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USC supporter c/shiikh xasan busted!

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Ah how I love conspiracy theorist with such fevor, I'm quite sure there is something to be said about suspending judgement instead just believing hearsay which is quite biased in a fact. As for Caydiid coming back to fold kind of reminds me of the saying "Fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice, shame on me" and I'm oh so quite C/Laahi Yussuf would be wallowing in shame soon (Insha'allah) for Caydiid might be another example of a USC supporter being yet again "busted". :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

When did I ever ask you or anyone else to welcome the Ethiopians? Read and re-read my comments bro. I'm against the presence of any Ethiopian or Kenyan troops on Somali soil. I've said that time and again.

compare to:


posted March 03, 2005 12:26 PM

I recently heard that some Ethiopian commanders reminded RRA branch leader Xaabsade that it was them - the Ethiopian army - that ultimately helped the then-unified RRA recapture the entire regions of Bay and Bakool from USC/SNA forces. I guess that's why Xaabsade is suddenly welcoming the TFG.

Why the double standard and pretend to be who you are not. You are a core supporter of Yeey and the Ethiopian troops so stick to it and stop acting anything other than Pukelander sxb.....dont be ashamed of who you are ,though u should really be :D

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I recently heard that some Ethiopian commanders reminded RRA branch leader Xaabsade that it was them - the Ethiopian army - that ultimately helped the then-unified RRA recapture the entire regions of Bay and Bakool from USC/SNA forces. I guess that's why Xaabsade is suddenly welcoming the TFG.

Well, I don't think that is a good believable reason. One thing for sure is Xaabsade, Saransoor and other opposition figures that were against C/llaahi Yuusuf and Amxaaro--their attentive ears were whispered some appealing tribal words: Amxaaro will help them "liberate" the lands of D in the D&M tribal "caucus." That is Shabeelada Hoose and some parts of Jubbada Dhexe if you hadn't have a clue. One more sick tribal nonsense. It is one reason getting your weapons from Amxaaro (as all Soomaali jabhado did one time or another, RRA ma lagu koobin), but supporting and leading them to deegaanka Soomaalida, even if it is occupied by other clans, for clanish reasons. Sick.


They (waa Shaatigaduud, Sh. Madoowe iyo Xaabsade) told the guy, the so-called wadaad, who rules Shabeelada Hoose: Iskaga bax deegaanka if you don't want to face Amxaaro wrath.

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Ms Word thanks for confusing me again. I read your last post was it a ridle?


As for Xabsade and Saransoor hating Ethiopea or Juma's clan hating Ethiopea, people give us a break. All these groups covet Ethiopean support. All Somali factions were at one time based in Ethiopea or had close links with Adis.


No one here is championing the national cause or for the interest of the Somali people, least of all Juma who calls a whole Somali region "PUKELAND" thats just sad :rolleyes: . He is stright clan hating, and wrongly fears his sub-clan might lose some power if the republic is resurected. No Juma its the few criminals fake wadad's who will lose and not the clan.


MMA, made some good points, it was internal pressure and the lack of external support that forced Xabsade and Saransoor to accept the new reality since Abdiqasin and his money evaporated what else can these brothers do?

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^^^ MsWord, Strangly to say, my identity vanished almost as suddenly as it had come. You outlived the height of my own repute, and am saddened, in this very momment, by seeing what little power any of my usual tirades have to stop the tide of an open safecraking from such an esteemed member of this site.


Oh, Avatar. Rest in Peace.


and the power of women shines once again.

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Msword, Glad to have entertained you with the fervour. But conspiracy theory? I don't think so. People are paranoid back home and take threats very seriously. It doesn't take much to entice them into armed conflicts, offend their tribal sensibilities or frighten them. And that is what happened.

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cRitiCa, Sarcasm is a language but few understand.


Horn, I believe it's the family genes ;) , it couldn't of been helped.


