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Radio Waaberi newest independent Radio

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Radio Waaberi becomes the second independent radio ran by Somalilanders that can be heard in East Africa (Somaliland, Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya) and GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc).


Radio Waaberi will be a 30 minute weekly programme (fridays 4:30-5:00pm East Africa Time) that is broadcasted on shortwave from the USA. It will begin its first broadcast on Friday 22/Jul/2005.




Ogeysiis ku saabsan Idaacad cusub


Waxa uu maamulka “ Waberi Broadcasting Service †ogeysiineyaa dadka afsoomaliga ku hadla meel kastaba ha joogaani in Idaacad cusub oo la yidhaahdo Radiowaaberi oo ku hadasha afsoomaali oo laga maqli karo Geeska Afrika (Horn of Africa), iyo dhulka carabta oo dhan aduun weynaha kalana kala socon karo internetka aay hawada ku soo biireyso maalinta Jimcaha ee bisha July tahey laba iyo la baatanka sanad kan labada kun iyo shanta (07/22/05)


Radiowaaberi waxa uu ku bilaabi doona ina uu soo galo nusasaaci (30 minutes) malin kasta oo Jimca ah marka aay saacado tahey 4:30 –5:00 galabnimo saacada geeska Afrika. Waxa aanay ka soo geli doontaa mowjada dherer keedo yahey 17550 Khz (Short wave).


Wixii af kaar ah amba tu saali ah amba doonaaya ina aanu wax gaar ah ka hadalno oo ummada u dan ah amba raba ina aay ka qeyb qaatan doodaha iyo barnaamij yada kale ee ka baxaaya radiowaaberi waanu soo dhaweyneynaa ee hana gala soo xidhiidhaan:


Wixii faahfhin ah ee inta ka sii badan waxa aa kala xidhiidhan




Ali Gulaid

Maddaxa Waaberi Broadcasting Service (Radiowaaberi)

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Indeed its a very good news.


In the 3 months since Radio Horyaal was on air, we can already see the huge impact it had on domestic politics in Somalialnd. It provided a platform for which the opposition parties can counter the government.


Despite the euphoria that surrounded Radio Horyaal for making the playing field leveled, the people are now in desperate need for a third Radio that provides a moderate and impartial view which is independent both from government and opposition parties. I just hope Radio Waaberi becomes that neutral voice that people will turn to for unbiased news and analysis.

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Very good news, it is totally true, Africa and in our case the Horn of Africa needs independant radio stations that take up the responsibility to enlighten and inform the people.



PS: Shock hit me when I saw one of my personal photographs, the blackheaded sheep grazing near Qardho on their lay-out. :eek: Walaahi Soomaali yaa edebta baran kara? It seems anti-social behaviour belongs to Somalis' nature.


I feel robbed man. :mad:

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