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Training Academy For Somali Men ( Controversial Topics Series)

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From Archives, 2002 old Issues



Nurtel Presents:



A Training Academy for Somali Men,






Traditionally, Somali Men are raised the way they are while in boyhood. Damage is already done, re skilling is required.



They need a refresher course in the following skills:



First Semester:


1. Fundemenmtals of Washing dishes

2. A survey on benefits of clean living quarters

3. Methods of Garbage disposal.

4. Re-Defining Manhood 001 ( Helping around the house)

5. Redefining Manhood 002 ( Basic Diaper Change)

6. Re-defining Manhood ( Advanced Diaper Change, in malls and buses)

Re-defining Manhood ( Dangers of Qat and smoking)



Second Semester


8. Physical excercise 001 ( Maintaining the bathroom, Cleaning referigerator, Kitchen


9. Physical Excercise 002 ( Vacuming, dusting, setting up bedrooms, and related subjects)



Third semester



10. ABC's of Grocery shopping ( Coupons etc.)

11. Budgeting ( Expenses)

12. Budgeting ( Time )

13 . Advanced Budgeting ( Hagbad, Shaloongo)


Fourth Semester


14. Art Appreciation 001 ( Enjoying quite time with family)

15. Art Appreciation 002 ( Saying Thank you, note, this course has high dropout rate)

16. Attending Family functions ( How to smile genuinely and not complain about wasting time)

17. Vacations without fights



Fifth Semester


18. Basic cooking ( tea, coffee etc)

19. Intermediate Cooking ( Reading Cookbooks)

20. Advanced Cooking ( Measurements and preparations)

21. Cooking Laboratory ( Salads, soups, sweets, fish and meat, pasta, rice, breakfast specials, lucnh box preparation, putting food away for later use)

22. Organizing the Referigerator

23. Organizing the cabinets and kitchen containers.

24. Spices

25. Outside cooking skills and tools.



Graduation Project: How to look, find and keep a job.



All students are required to work closely with family members:




Family's assesment of the Student 98 %

Class attendance 1%

Exams 1%



We are accepting applications for the Spring Semester, space is limited, all Somali ladies reading this post are encouraged to apply for their husbands, we guarantee, with Allah's help that upon graduation , you will not call the RCMP to kick your husband out of your house.






2002 Nurtel Social Engineering Labs

Manhood Is More Than Growing a Beard

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An interesting Response to the topic from one of my female Somali viewers read this:





Huh! Bro


All I can say..M.A.N.S.H.A.A.LL.AH










You know what brother? I never know there is any somali Men who have or atleast understands Womens needS OR appriciets it, in Somali cummunity. I am really, surprise brother...just one question where are you hiding all this time?



Ps..can I become your Secratery of your future school? i.e if you already been taken.











Later, a disgruntled male responded to the topic with anger saying :



" What can I say Nur...........Congratulation, Your writing has brought a wife to your door step. I wonder why is she anonymous though? I agree to what you have written to certain extend. But, you are being harsh extremely against us Somali men for whatever reason. I'm just wondering, is your real name Nur or Nasra?






Another amazed female viewer wrote in Soamli:



Salaamu Calaykum Dhamaan


Nur waxay iskuulkaad raggeena u furtay? Ceebay tacaal! Mayee nin naxariis badan baa la doonaya. Qasab ma aha inuu xafaayada bedelo ama raashinka kariyo. Laakiin in nolosha la wadaago ayaa muhiim ah. Weliba ixtiraam, wanaag, qorshe, jacayl iyo kala dambeyn lagu wada joogo.








She contiued.........



Salaamu Calaykum


Walaal Nuur,


Walee waad iga qoslisay! Walaal hee dheh, anigu 30kaan kor u dhaafay. Waxaan ahay kooxdii lagu soo koriyay xaajiga in laga dambeeyo.


I am among those who believe in cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children. Making sure the kids are clean and smell nice when the husband comes home from work. And me in my nicest dirac smelling sweet from uunsi and cadar. I can't teach men anything. I have been conditioned all my life to please my husband. My aim is to be raaliye and go to Jannah insha Allah.


I am a bad choice for your project!









