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Former Somali Warlord Abdillahi Yusuf in a fragile state - Video

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After two years Niina is blaming Yusuf Yey for the failure of her clan. No Adeer, it's Sharif and Xasan Dahir who are killing the people of Mogadishu and who were killing the people of Mogadidhu when Yusuf was in power.


The old man just left you all to it and the world can now see the truth.


Who bombed Hotel Beledweyne killing 60 innocent elders and men?


Who bombed Hotel Shamo killing Youths who were better their lives?


Who are digging up the graves for dead men in Mogadishu?


The answer is the Al Shabaab movement that was nurtured, protected and funded by the likes of Niina and who's greatest leader was Sharif Ahmed.


Yey used to fight them and you used to call them"Mujahids" then he left and you don't k ow what to do.


Who celebrates the death of an I dividual? The likes of Al Shabaab and our very own Niina as is evident by her posts.

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

We wouldn't have AS if it wasn't for Yey. That sxby is in the history books.

looooooooooooooooooooooool. Oh my goooood. oh my God. i almost missed this. the most outlandish, out of this world comment i ever heard on somalia online.


Bes, bes ... niina hala daayo. tacbaan waaye qoftaan. looool. Godane, Ceeroow, shangoole, mansuur, cali dheere, afghani, kuligood yeey aa keenay. aboow aboow. weligeey waxaan oo kale ma akhrin. abidkeey forumkaan dad badan aa soo arkay. weli tan oo kale aduunka waa ku nooleed isma laheen.


lool. Cabdulaahi even sent mansuur, ceeroow and afghani to Aghanistan in the 90s for them to train. looooooooool.

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I can't speak for pychopaths like Aweys, AS did good deeds in pacifying the South from the Ethiopian invasion, that is the undeniable truth. Maanta mowqifkooda wuu is badalay, oo wuxuu noqdey iney ka amar qaataan Ossama. Aniga waxaan eegaayey objective-ka uu group walba leeyahay. Marka Aweys iyo Eyrow sheekadooda maanta ma taal halkan.


Waxaa yaala, yaa ogolaadey iney Ethiopian nagu soo duulaan ayagoo weliba on national tv oranayo "we are declaring war on Somalia".

Awoowgeey AUN died while fighting to free Soomaali Galbeed, and Yey brought 20,000 Ethiopians to kill, torture, maim, rape and loot Southerners. Marka qofkii intaa ka danqanaya ha la arko me say.


Maanta, hadduusan Yey keenin Ethiopians, we would singing a different song.


Somalida weligeed ayey is cuni jireen oo dagaalami jireen, laakiin Ethiopians markey kugu soo haadaan Soomalida wey isku tagi jirtey oo hal wadan ayey noqon jireen.

Intaas ma fahamsan tihiin mise waan ku soo celceliyaa.


Jacpher, let me worry about myself, it is absolutely none of your God darn BIZNIZ, you get that! or waa kuugu soo celiyaa. Shaqo yeelo, hadal beenaadka aad abuureysid iska jooji and ixtiraamka dhowr.

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Originally posted by NinaNC:

I can't speak for pychopaths like Aweys, AS did good deeds in pacifying the South from the Ethiopian invasion, that is the undeniable truth. Maanta mowqifkooda wuu is badalay, oo wuxuu noqdey iney ka amar qaataan Ossama. Aniga waxaan eegaayey objective-ka uu group walba leeyahay. Marka Aweys iyo Eyrow sheekadooda maanta ma taal halkan.


Alshabaab mowqifkooda was always the same. they want power. Madaxweyne walaa Yeey, waa isugu mid. anyone who objects to their program will face a war. Ethiopia or Uganda is the same to them. same program, same path, same objective. their boys are not dying bilaash so that someone other than their chosen leader can rule peacefully. abadan.


Ok, there goes another lesson.


I will keep quoting your stuff.

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The Zack   

War meesha waa la isku dhamaaday. There are times people have to agree to disagree. For some, yey is a a hero, for others he is a criminal. No one can change what others think of him so don't waste your energy.

Odayga allaha caafiyo...taas yaa dhib ka qabo bal :D

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Originally posted by NinaNC:


Maanta, hadduusan Yey keenin Ethiopians, we would singing a different song [/QB]

:D:D given, that he had good intention of using them to pacify the blazing capital and sing your different song otherwise your whole objective is to proceed the infinitive war.iyo burburka Soomaaliya waa laga wada qayb qaatay sidii adiga wax kugu buro yihiin, hadda waana kugu buro :D

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Of course I knew that, alle unaxariisayga Mohamed Awale Liban waa nin adeerkey ah and it is in the books (aka HISTORY)...Ee the question is does Dalabey?


