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^NO to Qabiil, lol


I have said it, there you go my friend let the history write me down as a man free from all qabiil iyo qurunkiisa, ooh let me just breath out huuh Im a free man. :D

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^^ It keeps getting better and better! smile.gif

To quote that old Bedouin; if such are the priests God bless the congregation! ;)

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MMA, I can swear to God that I am one of those people who will never support his qabiil on Gardaro, but on collective basis, it is incumbent on me to speak out against misdeeds while I am willing to discount which misdeed better serves in the general health of our society. We ought to undertake obligations to protect our society from evil doers with no concrete and definable alternative to the changes their strive to effect on us.

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Anigu Qabiilkayga waa taageerayaa haduu saxsanyahay. Haduu qalad wadase dee xagga Alle ayaan aadaynaa waa in khaladka laga qabtaa. Waxaanse shakki ku jirin inaan dhiiggayga iyo dadkayga diffaacooda u dhimanayo hadii khalad lagaga soo horjeedo. Taas Xaddiis ayaa kusoo arooray ( Walaalkaa u gargaar markuu khaldanyahay iyo markii laga khaldanyahay )




Maxaa horta lagu dhaaranayaa ???

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

[QB] Taas Xaddiis ayaa kusoo arooray ( Walaalkaa u gargaar
markuu khaldanyahay
iyo markii laga khaldanyahay )

^ :D:D .


Meel Duke yiri qabiil baan ka dhaaranaa, kkkkkkk :D . *I'm laughing so much my lungs are about to explode*

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Originally posted by Caamir:

I can swear to God that I am one of those people who will never support his qabiil on Gardaro, but on collective basis, it is incumbent on me to speak out against misdeeds while I am willing to discount which misdeed better serves in the general health of our society. We ought to undertake obligations to protect our society from evil doers with no concrete and definable alternative to the changes their strive to effect on us.

Waa yahay. Waala gartay.


However, yet, you support dowlad ku sheega Xabasho soo kaxeysatay. What do you call that, if not gardaro? Not a gardaro against a particular qabiil, but the collective name of Soomaalinimo and everything Soomaali name stands for. It is a grand gardaro against Soomaali nationhood and its people's conscience.


You may excuse and call this has nothing to do with qabiil and everything to do with politics, but in Soomaali politics, everything is qabiil and has to do with it.


Ee marka, Caamiroow, don't you think Xabasho -- any group who soo watay them -- doing xasuuq in Xamar is gardaro and supporting that testifies against what you've swore to now?


Qabiil -- or rather its rather negative counterpart, qabyaalad -- meel ay adduunka horumar aan kaga gaarnay ma ii sheegi kartaa? Just give me one collective Soomaalis isku wada jiraan positive and advanced ugu noqonay ifkaan oo qabiil noo horseedaayo. Absolutely nothing. It imprisoned our mentality, our maan. It made us a laughingstock refugees every corner of this world; a vast majority of our children cannot even afford a single grade school. A new whole generation of unhealthy, uneducated masses.


All this because of this centuries-old incurable disease called qabyaalad qurunkeed our people are addicted to, where some of their supposedly educated elites even find excuses for its continuation.


Native First Nations aboriginals of North America waxa meeshaas dhigay, oo dhulkooda in laga qabsado dhigay, oo afkooda ku baaba'ay was qabiil. Maalin Eebba keeno isku dagaali jiray in the name of Huron, Wyandote, Mohawk, Cherokee, Iroquois, et cetera, before they finally realized the grand agenda by Reer Yurub foreigners dhulkooda ka qaatay. Soomaali inay taas ku dhacdo ayaan ka cabsanaa.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:



Meel Duke yiri qabiil baan ka dhaaranaa, kkkkkkk
. *I'm laughing so much my lungs are about to explode*

looool. adiga riwayada iska fiirso nooh. Jilayaasha matalaya waa soo badanooyaan. Waxaan la yaabahanay Ina Cabaade & Xaaji Qoris-Maris waxa weli war looga la yahay. :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Meel Duke yiri qabiil baan ka dhaaranaa, kkkkkkk
. *I'm laughing so much my lungs are about to explode*

:D Such a cynic. The man's got a lot of experience in this field and I for one believe him. smile.gif

You may excuse and call this has nothing to do with qabiil and everything to do with politics, but in Soomaali politics, everything is qabiil and has to do with it.

MMA if that's case, how could anyone involved in politics (including contributors of this section of SOL) claim they can put their hand on the Qur'an regarding this issue?

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according to my observations, MMA is one of the highest rank Generals when it comes QABIILIST.


My surprise is how he can offer us to sign this petition when he is GENERAL in this issue.


SURPRISE :confused:

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I can't believe i missed this topic yes i would!!!!!!!!!!


MMA: I've had friends in years and walaahi did not even knew their qabiils. Never even thought or occured to me in a thought. And I can proudly say, those few that their qabiils aan ogaaday after all those years, none belong to my qabiil.

