples, while others learn it the hard ways(Ally/Support each other only and only when they are threatened).


The old man has his time over of allying with other Somali groups, It is time to show his statemaness. It is time to make an ally with other Big/top men as Somalia's top man, he is not fool sxb - Zanawi,Kibaki were on the line long before, We saw the passion of Musaveni and Guelleh - Yey proved Mubarak(Remember what they said before, Ooh visadi aya loo diiday) can welcome me outstandingly, Oh no I shouldn't metion Gadafi lol coz still is on let's just wait the outcome, I think he told him to stay there forever to replace him later lol..that's all I can say for now but overall I liked the President word, quite humorous "Weerarki loo gaystay Gadafi haqdarro ayuu ahaa".Yey :D:D , What about Ali Abdalla Saleh of Yemen and Was Sudan in this group? Alright What are we gonna call them group..CRRS?..yeh they should be...Ofcource the man is no fool having only a cup of tea with them and asking money like the old Arta loser, don't fool yourself, You can guess what he's up to, big planns which most of them have approved as of the hearsay - lol..


Sxbayal, el President is careless about them thugz and small man around them, remember the parliament fight, All the colonel said was "Goleyaasha waa inay gacmaha is qabsadaan" giving no credit to both of them boxers - Do you think he would have said that if he really lost anything however less it is and felt threatened, I don't think so judgin from his character.


Ghedi proved to be consistant strong man with the president at all time, pledged to take actions against Mog lords. The only problem is the Sharifka(Qanyare's man, Atto and Yalaxow- Which dropped dramatically Sharifk's reputation having being in one boat with these worlords with the terrible record) but not the parliament, it's a minner issue but nevertheless a problem, and if Sharifka doesn't change Yey will have to solve this minner issue..but with the other priorities first. After all its win win situation to them, they are the Xukumada and the other is Sharcidejinta marka iyagaa iska Soojeedinta iyo hirgalintaba - not a problem, waxa uu Madaxwaynahay ama Ra'iisal wasaaraha dhihin Masoconaayaan.


Anywayz, Been ha isku sheegina the Predisent is relaxed as if everything was goind according to the plan and does not rely on any group, no he is no fool to think Mahamed Dheere will defend him, Absultely naive person will think this way. We have heard/seen nothing from him since he was elected, but proved he can and will go to Somalia, Went to the South with no technical/Army/Gun or even one staff of his..OH lets just wait then and see when he goes with the one that he controls whether that's FTs or Somalia troops of his, No idea.


My prediction:

There is gonna be massive force but with no major battles in the South, Mog lords will just hand over the small arms they possess when they see the capacity/reality on the ground, few fights might/not happen am not sure, it will no time, enough time is wasted by the old man. After all the entire operations time will take no longer than six months to the most in a year Somalia will be peaceful, It is the plan of the president as he clearly said it many times.


I hope you will prove me wrong, but that's all I have gota say! All the above arguments and groupings you mention are not making any sense as of my opinion.


Baashi quite humorous post, thanx but am afraid to say the shadown of a man will not be a man.

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Ar dadkaan maba oga in our main resident, xaajigeena Baashi la dhaho uu yahay ina Uunlaaye. Ar aabo intuu Kismaayo nuskeeda dhisaaye asagoo meel kale {perhaps Nugaal ;) } iska dhistaa u rooneed. :D


Baashi iska samir saaxiib, kuwii Xamarba waa ka samirtee, koow ka biloow Shineemo Macalin Jaamac, mise Shineemo Nasar ee ahayd? Mise Shineemo Shantaraale ee ahayd? Mise Shineemo Afrika? Noo sheeg hee.

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by Qorsheel

Sxbayal, el President is careless about them thugz and small man around them, remember the parliament fight, All the colonel said was
"Goleyaasha waa inay gacmaha is qabsadaan
" giving no credit to both of them boxers - Do you think he would have said that if he really lost anything however less it is and felt threatened, I don't think so judgin from his character.

araboowe meel fiican baad wax ka aragtaa. :D very good anlaz. But sxb Qorsheel soomaali waxeey tiraahdaa cunada inteey kulushahay baa la cunaa marka our hero our king our persident need to rush and do something. sxb time is runing. there alot new things that are caming namely the new power of indhacade and some more is on the way. Againg there was another perphap biyaha inteeysan kusoo gaarin baa la iskamuusaa.

Ilaa iyo hada wax aan cerid kusiino malaha madax weeynaheena aan ka aheen casumaado badan uu ka helay aduun weeynaha :D


My prediction these government will only govern the country for two years I beilve the other 3 years they will finish in Keynay and they will rula as from there. The persident and Pm realy need to make their plane faster and move to the country.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Mise ina Yussuf hawshiisu waa tii Inna Abdille Hassan ee uu lahaa:

Annigu waxaan goosan karo waa gurubsanaayaa!



Old habits die hard.


Doofaar ma daahiro haddaad wabi dabaalsiiso

Dubka iyo lafaha hoose baa dixiri jiifaaye ….


Lets hope this time he gets it right.



Ethiopia is no good (I agree with you on that).

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Originally posted by sky.african:

who is colonel siciid dheere anyway? from wich province is he? i thought he was from sool, becuz he was most of the time in laascaanood.

SXB, the warrior Colonel Siciid Dheere is from Nugaal Region. He was sent to Laascaanood because he's been the "abaanduulaha dagaalka" for Col Yeey for sometime. The fact that A/rizaq Afgaduud (police colonel) has been overstepped in a possible Kismaayo mission shows how serious the situation has suddenly gotten. Afgaduud might be in charge of "nabadsugid" mission, but not war. Leave that for Col Siciid Dheere.

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a quick question(and only for him) Gedo as it may be ,why make all those comparisons,interms of commerce n numbers, with Puntland ?


The author of the original piece is not from Punt..... if that had any bearing on your judgement.




why did we leave out Riyaale and his gang?

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