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First Minister resigned = Mr Goonjeex

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Wasiirkii ugu horeeyey oo iska casilay xukuumada cusub ee Cumar Cabdirashiid Sharmaarke.



C/waaxid Cilmi Goonjeex ayaa iska casilay jagada wasirika Batroolka iyo tamarta.



This is a protest!!!!!

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Well done Mr Goonjeex! good move! waa "RATI CALOOSHA LAGA RARAYO OO DHABARKA LAGA CAYNSHAY" sidaa waxaa u dhigay oday somaliyeed oo fikirkiisa ka dhiibanayey markii uu arkay wixii uu ina Cabdirashiid uu dowlad "midnimo qaran" inoo soo dhisay ku tilmaamay!!

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^ I guess it is too soon for them to get over the PM position not going to Maslax as the Gedonet report below implies.


On a serious note, can a minister actually resign before taking oath of office? As a minister designee, he could not have resigned since he currently holds no official a ministry position. He simply opted out of taking the offer due to lack of clannish prophecy fulfillment. Yikes!


Beesha *******[siyaad Barre] oo ka mid ah beelaha ugu waaweyn qabaa'ilada Soomaalida degtana goboladda J/hoose Gedo iyo Galgudud ayaa waxa la siiyey hal wasiir oo ah wasiirka baatroolka,iyo macdan oo aan dalka ka shaqeyn iyadoo beesha ******* sheegtey in ay mar hore ka laabteen kalsoonidii Dawladda Kumeel gaadh ka aysan tageersaneyn hadana tageeri doonin.


Waxay kale oo sheegeen in Reysalwasaruhu yahay nin aan aqoon xeel dheer u lahayn ummadda soomaaliyeed qaabka ay wax u qaybsadaan,lana marin habaabiyey isagoo laga duwey qaabkii wax loo qaysban jirey.


Xildhibaanada beesha ******* uga jira baarlamaanka ayaa sida ay sheegeen kalsoonidii kala noqday xukuumada Cusub iyagoo sheegey in aysan degaanada beeshu ka taliso tagin karin xukumadda la soo dhoobdhoobey waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

very unfortunate not that i expect this latest thing to work

This government will work inshallah. Somalia finally has a new generation of educated and competent leaders who care about the somali people.


Now that the old warlord yey is gone, a much needed paradigm shift is occurring in somalia and things look very good for somalia.


We should all be optimistic.

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Another one resigned as it's in the news. The P.M seems to be a naïve puppet. I doubt that he had much of a thinking into the selection of the Cabinet appoitnments.

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I sense alot of immaturity and 'rag'garadnimo'la'aan' in both Shariifka and Ina Sharma'arke's government. They need political intelligence/psychological experts in order to sail the murky sea of Somali politics. We are dealing with a patient here.


I was unhappy about the criteria they put forth for posts appointments (which was in a nutshell segregationist in nature, that'll cause self-imposed state alienation), but also it seems more disappointments are on the way. Imagine putting up criteria that puts you right opposite to the public you wish to rule? Only in Somalia smile.gif


Anyway, enough with my mild criticisms, an able team of experts need assembling, and fast! I think we've got a promising opportunity which we cannot afford to waste this time. Destinity doesn't afford us time to waste. [Considering many things I cannot write herein] it's either now or never.

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Puntland waxaa dhistay shirkii Qaahira wakhtigii Abdullahi Yusuf iyo Gabyoow faro marnaan kaga soo laabteen. Shirka Djbouti isaguna aanu eegno inuu wax dhiso iyo in kale.


Already the Islamists in control of Gedo have shrunk away from the clan feelings rising in the region.


Dibed-baxyo lagu diidan yahay qaab dhismeedka xukumada cusub ee Somalia oo maalintii 2-aad ka socda gobolka Gedo


Waxaa maalintii labaad ka socda qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Gedo ee Koonfur galbeed Somalia banaanbaxyo lagu diidan yahay qaab dhismeedka xukuumada federaalka Somalia ee dhowaan looga dhawaaqay magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti sida ay sheegayaan wararka halkaasi naga soo gaaraya.


Deegaanada ay saaka banaanbaxadu ka dhacayaan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah magaalada Garbaharey oo ah xarunta gobolka Gedo iyo degmada Doolow, iyadoo degmooyinka Baardheere iyo Buur Dhuubo ay ka socdaan qabanqaabo xoogan oo banaanbaxyo looga dhigayo saacadaha soo socda, hase ahaatee sida uu inoo xaqiijiyey weriye Maxamed Gaarane Aadan oo ka mid ah suxufiyiinta ka howlgasha gobolka banaanbaxa ugu balaaran ayaa waxa saaka maalintii labaad u ka soconayaa degmada B/xaawo ee gobolkaasi Gedo halkaasoo ay iskugu soo baxeen kumanaan dad ah oo ka kala yimid xaafadaha ay ka kooban tahay degmadaasi.


Dadweynaha banaanbaxyada ka dhigaya degmooyinka gobolka Gedo ayaa si weyn uga soo horjeeda xubinta beesha ***** ka soo gaartay xubnaha cusub ee golaha wasiirada dhowaan looga dhawaaqay magaalada Jabuuti kaasoo iska casilay xilkii looga magacaabay oo ahaa wasiirka shidaalka iyo tamarta ahna ra’isul wasaare ku-xigeenka ka dib markii uu cadaadis kaga yimid xildhibaanada beesha uga jira baarlamanka iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada beesha ***** ee ku dhaqan gudaha iyo dobeda iyagoo sheegaya in xubintaasi aysan u qalmin beeshooda aysan qaadan doonin.


Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan

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