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Since it is getting more, not less, frequent about our government officials' fondness for abroad travelling and staying at luxurious suites paid from kistoo yaa Eebbe lagu soo helay from international community, this thread will henceforth chronicle the endless itinerary undertaken by those three highest officials of this dowlada kumeelgaarka: Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed; Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Shariif Xaan Sheekh Aadan iyo Wasiirka Koowaad Cali Max'ed Geedi.


[Plus three other prominent members of the government, Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil; Wasiirka Maaliyada Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow; Ra'iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka ahna wasiirka Iskaashiga Gobolada Ismaaciil Max'uud Hure Buubaa.]


Highly a week goes by without those three -- and plus the other three -- going to an overseas destination, mostly to Neyroobi, supposedly our unofficial capital.



Today's [Juun 14] schedule:


C/llaahi Yuusuf [in Neyroobi]


Geedi [in Neyroobi]


Shariifka [in Baydhabo]


C/llaahi Sh. Ismaaciil [in Neyroobi; this guy, since uu jagadaan qabtay, had only been to Soomaaliya two or three times so far, inta kale international capitals ayuu ku wareegaa, living five-star hoteelo ah, lacagtii lasoo tuugsaday ku dhameeyo tumashaas]


Buubaa [somewhere between Urdu {Jordan} and Liibiya]


Saalim Ibroow [last reported he was in Kuweyd]

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^^^^ Waraa maxaa ka jiro in Xaabsade iyo Saransoor ay ku xannibanyihiin dalka Liibiya, waxaan maqley Yeey ayaa dabin iyo seeto u dhigey markuu intuu u kaxeeyey Liibiya yiri shirar baad ka soo qeeb galeysaan iyo seminaaaro tababar ah.


waxaa la yiri YEEY waa siyaasi is nacey, labadan nin waa kuwii carqalad ku ahaa imaatinka dowlada ee Baydhabo, labadiina wuu iska musaafuriyey si aysan muran u keenin oo hadda maxaabiis ayey ku yihiin hoteel dalka Liibiya ku yaalo dhaqdhaqaaqna looma ogola iyo iney Soomaaliya ku soo noqdaan.



Shaati iyo Shariifka ayaa qorshahan habeysan ka danbeeyey maadaama ay siyaasad ahaan iskaga soo horjeedaan Xaabsade iyo Saransoor.



Sxbkiis, sii faahfaahi hee intaas aa la igu soo gamey ani

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Originally posted by nuune:

^^^^ Waraa maxaa ka jiro in
ay ku xannibanyihiin dalka Liibiya, waxaan maqley
ayaa dabin iyo seeto u dhigey markuu intuu u kaxeeyey Liibiya yiri shirar baad ka soo qeeb galeysaan iyo seminaaaro tababar ah.


waxaa la yiri
waa siyaasi is nacey, labadan nin waa kuwii carqalad ku ahaa imaatinka dowlada ee Baydhabo, labadiina wuu iska musaafuriyey si aysan muran u keenin oo hadda maxaabiis ayey ku yihiin hoteel dalka Liibiya ku yaalo dhaqdhaqaaqna looma ogola iyo iney Soomaaliya ku soo noqdaan.



ayaa qorshahan habeysan ka danbeeyey maadaama ay siyaasad ahaan iskaga soo horjeedaan Xaabsade iyo Saransoor.



Sxbkiis, sii faahfaahi hee intaas aa la igu soo gamey ani

Hmm thats interesting, this rises the issue of Maxamed Dhere in ethiopia and why he didt return to jowhar, can it be that he is forcefully healed by ethiopians on c/yusufs order?

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LooooooooooL at you folks.


I've no idea. Waxaas laakiin is obviously sheeko baraleey nooh, oo sheeko suuq iska ah. I don't think in Xaabsade or Saransoor lagu haayo Liibiyo. Lacag shaxaad ee u joogaan; I don't even think inay wali Liibiya joogaan.


Teeda kalena Shariifka iyo Xaabsade ayaa isku xirnaa, not Shaatigaduud iyo Shariifka. Maantana kuligood waa isku soo dhawaadeen, oo Xaabsade qolooyinkii uu Xamar ku xirnaa faraha ka qaaday. Xaabsade la'aantiis Baydhabo waxa ka socdo kama socdeen. His people ayaa dego deegaanka, oo iyaga ganacsiga xukumo iyo wax walba, not Saransoor, oo reer Xudur ah. Not Shaatigaduud, either, or Sheydhaan Madoowe.


Sababta uu C/llaahi Yuusuf ugu raaceen to Liibiya, waxaan u maleyaa Qadaafi ayaa ku qasbay. Qadaafi doesn't trust no Soomaali "leader" these days. He perhaps asked him yaaka taliyo magaaladee dowlada degan tahay, and when he told Qadaafi about them, perhaps ii keen ayaa la dhahay next time aad shirka u imaaneysid. That is my theory. Plausible, perhaps.


PS Dalmar chronicle will be weekly.

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^^^MMA, xaggee aadeen hee labadaas nin, haddey joogaan beydhabo ama neyroobi wey ka hadli lahaayeen hubka uu YEEY keenayo Beydhabo maalin daa'in, weyna ka jawaabi lahaayeen codeynta loo ansixiyey keenista ciidamo shisheeye, afkaartooda siyaasadeedna wey ka dhiiban lahaayeen dagaalada wadaadada iyo qabqablayaasha, marka hadal iyo gunaanadkiis, labadan nin gacanta kuma jiraan for sure.



