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The Date: 18 years, AQ

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Various peoples around the world use different calendar systems, such as: A.D, A.H and so on and so forth!



For some Somalis- especially some of the users of this forum........



History started 18 years ago, that is, 18 years after the Qabil war. Everything that occured before that era is rendered ahistorical and consequently every single event that occured thereafter is explained in the context of those events( sad).



So my question is how can SOmalis get over or at least forgive each other with regards to those past events? Or Am I exaggerating!

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We need to understand waxyaabihii dhacay in the civil war, especially during the early years. To some, it is still traumatic and painful enough, the wound still fresh after all those years, and one can understand because only qofkii witness ka ahaa waxaas dhacaaye, xaqdarada iyo xasuuqa wax qof fiyoow u adkeysan karay ma'aha.


I remember as a boy in early '91 when it seemed every other weekend [Jimcooyinka] dad aan waxba galabsan la laaye the night before lasoo dhigi jiray as a public bandhig meeshii Tarbuunka la dhihi jiray (waa meeshii feestooyinkii 21 Oktoobar lagu soo bandhigi jiree) and dad aan waxba ka qasneen u daawasho tagi jiray, poking the cadavers around, seeing how the people lagu xasuuqay. Maba ka qasneen dadkaas.


I also remember my sister's friend's brother dilkiis. A young man who knew nothing about qabyaalad, who was born, bred in and only knew Xamar. Habeen ayaa kuwa xaafadda ay deganaayeen gadaal kasoo dagay kala baxeen gurigiis, qeyladiisa iyo qeyladada walaalihiis and hooyadiis xaafadooda dhan laga maqlaaye, qof walbana cabsi daradiis ugu jiray gurigooda. Yarkii next day meydkiis meel bandhig ay lasoo dhigay, kii dilayna, to rub a salt into the family's wound, shaatigii yarkii la dilay qabay habeenkaas ayuu subixii xaafadii ku maraaye, asagoo qoslaayo waliba. My God.


Remembering alone now is suffice dhulka kugu gariiro, naxdin iyo murugo.


The other side likewise did their share, I am sure, oo Soomaali dhan ayee dhibkaan wada gaartay, gees ka gees maanta.


Yes, we need to understand in this context, still traumatic waaye and more so to those whose family suffered it personally.


However in no way does it justify in Xabashi lo cheer gareeyo, in no way does it justify shisheeye lasoo kaxeysto. Absolutely not. It has to stop at somewhere, oo la iscafiyo, la isgacan qaado. Qalad qalad laguma saxo, xasuuq xasuuq laguma saxo, especially what few moooryaans did. Moooryaan qori heysto ehel malaha ka ahayn calooshiisa, waana jaahil aan waxba kala ogeyn lagu shaqeysanaayo.

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So are you saying kill each other just don't let shisheeye come. Few ********s? Aren't those moryaans representing both sides? Why are you supporting one side and ridiculing the other? Because the other made the big sin of getting shisheeye instead of keeping the dirty laundry.....

the scary part is that you really really believe in what you are saying May Allah help the somalis


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must people of age don't even know what the hell happened in 1990. so in my opinion, its not even forgiving each other because some of us had nothing to do with that, but creating a country, a capital we can all be proud of. the Irish claim Dublin, the English London and we mogadishu!

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