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A President Or A Geography Teacher?

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Results my friend results. THAT is what people will judge him by and not what he said in an interview on such and such day. Its been 5 months and he has learned quickly. You're comparing apples and oranges. Until you see him atop an Ethio thank cheerleading the massacre of his own people your argument doesn't wash. He said this and went here and spoke to him is NOT an argument when trying to dress him in the same clothes as Yeey et al. Fix up blad!




As Mobb Deep said: aint no such thing as a half way crook.

What does that have to do with anything saxib? :D

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that Fabregas made gassy remarks ealier about where Q town is so i can't take him seriously anymore :D


i get your point sxb - i am not supporter for the said man - however i am not quick to judge - the mistakes i was refering to were about armani for the khamiis - someone uttered in his ear that presidents don't wear khamiis and that marutanian man bought him the suit. so really it is not his fault per say - but nevertheless he accepted them for the greater good. :D



on serouse note - i get your point - i think it was Ali (ra) who said 'one of the signs of inanity is the frequent change of positions/opinions (flib flobbing)"


for that you have point - anything else?

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^^ Fabregas if F&C, why in the world do you expect him to know where Qardo is? He probably thought it was QOM (the shiica city). :D



Well, I am judging and I see nuffing so far, cheif, nuffing! Bal wax kale la kaalay.


And he is exaclty like Yeey. ;)

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NG does not like Sharif. We understand.


If true, this news attests to the shift of strategy in the current tfg.


-------------------- -------------------- -------

Muqdisho: "80-Taangi iyo laba diyaaradood ayay dawladda soo iibsatay dhawaana Muqdishaa la keenaa" Sarkaal madaxtooyada ka tirsan



Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Sarkaal madaxtooyada ka tirsan oo diiday in aan soo xigano magaciisa ayaa u sheegay shabakada wararka AllPuntland (APL) in dawladda Soomaliya ay dhawaan keeni doonto magaalada Muqdisho hub tayo leh oo ay ka soo iibsatay dalka Ruushka.


Hubkaan ayay wararku sheegayaan in uu ka koobanyahay 80-Taangi iyo laba diyaaradooda oo dawladu ay dooneyso in ay ku sii adkeyso cududeeda Miltari.


Markabka soo qaaday hubkaan ayaa xalay soo gaaray Dekeda Jabuuti halkaas oo lagu wado in uu ka soo shiraacdo si uu u soo gaaro Dekeda Muqdishoo.


Saraakil dawladaa ka tirsan ayaa maalmahan waxay aruurinayeen darawaldii Taangiyada dawladi hore ee Max'ed Siyaad Barre si ay u kaxeeyaan Taangiyada soo socda.


Hubkan dawladda Ruushka laga soo iibiyey ayaa waxaa ay ka dambeysay markii heshiis ay kala saxiixdeen wasiirka gaashandhiga iyo saraakil Ruush ahayd oo dhawaan Muqdisho soo gaaray , waxaana arintooda sidoo kale ay ku soo beegmeysa xili la qaaday xayiraadi hubka ee saarneyd Soomaliya.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Oodweyne talking about intellectual honest! Allah!


NG ,

Apparently you have issue with the man himself, not with his policies, and political approaches. I am sure you would have done the same things you’ve accused of him if your comrade becomes so irrational that he even wants to attack Alaska. So your superficial concerns don’t address the issue at hand. The splinter was necessary for ideological reasons my friend. Sharif was never married to alshabaab or Aweys; it was a political alliance to salvage what is left of the country. He wanted the talks to continue with the tfg headed by Yusuf then. They wanted to enter a conflict with it. They prevailed, the conflict broke out, military and political setback was exacted on both Sharif and alshabaab. Sharif got up and stood up again, rebuilding new alliance, remaining truth to his beliefs that the Somali conflict is more complex then the youths believe it’s. They parted their way. He ascended to the throne (proofing you wrong again) becoming the president of the tfg. He harbored no hatred toward them. He wanted to talk to them. They refused and attacked him, rejecting his reconciliatory approach. That is why the conflict actively continues to rage. What is it in there that you don’t understand NG?


Politicians employ (lets face it, Sharif is a politician, not a Sheekh) all sorts of rhetoric to persuade the public to support their side. I am fine with that. It’s expected. It’s the part of the game. I don’t measure men solely by their soaring rhetoric however. It’s the approaches. The approaches they adopt to address specific issues. Walaalow aan wada hadalno intaan is dili lahayn, oo aan heshiis wax ku dhammeyno is the route Sharif took. That’s what we like about him. It’s the correct approach. That itself, coming from the tfg head, is a sign of progress itself. How long will you continue to deny the signs of progress yaa xaaji? Your arguments is hollow and empty because it comments on events two years old while shirking to tackle the current conflict with all its interesting emergent disposition.


And lastly, please be reminded that it’s not Sharif per se we support; it’s his measured approach, and understanding of the nature of the conflict we support.


And by the way, what is wrong with a geography teacher becoming a president?

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"modus operandi

My head is still spinning with your article, too posh, too shekispearian. Saaxiib oodweye kalimado laga tagay 16th century baad sometimes isticmaashaa, xoogaa jilci bahasha. :D

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Oodweyne does not speak english by any ones standards - i bet he looks at the dictionary and writes couples from each page. he then highlights the ones that he learned their mearning on that day. :D



Somebody should advice that old man - he should put a sock on it - an not in his mouth - rather the keyboard. :D

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NGOONGE: You was far too kind to the President or teacher or humble human Armani leader. A fine post never the less.


To those who say there are no Ethiopians, come of it your very own news portals are reporting the steady build up in the central regions.


Sharif went from hating the "AIDS" infected Ugandans to being guarded by them in his very own Villa.


So far its been 6 months and the situation is much worse than ever before.

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I wish the haters started coming up with some new stuff, and stopped recycling the same "arguments" over and over again.


To NGONGE: the first post in this thread is a prime example of stuff and nonsense. There is NOT ONE SINGLE POINT in there that hasn't been addressed a million times in the past by me or others, like xiin, layzie etc.


And we can keep wasting our breath and trying to convince you that the problem is you've interpreted everything Shariif did in the worst possible way (because you are, after all, a Yusufite full of venom), but in the end YOU'LL BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE.


But don't worry about it! You'll get the president you deserve soon enough. And he'll make Morgan, Caydiid, Yusuf, and every single homicidal maniac in Somalia since 1990 look like a kitten.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


Apparently you have issue with the man himself, not with his policies, and political approaches.

What are Sh. Sharif's policies?

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Oodweyne For God's sake make your language easy and understandable, at the end of the day you want your massege to be understood, MISE WAXAY KAA TAHAY BAHASHA WUU DAADIYAY HA LAGU DHOHO :D , I don't think even your landers supporters absorber all what you trying to address, they just say "indeed" or "agree with you" :D

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