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Blackwater/Xe mercs arrive in Somalia, Al-Shabab says

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This is more than just propoganda from Al-Shabab - it was inevitable. A timely and smart pre-emption on the part of AS. Sadly, countless Somali lives will be lost at the hands of these mercenaries. Could the December 3rd Shamo Hotel bombing have signalled their arrival? We'll never know. Investigations into just who was behind that attack are as unclear as ever.


At least 18 people have been killed in clashes between rival factions in southern and central Somalia, and there are reports that Blackwater/Xe mercenaries have entered the country.


A battle broke out between the pro-government Ahlu Sunnah militia and Hizbul Islam fighters in the town of Baladwayne on Sunday and went well into Monday, during which at least 13 people lost their lives, witnesses said.


In addition, five people were killed when Hizbul Islam fighters engaged Al-Shabab fighters in the town of Dhobley near the Kenyan border, Reuters reported.


There are also allegations of US-sponsored bomb plots in the capital.


The bombings will be carried out in order to create a pretext to launch a campaign against Al-Shabab, a spokesman of the group, Sheikh Ali Mohammed Rage, told Reuters.


"We have discovered that US agencies are going to launch suicide bombings in public places in Mogadishu," he told reporters. "They have tried it in Algeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan… We warn of these disasters. They want to target Bakara Market and mosques, then use that to malign us."


At a meeting with tribal elders in Mogadishu on Monday, the Al-Shabab spokesman said that mercenaries of the Xe private security firm — formerly known as Blackwater — have arrived in the Somali capital, the Press TV correspondent in Mogadishu reported on Monday.


Blackwater/Xe mercenaries plan to carry out bombings in Mogadishu in order to accuse Al-Shabab of being the culprits in the attacks, the Al-Shabab spokesman added.


He went on to say that the Blackwater/Xe mercenaries have already recruited many lackeys to help them carry out bombings targeting prominent individuals and innocent civilians.


The Al-Shabab spokesman also told the tribal elders that a system based on Islam should be established in Somalia.


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Afhayeenka Xrakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere“Waxaa dalka yimid Shirkado doonaya in ay qaraxyo geystaan si loogu maleeyo Al Shabaab”


Posted: 1/11/2010 3:23:00 PM

Shabelle: MUQDISHO


Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab ayaa sheegay in ay ka warheleen shirkado doonaya in ay qaraxyo ka sameeyeen Magaalada Muqdisho kadibna ay dhabarka u saarinaya Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab.


Afhayeenka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Max’uud Raage oo ka hadlayay Siminaar maanta Magaalada Muqdisho Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab ay ugu soo gaba gabeeyeen odayaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed Islamarkaana lagu baranayay dhaqan galinta Shareecada Islaamka ayaa sheegay in ay ka wargeleen Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab Shirkado Shisheeye oo laga leeyahay dalka Maraykanka iyo kuwa kale kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in ay doonayaan in dhibaatooyin iyo qaraxyo ay ka geystaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya si loogu meleeyo in ay geysteen Xarakada Mujaahidiinta AL Shabaab.


Waxaa uu sheegay Sheekh Cali Dheere in shirkadahaasi ay horay ugu soo fashilmeen wadamo dhowr ah oo ay midyihiin Ciraaq,Aljeeriya,Pakistaan,Afganistaan iyo kuwa kale isagoo sheegay in haatan ay ku suganyihiin qaar ka mid ah Shirkadahaasi xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya iyagoo soo badashay Magacyadooda sida uu hadalka u dhigay waxaana uu tilmaamay in halkaasi ay ka qorsheynayaan in Qaraxyo ay ka geystaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Shirkadahaasi ayaa waxaa uu ka magacaabay Shirkad ka howlgali jirtay wadanka Ciraaq oo lagu Magacaabo Black Water taasoo uu sheegay in Maraykanku uu leeyahay islamarkaana howsheedu ay tahay in la laayo umadda Muslimka ah, waxaana uu carabka ku dhiftay in wadamada kor ku xusan ay ku soo fashilantay islamarkaana laga badalay magacii ay horay u wadatay loona bixiyay XE iyo Shirkad kale oo uu sheegay in farac ay katahay Shirkadaasi laguna magacaabo Corporation Security Solution taasoo haatan ku sugan Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya.


