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The path to greatness

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Many of us think and even dream about how we can get ahead in this world and how we can achieve greatness. We spend hours, days and nights studying for exams or getting reading for things that we see as useful and important. But the truth is that what we are agonizing over is really of little us to us in this world. What we need to be thinking about is how we can better ourselves so that we can succeed in the hereafter.


Please offer your opinion on how we can increase our rewards for the hereafter.

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Easy good deeds that you can do that wont take your time.


- pray in a group instead of alone as much as possible


- Read the quran while you are on the bus, or listen to it if you are driving


- go the masjid at least once a week

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Salam Alaykum,


Truly_Blessed, its always nice to read your posts.Back to the topic:


- Remember Allah throughout your happiest and saddest moments.

-Read the quran and if you cant do it alone ,read it with a group of friends.

-Go to halaqas,you can always learn something new there.

-If you are afraid of backbiting , count 10 times or more ,before saying something bad.

- Dont take people or things for granted because they might disappear.

-Before sleeping try to remember what you did good or bad , there's always a place for improvment.

-Dont forget that life is short,live your life in an islamic way as much as you can.

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Initially I want to admit it is true that the nature of humans is a complex system, however, religion is what provides a back bone. and I think it is highly imperative that we balance our strugle in this world and in the here after, life is like a game, you ascend from one stage to another and finally game is over, and death is when life is over. and it is crucial that we attach our self to our faith, because after all our faith remains to be the only access we have to our destiny. and may allah accept our prayer and lead us to the right path. amiin

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man of freedom lets get one thing straight. Life is not a game, it is not about chances. Rather life is a test. To succeed in life we must study and we must work hard to achieve our goals. By treating life as a game we as people who fail to realize its importance. In life you get one chance to "win", as you may call it. Along the journey of life we are given "quizzes" and many opportunities to learn from our mistakes. If we do not learn from our mistakes and try to lead the best life that we can we will surely be domed

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