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Dahar: Puntland in full control

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^^^KHAT crazed mind Hargaisa Administration should stop nonesense agrition

clan occupation will not get you anywhere..

bring it on if you want the face death and destruction

Anyone who treatens PEACE will get the same treatment of the GALGADUUD thugs are currently enjoying

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you threatening to send the etho's on us? You kno the etho's aint crazy enough to take us on. we will send the blood laden amxaaro's back on their donkeys' to addis ababa saaxib so dont come to us with b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t like that.

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This is how the ethiopians will take over those regions by claiming to be intermidiaries.


A.J.T. saxiib, your militias and theirs too are built on the weapons provided by ethiopia so open your eyes.

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Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh:



you threatening to send the etho's on us? You kno the etho's aint crazy enough to take us on. we will send the blood laden amxaaro's back on their donkeys' to addis ababa saaxib so dont come to us with b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t like that.

Who is this "US" you speak of bal?


Is it the dowladiid, the somalidiid or the Anarchists.


Those that were calling on the fake jihad a few months ago brought the ethiopians to Somalia. Those who wanted to destroyed this Government brought the ethiopians to Somalia. The Somalidiid brought the ethiopians to Somalia. The Anarchists brought the ethiopians to Somalia.

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^Do you prey five times a day?


I don't think so.


So who are you calling islamdiid?


Your boys losted because they misused islam.

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Yes, I pray.


And no they are losing because as the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said Allah's Messenger (pbuh) has warned us about this, saying: "Beware a time is coming when all nations of the world will gather together to wipe you out the way they gather around a table to partake of its meal." His companion said "Will we be so few in number that day Oh, Messenger of Allah?" He (pbuh) said "No, on that day you will be many in number but you will be guthar (like the froth on the surface of the water after a flood) and Allah will take from the hearts of the Kafirs respect for you and fear of you and Allahwill cast into your hearts wahan." The companion said "What is wahan?" He (pbuh) said "Love for this world and hatred of death."


Today everyone doesn’t want to be labeled Al Qaida, Taliban, Islamist, extremists, because they know America will make them a direct target but Allah is All Knowing and All Merciful, and the only person anyone should fear is HIM alone.


Our own Somali, Muslim brothers had turned against themselves. They walk, ready to kill another Somali Muslim. It was one thing for two Muslim Somalis to kill each other, but to side with an infidel and shot your own Muslim brother in the head in front of an infidel is despicable.


May Allah help us all…..

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the Etho's may have supplied us (Somaliland) with some arms but they are not fighting for us as is the case in the south and particularly for the puntland clan. we have a true somali warior spirit and whether they have the more arms or not we will slay the etho pigs till we die if they dare to enter and take on Somaliland.

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I had to take a break from my holiday to warn the xabash invaders that if they tried to invade my toolo our brave boys will send them back to where they come from. In fact, we warn all sides to watch out and never dare to say a bad word about our brave jilib. For we are strong and brave and we hate you all.


ok. Back to lounge on the lap of my Syrian maid. Laterz.

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Gole deegaan & duq cusub oo loo doortay degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag


Gole deegaan oo ay shacabku soo doorteen ayaas markii ugu horreysey laga dhisay degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag, iyadoo ay degmada Dhahar ay ku soo biirtay magaalooyinka Puntland ee leh golayaasha deegaanka.


Degmada dhahar ayaa waxaa loo dhaariyey 35 xubnood oo ah xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Dhahar kuwaas oo markii dambeyna iska dhex doortay duqa degmada Dhahar oo noqday guddoomiyaha golahaas iyo kuxigeenkiisa.


Tartanka duqa degmada Dhahar ayaa waxaa isu soo taagey Axmed Maxamed Aadan iyo Salaad Xasan Shire oo ku kala baxay doorasho laba wareeg uun soconeysey.


Axmed Maxamed Aadan ayaa helay codad gaaraya 10 cod iyadoo ay ka aamustay 11 xubnood halka 3 xubnoodna ay diidey, iyadoo musharaxa kale ee Salaad Xasan Shire uu wareeggii labaad helay 12 cod waxana ka aamustay 9 xildhibaan halka ay 3 xubnoodna ay diideen, sidaasna waxaa duqa degmada Dhahar ku noqday Salaad Xasan Shire, isla markaasna ah, guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka deegaanka Dhahar.


Kuxigeenka duqa degmada Dhahar ayaa waxaa isu soo taagey Siciid Muuse Axmed mana uusan jirin musharrax kale oo la tartamay sidaas darteena wuxuu helay 20 cod oo HAA, ugu codaysay halka 2 ay diideen 2 kalena ay ka aamustay.


Natiijada doorashada ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ahna guddoomiyaha dhismayaasha golayaasha deegaanka degmooyinka Puntland, Cali Cabdi Awaare.


Sidoo kale, munaasabaddaasi ayaa waxaa khudbad ka jeediyey guddoomiyaha golaha wakiillada dawlad goboleedka Puntland, Axmed Cali Xaashi, iyo Axmed Doonyaale oo horay u ahaan jirey wasiir kuxigeenka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka Puntland.


Degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag ayaa noqotay degmadii 19-aad ee loo dhisay gole deegaan, waxana wafdiga Puntland ee ku sugan degmada Dhahar ay u gudbi doonaan degmada Xingalool ee isla gobolka Sanaag si ay gole deegaan uga soo dhisaan.


Maxamuud Faarax Bile

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