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Baraawe Conference: What's REALLY going on?

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There are several accounts of the upcoming meeting in Baraawe between the leaders of the Isbahaysiga Dooxada Jubba (JVA). Will Gen. Morgan (and his SPM counterparts) be there and meet with Col. Barre Hiiraale? Its unclear and there are various takes on the issue. So what's really going on?


Mas'uul ka tirsan IDJ oo sheegay in Col Barre Hiiraale uusan Baraawe kula kulmayn Gen. Morgan


Maxamed Rooble Jimcaale Goobaale taliyaha ciidamada isbahaysiga dooxada jubba oo ka mid xubnaha wafdiga uu horkacayo gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ee maanta u ambabaxay magaalada Baraawe ee gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan la kulmayn Generaal Maxamed Saciid Xirsi Morgan.


Isagoo warfidiyeenka la hadlayay wax yar ka hor intii uusan ka ambabixin magaalada Kismaayo ayuu sheegay Goobaale in ay u tagayaan magaalada Baraawe wadatashi ay yeelanayaan masuuliyiinta isbahaysiga dooxada jubba iyo masuuliyiin ka imaanaysa gobolada Sh Hoose iyo Banaadir ayna wehelin doonaan xubno ka tirsan labada gole ee dawlada soomalaiya.


Goobaale Ninka ugu sareeya ciidamada isbahaysiga dooxada jubba waxaa uu carrabka ku dhuftay in sidoo kale ay magaalada Muqdisho ka imaanaya Xildhibaanada Generaal Axmed warsame iyo Yuusuf Mire Maxamuud( Seeraar) oo ka mid ragga ugu sarsareeya isbahaysiga dooxada jubba laakiin waxaa uu ka gabasaday in uu tilmaan ka bixiyo waxyaabaha laga wada hjadlayo. " Annaku uma socono in aan la kulano Maxamed Saciid ee waxaan u jeednaa wadatashigaas Guud oo aan la yeelanayo mas,uuliyiin soomaaliyeed laakiin waa la heshiin karaa oo waa furantahay In gogol nabadeed la isugu yimaado", ayuu yiri Goobaale oo intaas raaciyay.


In marka masuuliyiinta isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ay la kulmayaan Generaal Moorgan ay noqon doonto mid ay go'aamiyeen hogaamiyeyaasha dhaqanka iyo ragga beelaha hogaamiya ee isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ka dibna ay mas,uuliyiintu hogaamin doonaan heshiisyada la gaaro.


Hadalaan uu jeediyo Goobaale oo labadii sano ee ugu dambaysay ahaa nin ay si aad isugu xiran yihiin Barre Hiiraale ayaa waxaa hadal hayn ku reebeen dadwaynaha ku nool magaalada kismaayo oo sii hayay warar sheegaya in masuuliyiinta isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ay kula kulmayaan Generaal Moorgan.


Dhinaca kale marka la eeganaya waxaa ay dadka wax falanqeeya sheegayaan in kullanka baraawe uusan ahayn mid uu Barre Hiiraale kula kulmayo generaal Moorgan ee uu yahay mid dib loogu soo celinayo kalsoonidii u dhaxaysay Barre Hiiraale oo ah gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga dooxada jubba iyo xildhibaan Seeraar oo ah gudoomiye ku xigeenka isbahaysiga oo uu udhexeeya mugdi aan si qoto dheerayn.


Yuusuf Mire Maxamuud (Seeraar) gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowada ee isbahaysiga dooxada jubba waxaa magaalada kismaayo ugu dambaysay bishii march ee sanadkii tagay. Waxaana jiray warar hoose oo la xariiray in uu khilaaf soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo Barre Hiiraale waxii ka dambeeyay 15kii septembar ee kal hore markaas oo uu dhamaaday dagaalkii hubaysnaa ee ciidamada isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ay la galeeen kuwii Generaal Morgan.


Nasteex & Timajilic





General Morgan oo laga dhigayo Madaxweynaha Maamul-Goboleedka Jubba-Land


Kismaayo:-Wararka naga soo gaaraya Deegaanka Cadaado-Yareey oo ka tirsan Degmada Baraawe ayaa sheegaya in kulan dib-uheshiisiin oo ay soo qaban-qaabiyeen,Ganacsato iyo Odayaal ka

soo jeeda Beesha Ceyr ee H/Gidir,ayna ka mid yihiin Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Dr-C/Qaasim Salaad Xasan,Xildhibaan Yuusuf Mire Seeraar,Xildhibaan Xasan Dhimbil Warsame,C/Daahir Ugaas Nuur iyo Xubno kale ayaa go-gol nabadeed oo ay uga kala dab-qaadayaan, Generel Morgan iyo Wasiirka Dib-udhiska iyo dib-udejinta Bare Hiiraale ayaa lagu wadaa in ay ka bilaabato Beri,Degmada Baraawe.


