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A Historic day

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Walaalayaal it's the 10th of October 2005, a year since the election of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad as the President of a united, peacefull and new Somalia.


That day, a historic day indeed, I was at home dwelling between radio Daljir and radio Galkacyo.


I was also frequently checking, and other sources. Immediate after the election I turned on the radio to the BBC World Service in which the election of Abdullahi Yusuf was a major news headline.


That night I slept peacefully in my bed hoping that H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad will deliver the Somali people from the destruction and selfharm they put themselves in.


Putting the euphoria on one side let's ask us what has been so far achieved and accomplished. Let's reflect on it both the positive and negative things.


I hope all of you who celebrated that night will give us an inclusive insight in what you did that night and I guess the memories will stay with us for the good and the bad. I will never forget it because of the happyness, joy and continues celebrations.

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It was A day unlike any other as I recall. Those pictures bring back some great memories A day that Somalians around the world will never forget.


My whole Family didn't go to sleep that day from the young to the old. We watch it as it happened A New nation was born. Once we heard President of Somalia Abduallhi Yusuf Ahmad My whole world turned upside down because of the happness that I felt. I knew out of those that where runing for President he was the best choice. Because he is a leader he wanted it so bad it was a dream come true for all, that wanted a united Somali.


Even though the President had his ups and downs overall he has done a Great Job. It's a poor Government I don't except to much to be done. Speacily when there are war-lords that are trying to stand in front of the government. No War has occured which is great the President is in Jowhar and most of the Parlementerians are there doing there jobs. The Somali Army has been put in place there are government workers in most parts of Somali today they have toured the nation from village to village they got the people they wanted on there side working with them.


What more do we except?

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Yes the things that you listed are great achievements indeed, the government has successfully relocted from Nairobi, I recall many people saying that the president is to fearful of going to the south of Somalia and that if he would relocate from Nairobi he would go to his native Puntland, which didn't occur.


The majority of the MP's are in Jowhar, they also have got some members stationed in Moqadisho right now. There are also several state's that the governement operates in such as the North-Eastern regions of Puntland, Shabelleda Dhexe, Jubbada Hoose, some parts of Bay and Bakool.


The oposition in Moqadisho is clueless regarding what to do. They don't trust each other and they look suspioucious at one anothers actions.


So far great there isn't much more we could expect.


On the other hand the goverment has successfully set up training camps in Waajid and near Balcad.

A substainable number of Police and Army have been recruited and trained and they're ready for actions.

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What do we call successful: If the price of weapons sinds this day one year ago increase 300% (because war treat is more closer than ever) if the number of weapon import in Somalia is increase 370% according UN. Could we say that this government did any thing about reconciliation as they promise one year ago or did they divided Somali people more than ever. Could we say there is success because president visit UN ussample and ask to lift weapon embargo while the main topic was "millenium development"

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Even though the President had his ups and downs overall he has done a Great Job. It's a poor Government I don't except to much to be done. Speacily when there are war-lords that are trying to stand in front of the government. No War has occured which is great the President is in Jowhar and most of the Parlementerians are there doing there jobs. The Somali Army has been put in place there are government workers in most parts of Somali today they have toured the nation from village to village they got the people they wanted on there side working with them.

We can claim every success we want but reality is, there is almost no success that we can celebrate. you say there is no war occurred while there is allot of wars in Somalia may be more than the last year. Heir you can see how many war and clashes happened in first week of october.


What do we call successful: If the price of weapons sinds this day one year ago increase 300% (because war treat is more closer than ever) if the number of weapon import in Somalia is increase 370% according UN. Could we say that this government did any thing about reconciliation as they promise one year ago or did they divided Somali people more than ever. Could we say there is success because president visit UN ussampli and ask to lift weapon embargo while the main topic was "millenium development".


I this Success in terms.....


• Maleeshiyo ka socota koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ka soo jeedda beesha (qabiil) oo shalay ku duushay garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo oo hoos yimaada maamulka Puntland ee qabiilka (qabiil's name). 29 September

• Deegaanka Xeejo Mahaad oo ka tirsan gobalka Sh/Hoose oo dagaallo ay ku dhexmarayaan labo beelood. 29 September.

• Dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay degmada Boondheere oo ay ku dhinteen 7 ruux ayaa maanta si goos goos ah uga dhacaya deegaankaasi. 3 October

• Banaanbax looga soo hor jeeday madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf iyo ra'iisalwasaare Geeddi oo ka dhacay magaalada B/weyne. 1 October

• Dagaal sababay dhimasho oo Baydhabo ka dhacay. 5 October

• Sarkaal sare oo u shaqeynayay Qaramada Midoobay oo xalay lagu dilay magaalada Kismaayo –

• Nin qoorta laga gowracay oo dilkiisu dhaliyay iska hor imaad labo maleeshiyo


• Maleeshiyooyin ka tirsan Madaniga oo maanta iska hor imaad uu ku dhexmaray xaafadda Juungal ee degmada Yaaqshiid.

• Beelaha (qabiil) iyo (qabiil) oo ku dagaalamaya tuulooyin ka tirsan degmada Tiyeeglow.

• Iska horimaad dhimasho iyo dhaawac sababay oo maanta Kismaayo ku dhexmaray ciidamo ka tirsan Isbaheysiga dooxadda Jubba iyo ilaalada Shirkad la yiraahdo Dalsan..

• Laba qof ayaa ku dhimatay Toddobo kalana waa ku dhaawacmeen iska hor imaad hubeysan oo maanta ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Baydhabo.

• Dagaalo dhimasho iyo dhaawac geystay oo mar kale ka dhacay deegaano ka tirsan degmada Tiyeglow ee gobolka Bakool..

• Gabar Soomaaliyed oo magaalada Muqdisho Nafteedi ku weysay Shukaansi kadib Markii.

• Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo Caawa Fiidkii Lagu Weeraray Jidka Warshadaha.

• Dad xalay lagu dilay laguna dhaawacy gudaha magaalada Baydhabo iyo Sababta loo dilay.


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Rome was not built in a day. Somalia is on the road to recovery and President Yusuf is the right man for these times. We need action, security, security, security.

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Congratulations to the hardwon victory, Mr. President!


May Allah subxaanah make it easy for you to accomplish the task ahead of bringing stability, peace and prosperity to the people of Somalia.


I sincerely hope that you will learn from your mistakes and make them right in the coming future inshallah.


Please no more war, no war. Somalis can't afford another war.

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