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USC supporter c/shiikh xasan busted!

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read and find the truth.


heres the guy trying to thwart the road to peace of somalia, as enemy of the state he should have been kept in jail. take a good look at him.




confirmation by dayniile:


and of course the fake maps that the garoowe police missed that he had it with him of course :D :





[ March 03, 2005, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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Job well done for Garowe Online. Man, do I hate spies!


"Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee Puntland ayaa isla markiiba waxay ogaaadeen in C/laahi Shiikh Xassan uusan ka mid ahayn Guddiga Xaqiiqo raadinta,laakiin in badan ayay xaq dhowreen...Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee Puntland ayaa dabagal ay ku sameeyeen C/laahi Shiikh Xassan waxay ku ogaaadeen inuu warar sir ah had iyo jeer u gudbinaayo Muqdisho,Nairobi iyo meelo kale."


P.S. Due to SOL rules, the Somali term which means 'found out' OGAAADEEN sounds like a tribal name and is thus omitted. So, I intentionally misspelled it so people can read the excerpt.

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yeah man can you belive this guy? what did he do=


1 he talks back at minister faroole in his own hometown garoowe. i heard faroole is still pissed.


2 he sabotages the factfinding mission


3 he spies for the scumlords/rebelministers aka the uneducated fools.


4 he fabricates lies, like drawing his own map. looks like a 2 year old kid made it. actually belongs to number 2


5 dude got a free ride on the plane


6 dude brought the lives of the factfinding mission, the tfg members and the citizens of garoowe in danger.


i find it funny how he made a big deal of everyhting. in gaalkacyo, the ministers faroole and ina qoorsheel summed the provinces to visit in puntland, bari, nugaal and mudug. this guy jumps up and starts an argument over: waxaan gaalkacyo ku ogaa laba qaybood! dabcan next argument was when he refused to come to the airport like everybody else to welcome the tfg pres and pm.

one thing is for sure, he aint the guy that would make a lot of friends in this particular part of somalia.


i just found out that gen badmaceeye also from muqisho says this c/shiikh xasan is a conman. he also stole 500 dollars, supposedly from gaalkacyo to muqdisho flight.

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Originally posted by sky.african:

one thing is for sure, he aint the guy that would make a lot of friends in this particular part of somalia.

In that part of Somalia, the terms '*****' and 'friend' don't appear in the same sentence. I say he's lucky - coz I know Faroole wouldn't take no shit from garbage like him (Abdullahi Shiek). And he named Gen Badmaceeye in vain. Muqdisho media overblowing the issue blah blah.


Funny, though, coz his story doesn't add up at all. He was arrested in Garoowe and his stuff (mobile, documents etc) were confisticated. Yet, he manages to retain the magical 'map' - if this map is so damning for Puntland or Ethiopia, how come the Puntland authorities didn't confisticate it.


Oh, lemme guess - he hid it up his butt-hole! :D


[ March 03, 2005, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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Oh, lemme guess - he hid it up his butt-hole!



Funny, though, coz his story doesn't add up at all. He was arrested in Garoowe and his stuff (mobile, documents etc) were confisticated. Yet, he manages to retain the magical 'map' - if this map is so damning for Puntland or Ethiopia, how come the Puntland authorities didn't confisticate it.

is this guy a dameer or what? even lies are thought of before spoken, didnt he check up on his lies if they actually add up when so many ppl will hear it. this guy is a joke. wait ima find a pic so everybody can see this busted fool.

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I'm becoming little suspicious of somaliaonline now. It is weird that puntland websites did not mention any thing about this guys when he was arrested and now they write allot about hem and try to discredit hem. I recommend to visit Hornafrik and read and hear what C/lahi Sh Xasan said and the interview made with Jen. Badmeceeye, Badmaceey is short in in answering the question about this incident. While Sh Xasan sounds very credible. Its bit to late to discredit the guy as spy and thief stiling 500 dollar.

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Originally posted by Nuruddin:

I'm becoming little suspicious of somaliaonline now.

I'll consider this a typo. SomaliaOnline isn't a news site!


Originally posted by Nuruddin:

While Sh Xasan sounds very credible.

USC supporter kasta oo Muqdisho jooga ma Shiiq buu la baxay? This isn't about Puntland websites versus Muqdisho websites - everyone has their own agendas. Its about coming to conclusions from reading what this dummy said.


Read his interview on Hiiraan Online - an impartial site - and answer this question: Since all his stuff was consficated, how come he got away with the maps?


I think the butt-hole episode might be true after all :D


[ March 03, 2005, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

quote:Originally posted by Nuruddin:

I'm becoming little suspicious of somaliaonline now.

I'll consider this a typo. SomaliaOnline isn't a news site!


Originally posted by Nuruddin:

While Sh Xasan sounds very credible.

Moryaan kasta oo Muqdisho jooga ma Shiiq buu la baxay? This isn't about Puntland websites versus Muqdisho websites - everyone has their own agendas. Its about coming to conclusions from reading what this dummy said.


Read his interview on Hiiraan Online - an impartial site - and answer this question: Since all his stuff was consficated, how come he got away with the maps?


