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Haha! Empreror - in badan baan ku sugayney ee ma hadaad soo dhacday Sxb! It would be really great if you could, on your side, share with us your perception, the pitfalls of Al-Shabaab and the way ahead now!

Intii ay isaga iyo N.Brown iyo Musse ku andacoonayeen in ka badan ma isagaa sheegi kara? :D


LX, waad iska dhicisey raggaa wallee lol.


Emperor, weli ma aadan qancin?


PS: Folks I am preparing something about that thing we talked about. And Insha-Allah I'll pass it on to you soon as. sorry for the delay, kinda busy.

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If a gang invades your house tonight (with the intent to kill) are you going to pour them a cup of coffee?


"Do you want a cuppa mate"?

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Al Shabaab have my utmost support in driving out the mercenary aggressors that have invaded our land, my only reservation is some of the tactics that have been adopted in this noble quest.

However this could also be propaganda coming from the Somali media. One must understand that if it wasn’t for the resistance Ethiopia would not want to cut and run and their imperialistic vision would perhaps be achieved. So those calling for peace and negotiation by any means must understand that there would be no negotiation if they didn’t you had strength. They must be fought up until the day they

Leave (unless some form of agreement has been signed) unfortunately a lot of innocent people will perish but I believe it is sacrifice worth taking.

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Toure, is there a limit to how many innocents whose deaths would be worth the end of occupation?


A ball-park figure would do, like:


"No more than 1 in 20 (5%) civilians killed or maimed in Xamar."




"No family should lose more than 1 breadwinner in a calendar year."




"There should be at least 4 Ethiopian soldiers or their collaborators dead for every 50 innocents killed."

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^I thought you figured that already. The limit is for the black flag to fly over Hargeysa, Boosaaso, & Jigjiga simultaneously.


Horn: Gedonet published that rumor? It must not got a good rating cuz I didn't hear it and you know Gedonet is on my fav. I may oppose the shabaab for many reasons but I don't accuse them of fleeing on donkeys. Besides I'm sure you know they have no border problems. :D

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Same question slightly altered to you:


What will it take you to endorse and support the Resistance. I'm just wondering. I mean, what kinda of atrocities do the Ethiopians have to commit for you to wake-up from your see-no-evil slumber ?


Do they have to slaughter 80 year old scholars in Mosques ? I forgot, they already did that.


Do they have to rape 38 year old mothers before you will wake from ur stupor ? Whops, that's been done already.


Do they have to unleash a scorched-earth campaign of shelling and bombardment of a city filled with 2 million hapless civillians, in order to cow them into submission ?


Do they have to use White Phosphors ? Do they have to block medicine and food supplies from the displaced starving masses, suffering from the attacks of the TFG bandits, day and night ?


For real, what more does the Tigray/TFG alliance have to do for you to have a pulse in your body ? Is this the fate of those of us living in the West ? To become desensitized to the horrific reality on the ground, and then bicker and prattle online about peace ! love ! Sex and the City ! reconciliation ! nonviolence ! Louis Vuitton, all the while as we subject labada xabao Ingriis aa ESL ku soo baraanay to vilify, distort, and fabricate lies about the only men and women doing something about the Occupation ?


So with that hor-dhac, I ask you, what more does the Ethiopian occupation have to do for you to embrace time-honored resistance ?


What more ?

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Well Cara


It depends what is important to you occupation and subjugation or having your sovereignty back? (Even if it leads to death).


The fact is that the Ethiopians are going to do the killing anyway but you have a choice whether to put your hands up or defend yourself.


It is very tragic that civilians have been caught in this cross fire, however subjugation is no choice, I was just watching a youtube video on the Siege of Sarajevo, it was the resistance of the average Joe that fought off the Serbs, it was sad that many women and children perished but I don’t think any of them regret their actions.


As for giving you figures one must remember this is a war and not feasible (this isn’t paintballing where the referee gives quotas)


Look when the side I support break the rules of conduct I will be the first to condemn their action, and I have said it before Al Shabaab should not adopt the indiscriminate tactics the Ethiopian aggressors use.

However to put up your hand and say “you won lets have peace now and I will settle peanuts while you get the lions share of my country in not an option and certainly not one for a Muslim.