Now hadaan fiirino the video of Dalabey, and the link provided by Nina calling Garaad Cabdullahi Cali Ciid a fart, laba wax oo la'is barbar dhigi karo ama isku dhow ma'aha...Dalabey history la'ogyahay (calanka meeshuu ka yimid, siduu ku yimid, qofkii sameeyay, iwm) buu rabaa inuu inaga indho tiro, whereas, Garaadka uu fikradiisa uun dhiibtay! Hade ilaah baan idinku dhaarshee 'been sheegid' iyo 'fikrad dhiibasho' ma laba wax isku dhowbaa ama la'is barbar dhigo? Ka gudub taa...


Tan xigta markuu leeyahay Dalabey 'qof walbo gobolkiisa ha u noqdo' isaga yaa u leh Xamar? Iyaaaaaaah! Xamar daye, yes...Laakiin Xamar anagaa lahaa? Sheekooy ku nacay

Sis waa sax laakiin ma maqli jirtey qof kasta qumanihiisaa qoorta ugu jira dhib kaas baa jira. Dadka Soomaalida ah qaayr waxaa moodaa in aay indhaha iyo dhegahaba la yihiin. Waxaay rabaan in aay kaa dhaadhiciyaan qofkaayga waa wanaagsan yahay regardless, kagana waa xun yahay wanaag kasta oo uu sameeyo. Niyada maay ku dhistaan ma aqaan beentuna kaba daran. Iyadoo la og yahay qofka Calanka sameeyey oo uu hada dhaaw dhintay, iyadoo la og yahay SYL founders iyo magac yadoodii baa dad waxaay rabaan in aay ku dhahaayn waa been oo anaguu ahaa, reer hebel ma aheeyn iwm. Meedada kali ma rabo in aan kaa xanaajiyo waayo I know you love xammar balse ani waxaanba dhihi lahaa xammar magaalo madax Soomaaliyeed uma qalanto ha laga badalo.


Soomaaliya ma magaladaan xun ee burburtey baay u afduubnaan,20 years baa la sugayey wax ka soo socdana ma leh. Hadii aan laga tashana forever baa la sugayaa qaranimo iyo Soomaalinimo. Teeda kale magaalo madax qabiil sheeganayo marka horaba in magaalo madax Soomaaliyeed laga dhigo ma ahaayn, taas baba khalad ahaayd. Xammar shalay iyadoo cidla ah oo dhaawr buulo buulo ka dhisan yihiin baa magaalo laga dhigay, hadana magaalo kale oo Soomaalida oo dhan u dhaxaaysa ha la dhisto baan oran lahaa. Xammarna dadka isku burbursanaaya ha loo daayo, cirka ha kala dhaceeyn.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

If I keep hearing that garbage that Clan is everything!


Wallahi anyone with basic historical knowledge would know that clans were invented and exploited by COLONIALISTS. The British (mostly but other Europeans have also) have been blamed for exploiting the most minor linguistic or physical difference - they would find out how people spoke and arm both sides to fight each other, threatening one group with the fact that they will help the other side destroy them. It was a way for them to pit one group against another or divide and conquer! It's sad that some raised in the west (like me) have fallen for this B.S. We were getting along peacefully before they arrived to exploit our resources!


Look at Rwanda, Kenya and practically every African Country and read up about history!!


You would think people raised outside of Somalia wouldn't think that way!


You are just carrying the legacy that they planted generations ago,

This thread is everything that is wrong with us ! Everything ! The animosity about people killed decades or years ago, the hatred that each clan has for the others and the blind loyalty to people from ones clan. You would think that getting exposed and educated would change this things but see what is happening. Walahi if this is the generation that Somalia is waiting for we are eternally doomed. For God's sake use aqligiina to judge people and actions and not qabiilkooda ! and for once learn to forgive the past so we can heal us a nation and live together


Thankful I am thankful to God for people like you. Indeed Qabiil is not everything. I did not grow up in the west and where I grew up qabill was everything but fortunately i stopped buying in to the ********* markaan weynaday alxamdulilah !

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Thanks Ismalura,


My parents never mention clan when I was younger, I was almost a teenager when I found out and that was only because I had gone to Europe for a vacation and people started telling me all about it.


It's unbelievable that people raised here would say clan is everything. If they knew their history and the problems that clans have caused especially by Europeans and their Scramble for Africa in the 1800s, they would be furious!


People need to make sure they don't pass this clan nonsense to the next generation!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

After two years Niina is blaming Yusuf Yey for the failure of her clan. No Adeer, it's Sharif and Xasan Dahir who are killing the people of Mogadishu and who were killing the people of Mogadidhu when Yusuf was in power.


The old man just left you all to it and the world can now see the truth.