I think the butt-hole episode might be true after all
Why are you so emotional and jumpy? Answer me this why was he relist if he was spy and thief who stole 500$. Did he say every thing was confiscated? or did he say my mobile phone and pass was confiscated? I recommend the people in this discussion to calm down and stop the name calling and discuss like mature people.

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wind talker




i swear gacan ayaan u taagay reer muqdisho they infiltrated and busted c/y and ethopia little "info gather team" :D:D



there is bit of james bond about this dude, but the IGAD is fast becoming a laughing stock with their hopeless inspection teams suddenly turning warlords. :eek:

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Since he (Cabdullahi Shiek) used his James Bond-like expertise to 'infiltrate' Cabdullahi Yusuf and Ethiopia's plans, I think he shoulda done the right thing and assassinated the bloody bastar. But, all wishes don't always come true.


But, just out of curiousity, how much of this guy's facinating tale do you hold dear to your heart?




Let's like like 'mature' people, haye. This Cabdullahi Shiek character was caught by Garoowe police. I know he didn't say his ALL his stuff was confiscated - for if he did, how would he explain having a 'map' that planned out Ethiopia's invasion of southern Somalia? More importantly, Ethiopian military headquarters for Somali affairs are in Godey, not Garoowe. So, in a sense, Ethiopia's military plans would be housed in a safe Godey military camp as opposed to being in Garoowe.


Secondly, did your friend Mr. Cabdullahi Sheik share with you the story of how he managed to slip a HUGE map past his detainers (i.e. Garoowe police)? I mean, I'm sure they would've noticed a map - especially a map detailing Cabdullahi Yusuf and Meles Zenawi's plans to invade southern Somalia.


Do you even care for these important technical questions or are you so brainwashed by Muqdisho warlords of the impending Ethiopian (read, Amxaar) attack on Somalia? Ethiopia is coming - arm yourselves blah blah.

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Win.talker, Qasab miyaa in Amxaaro la soo dhowesyto waa adigan mar walba dad ku eedeynaayee Amxaaro diidmadeeda for whatever reason? Dadka waa xor saaxib aqtiyaar beyna leeyihiin, waddankoodiina wey joogaan. Amxaaro Abdullahi yusuf ha siiyo meeley degaan. He has a hometown he can sabjugate to get whatever he wants. Plus it is peaceful there so ethiopian troops have to worry about nothing. I will celebrate if Reer Muqdisho insist and put their lives on the line to their last one of them to show their resistance to ethiopian troops setting foot in Muqdisho. If troops come, and Ethiopian troops are part of them, I love to see the ethiopian troops be hosted by Abdullahi Yusuf in his home town. Ha geysto isaga meeshuu doono iyo meesha laga oggol yahay Amxaaro immashaheeda. Just because Abdullahi says or wants doesn't work in every place. If the future of the country is being put at risk just because Ethiopian troops should or shouldn't be part of the troops expected to come, they should be hosted wherever they are accepted and residents don't mind. People have the freedom to reject what they don't like. According to the news lately, troops are welcome in Muqdisho but without Amxaaro being part of them. What makes that UNACCEPTABLE TO YOU? if Amxaaro is that important, they should go where they are welcome. It is that simple.

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There are some taking the fabricated (allegedly {I don't know if it's true or not}) map seriously fellow nomads.



Col: Barre Hiiraale Oo Isugu Yeeray Ciidamadii Xooga Dalka Soomaaliya


Wasiirka dib udhiska iyo dibudajinta dawlada federaalka kmg ah ee soomaaliya Xildhibaan Barre Aaden Shire ayaa maanta ugu yeeray ciidamadii qalabka siday ee soomaaliya in ay barrito isugu tagaan xarunta shiirkole ee degmada kismaayo.


wareegto oo maanata ka soo saaray xaafiiskiisa kuna socotay qaybaha kal duwan ee ciidamada qalabka sida ayaa waxaa loogu sheegay in maamlinimada barito ay soo xaadiraan xerada shiirkole oo iminka ah goob fariisin tiro ka mid ah ciidamada isbahaysiga dooxada jubba.


Lama oga sababaha uu iminka gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga dooxada jubba uu isugu yeeray raggi ka tirsanaa ciidamadii soomaaliya xilligaan oo uu meel sare marayo dareenka bulshada ee ciidamo shisheeye oo dalka la keeno laakiin qaar ka mid ah dadka ka faalooda arimaha siyaasada ayaa waxaa ku micneeyeen in tallabaadaan looga gol leeyahay in lagu minjoxaabiyo dadaalka uu madaxwayne C/lahi yuusuf uu ciidamo shisheeye ku keenayo magaalooyin ay kismaayo ku jirto.


Waxaana uruurinta ciidamada xooga dalka ay ku soo beegmaysaa maalin ka dib markii isbahaysiga dooxada jubba uu weeraray siyaasada madaxwayne C/laahi yuusuf ee kala xulashada magaalooyinka dalka oo ay wada joogaan shacab dawlada wada raba.


Nasteex daahir

Kismaayo, Soomaliya

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