Qaban-qaabada kulankan ka dhacaya Magaalada Baraawe ayaa waxaa isku-duwida barnaamishkan ka shaqeynaya xubno uu ka mid-yahay Gudoomiyaha degmadaas,C/laahi Xalane Dhuxuloow,waxaana la filayaa in labada Hogaamiye ay uga wada hadlaan sidii loo dhameyn-lahaa khilaafka in mudo ah ka dhex-taagnaa.


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo laga helayo mid ka mid ah Xogheynta General Morgan ayaa xaqiijinaya in ujeedada shirkani ay tahay sidii Bare Hiiraale iyo Morgan looga dhaa-dhicin lahaa in ay ogolaadaan, qorshaha uu ka soo shaqeeyay Madaxwenihii hore ee Soomaaliya C/Qaasim,wuxuuna rajo ka muujiyay in natiijo wanaagsan laga gaari doono kulankan.


Dhinaca kale warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya,in ujeedada shirkani uu yahay sidii Maamul mideysan looga dhisi lahaa Gobolada Jubooyinka,hadaba yaa laga dhigayaa Madaxweynaha iyo kuxugeenka maamulkaas?.


Warar si hoose uu noogu soo dusiyay mid ka mid ah Xogheynta Generaal Morgan ayaa u qoran sidan:


1-In Ciidamada General Morgan ee ku sugan Tuulada Buulo-Xaaji iyo kuwa Bare Hiiraale

la Mataaneeyo.


2-In maadaama Bare uu noqday Wasiir iyo Xildhibaan,uu markaas ogolaado in General Morgan laga dhigo Madaxweynaha Maamul-Goboleedka Jubba-Land,asagoon ku xirin shuruud.


2-In la sameeyo Baarlamaan ka kooban 65 Xubnood,oo ka kooban Beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan deegaamada Jubooyinka.


3-In si siman ay u qeybsadaan kheyraadka Jubooyinka Beelaha kala ah Sa**, Habarg**** iyo Kabla***.


4-In Madaxweyne-kuxigeen loo doorto Maxamed Faarax Jimcaale (Goobaale).


Qodobadan oo dhameystiran hadii Rabbi idmo waxaan idiin bala-qaadeynaa in aan idiin soo gudbino,mustaqbalka dhaw,warar lagu kal-soonaan karo ayaa sheegaya in laga yaabo in beri uusan soo xaadirin Bare Hiiraale,maadaama qodobada shirkan qaar ka mid ah uu ka soo horjeedo.


Si kasta ha'ahaatee Shirkan uu hormuudka ka yahay C/qaasim Salaad Xasan ayaan la garanayn meesha uu salka kuhaayo iyadoo xaq gaara loogu ogolaanayo jifooyin aan deegaanka u dhalan sida beelaha Sade iyo Habadgidir oo loo maleeyo inay dhaxal wareejiyaan beelaha gaaljecel,Sheekhaal.


Xuseen Yaasiin Gode-Gode

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The whole project is aimed at the creation of a new front by uniting Hiiraale and Morgan the senior members of the JVA with the guadance of happles Abdiqasin want to open a new front on the Presidnet by using his own clan.


The problem here is that today Morgan has nothing to bring to the table, yes he is a seasoned fighter but without Puntlands support he is just another Jini, Casaha Abdallah.


Its a joke and shows the lack of understanding of the new reality on the ground.

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It seems as though the JVA delegates in Brava are about to make a grave mistake by including some unreliable controversial figure in their alliance. Yes it is true that Morgan is neuteralized but he shouldn't be awarded with any position of leadership. He is still a war criminal, the butcher of Hargeisa, and his induction into this alliance will have some negative implications in the minds of the friendly people in Somaliland.


and Duke what new realities on the ground are you refering to? I see you are still living in your usual cheerleading hullicinations....I must admit you are an awe-inspiring cheering champion! what a dedication to a lost cause!!keep on dreaming! ... at least that may put off an inevitable pyschological aggrevation and frustration to latter days!


As I heard through the grapvines, the bogeymen in Mog are back and are pickering on what fronts to attack on Jowhar.... nin kuu digay kuma dilin ....1500 ragtag, never tested punt skinnies Vs.the hardened elite technicals of you know who? and of what they are capable?!! ma la buubaa hee?