Xoogsade, When a group join or act together, as if by sinister design and claim that the confiscated maps from Xassan, a supposed USC supporter whose is trying to thwart and divert the road to "peace" lest we forget also, an enemy of the state, were fake based on limited information or knowledge basically an Assumption then it is indeed a conspiracy theory which like all it's kind, results in paranoia thus enabling the people back home to be easily enticed into armed conflict as you've stated.

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MsWord, Coming together might be a sinister design to some while to those concerned, it is their survival and preparation for what is to come towards them. That is the impression one would get if they were to talk to these people and ask them why. It is even beyond warlords and specific communities now according to what I hear from Xamar. That is how serious people over there took this invasion. And to them, what they think matters more to what others say or think. Surely, they aren't waiting for a second opinion and live in their own world.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

That is how serious people over there took this invasion.

What invasion? Look at the facts on the ground: 1) Ethiopia is Somalia's #1 archenemy 2) Somalis have demonstrated AGAINST the inclusion of frontline troops on any A.U./Arab League peacekeeping mission 3) the U.S. state dept recently declared their anti-frontline troops stance; and finally, 4) Ethiopian PM Zenawi's(although we trust him at our own peril) own words that said "the offer was the table" - and that he won't force his troops into our land.


Ethiopia regularly enters and leaves Somali soil (some say it even controls several Somali cities). All the fuzz arising from this irrelevant issue (because its all a masquerade) comes from the people who oppose ANY troops because they stand to loose plenty of property, money and control.




One time, Malcolm X was asked why he hated White people so much. He said he didn't hate them, but that he loved his Black race so much more. I think you're like him: you love what your little clan leadership affliation(CLA) is so much that you don't see any of its pitfalls and failures (which probably our number the successes).


- You support the same men who've ruined the lives of thousands of Somalis - of all diff clans


- You're against Col Yeey not based on his terrible merit as a leader but because you adhere to Al-Xaaji Yalaxow's take on political powersharing in Somalia: with the USC-affiliated clans reserved the right to assume the Presidency forever.


- You believe in the fantastic story of "your" peoples plight during the Barre regime - and see the Somali civil war (post-1991) as a 'freedom' of sorts. But from whom or what?


I could go on and on forever. Perhaps that's why I've given up on you. Your thoughts are so convoluted that I think I get mentally sicker everytime I read them. Blind hatred is what's gotten us into this socio-political mess. I suggest that you move on from always seeing the short-term gains of Somalia's current state of failed politics (as do your idols - the war/druglords of Benaadir) to attempting to look into the long-term effects: if we continue at this rate, do you have any idea how many generations' lives we've ruined? You think al-Xaaji Yalaxow cares about this?


Men like you put your trust in men like al-Xaaji Yalaxow - I suppose that tells me a lot about the nature of your character.

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^^That is it!! "But" only if there is differences between Yalahow and A/Y! Or Juma and A/Y supporters here(without naming them) icon_razz.gif


Bothsides love blindly their holly clan that they don't see the reality!



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'Sheekoyo ku nacey'..! Mr. Dubious (wind.talker)Sxb calacal weyniida..! You have the name of the worst scum( Colonel yeey) tattooed in your heart and other places of your body and you want me to drop Caqiil,Horumood,Guulwade, Mujahiid,etc. Al-xaaji Muse Sudi Yalaxow et al. You must be joking.


You whole heartly support the man who has destroyed and dismantled every institution he joined. You try to put logic into a man who sets out to build tyranny. All you have to look at is his primary policy since being elected..foreign troops & foreign troops..has been all he has uttered. Ofcourse Mogadishu is in turmoil and the warlords have no solution, but there is no way, I repeat no way, they will allow for the re-creation of the very first reasons and circumstances that have led them to armed uprising. And if you think the only solution in here is for the introduction of Axmaro soldiers like your mentor Colonel Yeey then you have something else coming


You Mr.Dubious (Windtalker) list all negavite things of Al-xaaji Muse and et al, have a look at this and let me know what you think :


Col.Cabdillahi yussuf waxaa lagu xantaa in maamulada loo dhiibo uu 6-da bilood ee hore wax daadihin karo wixiise ka danbeeya intaas uu gacmihiisa ku burburiyo wxii loo diibtay. Waxyaalaha aan ku xaqiijinayo ayaa waxay yihiin labadii maamul ee kala ahaa SSDF iyo tii u danbaysay oo ahayd maamulkii puntland oo uu dhaxalsiiyey jaahwareer aan weli dhinacna loo saarin...