PS: Maxamed Dheere is stuck in Godey, the residents of Godey are looking for him now, he is now in Xero-ciidanka ay leeyihiin in Godey, if he comes out, he would be killed, these are the people he called on the radios as terrorists and now he is hiding in their towns,


good job YEEY, and thanks for sending ETIOPIAN-Plane to Jowhar to pick up this man

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^^^^ Waraa maxaa ka jiro in Xaabsade iyo Saransoor ay ku xannibanyihiin dalka Liibiya, waxaan maqley Yeey ayaa dabin iyo seeto u dhigey markuu intuu u kaxeeyey Liibiya yiri shirar baad ka soo qeeb galeysaan iyo seminaaaro tababar ah.

Kix kix kix Walaahi waad iga qoslisey nuune. Ma waxaad leedahay odeyaasha inteey tababaro sugaayeen aa Liibyaan ma naxariistayaal lagu dalbadey :D . Talk of Yey's rendition activities smile.gif .

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Today's [Juun 21] leaders' itinerary schedules:


Max'ed Cali Geedi [in Khartuum, Suudaan]


C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed [in Addis Ababa, Itoobiya]


Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan [still in Neyroobi, Kiinya]



Safar salaama. :D


Dad nabad, raashiin iyo wax walba u baahan ayaa idin sugaayo, idinkana hadba meel diyaarad u raaca, oo iska baashaala. Wax idinka maqan ayaaba iska yar.

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Duulimaad diyaaradeed ay ciil u qabeen nimankaan waligood, hadda ay fursad u heleen, saan aaminsanahey saddexdooda mar un bey diyaarad la gadoomi doontaa!

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the money for travel is either coming from countries that invite the president, his own or the Un's poltical office in Somalia which give the government some money for travel use by the TFG in its effort to bring Somalia back into the international community.

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the money for travel is either coming from countries that invite the president, his own or the Un's poltical office in Somalia which give the government some money for travel use by the TFG in its effort to bring Somalia back into the international community.

His own lacag? War the old man's jeeb waa foorinoyaa, iskaba dhaaf wuxuu diyaarad ku raacee, wax uu hoteel ku bixiyo mahaayo. Unless, of course, waxii laga soo tuugsaday from international community uu masuq maasuq ku sameeyo, which, as an Afrikan wannabe leader, he does or not.


Lacagtaan safaradaan badan lagu aado Qaramada Midoobey's office of United Nations Development Programme in Neyroobi ayaa loo soo marsiyaa, from Scandinavian countries, mostly Iswiidhan and Norweey, ee ma'aha wax uu jeebkiis ka awoodo.


Despite UNDP's effort to reduce corruption meesha ee ku baxaan dhaqaalaha, still masuq maasuqnimo waa dhacdaa, oo xafiiskaas ee ku lee yihiin xaga Neyroobi waxaa u fadhiyo a cousin of Geedi, Shariifka's close associate and Cabdillaahi Yuusuf's trusted man. The only face known publically is that cousin of Geedi; other shadows, who work behind the scenes, aren't that visible.


Plus, Geedi still mantains a mansion in Neyroobi, paid, apparently, from the public purse, through UNDP.


Plus, they mostly use a second-hand upstart airline called Mudan Airlines, which is reputedly owned by a distant relative, related clan-wise, of Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed.



And now back into Great Leaders' schedules:


All three are in Neyroobi, Kiinya. They initially misreported that Geedi went to Khartuum. However Neyroobi ayuu ku hakaday, but they are all now going to Khartuum together, which forces me to ask a burning question:


Don't they trust one another? Maxee meel walba iskugu daba tagaan?


And what will Shariifka do in Khartuum? Shariif ka wareer badan waligeey ma arkin. Sometimes he is a prime minister, doing the executive; other times, performing the president's duties, in addition to being a guddoomiye to his baarlamaan's legislative.

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And what will Shariifka do in Khartuum? Shariif ka wareer badan waligeey ma arkin. Sometimes he is a prime minister, doing the executive; other times, performing the president's duties, in addition to being a guddoomiye to his baarlamaan's legislative.

MMA, lool, iska dhaaf Shariifka, wuu ka maskiinsanyahey labada kale, waa runtaa mararka qaarkood sida Bush camal uu u dhaqmaa, guddoomiyaasha barlamaanada reer galbeedka lamaba arko, ma aqaano Shariifka gooryaan maa ku jiro inta aad halkan aad, abidkeey..

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Todobaadkaan [Juun 28] meeshee ku sugan yihiin their excellencies, the chosen leaders:


Shariif Hasanoow Shiikh Eedan [back to Baydhabo yesterday].


Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed [Went to Gaambiya (yes, Gaambiya of Galbeedka Afrika!) shaleey via our unofficial capital, Neyroobi, using the same plane that landed Shariifka].


Max'ed Cali Geedi [still chillin' in Neyroobi and living at large, with all the luxuries it offers].

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MMA, the president and the Prime minister is traveling so much because he has to, though I don't understand why the speakers travels abroad. Do to the lack of government for more than a decade and a half, this adminitrations has a lot work ahead to reconnect our country to the world. also, our country lack of resource forces the government to seek the assistence of the international community. Forthermore, The UNDPOS did say that they allocated a certain amount of money for this purpose. let me assure you, at our presidents age, luxury is not in traveling the world but resting at his home!

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MMA i love the tread, maybe a bit late, allot traveling done already.


Keep it up!


Maybe we can predict the chances of a plane crash involving one of them.


All this traveling is increasing their chances of dying through a plane crash

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