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Buuhoodle defends Somali honor.

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Buuhoodle massacre will only shed lite of the problems that exist in somaliland. It only high-lights the escape goat region of somaliland. Its been the case since the world has been. Blame it on the less fortunate ones. Good job sillyland officals.


I am sure that this is nothing but a finger pointing problem of the less fortunate ones.

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Shame on Somaliland and Puntland as well for standing by while their people are being massacred by foreign filth.

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Sacad Ducaale: I truely believe you would be better off being in rehab center than on SOL. Best of luck.

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Ducaale boy calm down. Your hurting whatever Somaliland stands for. If you believe that the people of Sool and E. Sanaag are part of Somaliland then surely you should not rejoice their situation unless offcourse you believe that they are not somalilanders not that it's more acceptable to celebrate the deaths of fellow human being let alone fellow Somali and Muslim.

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Innaalilaah wainnaa.....marka hore Allaha u naxaristo dhamaan inta ku shahiiday halkaa. Marka xiga waxaa xaqiiqa ah in nin kasta oo amxaar shacabka usoo kaxaystaa oo guul ka gaaray waa la waayey, Waxaanu soo aragnay hogaamiye-kooxyadii soo kaxaysan jiray amxaarana cid aay meel gaarsiisay malahan mid kasta meel cidla ah ayeey uga dhaqaaqday. Waanu aragay baxarkii aay Yeey inta gelisay uga dhex-dhaqaaqday marka kuwana dal baanu nahay ku haya ee secessionists ah iyana waa sidoo kale guushu waxay u dambayni shacabka iyo cid kastaa oo amxaaradda ka soo horjeeda. Waana la ogaani taa.

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Magaalada Widhwidh oo ay dib ula wareegeen ciidamada ssc


Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 09:19 AM



Ciidamo aad u fara badan ayaa saaka galay magaaladda Widhwidh kuwaas oo dhinac Koonfur-bari kaga yimi magaaladda, waxana la sheegay in Ciidmadan ay sugayaan amaanka magaaladda..



Ciidmadii Somaliland ee ku sugnaa magaaladda Widhwidh ayaa la sheegay in la hareereeyey ayna adagtahay sida ay unabad baxaan waxaana la filayaa saacadaha soo socda dagaal qarxaha.



Dhanka Kalena magaaladda Laascaanood ayaa saaka degan ka dib markii xalay ay magaaladda ka dhaceen mudaharaadyo rabshadda wata oo soconayey ilaa waa soo dhawaadkii saaka waxaana rabshadan xalayto lagu xidhxidhay dad shicib ah.



Iyada oo saaka la eegayey in ay magaaladda ka dhacaan mudaraadyo kale ayaa waxaa soo buux dhaafiyey gudaha magaaladda Ciidamo aad u fara badan oo Somaliland ah kuwaas wata baabuurta dagaalka.



Gudaha magaaladda lasanod ayaa lagu arkayaa Baroomo, Beebayaal iyo gaadiidkale iyo waliba Ciidamo fara badan balse waxa laga walwal qabaa iska hor imaad u dhaxeeya Ciidmadan iyo dadka Shacabka ah.





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Warar Xaasaasiya Oo Ay Sheegeen Maxaabiistii Laga Qabtay Itoobiyaanka


Saturday, May 22, 2010


Magaalada Buuhoodle oo ayaa saaka degan ka dib markii ay kulmeen saraakiisha ciidamada itoobiyaanka ee xalay gurmadka ku soo gadhay magaalada Buuhoodle iyo Saraakiisha iyo wax garadka magaalada ku dhaqan.


Wada hadalkaas oo lagu kala saxeexday xabad joojin iyo in lakala gurto maydadkii iyo dhaawacii shalay lakala guran kari waaayey, waxaa kale oo lafilayaa in ay bilowdaan wadahadalo rasmi ah oo lagu lafa gurayo dagaalkii shalay kadhacay magaalada iyo cidii dagaalkaas khaladkiisa qaadan lahayd,


Maxabiistii shalay lagu qabtay Dagaalka oo xalay lawaraystay ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamadani ku yimaadeen magaalada Buuhoodle wada hadal ay yeesheen madaxwaynaha soomaliland iyo Ninka ugu sareeya ciidamada Booliska Ismaamulka Somalida,Maxaabiistani waxa kaloo ay cadeeyeen in amar lagu siiyey in ay Magaalada Buuhoodle dhexdeeda ay xabada ka bilaabaan si aan looga hor tegin ama loola dagaalamin ciidamada somaliland oo beryahanba usoo ruqaan sanayey degaanada SSC sidii ay u qabsan lahaayeen magaalooyin cusub oo aan hore gacan tooda ugu jirin

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...waxa kaloo ay cadeeyeen in amar lagu siiyey in ay Magaalada Buuhoodle dhexdeeda ay xabada ka bilaabaan si aan looga hor tegin ama loola dagaalamin ciidamada somaliland...

Riyaale is one insidious cunt, for coming up with such a brilliant, albeit devious strategy, to give orders to his militia to go directly into the centers of these towns, so as to ensure the least amount of resistance from the locals, who naturally might fear that resisting would cause inexcusable and unnecessary collateral damage to fall upon their innocent womenfolk and children--which now explains why Las Anod fell so easily back in 2007, because the majority of the residents of that city did not wish to have skirmishes in the midst of their homes, women and children.


This is, or if I may say, WAS a cunning strategy, to say the least. Fortunately though, I believe the Daraawiish warriors --who have no choice but defend their homelands-- wont be easily deceived again and will not fall for such a paltry subterfuge ever again. After-all, "any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

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Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

Sacad Ducaale
: I truely believe you would be better off being in rehab center than on SOL. Best of luck.

100% agree.. not only him but also Xaaji, Oodweyne and likes.

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You're speaking of reprobate buffoons, who still have hellish nightmares of the late '80s, and who believe they can atone for those crimes against their forebears, by wreaking vengeance over the internet on any person who has a hint of D blood running through their veins.


So don't be too surprised my friend. :D

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Originally posted by Safa:

^ secure its borders? ya ni siistay horta? you need to stop that nonsense. SSC regions are part of Somalia. If Somaliland wants to get recognition they need to stick to their regions.


Che you are right ethiopia is using us, divide and conquer ehh. Well put. I merely meant ethiopia is assisting somaliland in this current issue. So its not like ethiopia got there by chance or coincident.


Sacad did you just say "base for alshabab"? we all know clearly that ssc regions have nothing to do with alshabab. Thats nothing but an old excuse to get foreign troops. And, you know that but clearly You will say anything that will assist you in your somaliland campaign even if it is calling your brothers in SSC terrorists. Sad case!!!



Are u sure about that Yesterday alshabaab send their hambalyo to Buhoodle :D

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Aliyah, don't worry about ciida borderksa na siistay lets just say that is how africa was carved out, and yes my allegations about al shabab having a base in sool could be true if the SSC are left alone to make bases for growing terror, why do you think puntland is not happy with SSC, nor somaliland, nor ethiopia, not even the TFG? they all know SSC is a terrorist sympathiterz and if they are not stopped the terror network in the horn will grow more and we can't have that you either be part of somaliland or puntland that is the choice on the ground not SSC.

No you want play terror card.. I see losers' execuse where is the boarders you were about close and secure.. Development is pilling up.. so soon will be free of Somalidiids from SSC lands.. Guul for Somaliweyn...

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