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I remember SNM's crimes against my people !

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Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

Salamu Calaykum,

However, after reading many articles written even on our Somaliland web pages, I have felt sorry for those of us who hail from

What do you propose. Spare "minority feelings weekend. You already wanted to be at disadvantage by calling minorities, and making yourself the playmaker. Wow Badacas


Somalilanders whether they feel like the SNM were a savior or devils have come to agree on one things today, TO LIVE PEACEFULLY SIDE BY SIDE WITHOUT BLOODSHED.

Surely, you could appy the same to the rest of Somalia. Why not seek to peacefully coexist with Somalia?

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^Has it gone you way or possible the way you wanted..


So far you are in a fighting position, you haven't lost it early, happy are you?

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One people's hero is another people's villain.


Raised since childhood to honour SNM as our heros, our freedom fighters, as those who put an end to the suffering and oppression that my people was subjected to, it is with distress I learn about their wrong doings.


War is terrible, war does not produce heroes, it brings out the worst in humans. There are no winners only survivors, wounded for life, like this author Suleiman… and I can only imagine his pain.


If there has been some kind of reconciliation process lets not tear open the wounds again. In order to move on one has to acknowledge and admit wrong doings and make sure it is noted down in the history of the nation.


I hope when Suleiman passes on the history to next generation, as bed time story for his children, that he does not plant a seed of hatred. I hope he will end the story by emphasizing that no one deserves or should ever have to experience what they suffered.


Captain Xalane wrote:

The south is getting clean and in time,the North will be cleaned too and
i hope and wish that they refuse the opportunity of diplomacy and choose to fight

What kind of sick comment is that!

Obviously not enough blood has been shed in Somalia. Obviously what Somali men need more of is fighting not healing… Shame on you!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The SNM crimes are undeplayed while the crimes of their enemies are highlighted till kingdom come.


Lets be honest or lets stop the nonsence..

You have a point here - one that doesn't seem to get much play with those committed to Somaliland. Clearly, though, the 2 crimes are not of remotely the same magnitude. But it would be nice every once in a while to get the acknowledgment of mistakes in the midst of the celebrations.

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The south is getting clean and in time,the North will be cleaned too and i hope and wish that they refuse the opportunity of diplomacy and choose to fight .


Marka hore adigu orad kac oo darkaaga ku rido washing machineka, bari waa salutal jumacah oo maskiinta iyo Somalida uu ducee intaad xasuuq uu sadineysid!

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Originally posted by Elysian:


Raised since childhood to honour SNM as our heros, our freedom fighters, as those who put an end to the suffering and oppression that my people was subjected to, it is with distress I learn about their wrong doings.

Elysian salaamu alaykum. I don’t know much about this part of somali history, nor like these endless talk of qabyalats. One most look at the other persons perspective, and see where they are coming from to have any healthy exchange. I heard the atrocities committed by the late regime, against any ppls they deemed a threat that much no one is denying. And the atrocities committed by the SNM, I never heard of this militia before SOL, but its good u along wit others realize their crimes also. That’s not my point though, the former regime or SNM and politics, emotions that come wit it. What I would like to understand as u mention here since childhood u were taught about their legacy, were u not also taught in the same manner to never forget what “they” not a certain regime (that even included current SL officials today) in past-history who was equally brutal to all did to your “people”?


U said: I hope when Suleiman passes on the history to next generation, as bed time story for his children, that he does not plant a seed of hatred.



^^^^Isnt this what happens walaal when the history of SNM is passed down seeds of hatred of not for dictatorships, tyrants, and criminals but of certain blood-lines and peoples whom are Muslim and Somali and had nothing to do wit the old regime? This is what I would like to understand, because it makes no logical sense to blame actions of regime on other Somalis, and for that want to dismember Somalia a country size of what New Jersey on the lines drawn by colonial Europeans.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

quote:Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

Salamu Calaykum,

However, after reading many articles written even on our Somaliland web pages, I have felt sorry for those of us who hail from

What do you propose. Spare "minority feelings weekend. You already wanted to be at disadvantage by calling minorities, and making yourself the playmaker. Wow Badacas


Somalilanders whether they feel like the SNM were a savior or devils have come to agree on one things today, TO LIVE PEACEFULLY SIDE BY SIDE WITHOUT BLOODSHED.

Surely, you could appy the same to the rest of Somalia. Why not seek to peacefully coexist with Somalia?
Surely you either like to mock me or seeing things as I hoped NOT.


