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100 MPs to defect from Baidoa TFG

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More than 100 Somali members of the parliament are about to defect to Mogadishu to join the Islamic forces soon. Reliable sources from Baidoba have confirmed that there is a looming crisis within the warlord government and the unpredictable members of the parliament. Yeey had called a number of parliamentarians from his sub-clan not to go to Mogadishu. However, some moderate members such as Zakariye, Asha Abdalla and jinni Boqor are organizing the defection to Mogadishu. Others led by Sifir would also have signaled that they will follow suit. This is due to the increasing deployment of Ethiopian forces in Baidoa.


Yeey had pleaded the MPs from his sub-clan to prevent these moderates ever going to Mogadishu. Yeey believes the ultimate plan of the courts is to entertain him in Mogadishu for a while and then get rid of him. There has been overtures and offeres that the courts are willing to let him come to Villa Somalia and be host of Aideed Jr. Aideed Jr,Ghedi and Gacmo-Dheere are willing to host Yeey in Mogadishu and guarentee his security. However, Yeey had rejected such ideas. He wants Ethiopian troops to be his protectors in Baidoa and in the meantime to make sure Mogadishu returns to chaos.

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I am afraid these MPs will be arrested before they move out of that besieged city. I read once in an online news report from a somali website that A/Y left two prominent reer Baydhabo men back in Libiya. The story has it that he requested their confinement after they accompanied him to Libiya for a so called official visit over there. He feared their influence so he had preplanned a coup without them knowing.


If you serve under A/Y, your life is always in danger. They should have learnt their lesson from his past.

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"He wants Ethiopian troops to be his protectors in Baidoa and in the meantime to make sure Mogadishu returns to chaos."


How? I though he was hated there. in that case why not focus in moqdisho.

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Col. Yey thinks Foreign Troops will provide him security and let him operate in Mogadishu.


There are two kinds of Foreign Troops.


1. Peace Keepers -

2. Occupying forces


Peace Keepers (PKs) are well known and are very small in numbers and are only sent to monitor and not engage in warfare, unless they come under fire themselves. But their main objective is just to monitor and have access to both areas of the opposing sides.


Occupying Forces (OFs) are forces specially sent to carry out specific policy (i.e. install a puppet regime or support a weak friendly regime) for a foreign state(s), i.e. Coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, or Isreali's IDF in Palestine.


Col. Yey requires an Occupying Force to install him in Mogadishu. But the Big question is, is there any country in the region that is prepared to commit itself to becoming an occupying force?? I do not think Ethiopia, even if its prepared, is capable of keeping Col. Yey in Mogadishu.


Occupyig is no easy job.

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They will defect to where?

Olol, nothing new, you have found a new Sharif to prololonge Inada Cade/Abdiqasins occupation.. :D


The MP'S you mentioned, Zakaria, Jini and Casha are the most secular of all MP's how they will live with these courts is a wonder.


As for the Ethiopian claims, why are Inda Cade and the occupiers the most fearfull? Why the demonstrations in South Mogadishu, Guriceel.


Why are there no anti FT demonstartions say in Puntland, Bay, Barava, Juba's?


Or are the occupiers of looted properties more patriotic than most?

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Why are there no anti FT demonstartions say in Puntland, Bay, Barava, Juba's?

Protest in Puntland? lol, can you imagine what will happen to a puntlander if he demonstrate against a/yusufs policies when a demonstrations for peace will give you this in puntland


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Abdi, ninkaan inaan lacag u diraan rabay wallaahi but didn't know how to go about it.


My childhood friend back in Xamar who is from Bosaso clanwise is in Dubai so I finally decided to wait for his return to Bosaso. He can look for this true somali arrested for showing solidarity with Muqdisho residents during the last court vs warlord's war.


Puntland wax freedom la yiraahdo kama jiraan and the same dictatorial regime is what ABdullahi yusuf wants to force down our throat. We are not simply interested in anything that makes a dent on our religious and personal freedoms in Muqdisho. We want nothing short of islam and if we have to give up any freedom, it will be for the sake of god.


Sheekada waa isku dhammaatay. If the courts and Muqdisho residents were to ask for my opinion, I would tell them to forget about discussions with A/Y and his government.


Ninkaan waxaan dhibaato ahayn ummad lama dhex yimaaddo.



PS: Beydhabaaba wixii naftooda u baqay kaga soo carareen according to these news reports