The unhappy male reader can not believe that I am a male still, after I wrote him and told him that I am indeed a Faarax, he writes:


"Nur...........You said and I quote " I agree with you that I may have stretched the truth a bit about how bad Somali men are on this thread, the objective was not to discuss good men, and there are some, (although mostly are taken)". Don't you think a comment such as yours is ridiculously feminine. I mean, have you ever seen a Somali man pointing out a fellow Somali man who been already taking. You can run, but you can NOT hide NASRA. "




Now my responses:


To the female Housewife Gabadhwacan, I responded:



" Walaal Gabadh Wacan


you say:


"I am among those who believe in cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children. Making sure the kids are clean and smell nice"




Same here, sister you should taste my Special recipe which I prepare with a mixture of carrots and rice with spices, place it in the oven, low heat cover it with an alluminum foil and wait for thirty minutes ......UMMMMMMM, what a taste... or did I tell you about my spagetti sauce, prepared with fresh garlic and mushrooms, served with a linguine, tender to the tongue sprinkle with little bit of cheese parmigiana and black pepers, .... or my Tuna fish special, with cellery, scrumptious saltines and mayonnaise all wrapped up in a french bread right from the oven, hot and crispy, I better stop........



Walaal Gabadh Wacan you write:


"when the husband comes home from work. And me in my nicest dirac smelling sweet from uunsi and cadar"




That is precisely what we want men to NOTICE, many men can not remember what dress their wives wore last evening, they do not notice you at all, they are absent minded, they watch TV all day long upset you do not look like Miss Universe, no matter if you dress up with the latest Dirac from Jibuuti. We also want to teach men to dress well for their ladies, after all, the relationship goes both ways.



You write :


"I can't teach men anything. I have been conditioned all my life to please my husband"




Maa ShaaAllahu, Allah says " Al Tayibaatu lil Tayibiin, what you said shows that there are many lucky guys, but are there many lucky ladies? I doubt. Now , I am even more convinced that you will make a great teacher, rest assured that we plan to use hightech educational technologies in my Academy, you will be teaching this class from the comfort of your kitchen, and living room. You will be provided with videoconfrencing equipment, and you will not appear in the camera, just your food, and speech, let me know how many cousres you are willing to teach, if you are lucky to have a great husband, we will hire him as a TA ( Teaching Aid)



You write :


"My aim is to be raaliye and go to Jannah insha Allah"





My aim is to educate men to treat their wives kindly, help them in the house, spend quality time with their kids, ... so they can see their wives in Jannah inshaAllah.





2000-2003 Nurtel Social Engineering Legacy Topics

A Change Management, for The Better.

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Nur, Sxb ma annaagaa haddana na soo gashay hablihii waad ka soo wareegsatay miyaa?

maqaalkaagii horeey aad uga xanaaqeen marka kanaad ku maslaxaysaa. smile.gif

Bal aniga boos iiga qabo kooraska waan isku qorayaaye :cool:

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Muraad Bro




Booskaaga waan kuu xajiyey, asxaabtaadana wargeli.


The reason that I posted this old post of mine is to show some sisters who suggested that I should work to improve om brothers so that there will be enough good brothers to choose from, so by taking this course, you are improving your chances with the sisters in my audience.




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Carliga aan ku dhalanay ninka waxyaabaha aad kor ku soo xustay qabta magacyo badan baa loo bixiyaa! smile.gif



Nimoow naagow,




saaxib markaay raggu intaasi bartaan..BILIS XAAWALEYd maxaa u soo haray?


On a more serious note saaxib, courses would not solve the problems of our society. I think the best approach is to reinstate the somali man's position as the "boss" of the household. In most somali families, the man was the breadwinner (at least in garamgaramland). While he was busy finding ways to feed his family, the womenfolk were busy taking care of family matters.


Laakin beryahaan raggii waxaad moodaa in xiniyaha masuuliyadda qaada laga siibey! Roles have been redifined by the exodus to western nations. The somali man is a victim who has not only lost his economic power but also self respect!


Marka aniga waxaay ila tahay in loo baahananyahay Koorsooyin dumarka soomaliyeed loogu talo galay.

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Entreprenuer Br.


Where have you been when I was being whipped real bad by sisters? No single brother came to my aid, so I am taking my anger on my gender, now all in a sudden, brothers are crawling out to defend themselves.


You write:


" On a more serious note saaxib, courses would not solve the problems of our society. I think the best approach is to reinstate the somali man's position as the "boss" of the household. In most somali families, the man was the breadwinner (at least in garamgaramland). While he was busy finding ways to feed his family, the womenfolk were busy taking care of family matters.'