That's the thing without qabiil Somali men and women would be Soldiers in a supreme army fighting as brothers and sisters and that's when they cripple Nations and invoke fear not dirty militia's posing as government troops and insurgents who are the laughing stock of the region


no qabiil is a mentally united Somali World from Djibouti city to Hargeisa city to Bosaso city to Mogadishu city to Eastleigh city to Dhir Dhabo city and all across the Somali diaspora


the Somali World must unite and learn from their past mistakes and Insha-allah we will prosper

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Originally posted by LLPP:

Waxaan la yaabahanay
Ina Cabaade & Xaaji Qoris-Maris
waxa weli war looga la yahay.

I know who those two are.. lmao.gif

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Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale:

That's the thing without qabiil Somali men and women would be Soldiers in a supreme army fighting as brothers and sisters and that's when they cripple Nations and invoke fear


I am very surprised at this quote. The first thing that comes to your mind of a Somalia without qabil, is killing, crippling other nations, and invoking fear? And I suppose to our “arch enemy” Ethiopia? Awoowe, and anyone who has this mentality it gots go, waayo its disturbing and unIslamic as I will explain in bit. To those whom argue for “somalnimo”, nationalism, ect you should know this is no different then clanism. What you believe in is only clanism on a greater scale. Clanism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your clan or tribe, and somalinimo or nationalism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your nation/ethnicity, how are they any different in principle, its the same thing jalleyal. The Quran says we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another, knowning your kin is Sunnah, and the best of you are those with the best of Taqwa (God-fearing). You say no to clanism or qabil, or qabyalat yet call for the same racism of somalnimo, and nationalism and its qabyalat only this time around it would be against other ethnicities and nations. Wa shaash. Think greater, bani adam is bani adam, no difference between Somali or Ethiopian, the best is the one with Taqwa, therefore say no to all qabyalat.


heres article on islamic unity

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

quote:Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale:

That's the thing without qabiil Somali men and women would be Soldiers in a supreme army fighting as brothers and sisters and that's when they cripple Nations and invoke fear

I am very surprised at this quote. The first thing that comes to your mind of a Somalia without qabil, is
killing, crippling
other nations, and
invoking fear
These are the brutal acts that are being committed on our people today and it will only stop if we cripple those committing it and put them out of order that's a fact


And I suppose to our “arch enemy” Ethiopia?

All those committing the beforementioned humanrights abuses need to be put in their place and one thing that i have processed is; Politicians respect only those they fear(i.e the United States,Russia,China or at the other side of the coin N.Korea and Iran) hence why nothing happened to Somalis who lived abroad when Somalia itself was a stable Nation with the largest army in Sub Saharan Africa


would those brutal acts that are happening today in S.Africa happen if the Somali world was united? no!!


would there be a so-called O-gaden Campaign today by the TPLF if the Somali world was united? hell no the brave decision that developed into the 64' war by President Aden Abdulle Osman is testimony to this fact and no further campaigns were taken untill H.S himself was toppled


Weakness is provocative -Donald Rumsfeld


Awoowe, and anyone who has this mentality it gots go,

When the Byzantines captured a ''single'' muslim woman and she cried for help Caliph al-Mu'tasim Billah ''crippled'' that Empire and put it out of order for centuries to come untill it was finally taken over by the descendants of the Seljuks so this mentality of defending your people is good!


waayo its disturbing and unIslamic as I will explain in bit. To those whom argue for “somalnimo”, nationalism, ect you should know this is no different then clanism. What you believe in is only clanism on a greater scale. Clanism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your clan or tribe, and somalinimo or nationalism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your nation/ethnicity, how are they any different in principle, its the same thing jalleyal. The Quran says we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another, knowning your kin is Sunnah, and the best of you are those with the best of Taqwa (God-fearing). You say no to clanism or qabil, or qabyalat yet call for the same racism of somalnimo, and nationalism and its qabyalat only this time around it would be against other ethnicities and nations. Wa shaash. Think greater, bani adam is bani adam, no difference between Somali or Ethiopian, the best is the one with Taqwa, therefore say no to all qabyalat.


No sxb that's incorrect it's not clannism on a large scale, you prejugded my post and therefore aren't aware of what my original point was and that is; when the Somali world does indeed comes together as ''one'' their power projection will benefit all those non Somali muslims suffering today in East Africa, if Somalis put their differences aside and saw that earthly paradise Allah swt has given them they would honor him by prospering and which in turn would enable us to invite those millions of Palestinians and 4 million Iraqies that are suffering today as refugees across the world, we could invite the Darfurians that are brutally suffering today to our country better yet we could put military pressure on the Sudanese government and make them comply with the wishes of the darfurians, we could generate thousands of scholars who could bring Islam to non muslims around the world


so as i said before it's not clannism on a larger scale when i wish that the Somali world is united no! it's simply a concrete foundation every Muslim polity of the past was build on. The Ottoman turks foundation does not originate with the Indonesian muslims no it originates with the Seljuk Turkish House of Osmanli and from there on they build a larger muslim state

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