Waxaa intaas u sii dheer taariikhdiisa foosha xun oo ah in dadka reer puntland oo aan lagu aqoon jirin in dhexdooda la isu adeegsado la isuguna diro beel beel waa wax ku cusub bulshada reer Puntland oo kornaylku hormuud ka yahay.


Fashilaadihii korneylka markaan soo koobo ayaa waxaa ka mida:- .fashilaadii in qilaabkii 1978dii

.Burburkii SSDF 1979-1985tii.

.Dagaalkii uu ku haligay wiilashii aqoonyahanada iyo culimada isugu jiray 1992

.Burburkii uu burburiyey maamulkii Puntland 2001dii

.Dagaalkii hubaysnaa ee Magaalda boosaaso 2001dii

.Dagaalkii hubaysnaa ee magaalda Garoowe 2001dii

.Iyo isagoo weli u sii diyaara iska horkeenida u mada walow ay hortaagan yihiin isimada beelaha kala duwan.


Su aasha is weydiinta leh waxay tahay ama aan ku soo gunaanadayaa qormadayda Col.Cabdillahi yusuf wuxuu mudo ku dhow ilaa 30 sano aad isugu taxluujinayey siduu wax u xakumilahaa welina ma hayo taladii uu wax ku noqonlahaa halkeebuu ka geli karaan haykalka guud ee umada soomaaliyeed isaga iyo kuwa Caqligiisa oo kale ku shaqeeya

Read the whole article at :


And finally sxb if my comments and replies to you and others who so blindly support Colonel Yeey infuriate you dont worry cause they are meant to..


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Wind.talker, It is all good if Ethiopia is staying out of this. Abdullahi Yusuf can put these rumours to rest by saying frontline states won't be included. That will be the end of speculations.


I wonder why he is so quite lately? I haven't read Somali websites and didn't listen to BBC. Is there something he is saying about this? Last I checked he wanted IGAD with ethiopia included.



He needed to sacrifice himself by going to Xamar and show the people that he meant business and is honest about being a president for all Somalis. A man who puts people first isn't afraid of anything. Reconciliation should have meant forgiveness and readiness to move ahead with the process of building a government. On the contrary, All Cabdullahi Yusuf did was take one wrong step after another. Many in Xamar would have supported him if he showed the courage in the early days to visit the town and speak to the people. It would have been difficult for those who disagree with him to do anything. The whole world and somalis would have turned against them if something happened to Abdullahi Yusuf. Sadly, Abdullahi Yusuf has the same mentality as any tribalist who doesn't trust their fellow somalis due to earlier conflicts. So reconciliation meant nothing but buying your own time to get what you wanted, and once you did, just be yourself. He gave the impression that he can only be in Xamar guarded by foreign troops with ethiopian troops most preferable to him. That impression he gave right or wrong have turned all potential supporters who wanted to see progress away from him. People felt they were demonized collectively as is the case most often.



And then there was the lectures he gave about his war record as if people were interested about wars. You could say the man is reer mudug and doesn't see wars as a big deal, but it offended many. We live in a world where people hang on to every word you say. Abdullahi Yusuf wasn't prepared to lead a nation to be honest with you. I didn't like his victory cause I knew he would have difficult time due to personality issues and others who don't trust him. We would have fared better if civilian was elected although Abdullahi Yusuf, Atto, Yalaxow, Aidid Jr might have all rejected again due to their ego and wanting to keep their powers and influence. In any case, we are in full circle again and I am hoping because of a man or men, people won't draw the lines again as it had been a decade ago. We have a lot to lose if that happens.


I saw a thread posted by Libax-san-kataabte that said Abdullahi Yusuf visited Xamar, and I thought, THERE ENDS ALL PROBLEMS AND DISPUTES. It was a joke.

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