First of all, I don't believe that there is such thing group as disadvantaged, the harsh reality may point out that way, however I wish it didn't exist, that is the reason I put the term minority in quotation marks.....I thought you would see that.


Secondly, offcourse, I am willing peacefull coexistance with anyone that is human as long as everyone is happy saaxib. That is my principle.




Saaxib, that is exactly the point, thanks for your understanding. I hope that our people understand where we are coming from.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The SNM crimes are undeplayed while the crimes of their enemies are highlighted till kingdom come.


Lets be honest or lets stop the nonsence..

What do you know about honestly exactly, you have been arguing that the sky is painted green for the last few years. You have been constantly denying, even at the present that TFG and its Ethiopian supporters aren't commiting mass killings or genocide against the people in Xamar TODAY, you can't even confront that fact, how can you even seek another to be honest.


Unlike the Siyad Barre regime, which we have countless facts that were documented of the crimes against humanity which was seen and were known to everyone around the world. Can that be compare to SNM which I will except that fact that they did kill people, however not to the extent which you attempt or try to measure up to. If you bring proofs of mass genocide commited by the SNM then I will surely and in straight forward fashion condenm it, meantime, silence is golden.

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Axmed Siiilaanyo ma siday ka tahay mise wuu is yeelyeelayaa?


(Guuxa dadweynaha)12.04-7Iyadoo shaqaaqooyinka ka jira bariga Sanaag iyo gobolada Sool iyo Cayn ay ayaamahan kacsanayd ka dib markii weftiyo badan oo aan cidna metelini ka yimaadeen dhinaca maamulka sheegta Soomaliland ee gooni goosadka ah ayaa waxaa soo xoogaysanaya is waydaarsiga weerarada saxaafada ee labad dhinic.


Intii ka danbaysay burburkii jamhuuriyadii Soomaliya waxay keliftay in dad badan oo jabhadayn jiray ay soo galaan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Soomaliya iyagoo faafinaya mabaadi,dii hore ay ugu burbursheen qarankii Soomaali ka dhexeeyay hadaba hadaynu soo qaadano waxaa ka mid ah Axmed Siilaanyo oo ah gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye ee maamulka Hargaysa isgoo sheegta inuu mucaarad ku yahay xisbiga hada talada haye ee uu madaxda u yahay Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Axmed Siilaanyo shalay ku qabtay war saxaafadeed magaalada Hargaysa ayaa hadaladiisa waxaa ka muuqday cadho iyo weli iskhilaaf badan oo layaab leh, hadaba waa kuma Axmed siilaanyo?


Axmed Siilaanyo waa nin dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda beesha Bariga Burco wuxuuna ahaa ragii lasoo kifaaxay madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaliya Alaayaraxma Max’ed Siyaad Bare isagoo ka soo qabtay jagooyin sar sare ilaa uu ka gaadhay wasiir, ka dibna wuxuu ka mid noqday horaantii sideetanaadkii raggii dhidibada u aasay ururkii SNM (Somali national movement) taas oo markii hore ay ujeedadu ahayd in lagu hirgeliyo hab deegaan ahaa oo ka kooban gobolada waqooyi waxyar ka dibna qaadatay shaadhka qabiilka ***** taas oo ilaa maanta ay ku shaqaysto.


Waxaa loo doortay gudoomiyaha jabhadii SNM 1986-90dii iyadoo intii uu xilkaa hayay u jabhadu dagaalo qadhaadh la gashay dowladii Soomaliya taas oo keentay bara kac iyo khasaare naf iyo maalba leh oo taabtay dhamaan gobolada waqooyi ee Soomaliya iyadoo SNMtu ay cudud milateri ka heli jirtay Mingustu Xayle maryam oo aan naxariis u hayn Soomali aadna ugu raaxaysanayay isku jebinta Soomalida.


Xasuuqii Sanaag, Sool, Awdal iyo Hawdka


Intuu hayay xilka ugu sareeya ee SNMta waxay xasuuq badan ka geysatay gobolada ay degaan dadka aan Isaaqa ahayn ee Sanaag, Sool, hawdka iyo Awdal taas oo ay ku jirtay xasuuqii maalintii ciida ahayd ka dhacay 1988kii magaalada Xudun, dad badan oo ay ku laysay deegaanka Buuhoodle iyo Ceerigaabo. Dadka badankiisu waxay u tiriyaan xasuuqaas inuu masuul ka ahaa Axmed siilaanyo iyo ragii saraakiisha SNMta


Maatadii ku lee,atay xasuuqaas weli cidna maxkamad looma soo taagin ilaa iyo maanta iyadoo kuwii laayeyna loogu mgaca darey Mujaahidiin!