“Hadda waxaa ay degantahay Madaxtooyada Waxeyna rabtaa qorshaha aan sheegnay in ay ka fuliso Masaajida,Suuqyada,Wadooyinka iyo Baabuurta Xamuulka ee Rakaabku uu saaranyahay iyadoo la isticmaalayo Taksiilayaasha waxba aan ogeyn ee iska Masaakiinta ah”ayuu yiri Sheekh Cali Dheere.


Afhayeenka ayaa sheegay in Waxyaabaha ugu fudud ee qaraxyadaasi loo adeegsankaro ay ka mid yihiin gaadiidka Xamuulka ah iyo Baabuurta Tagaasida ee la kireysto ee ka soo dhaqaaqa degmooyinka ay maamusho dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in lala doonayo in lagu qarxiyo Meelaha dadku ay ku badanyihiin iyo Masaajida Magaalada Muqdisho si qaraxyadaasi dhabarka loogu saariyo Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab.


Sidoo kale waxaa goobta lagu soo xirayay Siminaarka ka hadlay Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow Cali Abuu Mansuur oo ka mid ah Masuuliyiinta Xarakada Al Shabaab isagoo sheegay in Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab looga been abuuray war ay sheegtay dowladda Kenya oo ahaa in saraakiil ka tirsan xarakada Mujaahidiinta AL Shabaab ay gaareen dalka Kenya isagoo sheegay in warkaasi dowladda Kenya ay ula jeedo dano gaar ah.


“Wararka saakay ay sheegayaan waxaa ka mid ah Madaxda Al Shabaab oo diyaarado soo kireystay Wadata ayaa meesha ku soo degtoo waa ay ka sii duulaan ayay leeyihiin,sirdoonka Kenya diyaarada Al Shabaab sidato maxay u arki wayeen maxeyse u qaban waayeen Waxaas waa waxba kama jiraan” ayuu yiri Abuu Mansuur.

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Originally posted by BiLaaL: This is more than just propoganda from Al-Shabab - it was inevitable. A timely and smart pre-emption on the part of AS. Sadly, countless Somali lives will be lost at the hands of these mercenaries. Could the December 3rd Shamo Hotel bombing have signalled their arrival? We'll never know. Investigations into just who was behind that attack are as unclear as ever.

The Golden age for these security firms have unfortunately already begun. Somalia now attracts the world's best security companies including Blackwater Worldwide, Asia Risk Solution, Secopex, Aegis Defense Services, Hart Security or ArmorGroup, both on land to fight these one-sided battles, but also on the sea to protect the growing need for piracy protection. Tough luck - After all, We put ourselves in this position.

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Al-shabaab are the only ones that commit genocide via sucide bombings. Nown they want us to believe their new fairy tales and forget that it was them who were responsible for the sucide bombings.

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You should not fall for the Propaganda of the extremist warlords. This is nothing but 'the pot calling the kettle black'


Few questions:


- Are the extremist warlords not known for their ruthlessness and obscurity?


- How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords assasinate influential men who had just finished Fadjr prayer and were heading to their families?


- How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords jeopardized civilian lives by firing from Suuqa Bakaaraha (heavily populated market place)and other crowded places just to ran away with no consideration for the hunderds of civilians who had to endure the mortar rains?


- How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords commit suicide bombings with mostly civilian casualties?


- Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have brainwashed and drugged 10-15 year old Somali kids and made them to drive suicide cars?


- Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have invited foreign Jihadi fighters to Somalia and promised to share with them our farms (land) and our daughters (mothers of the nation)? Abu Mansur (then spokesperson of the extremist warlords), 1.26 minutes


- Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have committed suicide bombing in Beledweyne-Medina Hotel and in the process killed influential traditional/religious and civil society leaders just to assasinate Col.Cumar Xaashi and Laqanjo? How many civilians died that day? 20 civilians died.


So, what exactly makes Shamow hotel suicide bombing different from the Medina hotel suicide bombing? Didn't they assasinate key ministers of the foreign-created regime just like in Medina Hotel of Beledweyne. Why was the Medina Hotel the work of the extremist warlords and is the Shamow hotel bombing not?


And lastly,


How come suicide operations, assasinations, road-side bombings occur in places not controled by the extremist warlords? In Hargaisa, Bosaso, Gaalkacyo, Beledweyne, Mogadishu etc?