Yeey's days are counted and soon he will be the butt of all the jokes!! Hasta La vista Mr. Preseident!!! booto-badane!! armoow qooleey baal tifan noqdaa?

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The whole project is aimed at the creation of a new front by uniting Hiiraale and Morgan the senior members of the JVA with the guadance of happles Abdiqasin want to open a new front on the Presidnet by using his own clan.

What if the Baraawe conference doesn't even include Gen Morgan? Good to see you back BTW.




My understanding is that the Baraawe Conference came into preparations when Yusuf Mire Seeraar spoke of his wish to reconcile with Barre Hiraale. As I had mentioned once before in our discussions, Seeraar has not been in Kismaayo since the start of the Embagathi conference and was not able to go back because of internal problems between him and Barre. During the last war with Morgan, Barre Hiiraale was angered by what had transpired in Dhoobley and broke ranks with Mogadishu. This is an attempt at reconciliation between Hiiraale and Seeraar and a JVA-wide expansion into the political and economic affairs of Mogadishu itself.


kullanka baraawe uusan ahayn mid uu Barre Hiiraale kula kulmayo generaal Moorgan ee uu yahay mid dib loogu soo celinayo kalsoonidii u dhaxaysay Barre Hiiraale oo ah gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga dooxada jubba iyo xildhibaan Seeraar oo ah gudoomiye ku xigeenka isbahaysiga oo uu udhexeeya mugdi aan si qoto dheerayn.

Gedonet has it correct.

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This meeting is a meeting we are lookin forward to. Because after it is done it will be clear where Barre Hiiraale stands and then Abduallhi Yusuf can take the needed steps.


When it comes to War Morgan knows what side to be one. He is just doing this so Abduallhi Yusuf can call him to his side, but he is not going to do at because Morgan will come on his on will.


Abdiqasin is very Happless to day look at him runing after the little guys. What makes him think the guy that got kicked out form ceelwaaq yesterday by a little clan can do him good in a real war it's really funny. So tell us what is Morgan without Puntland? Without Puntland he is nothing and he found this out when he was fighing Barre Hiiraale for Kismayo. Even thought he did ok some would say but If he would had Puntland on his side Kismayo would have been his today. Depending on How the meeting goes Depending on how big the Government troops get.

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^^We are talking about factual news with sources; opinion and fact are two differents sxb. smile.gif



Beelihii wada dhistay Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba oo Shir ku leh magaalada Baraawe ee gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose


Axad, September 11, 2005(HOL): Siyaasiyiin, Waxgarad iyo saraakiil dhinaca ciidamada ah oo ka soo jeeda Beelaha Ceyr iyo Maree-xaan oo wada dhistay Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba ee gacanta ku haya Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxay shir ku leeyihiin magaalada Baraawe ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.


Guddoomiyayaasha Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba iyo Shabeelaha Hoose Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) iyo Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indha Cadde iyo xubno kale oo beelahooda ka soo jeeda ayaa waxay ku sugan magaalada Baraawe, iyadoo shirkoodaas oo socon doona dhowr maalmood dib loogu eegi doono Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba tan iyo markii la aas aasay iyo arrimo kale oo aan la faah faahin.


Xubnaha gaaray magaalada Baraawe ee shirka leh ayaa waxaa laga magacaabay Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale), Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde, Avv. Xasan Dhimbil Warsame, Yuusuf Mire Maxamuud Seeraar, Salaad Cusmaan Rooble, Nuur Taqsiin, John Dhoorre, Jen. Axmed Warsame, Maxamed Rooble Jimcaale Goobaanle iyo xubno kale.


Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba oo Wasiirka Dib u dhiska iyo Dib u dejinta ka ah Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa mar uu ka hadlay ujeedada loo qabanayo shirkan waxaa uu ku sheegay danaha guud ee Isbaheysiga Dooxada iyo iskaashiga gobolladaas uu la leeyahay sidii loo horumarin lahaa, isla markaana dib loogu eegi xaaladda Isbaheysiga mudadii uu dhisnaa.


Col. Barre Hiiraale waxaa uu meesha ka saaray in ajendayaasha shirka ay qeyb ka yihiin heshiis la dhex dhigo isaga iyo Jen. Maxamed Saciid Xirsi Moorgan oo ay dhowr jeer horay ugu dagaalamay gacan ku heynta gobollada Jubbooyinka, iyadoo Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba-na la ogyahay in uu talada deegaanada uu haatan ka taliyo kala wareegay Jen. Moorgan.


