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gd homie! sharif sheriff what difference! if it talks like a duck, walks like a duck than its duck!! what freaking parliment u talking about! u refering to the missing in action govt that operates from a motel!! lool.. come on bro! u dont believe we is all freaking dumb!!


anyway, back to the subject of this thread! i believe the int'l community should kiss somalia's azzs leave us alone! hell! they been absent and left us for dead all these yrs! we survived w/o their freakin help! what we need them for now!! kiss our blk azzs! i say!!


somali pwr is what we need, not no clanish pwr, or zealot or some white govt rescue!! think above the dirty laundry thats feed via cnn or any other warlord website! peace!!

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Muqdisho, June 10, 2006 (WDN Wardheernews) - Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in amniga magaaladaasi gaar ahaan garoonka dayaaradaha si weyn loo adkeeyey. Sida la sheegay waxa la xidhay dhammaan wadooyinka magaaladaasi soo gala. Wadooyinkaas oo la dhigay ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo watta gawaarida dagaalka. Waxa jira cabsi laga qabo in magaaladaasi ay weerar ku soo qaadaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah oo ciidankooda uu ku sugan yahay meel Jowhar aan sidaa uga fogeyn.


Weriya ku sugan magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in magaaladaasi maanta lagu wado in uu soo gaaro gudoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb "Maxamed Dheere" oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa oo sida la sheegay uuo saanad militari ka doontay.


Weriyahan oo naga codsaday in aanaan magaciisa shaacin ayaa sidoo kale WardheerNews u xaqiijiyey in Jowhar ay maanta soo gaareen 4 dayaaradood oo xamuul ah. Kuwaas oo aan illaa hadda la garan waxa ay wadaan iyo halka ay ka yimaadeen. Waxaase loo badinayaa in diyaaradahaasi ay saanad militari u wadaan Iisbahaysiga dagaal Oogayaasha ee dhawaan lagu jebiyay Muqdisho.


Imaatinka dayaaradahan xamuulka ah ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli magaalada Jowhar ay ku sugan yihiin qabqablayaashii isbahaysigii la dagaalanka argagixisada ee Muqdisho ka baxay. Kuwaas oo kala ah Maxamed Qanyare afrax, Bootaan Ciise Caalim iyo horjoogihii maleeshiyooyinka Qanyare Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad "Cabdi Waal".


Dagaal Oogayaashan Jowhar ku sugan ayaa la sheegayaa in haatan ay wadaan abaabul dagaal oo ka dhan ah maxaakiimta islaamiga ah oo hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa wararku intaas ku darayaan in hammigooda ugu weyni in uu yahay in ay dib gacanta ugu dhigaan goobihii dagaaladii Muqdisho lagaga iyo ay sii xoojiyaan gacan ku haynta Jowhar oo laga cabsi qabo in lagu weeraro.


Maxamed Cumar Aadan.

WardheerNews, Muqdisho




Yea they wanna do anything Stop being so naive people. They want the instability to continue so that Somalia dies a slow death.


The United Strates doesnt want anything good for Somalia. Since world war 2 the US has been messing with us and making our lives difficult. There are plenty of examples of US interventionist policies that have damaged Somalia.


lets not talk about the enemy of Somalia (Ethiopia). We know what they want.

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I am surprised that we're depating about the intensions of the west or US for that matter. We (Somalis)have every thing and every one against us and this none sense clanish stuff will not make us the winners. Whether you support the fake government, worlords (blood suckers), or the wadaads who all have one thing in mind (power, cannot make the ordinary somalis life any better. This country is set up and we (Somalis) are to blamed for falling their trap.

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If anyone wanted to help Somalia they had 16 years. How dare they now? This teaches all Somalis an important lesson, any support gained from the US can shift at any day.

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Yeps Yeps I agree with both of you.


Its us against the world baby. To quote two of my favorite rappers.


2pac: Ain't no love for the otherside, jealousy inside, make a move to die.



K'naan: Once we were the patriots but home is where the hatred is.


