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C/yusuf: Wadaadada ayaa haysta Masaajidda, Waxbarashada, Arrimaha Bulshada, ganacsiga

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The man is getting delusional, he wants to fight the entire somali society, he even accuses the WFP for supporting muqawamada lol. Things are abviously not going well, now evry one is the enemy.


Khubad Xasaasi ah oo C/Laahi Yuusuf ka jeediyey Baydhabo - Nov 20, 2007


"...tan kale, TACLIINTA YAA INOO HAYA? Tacliinta ma wadaadada xakuma mase Wasaaradda? Wasaaradda ayaa xukunta (miyaad leedihiin)? Manhaj-kee ayaa laga dhigaa Iskuulada, yaa leh Ducaaloow?.


Malcaamadaha Qur'aanka, Dugsiyada Hoose iyo Kuwa Dhexe, Dugsiyada Sare, Jaamacadaha, waxaa haysta Al-Islaax iyo Al-Itixaad iyo Alfatuud iyo magaciisii ayaa haysta oo wasaaraddii meel ay haysato ma leh.


...nimanku (Wadaadadu) waxay wax ku yihiin wax allaale wixii dalku lahaa, ama tacliin, ama diin, ama masjid, ama Xawaalad, ama dhaqaale, ama isgaarsiin (Telecommunication), ama ganacsi, ama fatuud, ayey gacanta ku haystaane aan gacantooda ka wareejino... C/Laahi Yuusuf

Wadaadadu waxay haystaan Masjiddadii, waxay haystaan Waxbarashadii iyo arrimihii bulshada, waxay haystaan xataa Caafimaadkii, waxay haystaan ganacsigii, waxay haystaan Isgaarsiintii (Telecommunication), waxay haystaan Xawaaladahii. Wax Alla wax aan haynaa ma jirto'e(ma hada ayu taas ogaaday?lol), wadaadada sidii laga yeeli lahaa saakay halaga taliyo. Ma wadaadada ayaa dalka u dawlad ah mase inaga dalka u dawlad ah. Qorshaha maku soo darteen sidii nimankaas loogala wareegi lahaa waxaas oo adduun ah, HAA (ayey ku jawaabeen kuwii fadhiyey goobta), maku soo darteen (HAA.. mar labaad)... Waayahay'e anigu nin ayaan ahay gacan ayaan idinka siinayaaye, nimanka col ayaan nahay'e, ma i maqleysaan, nimanka aan iska celino, nimanku waxay wax ku yihiin wax allaale wixii dalku lahaa, ama tacliin, ama diin, ama masjid, ama Xawaalad, ama dhaqaale, ama isgaarsiin (Telecommunication), ama ganacsi, ama fatuud, ayey gacanta ku haystaane aan gacantooda ka wareejino, haddaad rabtaan in ay Soomaaliya noqoto Soomaaliya. "

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but isn't it true? With all these things in the hands of wadaads, how can we return to statehood? Banks ,school, communication, business, no where else is there such a thing as wadaad monopoly, both in the private and public sectors. real need for separation of masjit and state no?

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If you mean the world food program, i would ban it all together, like the preisdent said they bring aid right when formers should sowing seeds and there for creating a cometion they could not win, they bring sub-standard food that has expired sometimes or is used to feed animals in the west. Self-reliance should be encouraged.

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