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Somalia: Vice President narrowly escapes assassination

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The vice president of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland in eastern Somalia General Abdisamad Ali Shire has on Saturday visited at Tukaraq district in Sool region.


The vice president’s motorcade was attacked within the course of the official tour of duty on Saturday.


“My escort had come under attack from the forces of the breakaway state of Somaliland, I have ordered my escort not to fire back and they obeyed the instructions offered, and we are going to review what they meant by firing at me and I call that an organized attempt to assassinate me” said the vice president of Puntland state in eastern Somalia speaking to Somaliweyn radio.


Closes to the vice presidents also says that the soldiers of Somaliland raided at Higlo town and in that ride the soldiers of Puntland region captured a military truck.


In the last couple of months there had been fighting between the soldiers of Puntland and that of Somaliland at Lasanod the headquarters of Sool region and it has eventually fallen in the hands of Somaliland which now controls Sool region.



Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Dowlada Punland Gen. C/Samad Cali Shire ayaa safar aan la sheegin ku tagay Magalada Tukaraq ee Gobolka sool, kaas oo la sheegay in uu in ay risaas ku rideen ciidamo ka tirsan ismaamul goboleedka Somaliland.


Sida la sheegay in aysan jirin wax xabad ah oo ay ciidamada ilaadiisa ay ku riden kuwa ismaamul goboleedka Somaliland oo ay xabada ay rideen oo kaliya, Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa sheegay in la baari doono arintaan ay damacsanaayeen ciidamadaas.


Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay wararka ay iska sheeganayan maamulka soomaaliland ee ah in gaari looga qabsaday deegaanka higlo aysan wx ka jirin oo uu yahay been abuur iyo siyaasad u qarsoon maamulka.


“Caasimada Gobolka Sool ee Laas Caanood waxaay gacanta ugu jirtaa maamulka soomaalilnad, mudo labo Sanno ku dhaw, waxaana jiro degmooyin kale oo ka waa weyn Tukaraq ku waas oo ka tirsan Gobolka Sool walina uu maamulka Puntland ku shaqeeyo marka Tukaraq ay tahay caasimad KMG ah ee gobolka Sool” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Dowlada punland Gen. C/Samad Cali Shire.



Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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^^ But remember, according to our friends here on SOL, it didn't happen. Even if the Puntland VP is interviewed by the BBC or VOA and describes the fighting - It still didn't happen!


Instead you'll hear cries of 'why are you picking on Puntland'.


Then they will pivot to the unrelated subject of 'Somaliland refuses to have elections!'. A man who's pointing at the quality of the shoes another man is wearing while not realizing he himself is barefoot !



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Originally posted by Mintid Farayar:


Instead you'll hear cries of 'why are you picking on Puntland'.


Then they will pivot to the unrelated subject of 'Somaliland refuses to have elections!'

:D:D:D :


It is hard to tell who's crying and who's not ;)


You gotta give it to Duke and Co, he managed to transform you from reasonable man to a mirror of image himself.

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Give me examples of my unreasonable actions, ya Che. Because I highlighted a few examples of a certain region's current difficulties using objective, third-party sources?

I don't engage in the usual 'Habartey baa sidaa ii sheegtey iyo wax la mid ah'!


So why have you convicted me, my friend? ;)


Secondly, the parties you refer to seemed to have a far greater effect on you once your Puntland citizenship was put in jeopardy ;) You went from a rational observer of the Somali saga to labeling anything that moves a certain derogatory term which refers to 'a woman of ill repute' :D


I will wait for your Pendulum to swing back to Equilibrium, if you know what I mean...

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What objective third party-Somali sites are hardly reputable. And I don't actually question the said incident happened, what transpired is matter of contention.I would allow you and the Duke to duke out in determining who was the winner or loser since this is nothing more than political score points.


But my thing here is-great you pointed the difficulties faced by your neighbor, but to what end?


As for citizenship,I'm Somali and that's all anyone needs to know smile.gif

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

What objective third party-Somali sites are hardly reputable.

We're in agreement there!



Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

But my thing here is-great you pointed the difficulties faced by your neighbor, but to what end?

It will all make sense in due time. I have some very obstinate students!!!


Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

As for citizenship,I'm Somali and that's all anyone needs to know

Much more balanced than the last few days. You resorted to a lot of name-calling during that time - which actually was highly amusing from my angle :D I realized someone must have really gotten to you...

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^Those name-calling is reserved for the men that run these places, I doubt anybody questions Faroole and Riyaale are subservient little *bleeps* but if it makes you feel better we can drop Riyaale from the list in order to create an environment conducive to constructive debate.

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