Who bombed Hotel Beledweyne killing 60 innocent elders and men?


Who bombed Hotel Shamo killing Youths who were better their lives?


Who are digging up the graves for dead men in Mogadishu?


The answer is the Al Shabaab movement that was nurtured, protected and funded by the likes of Niina and who's greatest leader was Sharif Ahmed.


Yey used to fight them and you used to call them"Mujahids" then he left and you don't k ow what to do.


Who celebrates the death of an I dividual? The likes of Al Shabaab and our very own Niina as is evident by her posts.

^ Sheik Sharif wadankiisa ayuu u

asagona qori u qaadan walaalihiis and removed isbaarooyin-ka from Xamar. Wax aad fahmi kartaan ma'aha qiimaha ay nabadaas u lahayd reer Muqdishu, waayo waa markii ugu horeysey oo ay heleen nabad nabad nabad!



Marka kuma dheeraanaayo sheekadan, oo hadalkan ha la iska damiyo dawlada cusubna ha loo duceeya iney nabada shacabka Soomaliyeed(meel walba Soomali joogto) ilaaliyaan. Hirgaliyaana joojinta dhiiga maalacyaniga u daadanaayo in Xamar maalin walba. habka ugu dhiig daadinta yar uguna dhaqsaha badan [sp.].



Odeygan Yey Allah ha tuso mercy. Allah ha na wada cafiyo kuligeen. Aamiin.

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Thread'kan dad 'sida kale u fiican' ayuu ceebeeyey!.


Weligey, in KK sidan u qabyaalad badantahay ma moodeyn!, Allow iney kaftan ka waddo ka dhig!. The Zack & Ismahaan'na iney AY inuu Oday cidda ah yahay uun iney u difaacayaan ma moodeyn!.


Waa maxay: 'hadda siyaasad kuma jiree, maxaad ugu dheggantihiin'?, dhiiggii uu galay ayaa weli gacmihiisa ka qoyan, see lagu illoobi karaa!.


Soomaali kasta 'illaa man raxima rabbuhum', markii mid qabiilkiisa ah lagu dhego ayuu la so baxaa qashin caloosha uga buuxa, sidoo kalena markuu xanuun dareemo sida geeri ku timaada ehelkiisa buu dareemaa waxa dadka kale 10'aan sano ka hor dareemeen, thats why Rasuulku (SCW) u leeyahay Muslimiintu waa Jasad Waaxid ah!. Waxaasoo dhan waxaa iiga daran Shaydaankan Prometheus calayhi mina -al- Allaahi maa yastaxiq ah ee Diinta, Jannada & Naarta ku jees-jeesaya ee qof ka xumaanayana aan la arag, markii qabiilkooda wax laga sheegona xaaddaa istaageysa! Uffin Lakom!!!.

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Ar Maaddeey ahaa ninkaan? marxaabib yaakhee,

khabari gani wantu wamini ;)


Ninyahow adigabo Axmed Godane Signature maka dhiganin ee de...marka ka leexo umada ha aalmiinteeyaanee ties are important you know ;)

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Ahlan yaa Cawaale! smile.gif


Haatu warkiisa ha ku sirmin, meesha dheel aa ka socoto. ;)


Arrinta Qabiilka, sheeko i qabsatay mar hore aan kuu sheegaa: Qabiilka aan ka dhashay & mid kale ayaa is dagaalay, kii aan ka dhashay niman badan ayaa laga dilay oy ka mid yihiin hooyadey Abtigeed, markii ay nimankii identity'gooda & magacyadooda ii sheegtay ayaan nin beesha Jareerweyne ah oo Caddaane la yiraahdo meeshana ka dhowaa intaan ku jeestay iri: 'Hooyo dadka aad soo sheegtay waxaa iiga laxaw badan Caddaane oo maanta haddaan geeridiisa maqli lahaa aad ayaan uga nixi lahaa!'.

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Ninyahow xaqiiqdaa waxay tahay in meeshaan dadka intiisa badan ay dad fiican yihiin, hase ahaatee waxoogaa mararka qaar runta ama xaqiiqda qeybta iyaga uun quseysa ayay ka hadlaan, tan kalena way iska indha tiraan. and of course that includes you me iyo qaaar kalooo badan, iyo qaar kalooo badannnnn.


waxaan u heystay in magacyada qabiilka laga mamnuucay meeshan, mise thread-kan waa barako beelay camal.



FG, Haddaan kula kaftamo, Maaddeey sheekadaada kore waxaa iiga soo baxay in aad iskma dhal tahay, iyo in Abtiyoow iyo midoo usba galti eh ey kuu simanytihiin. now i understated why you don't have any problem with some criminal from USA to role us and call him Amiir!

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