Xildhibaanadii ku sugnaa Magaalada Baydhabo oo intoodii halkaa ka cararey


Dad wargal ah oo ka yimid Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegay in badan Xildhibaanadii Baarlamaanka in ay isaga soo tageen Magaalada Baydhabo oo xarun u ahayd Dowladda Federaalka. Xildhibaanadaasi ayaa la sheegay in ay halkaasi uga soo tageen kaddib markii ay hanjbaadyo uga yimaadeen maleeshiyo ku sugan deegaanka oo sheegay in magaalada Baydhabo ay xoog ku qabsadeen maleeshiyo uu keenay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, iyadoo taasina ay garab socoto Ismaandhaafka ugubka ah ee soo kala dhexgalay Dowladda iyo Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah. Qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxay sheegeen in xitaa ay ka soo tageen Gawaridoodii arrimo la xiriira dhinaca ammaanka, waxay kaloo sheegeen in Magaalada Baydhabo ay ka soo raaceen gawaarida rakaabka dadwey-naha ee isaga kala goosaha Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo. Baxsashada Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka waxaa sii dhiirageliyay markii Golaha Baarlamaanka uu go'aan ku gaaray in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo ka socda wadamada safka hore, taasoo ay si weyn uga soo horjeesteen Culuma'u-diinka Gobalada Baay iyo Bakool, iyagoo ku hanjabay cid kasta oo go'aamisay in Soomaaliya ay soo galaan ciidamo ka socda wadamada safka hore ay la dagaalami doonaan. Xildhibaanadii Baarlamaanka oo si xor ah ku mari jiray Magaalada Baydhabo isla markaana ka caweyn jiray Baararka waaweyn ayaa la sheegay in arrintaasi haatan ay dhamaatay iyadoo la sheegay in ay cabsi weyn soo wajahday.

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Hey Duke, Adiga adeerkaa aa ku aakhiro seejin doono :D:D


When people were down trodden and unable to change their agonizing conditions, they were blamed for lack of spirit and complascency, collectively charged for stealing homes and living on haram, some others went as far as saying everyone deserved in how they lived in the hell-hole Muqdisho had been before recent changes. When people changed their conditions and succeeded in getting rid of men who stood in their way to a dignified existence, all of a sudden many feel their interests to be threatened and want foreign troops to invade Muqdisho and surrounding areas so that A/Y can rule them by force. Does that make any sense? Even Puntlanders don't want foreign troops to come to the country with the exception of A/Y supporters. I am certain you wouldn't want ethiopian troops anywhere in Puntland but you are comfortable if they are in other somali towns. You can see how clan mentality forces people to accept harm and indignity to others while they want the best for themselves.


Okay, ka soco, Suppose the troops come, are they going to sit in baydhabo forever? Are they coming to Muqdisho to fight on A/Y's behalf? And how will that enable A/Y to rule people he bloodied with foreign troops? Don't you think people prefer death over subjugation by a foreigner they don't like and being ruled by someone who guided them to their homes?


If A/Y can not trust people, he should quit the job, because, no amount of foreign troops are going to help him rule the country. The country will be devided as it was and many somalis will fight these troops. I honestly believe even Sheekh Shariif will not be able to stop other somalis who will initiate a war against foreign troops. The situation is volatile with people coming from everwhere with the conviction of fighting ethiopian and foreign troops. Does A/Y care about this situation? As his supporter, do you see how you want to fight a losing war?


Yea, that poor somali man obviously was hurt by his conviction which transcended clan affliation and paid a price for it. Dadka ninkaas xiray ka warran saxib? Ceebtaadana you justify his arrest as expected.


I have no time for every important comment I wanted to make about problems that exist currently in the south and disputes concerning property and towns ruled by people who are not from the local area. For these important issues, I await for the courts to strengthen their power base and stablish justice system starting with Muqdisho, from there on, things might fall in line and because of pressure and demands by all clans in the south, with their newly gained freedom to dare and challenge, we will hear voices seeking justice to their plight. So, I am waiting to see how things turn out. But with the looming threat of foreign troops though, I am afraid, nothing can be done and it will be about fighting a war.

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Suppose the troops come, are they going to sit in baydhabo forever? Are they coming to Muqdisho to fight on A/Y's behalf? And how will that enable A/Y to rule people he bloodied with foreign troops? Don't you think people prefer death over subjugation by a foreigner they don't like and being ruled by someone who guided them to their homes?

Col. Yey must have forgotten the fact that Foreign Troops came to Mogadishu in early 1990s, and left with a bleeding nose.


What makes him think Ethiopia will do better where the superpower failed? :confused:

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Saxib, Foreign troops usually get embroiled in local politics and end up victims. That is because they lack complete understanding of the culture and local sensibilities. Add that to the likes of A/Y who want to dictate policies when these troops show up in our doorsteps and point fingers at people he considers his enemies. The reaction will be fierce and bloody mess as it was in the past. Besides, these troops are coming to install him by force and already assumed in their ignorance, people will capitulate to the threat and presence of foreign troops.


This is going to be a bloody mess inwhich many will happily participate and sign on.



The planned visit of the UN and other interested parties to the Islamic courts will hopefully clear the confusion of these gullible beings who think they have to send in troops to keep the peace when A/Y's plan is to get them involved in a bloody war instead of his falsely stated objectives.



Once again, the lines are drawn and this time, it is not a clan war but a somali war against foreign occupation adn their somali stooges. Haddaaba xamar soomali meel walba isaga timid si ay ula diriraan shisheeye hadduu yimaaddo.

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Duke maxaad u xaarxaarin? If Duke loves this transitional admin because of tribe, you don't hate it because of that?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Xoogsade I never knew you for a comedian. The story about the man was soo touching. Oh well lets see if these MP's all run away from Baidoa..

Waa siduu xoogsade sheegaye adiga iyo kumayaal kula mida waxaa toobada iyo taladaba seejin intay odayaal imaanla oo dan iyo muraadka lahay dalkooga, dadkooga or diintooda kadaba naageeynayaan just because of Qabiil.

how sad is that !

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