Maybe its time to change our strategy. That whole patriotism thingy wasn't that bad after all, maybe we should give it another try smile.gif

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Xoogsade,much like Alle Ubahane, resorts to the argument of the clan when addressing my perosn. It is to be expected since they supported and still support the factions in Mogadishu and oppose the government because of the clan. I remember Xoogsade arguing on behalf of the warlord effort when Shafif Xasan was their tool, I was taunted then as I am now. I still do not see how this will end well? The courts with Yusuf Inda CADE as their guide will never get any moral high ground.


This government has been hampered by the warlords and their cheerledres, including emotionally suspect fellows like Xoogsade, Alle Ubahane. Rememebr Sharif Xasan wasted a whole year, opposed eveything, from peace keepers to the formation of national troops. Today he is happy to do what was logical a year ago. Where are the clan fighters who supported Qaynare. They have not gone away at all. Today they are supporting their clan in the guise of a court.


So Xoogsade, your clanist views with regards to me on Mogadishu are nothing more than the echoes of Musa Sudi, Bashir Raage and Co. Who when faced with difficulty resort to insulting a certain clan..

I am not suprised that you are a tribalist, but I am shocked at your behavior against the Islamic religion and its rise against the warlords!


War ma sidaan baad naf mooday, magacaa jirye?

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I am not suprised that you are a tribalist, but I am shocked at your behavior against the Islamic religion and its rise against the warlords!

I beg your pardon, Islamic rise did you say. Well I hope it is one and that Indacade, will be put behind bars and his clans control over Muslim peoples land will be terminated. Untill then all we have is the same old blood shed.. See justice is universal, refer to the holly Quran and the Sunna if you will.

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^^You always circle around the unverifiable allegations of Indha-cadde. This guy you call indha-cadde is not in the political playfield over three years, I think. And you idiotically magnify his wrongdoings over the known criminal A/Y for thirty years of perpetual gross national violations in our country. That of which you skip over him and pursue other minor figures makes me understand your mistakable sound of tribalism.


You never decieve me with your nepotism, awoowe, cause I know you enough. Even, I am mature enough to know the tricks of your ailing uncle! :D

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Again you try and defend the indefensable, A/Y was and has been a rebel, he rebeled against a regime that was horrible. What about those who worked for that rrgime, including Xasan Dahir, are they any better? Or what about Abdiqasin who was deputy PM and Minister of interior when the regime killed young school students in Jazira beach, and Bombed Hargaysa? Is he not a criminal.


A/Y crime is he went to Ethiopia, so did all other victories rebel clan based movements. The fact that you would make up stories about him hiding the facts that even these courts that you profess to love shelled parts of Mogadishu and took part in the killing of over 300 civilans. Are they not criminal, what makes their actions more valiant than A/Y?


As for the rest, A/Y has never occupied other clans lands, has never been in charcoal and drugs trade. Has never shelled Mogadishu, Marka, and Kismayu. Inda CADE even burned down the twon of Dhoobley including its Mosque, is he not a villan worthy of your lala land rehtoric. Of course he is not from the North East correct?

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^^See, you are very repititious and not making any sense at this point. Bring valid points that are debatable here, or continue praising your ailing uncle for the crimes he did and continues to do now and even in the future.

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Look here guys @ ale-ubaahane and General Duke. You are chasing each other around from tread to tread with the same tribalist name callings. Why don't you both clarify your persnal points. About what you personally prefer and would like to see in Somalia.


Where you stand on the Somali catastrophe and what you think could be the solution.


Thank you.


(I think you both agree, but your just too stuborn to admit it)

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^Don't curse me saxib, for I never agreed with views of General Duke that are anti-Somali, as well as Anti-Islamic movements. I deem an insult by placing me on the same page with Duke.


Xaalmarin ayaan rabaa, ama gar ayey tageysaa sheekada....

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hahahah. Ok sxb but you didn't tell me your points. I asked you something specific. So please answer.


Idont know much about Duke or about you. I ahve seen you both on this forum. All I know is that Duke is pro TFG and you are pro ICU. TFG and ICU are just tools for making Somalia abetter place or not.


Both of you agree that our people need peace right?


and that our nation is in great danger from outside forces.


How about you guys as NIMAN RAG AH. Share your visions for Somalia instead of rooting for one camp or another for whatever reason.


How about rooting for peace in Somalia.

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