How come suicide operations, assasinations, road-side bombings are directed against people who are associated with the other camp..which automatically dispells all conspiracy theories?


Lets not delude ourselves, the extremist warlord's whole organisation is obscure. Their leadership structure is obscure (for all we know a Non-Somali person can be the leader). Their organisation applies terror tactics to inflict maximum damage on their opponents and in the process create confusion and fear in the society (why else whould they cover their faces and go on an assasination spree?)


The news report of the extremist warlords is an insult to our intelligence. As far as we know, they are the same as blackwater or any other corporations that they want to use as ''boogeyman''.

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lol...Alshabaab calaacal bay billaabeen...meesha baryo miyaa taal. Dadka ay maalin iyo habeen kasta laynayaan iyaga uma tirsana miyaa? Dad baa la qarxinayaa ku lehe!

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"Blackwater/Xe mercenaries plan to carry out bombings in Mogadishu in order to accuse Al-Shabab of being the culprits in the attacks, the Al-Shabab spokesman added".


"He went on to say that the Blackwater/Xe mercenaries have already recruited many lackeys to help them carry out bombings targeting prominent individuals and innocent civilians".



What a load of Horse Puckey. Xe`s ship is up for sale in a Port in Spain, and they have no interest in Somalia.

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Originally posted by BiLaaL:

Could the December 3rd Shamo Hotel bombing have signalled their arrival?

Why would mysterious infidel "merceneries" gain from blowing up innocent Somalis? I can understand and would support them 100% as would all sensible Somalis if they blew up Alshabaab and the rest of the Jihadi misfits who are maiming and terrorizing Somalis... but why bomb civilians?


Doesn't make any sense at all.

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Originally posted by Raamsade:

quote:Originally posted by BiLaaL:

Could the December 3rd Shamo Hotel bombing have signalled their arrival?

Why would mysterious infidel "merceneries" gain from blowing up innocent Somalis? I can understand and would support them 100% as would all sensible Somalis if they blew up Alshabaab and the rest of the Jihadi misfits who are maiming and terrorizing Somalis... but why bomb civilians?


Doesn't make any sense at all.
Mecenaries and governments have always blown up civilians( including their own) or another ethnic group-in order to turn the public against an insurgent group. But i think that would be extremely difficult to pull off in Muqdisho.

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Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv:

Mecenaries and governments have always blown up civilians( including their own) or another ethnic group-in order to turn the public against an insurgent group. But i think that would be extremely difficult to pull off in Muqdisho.

There are a couple of problems with this argument.


1. There is no evidence that Western governments and mercenaries on their payola are blowing up civilians. The flip side to this glaring lack of evidence is the abundance of evidence incriminating Jihadi groups for terrorism against civilians.


2. Alshabaab has already claimed pride and support for suicide bombings in Somalia. They openly ally themselves with groups that support and justify terrorism like the Taliban and Al-Qacida.

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Meiji, Al-Shabab may be guilty of the crimes you've outlined but that shouldn't lead you to excuse the possible presence of murderous mercenaries in our country. Do not allow your anger against Al-Shabab (legitimate or otherwise) to cloud your judgement.


The presence of such agencies will only exacerbate conditions on the ground and prolong the conflict. They will not succeed in defeating Al-Shabab. To the contrary, such agencies have an interest in prolonging conflict - their main source of income.


The TFG should use its meager resources to build, train and properly equip its police and military forces. Awarding multi-million contracts to these mercenaries is reckless and will ultimately undermine our sovereignty.


Raamsade, Leaving Western governments aside for a moment, there is plenty of evidence in relation to Blackwater/Xe specifically bombing civilian targets. Fabregas' reasoning is valid as to why they would carry out such bombings.


Blackwater has been implicated in explosions in Pakistani cities and in the tribal regions of Pakistan. These attacks were purposely aimed at civilians in order to turn the public against insurgent groups based there. The aim would be the same in Somalia.


Allegations against Blackwater in Pakistan come not only from the common man in the street but from high-ranking retired generals and from the former chief of the Pakistani ISI. Men who obviously know what they are talking about when it comes to intelligence matters.


ps - The perpetrators of the Shamo hotel bombing are yet to be identified. I'm not accusing security contractors such as Blackwater of being behind it. Simply highlighting the distinct possibility that they may be behind it. They certainly have the motive and their presence in Mogadishu is becoming ever clearer.

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