Iyadoo xubnihii shirkan ka qeybgeli lahaa ay maanta soo wada dhameystirmeen ayay wararka naga soo gaaraya degmada Baraawe sheegayaan in maalinta berri ah uu shirkaas si rasmi a u furmi doono, isla markaana uu socon doono dhowr maalmood.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Aside from the news items, it seems pretty clear that Md. Cabdiqasim Salat is playing a leading role (behind the scenes) of this Baraawe Conference. Col Hiiraale and Gudoomiye Indhacade working together on a governor-to-governor basis is a legitimate initiative. What is Cabdiqasim's role? :confused:

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Those two 'governors' are - how do I put this delicately? - *********


[ September 13, 2005, 21:50: Message edited by: Admin ]

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This people who are meeting in Baraawe which by the way is also occupied do not represent the "Jubboyinka" because they do not have the mendate of the local people which is essential for someone who wants to establish a federal state.


How can a thief meet another thief in a occupied city, which does not belong to them, to discuss a proposal of how to legitimise the stolen goods and properties and to further discuss how they are going to share the looted properties with each other, isn't that a joke in itself.

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Originally posted by Sky:

Those two 'governors' are - how do I put this delicately? - **********

They must be *********, cause they made sure ******** :D


[ September 13, 2005, 21:51: Message edited by: Admin ]

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it seems pretty clear that Md. Cabdiqasim Salat is playing a leading role



How and in what way sxb?


What is Cabdiqasim's role?

I honestly do not know of any role he has. What do you think?



Those two 'governors' are - how do I put this delicately? - C*********

Why so much hatred Sky :confused: :D


[ September 13, 2005, 21:52: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Originally posted by Yoonis:

This people who are meeting in Baraawe which by the way is also occupied do not represent the "Jubboyinka" because they do not have the mendate of the local people which is essential for someone who wants to establish a federal state.


How can a thief meet another thief in a occupied city, which does not belong to them, to discuss a proposal of how to legitimise the stolen goods and properties and to further discuss how they are going to share the looted properties with each other, isn't that a joke in itself.

You’re all occupiers, you’ve either driven out the original settlers from their land or you pray on the defenceless and rule them with an iron fist. You’re just fighting over lands that isn’t your to have.

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

They must be good btches, cause they made sure the scums which you revere never set foot in Juba...

Yes yes, they must be first-class btches indeed.


I can imagine Morgan enjoying the latest Dayniile articles printed out by one of his arronboys while sipping on his hot cinnamon tea enriched with clouds of milk, and then stumbling on a very familiar big beard - a beard that is not his - on the very next page. Thereby reciting to himself the famous words of Ian Fleming - The Englishman that gave birth to James Bond in Jamaica - without an ounce of reservation he might feel to others present within the four walls, with a distinct Somali twist: "The Warlord Who Shagged Me!".


Again, indeed they must be good btches. My dear chap by the name of Morgan can attest to that as he's still scratching the wounds caused by the stilettos of these infamous btches a good 6 years ago.

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SXB, characters like Indhacade and ina Seeraar didn't exist in Somalia's political lexicon before the year 2000 (Arta's year). Marka district police commander, a certain Mr. Sanjabiil, argues that the Indhocade administration was brought to Marka by Cabdiqasim's TNG:


EXCERPT from Salaad Xiis (of Hiraan Online):


Muran kama taagna in maamulka Shabeelaha Hoose uu xoog ku qabsaday gobolkaas, inkastoo Sanjabiil uu ku doodayo in ay meesha geysay Dowladdii Carta ee uu Hoggaaminayay C/qaasim Salaad Xasan...




So, anywhere you find Indhocade or ina Seeraar, Cabdiqasim is undoubtedly playing tunes in the background (the same way that Col Yeey's behind-the-scenes influence in Puntland is still apparent).


I'll ask the question again: What is Cabdiqasim's role or, rather importantly, his intentions? Since 2000, Cabdiqasim has been busy re-structuring southern Somalia's population dynamics.


If you ask me, Cabdiqasim's sole aim is to deepen the rift between Reer Puntland and Reer Gedo/W. Galgaduud.

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C/qaasim Salaad Xasan got the money but he is lookin for guys that can do the dirty work for him. The guy still thinks he is President or some thing.


someone needs to show him who is in incommand. Who is best at doing that than the Men himself. President Abduallhi Yusuf, I was told by close friends of mind he is on his way on doing that.


Quote wind.talker

"If you ask me, Cabdiqasim's sole aim is to deepen the rift between Reer Puntland and Reer Gedo/W. Galgaduud."


Raqiid knows but is trying to blind himself he acts like he does not see the big picture or something. At the end it's bad for your people and your land.

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