You are right Entreprenuer, MEN SHOULD BE THE BOSSES IN THEIR HOUSES, but may I suggest, with their wives permission if peace and harmony has to prevail in the home so we can have " Mawaddah and Raxmah" .


I further agree that the sisters need a course of their own, I shall post such a program when I put my head into it, but I would need a sister to help on this turf, unfortunately, I took a calculated risk, which is costing my readership badly.

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Nur, sxb sheekadaan ma maqashay (inay run tahay iyo in kale ma hubo) laakiin dad aan ku kalsoonahaan ka maqlay:


The first night of the wedding one guy was heard by his wife saying to himself " Alxamdulilaah soow caawa digsi dambe oon dabka saaro iyo jiko dambe oon galo iiguma dambeyso xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax Alxamdulilaah" he didn't realised that she is listening as he thouht that she is in the kitchen serving dinner for him.


The lady replied "Alxamdulilaah not you but me, because i discovered b4 it was too late"


Maya xabiibii waxaas waan iska dhahaayay ... xaggee baasoo taagnayd .. ciyaar bay iga hayd iwm. ayuu ku waashay, laakiin waxay tiri bye bye sxb.

sidaas ayayna ku tagtay.


marka si aan ragga saas ugu dhicin kooraskaan waa loo baahan yahay.



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Salam Nur


That list was really funny. :D I didn't know there was so much things guys needed to know. After I read that, I started getting my brothers to do some of those things they never did before. Like number 8,9,19,22,23,24. It was just something I use to do and it never occurred to me they should help out in those areas. I guess I was really lost. ;) I can feel the atmosphere in the house already changing. smile.gif

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Muraad Br.


No I never heard of that story, it is interesting to know. I believe the sister did the right thing, since the Islamic Sharia does not make a woman a house maid, Allah made women our partners, not maids, House hood duties should be shared, that way a man can enjoy the company of his wife by releiving her of half of the hardships. How can a woman be intimate with her husband if she is burdened with too much work with no ahelp from her hubby?



Ranyaa sis.



Alhamdulilah that my post has already brought the first fruits and benefits in an Ottawa house, make sure your brothers do well in these subjects I have posted, after completion of the course , please send me their appraisals, I want to award them the coveted " HOUSEHOLD HANDYMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD " of Nurtel Social Engineering Institute. Soon, any brother whose Marriage Proposal Offer does NOT include a letter of reference form our institute, may find it difficult to find a good Somali wife for partnership. Nurtel Social Engineers are Contemplating launching a unique Match Making Service for Nomads, If Somaliaonline provides a page for our institution.




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Originally posted by Nur:

the Islamic Sharia does not make a woman a house maid, Allah made women our partners, not maids, House hood duties should be shared, that way a man can enjoy the company of his wife by releiving her of half of the hardships. How can a woman be intimate with her husband if she is burdened with too much work with no ahelp from her hubby?

Now, THAT is something that needs to be stressed more often in our community !!!...The sooner some of our "dhaqan blinded" brothers comprehend this rather simple concept, the brighter the future of our marriage institution.


Thank you for sharing that with us bro Nur.

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With all due respect, cooking, cleaning, taking care of children etc should not be equated with the task of "a maid". I think we are forgetting that the muslim mother's obligation includes nurturing and creating a good environment for her husband and offsprings.


You are quite right though, that we live in another world today than we did a few decades back. In the good old days the man was the provider and sole breadwinner, the woman had a nurturing role. But today most of us in the west and are confronted with the challenges of western materialism including the ability for both of the parents to work!


Anyway, I have a good friend of mine who has really tried hard to help his wife with household activities including cooking and cleaning. He is a very educated guy who has embraced the challenges. Despite his education, this guy does not hold a permanent job. He takes odd jobs that many with his calibre would never take. He works double shifts to make sure that his kids do not grow up in the vicious cycle of welfare dependency that many of his peers have fallen in.


When he is at home, my friend cleans, cooks and performs his obligations in raising the kids. Meanwhile, his wife complains about him being a machoman who has been eluded by the facts of living in the west.


She listens more to western propagandism and xaawaley gossips. On several occassions, she proposed seperation as the best solution.

Nearly three weeks ago, she filed divorce papers in the local courts here citing his "macholike" behaviour.


several somalis who wanted to reconcile the family were met by "cambaro" who claimed that "cabdi" was not cleaning, cooking etc... whereupon he retorted that he did..... her answer was:


"well, you did that but not sufficiently"...


Marka maalin nabi ma lagu noqon karaa?

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