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Mintid Farayar

Nairobi:Faroole Told No Money 4 U/Administration Tied To Piracy

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Gentlemen from Puntland,


Right now, I, Mintid, am your best friend :D I keep telling you 'the Puntland boat is in trouble'! Unfortunately, you're getting worked up instead of thanking me for the free advice.


Usually, when a boat is sinking at sea, the definitive sign to look for is: The Rats getting off the boat! Exhibit A,B, & C: Where's Abdullahi Yusuf, where's Adde Muse, and where's Hassan Abshir?


Are things beginning to make sense?


I'm surrounded by very obtuse students :mad:

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Maybe Af-Somali would be easier for my obtuse students!



GAROOWE : M.waynaha PL "Waxaa nala ku yiri Maamulkiina ayaa qayb ka ah burcad-badeeda"


Posted to the Web Apr 24, 11:54 Garoowe:-


M.waynaha Puntland Dr.C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed oo maanta Masaajid dhexdiis khudad ka jeediyay ayaa wuxuu sheegay kulamo caalami ah oo ay Nayroobi ku yeesheen in maamulkiisa lagu shaabadeeyay burcad-badeed oo lagu eedeeyay in qayb ka mid ah maamulka ay xiriir la leeyihiin burcad-badeeda. "Waxaa nalaku yiri Maamulkiinu xiriir dhow buu la leeyahay burcad-badeeda, waxaan ku jawaabnay wax xiriir ah oo aan ognahay lama laha burcadb-badeeda maamulkayagu baaritaana waan samaynay, waxaa nala ku yiri hadaba maamulkii hore baa burcad-badeeda xiriir la lahaa, waxaan ku niri anaga kuma aanan maqal mana aamisanin in uu maamulkii hore uu xiriir la lahaa burcad-badeeda". M.wayne C/raxmaan oo ka hadlaya burcad-badeeda kadib safarkiisa Nayroobi M.waynaha ayaa shalay markii uu ka soo dagay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Garoowe wuxuu kaliya oo uu ka hadlay burcad-badeeda iyo in caalamka oo dhan ay boog kaga dhigeen Puntland burcad-badeeda, wuxuuna xusay in ay suuragal tahay in laga qaado tallaabo caalami ah. Waxaa xusid mudan in M.waynuhu todobaad ka hor uu codsaday $20.000.000 oo uu sheegay in uu kula dagaalamayo burcad-badeeda wuxuuna xiligaasi sheegay in aysan waxba ka qaban karin burcad-badeeda haddii aysan helin kaalmo caalami ah.


Axmed C/salaam



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Labadaan gobol -- waa Waqooyi Bari iyo Waqooyi Galbeed -- taageeriyaashooda ugu xagjirsan ee siyaasadeed mala isla qabaa. Waa midba midka kale jabka gobolka kale ku farxaayo, intana la sugi karin in uu lasoo bandhigo.


Laba dal oo cadow qarniyo soo jiri jiray dad ka dhaxeeyo ayeeba ka dhigeen. Acuudi bilaahi.

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Right now, I, Mintid, am your best friend I keep telling you 'the Puntland boat is in trouble'! Unfortunately, you're getting worked up instead of thanking me for the free advice.

Thanks for the concern and the free advice. Let me repay the favor. As terrible as piracy is, it has exposed many of Somalia's problems. This is a reason why many young men get into this criminal activity. People are paying attention to it and are now finally realizing that Somalia can't be ignored. The attention piracy has brought might be the only benefit.


So if the Puntland boat is in trouble, it might end up positively. My advice to you is to focus on the Somaliland boat that is in extreme trouble. Somaliland was known for it relative peace and was fighting for recognition. It claimed to be a democracy that held free and fair elections. It has never had a peaceful transition of power by vote. Being able to change leadership peacefully would have really helped its cause. Your leadership has on more then one occasion cancelled the election in fear of losing. Canceling elections would be unacceptable in any democracy, especially doing it more then once. There is no way you can even expect your cause to be taken seriously now; your current leader has completely thrown it away. My advice, holding democratic elections is essential in helping your cause, the damage seems to be permanent though, but focus on getting back on track and demonstrating you can change leadership peacefully.

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^^ We will consider your brotherly/sisterly advice with an open heart & mind ;)


Now let's get back on topic....


We're extremely concerned about the fate of the Puntland experiment. After all, given examples around the world, it's very dangerous for us to have a ' failed state' next door to us. Very worrisome, indeed...

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Hmm, guess we got differing opinions on failed state!! Having the exact same leader either as pres of vice for over a decade. Who continuously pushes the elections back and even though you claim to have been oppressed by Siad's regime, your current leader was head of the secret police!!! I'd say that's a failed state!

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Mintid Faryar: Somaliland belongs to Somalia and vice versa. You cannot seperate them. The rude awakning will be harsh but a good lesson for people like you. When the Somali army stands proud again. and march...oh..I wonder what guys like you would do.

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Originally posted by Belial:

Mintid Faryar: Somaliland belongs to Somalia and vice versa. You cannot seperate them. The rude awakning will be harsh but a good lesson for people like you. When the Somali army stands proud again. and march...oh..I wonder what guys like you would do.

There is a Somali army standing tall and proud right now. You don't have to wait for tomorrow, it's already there. It's called the Somaliland Armed Forces .


Yaa Rabbi! These students are slow...

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