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Breaking Newsss From London

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Ma jirto cid ku mudaharaaday oo ka soo horjeeda gooni isu taaga Somaliland dad ayaa isugu soo baxay lagu qiyaasay ilaa boqol kun oo qof dadku waxa aay is daba socdaan ilaa iyo in ka badan Todoba Mayl ilaa inta uu dhamaanaayo waxa aqalka Baarlamaanka hortiisa inooga soo waramaaya wariyayaasha Qarannews oo ku sugan goobtaasi halkan kala soco


Saacda fooda inagu soo haysna waxa aanu idiin soo gudbin doonaa marka aay hawshu isku duba dhacdo ilaa dhamaadka hawshani madaxwayne Rayaalena waxa uu hawshiisa u wataa si raaxo leh iyo isku kalsooni waliba uu maqlaayo qaylada shicibkiia oo laga wada maqlaayo guaha iyo dibada iyada oo ay dadku sitaan Mikirifoono quwad wayn leh Somaliland guul


Waxa si rasmi ah u bilaabmay banaan bixii ugu balaadhnaa eein mudo ah la xasuusto ee ka dhaca dalkani halkaasi oo aay dad aad u badani isugu soo baxeen oo reer Somaliland ahi waraiyayaasha xagaas nooga soo waramya waxa ka mid ah Abdiraxmaan Faarax Du'caale oo ka mid ah isku dubaridayaasha Qarannews iyo wariyahayaga qaybta Siyaasada iyo waraka Abdi Qootaali oo iyagu si toos ah uga soo gudbinaaya wararka halkani.


Waiye Abdiraxmaan Faarax oo isagu ka war bixiyay banaanbaxani ayaa waxa uu ku tilmaamay mid mucjiso ku noqday sida aay dadku uga soo qaybgaleen isag oo sheegay in magaalo magaalo loo kala horeeyo isga oo Abdiraxmaan afka ku dhuftay in agaalooyinka xaga hore taagan ee hada aan calamadoodii iyo calaamadohoodii aay ugu horeeyaan aay yihiin magaalada Liverpool iyo magaalada Bristol iyada oo aay dadku is daba hayaan ilaa iyo Shan Mayl oo aay uxayaan calamda dallka Somaliland iyo Briton.


Hawshi waa aay bilaambatay hadan waxa aanu maraynaa oo aanu anagu ku beeganahay aqalkii Baarlamaanka ee Ingriiska waxa halkaasi ku sugan oo isna ka qudbadaynaaya madaxwaynaha Somaliland mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin magaalooyinka hada an isha ku hayo waxa weeeynaan Baamingahaam , London, Cardif Sheffield iyo magaalooyin faro badan oo aan anigu magacooda horeba u arag dadkan waxa lagu qiyaasyaaa dad ka badan ilaa iyo Boqol kun oo qof sidoo kale waxa laga yimid wadamada kale ee Yurubta oo ilaa hada laga soo gurmaayo



La soco saacda soo socota wararka ka soo kordha halkaasi

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^^^^I don think the turn out is that high.





12:32 - 17 March 2004


Hundreds of Somalilanders from Bristol visited Whitehall today to lobby for international recognition of their country. After the civil war in Somalia in 1990, people in the north-west of the country split away to form Somaliland.


Since then they have worked hard to establish a democracy, while Somalia to the south continues to be governed by tribal warlords in a state of semi-anarchy.


A recent report by MPs who visited the country has given hope to its cause of gaining international recognition, and now local Somalilanders, who fled to Britain during the wars, are travelling to London to pile on the pressure.


Today Somaliland's first elected president, Dahir Rayaale Kahin, will be a guest at 10 Downing Street, along with ministers from the country's new parliament.


Mohamed Abdi, on behalf of Bristol's Somalilander community, said: "We would like to express our gratitude to these MPs.


"We believe their report has made a huge contribution to the recognition of Somaliland sovereignty and would help secure financial assistance to nurse the newborn democracy in the entire region ravaged by dictatorial regimes for more than half a century."


The Bristol Somalilanders, some 900, will be around 25,000 people expected to attend today.


The Bristol


Only 25,000? I was told that the majority of Somalis in England are of the "Somaliland" qabiil. I gues not very patriotic huh? :rolleyes:

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Horn the number "baqol kun" writen in the article is what we have. Since you are one of the many somaliland haters, you can exchange that number to any number you wish. The truth is there and We somalilanders are wining, even your so called anti somaliland protest is not going to take place because out of fear of our youths. We are taking out to the streets buddy if you can stop us bring it on, haha I think i am asking too much , you anti somaliland can only talk tough behind computer screen.


p.s this information was for somalilanders and you are not invite buddy go drag your feet some where else

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meesha ma inqilaab baa dhacay,,waan ba yabee...


even your so called anti somaliland protest is not going to take place

Kalay waaba rumaysatay waxii Sol lagu sheegay,, bro isteji,,cidna Odayga Riyale ma dabajoogto eh.



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I think am seeing lots of fanatics here latly...both sides


whats the big issue anyways? London is dominated by somlanders and they have every right to assemble and welc their leader, wether in the low 100's or high 1000's....the fact remains that they are willing to welc their president and give him a heros welc...


My views: Please Be civil, lets not polarise issues here: No need to show ur patriotism till it makes you look arrogant, Be patriotic but dont be a jingoist.


For the Anti-Somlanders, Please accept that somlanders are a proud bunch, willing to fight tooth N Nail for the country...let them Live :D


Am personally shocked and awed by the number of HAWKS on both sides and the number of responses each and single thread abt somland generates....meesha ma waxee noqote Somland Vs Pland?


War isku xishooda...this is the millionth thread abt riyaale's visit!....accept it he;s in the UK wether invited by the MPS or Not...


Am out!

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People hold your horses


i came back from the banaanbax and i swear i was shocked by the number of people you will probally see the photos on the websites by tommorow, but seriously the whole place was a sea of somaliland flags and banners, i was lost for words, infact i was glad there was no anti somalilanders demostrating because it could have turned very ugly, but no one else turned up and we enjoyed the day, the thing started about 3pm and it finished around 5pm, the best thing about it were the songs these guys with a large microphones were orchestrating it the whole crowd were singing it, large people of non somalis and tourist stop to watch and take pictures and these chines people joint us waving somaliland flags not knowing what the heck its all about lol, then people started doing these Hindiyo dhaqan dances which was just briliant.


what was so striking was that most people were between the ages of 16-25 yrs of age, and i swear they were the most exicited and vocals people today especially the girls,


i have never seen that much somali girls in one place all draped in somaliland flag,


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


today i realised somali girls are the most beatifull things on earth. i totaly forgot i was there for somaliland :D:D

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^^^Lol Qudhac, I guess you had a good time then. Meet any new people (girls ;) ). Besides did His Royal Highness the President of the Independent, Sovereign, Republic of "Somaliland" shake your hand and sign his autograph for you.


I wish I had the pleasure to be in Landerville too. You know so I can have the pleasure of telling the world that Riyaale Kaahin (the guy with the qat-stained lips sweating because of nervousness) took a very important part of the genocide that is the biggest basis of the argument for "Somaliland"'s seccession.


All in all I hope you had a very nice time.

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