Intii ka danbaysay 1991kii Axmed Siilaanyo wuxuu galay siyaasada Soomaliland isagoo sedex jeer isku soo sharaxay jagada madaxweynanimada tii ugu danaysayna uu kaga adkaaday Daahir Riyaale kaahin iyadoo dad badni sheegeen inuu helay Siilaanyo laakiin beel ahaan loogu diiday jagada!


Hadaladii shalay iyo Siilaanyo


Wuxuu sheegay in uu dowalada ku taageerayo haddii dagaal lagu qaado beesha warsangeli ee Dhahar degan uusana raali ka ahayn sida ay Puntland u sheeganayso gobolo ka tirsan Soomaliland.


Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxuu yidhi Puntland waxaa aasaasay C/laahi Yuusuf oo ka soo jeeda Puntland haddii qabiil lagu xisaabtamayo muxuu ka doonay Xamar oo u xukumayaa.


Waxaa la yaab noqotay in uu kala saari kari waayay in Soomali inteedii kale aysan gooni goosed ahayn ee ay weli isku duuban yihiin calan keliya, lacag keliya iyo wadan keliya ka dhexeeyo dagaalba ha ka socdee.


Waxay dooda Siilaanyo micno yeelan lahayd haduu yidhaa “waar muxuu ka doonay Hargaysa ama Burco oo reer ahaan uu isgau ka soo jeedo” Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxuu yidhi haddii sheekadu raas raas noqoto nin waliba meeshii uu u dhashay buu tegayaa.


Waxaan weli Axmed Siilaanyo garowsiisan inuu yahay kii Soomaali kala kexeeyay, mindiyo isgu dhiibay isagoo adeegsanaya tol’ayeey iwm kadibna intuu kursi ku soo fadhiisto inuu ku eedeeyo Puntland casabiyad bay adeegsanyaan waa wax laga ashqaraaro isagoo sanad walba xusa aasaaskii SNMta oo geysatay xasuuqa kor ku xusuan, iyadoo maamulka gooni goosadka S/Land ay ka arimiyaan 99% beel keli ah inuu ku doodo anagu qaran baanu doonaynaa waa mid dadka ka yaabisay.


Hadaba iyadoo Axmed uu yahay nin da’a ahaan weyn siyaasadana wakhti ku soo jiray ayaan la garanayn “ma sida ayuu caqli ka yahay mise isyeelyeelka ayuu isga dhashay oo waa waxa Riyaale uu booska uga riixdaa?


Cali maxamud Mire Laascaanood, Somalia

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Wasalaamualeykum brother Khalaf.


Thanks for the sincere response, I appreciate it. Considering we all have been indoctrinated (more or less) about who is to blame for this or that in Somalia, I'll still try to be as open-minded as possible :cool:


Originally posted by Khalaf

^^^^Isnt this what happens walaal when the history of SNM is passed down seeds of hatred of not for dictatorships, tyrants, and criminals but of certain blood-lines and peoples whom are Muslim and Somali and had nothing to do wit the old regime?

I don't think denying ones history serves any purpose, however the history could be used for either deterring from recommitting horrific crimes, or seed a hatred and call for revenge. To answer your question, Yes I was told to never forget, but it was the Barre regime that was hold responsible, therefore no hatred towards certain "blood-line", nevertheless the conclusion was not to let any "outsider" rule again.


Originally posted by Khalaf

This is what I would like to understand, because it makes no logical sense to blame actions of regime on other Somalis, and for that want to dismember Somalia a country size of what New Jersey on the lines drawn by colonial Europeans.

My support for an independent Somaliland is not based on blood-lines, ethnicity, religious or what have you, but rather the fact that the people of Somaliland have come a long way of establishing a sense of nation-state, which the greater Somalia failed, still failing and will... perhaps forever fail to do so.

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Ms DD   

Originally posted by Elysian:

My support for an independent Somaliland is not based on blood-lines, ethnicity, religious or what have you, but rather the fact that the people of Somaliland have come a long way of establishing a sense of nation-state, which the greater Somalia failed, still failing and will... perhaps forever fail to do so.



Sorry to butt in your convo but I had one point to make with regards to above statement.


Forever is a long time. What we have is a hope and if truth be told, every developed country has had their share of civil war and they got out of it. Inshallah we will too.

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