Jimcaale if every time a relative of mine died in this war I huffed puffed and changed sides I would be the new Ayan Hirsi by now.

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Toure said :


unfortunately a lot of innocent people will perish but I believe it is sacrifice worth taking.

What makes you any better than say, Dukey and Co?


I think you should really go and get inside a tub filled with baraf and inkaarta dadka dhintay iska soo naar, acuudi billaah. Sacrife kulahaa

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Originally posted by

Jimcaale if every time a relative of mine died in this war I huffed puffed and changed sides I would be the new Ayan Hirsi by now

I get you're not advocating for these armed youth as the sacred angels of the south but I don't get that atheist jab and where I've changed pleges or sides. I don't think death is as much negative reaction to us as it might be for others. Somalis of all walks of life have at least lost one or two family members or relatives in the seventeen year old civil war. However, there's a problem when you have got drugged up militia running around with machine guns deciding whose ajal have expired or about to expire. That's the demise of human life and Islanimo.

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^ afkaaga caano qabow lagu qabay :D


Jimcaale , Toure runta ayuu sheegay ee si fiican u dhagayso the proof is in the SOL archives.


you have switched sides more times than anyone


1- what were your comments about al-shabaab like before they slaughtered those three TFG bandits ?


2- you went to the opposite end of the spectrum after the above incident !


3- yet again you hopped on the bandwagon when you felt kismaayo was under threat .. and when it tunred out to be a rumor you went back to cheer leading.


I'm too lazy to dig up this garbage but you get my drift .. you are the most peculiar TFG supporter on SOL at least with the others they have chosen their sides and not flip-flopped ... no matter what the tigre do they sing the praise of their masters.


your advocacy is based on mood swings

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Kashafa and Toure,


It depends what is important to you occupation and subjugation or having your sovereignty back? (Even if it leads to death).

I think the difficulty I have here is a question of personal sacrifice versus sacrificing of others. The resistance, in so far as they are risking their own lives to end the occupation, have my respect. What I don't respect and cannot condone, however, is Toure's idea that "it's worth it" for innocent people to die in achieving a goal which has not been agreed to by said innocent people. Next time someone interviews dead people and get their enthusiastic endorsement of the resistance, I'll believe Toure's assumption that the dead feel it was totally worth it. But a telling clue to their opinion, I think, is the 1 million civilians who fled from Xamar to live on hand-outs and at the mercy of others. My guess is that they are not fleeing the occupation but the violence that followed, for who can claim to have sovereignty at a refugee camp?


What I do know about civilian life in a war-zone is that those caught in the crossfire don't have anywhere near the kind of motivations assigned to them by those extolling for "resisting the enemy" from afar. They want to survive another day, to steer clear of both the occupation and the predictable response, to NOT die or see their loved ones dead. For some inexplicable reason, they don't care that the car bomb that ripped their child's limbs off is for the Greater Cause of Liberating the Homeland. I don't have any children, but if I did, I suspect ensuring their safety would take precedence over all other duties, including that of having political sovereignty.


To deny otherwise is the real lie.

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^Well said Cara...Very well said...


All talk but no action baan maqli jiray...I really would like to see who in here is willing to sacrifice his life or that of his family in order to have 'sovereignty' back?


Let's see some hands...

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If I was a Xabashi and reading threads like, waa dhoolacaddeyn lahaa. Aad iyo aad.


Very unfortunate of us. Wali isqabqabsi ayaan ku jirnaa oo aan jiho lahayn, cadowgii ugu weynaana qolka dhex fadhiyo, dhiigeenana dhuuqaayo. Intaa isheysanana qolof qolofkeena lafaha soo hari doono.


Goormee haddaan Soomaali nahnay kacnaa, oo midownaa, iskaashanaa, isbiirsanaa, jaankeena dhinac ka raacnaa. Labaatan sano lagu socdaa, kii ku dhashay dagaalka wuu qaangaaray, oo ciyaal asaga sii dhali karo maanta. Dad kama qasno u maleynaa hadduu magaca Soomaali dhumo, kana baxo jiritaanka Soomaaliyeed ifkaan adduunka, oo kuleel iyo qaboob midna kuma heyso.


It is just sad.

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